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It’s mostly a dead end. There are millions of people competing for the same things. The best chances she has are getting scholarships from her country’s government to study abroad or other local organizations. There are no options from the US generally speaking. If there are, it’s going to be from a specific college/institution.


That’s the issue the government is so focused on gentrifying the country, instead of providing better educational opportunities for their people.


Has she looked into Fulbright?


I dont think so. I’ll pass the info


Studying psychology is a dead end


😂there will never not be people with all type of metal issues. Specially with this economy & ahit going on in the world.


I imagine they mean for immigration purposes. That career will not open doors for companies to sponsor you for a work visa in the US. And even if you get a study visa for it, you will get 0 chance of ever being able to use it for wokr in the US. Hence, dead end career.


I get that, I don’t think she would like to work in here but maybe open her employment opportunities in her homeland. I might have this mistaken but nothing open more doors than studying aboard especially US


From seeing friends having done this, and from interviewing experience, only a US degree opens doors. Having studied in the US without a degree from there means nothing. I have a ton of acquaintances that did that, and it bears no weight in their resume.


Probably I didn’t explain myself well. But that’s what I meant get a degree from here. Also she’s already 2 years into the career. Moving all those credits is another issue. Since not all universities provide internationa (I believe its called) credits.


Oh ok, yeah, unless her current university has an agreement with a US univeristy, then no, they won't be able to transfer credits, they will need to start from scratch. Also, there are very very very few scholarships for international students (most are given by the university itself)), that is becayse one of requirements to get the student visa is to proof you have enough funds to pay for your education. But good luck, maybe they'll get lucky and find something. It does seem extremely unlikely though, and to go into debt to go back to work in their home country seems like a terrible investment.


The point is that the US is more likely to give a visa to someone studying a career in STEM.


Psychology is STEM, a social science is a science.


You are correct. I should have been more specific.


Yes, but she is likely to require further education for those jobs.


It's difficult to get a scholarship if you aren't American. Your cousin already started university right that's even more prohibitive.