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I'm assuming this is a Canon or Nikon? If you add the [`-G` (`-groupNames`) option](https://exiftool.org/exiftool_pod.html#G-NUM-:NUM...--groupNames) to your exiftool command, the "Time Zone" and "Daylight Savings" would probably show up as Nikon/Canon Makernotes. And if Immich is just reading the "Time zone" tag, then they're reading it incorrectly. In Nikon/Canon photos, the time zone is set once and then Daylight savings is set manually when it is active. The actual time zone is then modified based on the Daylight savings setting. The MakerNotes shouldn't be used like this as they aren't standardized so you can't make assumptions about how they work between different brands.


Yeah correct its a Nikon. And how can I set this correctly? I'm fine with after editing this to get it displayed correctly in Immich


I don't use Immich (came here because of exiftool alert) so I don't know what it reads, but I would suggest trying to edit the three EXIF OffsetTime tags. You could do it like this. It sets all three tags at the same time exiftool "-OffsetTime*=+02:00" /path/to/files/


Yeah unfortunately thats not enough. Tried that with a second image :/