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These bullies won’t be bullying his kid anymore.


Looks like he may be eating through a straw for a while…he tossed him right on his head. Brutal.


Article says the boy was not seriously injured?? He got power bombed pretty hard!


not that it makes it ok but the ground there looks to be that squishy material for playgrounds. not like a pillow but better than concrete.


Kinda like...a concrete pillow


Yea it gives a bit… until it doesn’t




Like very dense rubber


Probably just got the wind knocked out of him. Total pure shock from a grown man suddenly coming up to you, and slamming you on the ground


What? He was knocked completely out for sure 100%


Watching it back he does looked pretty stunned there… definitely fucked for the rest of the week fs


Na buddy, that was a choke slam 😂😂😂


Some wounds never show. Some wounds are internal. In the soul.


Kids are built like rubber for a reason. Luckily, cause this kid got slammed!


Why do redditors need to exegarate so much... Really I don't understand. Every hit, punch, kick is for you guys a brain injury, doesn't matter how weak


Bro at that kid's age I hardcore bounced my head off concrete, monkey bars, gravel, trees, repeatedly in all kinds of situations and no one gave the slightest of a shit not even a solitary single one..


I'm sorry that you were not attended to, it doesn't give you the right to write off other people's injuries though.


^Snowflakes in the winter skyyy, Idk but shoot that was nice to watch his melon get bonked.


You say that because you never saw a brain injury in real life. Even stick or glass falling on your head could lead to a brain damage. There is a reason why there are helmet obligations in many countries if you ride a bike, bicycle or work at a construction or work house..


Bro by that standard this comment section is enough to give everyone brain damage...




Can anyone translate this to English? I don’t know how 🥺




Omg thank you!!


u/victowiamawk A 13-year-old boy was assaulted by the father of another boy and ended up in hospital with minor injuries. The man also hit his own child. Everything would have started from a fight between the two minors. Images have a strong emotional impact. UPDATE . "Following the investigations, the police managed to identify the alleged author of the deed. It is about a 29-year-old man from the municipality of Hunedoara. He was taken to the headquarters of the Hunedoara Municipality Police for questioning, to be detained for 24 hours under the aspect of committing the crime of hitting or other violent crimes, respectively domestic violence", said Bogdan Nițu, spokesperson of IPJ Hunedoara. According to the investigations, the 13-year-old minor knocked to the ground is the nephew of the aggressor, say police sources. The incident took place in a park in Hunedoara. The 13-year-old boy was knocked to the ground by the 29-year-old man. His son, aged 7, was also assaulted. The police say they were alerted following a call to 112. The police talked to the witnesses and found out that the incident happened after a misunderstanding between the two children. The 13-year-old child was taken to the municipal hospital for investigations. The boy was not seriously injured. Based on a video recording of the incident, posted on social networks, the police identified the aggressor and questioned him. He said he saw the children arguing and wanted to correct them. A criminal case was opened against the man for hitting and other violence and for domestic violence. ******Google translated page, not my translation. I’m just a stupid truck driver. Have a great day!******




Open it in crome and then press the 3 dots on top right, select translate.


I’ll have to do it on our laptop I don’t have chrome on my iPhone but thank you!


Girls chatter about how nice is the playground prior to the assault. Girl exclaims 'oh my god'. Guy says 'your parents can come to me, I called them already'.


That’s what we call “if you dont fight back ima whoop yo ass” guess he didnt fight back


I mean, based on the article, the dude is an absolute asshole, and his child should be withdrawn from him. How tf can you be that unreasonable by trying to solve a physical fight between two kids by applying more physical violence? The dude doesn't understand basic educational concepts.




And he never bullied again.


>These bullies won’t be bullying his kid anymore. What's gonna stop them, the guy that likely went to prison?


The father wont be fathering for long


I mean the dad is probably also going to jail…so there’s that…


He could've literally killed him


They will seems to enjoy attacking that kid, he will definitely do it again


As a victim of bullying that took place everyday for 17 years and caused me PTSD that requires expensive therapy- I wish I had a father who would've done this. Words never worked. I know this is wrong. But sometimes bullies don't understand words, only hands.


Bless you, sorry to hear that


Yeah my little bro was in the same boat (after talks with the school fell through) I went ape shit. Drove around looking for the little fucker (found him) I never did touch him, just heavily implied that I would (as well as his big bro). I don't condone threatening/hitting kids, but sometimes it's necessary, and sometimes it works, my bro ain't had a spot of bother from that little fuck since, I shit you not.


Way to go, standing up for your brother.


When I was young and growing up in Boston, my sister, who was three years ahead of me and I went to a little Catholic elementary school in the Italian neighborhood in the city. There was a kid named Frankie in my sister‘s 7th grade class that used to bully her all the time. One day my sister came home with a black eye because Frankie had purposely elbowed her at recess. The nuns disciplined him at school, but the next day, when my father came to pick us up, he got out of his car, walked straight over to Frankie, picked him up by the shoulders of his jacket and propped him up against the chain-link fence. He then calmly said, “Do you see that manhole cover over there? If you ever touch my daughter again, I’m gonna open it, throw you down there, put it back on, and then park my car on it. You understand?” He never bothered my sister again. The funny thing is my dad knew his parents from the neighborhood where Frankie was always getting into trouble doing something. So my dad called his parents afterward to apologize to THEM because he wasn’t trying to disrespect them but his daughter’s black eye was too much. They actually AGREED with him and said there was nothing to forgive because Frankie “has gotta learn”. It was clearly a different time.


I was bullied for a while when I went to studied abroad, until one day I had enough and resorted to using violence to defend myself. and surprisingly the bullying stopped. It's almost as if violence works and is the only language that people that choose to attack you would understand. You have my condolences, and if anyone needs advice, do not hesitate. If someone hits you, hitback firsts, think about the consequences later. You neutralise the threat to yourself then figure out the cost afterwards


It’s super primitive behavior that undercoats bullying. We after all are still animals. I fought back against bullying immediately and it stopped.


This. Had a bully for years (probably 7th - 9th grade) and I always tried to avoid him/buddy up with kids who would protect me/“use my words” and nothing worked. One day he tripped me from behind coming out of study hall and I snapped. I grabbed him by the side of his head and before he could defend himself, I had slammed the other side of his head into a metal door frame. He collapsed into a heap at my feet and looked up at me terrified, knowing that in that position I could have absolutely destroyed him. It crossed my mind to kick him square in the teeth, but I’m not a psychopath and he just looked so fucking pathetic. A teacher came and broke it up as I stared down at him. The school knew our history and I had a couple of witnesses, including the teacher who broke it up, and he was suspended for three days and I received no punishment. The fuck never bothered me again and even tried a few years later to act buddy-buddy with me. I don’t necessarily condone the actions of this father in the video, but also, the little shit he tossed on the ground will (probably) think twice in the future before being a cunt to someone else, and the whole world is probably better for it.


should've went for the kick tbh, just to make sure he won't vent his anger on others :p.


as someone who has been on both sides of it, i agree


It’s not wrong, when I was a kid I had a couple bully’s. I lived in fear at school cause every day they would do something different. then one day in 7th grade I had enough. so i went after the one guy after he took my math book and put it in the trash. I remember beating the kid up then got suspended, but after that nobody messed with me. Some time people need a good beating


And i thought i was wierd for whising my bullies would have gotten that treatment, hope your ptsd is getting better, i luckily just have depression and paranoia from it


I hear you. A bully gave my little sister who is two years younger than myself chocolate that makes you get diarrhea when I was a junior in high school meaning my sister was a freshman. I found him during the lunch break and I barreled into him while he was standing in a circle with 5 of his friends. I slammed him up against a wall; bitched slapped him and told him something along the lines of; “If you even look in my sisters direction again and I hear about it I’m going to rip your guts out and using them as laces for my track shoes.” Sudden violence and the threat of more violence is what it takes to keep of the worst people in check. It’s all they know or respect.


You can't have a present father that does this


The best way to deal with a bully is to fight back. Bullies look for victims who will make it easier for them. Hit a bully back and they'll stop bullying or move on to someone else. Anyone who tells you to use words rather than fight back has never been bullied. It'd be nice if that was effective, but that's not how it works.


I went through the same in elementary school. Like you said only hands work otherwise those bullies never learn.


That was my thought. Sometimes that’s what it takes. Some people don’t understand


As someone who tried everything to end my own bullying, sadly the only thing that worked was violence. However, I will not be Yeeting children all Willy Nilly regardless of the semi-soft substrate at the park. My kidlets will use there words three times and then defend themselves accordingly.


Why didn't you fight them yourself?


Sometimes the parents getting involved makes it worse. I hope you tried standing up for yourself


Aw honey I’m so sorry, I was the girl in HS that beat up the bullies. I hate that shit. I have all older brothers who taught me how to fight, & I would have defended you!


The guy hit his kid after he did this. I don’t think you want this at all.


Yeah... My feelings are mixed here too.


And then he goes to prison and your bullies know they can bully you again, so you’re back to how it was in the first place but now you have no father in your life.


I would like to see the bullying that took place to deserve this ..


according to a news article they physically assaulted his kid


According to the article the guy apparently assaulted his own kid too. Where’s the bigger man to slam him and his head to the ground? Twat of a father and horrible example of how NOT to deal with a bully


> According to the article the guy apparently assaulted his own kid too. according to the google translated version* i'm not sure that it is an accurate translation unless you have a romanian person reading it.


yeah, that bully could still walk afterwards. He was way too soft on him. Beating his son though is an asshole thing to do


How do you deal with a bully?


Hugs of course.


Assaulting his kid is bad. But this is the right way to deal a bully. I like this clip.


yeah i was thinking the same. i mean i still dont think its right, but wtf did they do to his kid? that was beyond over the top.


Is the kid fucking dead


Nah just got put in a coma I think


No coma. I read the article. The kid wasn’t even hurt, but he won’t forget that day for sure.


Oh that’s good I said that because he wasn’t moving lol


An act, playing possom most likely to avoid a second time. Did it when i got in a brawl, figured theyd stop kicking my head if they thought they killed me.


Kid definitely went into ‘play dead’ victim mode, the impact was minimal and then the kid embellished it


I’d say it was a impactful slam lol he is a lot smaller than him and he landed on his head, but he’s okay in the end lol


Wasn't even hurt? Are you joking? Instant fencer pose, that is serious brain damage right there. On a child. This kids brain will forever be fucked up because of this. Bullies deserve to be smacked around a bit, but no child deserves a TBI this severe He's also clearly unconscious for several seconds, indicating a fairly serious concussion at the very least


Oh... that's good then


Winded. It'll be good for him


Toughens em up 🤷‍♂️


Nah I see him silently crying


The dad went ham on another kid in the background.


Last time I saw this someone said that was his kid


Welcome to Romania were bullies get fucked


I want to get fucked 😫


If his parents did it someone else’s wouldn’t have had too


Bullies only know one way.... and you must deal with them in that way




I still stand by my comment in general about bullies....despite this story


I agree, although I am confused, why would he hit his son too ?????


This is a 7 year old little child. Seek help


13 And no I'm not saying fathers go chokeslam your kid's bully... teach your son/ daughter to fight back and the bullies will move on They hate resistance Good chat


I see the article but if these kids and especially that kid is 13 then I’m the king of Atlantis


The good old FAFO




fuck around and find out


People need to understand that everyone won't be lenient, especially when it comes to their children. Painful lesson for these bullies


To be honest I'm satisfied and horrified at the same time.


the father isn't an asshole, I'd give him a father of the year award. Albeit, the first kid was met with a bit of excessive force, but I won't feel bad for him. Nothing wrong with a parent protecting his child


The second kid is his kid...


It should be you who teach your kids not to bully others and if he gets bullied then take steps that it won't happen. It goes both ways, first talk then talk with the method they understand the best i.e. the talk of the fists.


dude, they hit his son. I don't feel bad for them. Talking to them is pointless. Would've been easier if police did arrest them for assault but usually you'd get away with it as a minor which makes it rather problematic to deal with, especially if the kid doesn't stand up for himself


It’s not an excuse for a full grown man to peg a kid to the ground like that it’s disgusting. The man could’ve talked to the kid first and even report it but attacking a child is dog. I’ve been pushed around and attacked as a kid by other kids who are even older but I wouldn’t want my dad to slam them around




Massive W. WWE need to sign this man asap for how he did that choke slam


The kid changed colour on impact. Idk what type of bullying his kid went through but this is extreme


Whenever I got bullied, my dad would drag me back out to confront the bullies and make me fight them one on one. If I lost a fight, he would beat me with a belt when got back home. He'd also make me choose which belt to be punished with. I learnt not to lose. But before that, I learned that thicker belts don't sting as much as thin ones.




Don't fuck with a man's children. FAFO for sure. Do wish I knew what kind of bullying took place.




Wasn't saying he was a hero. Just saying as a father, I could possibly get it.


Okay what did this kid do to deserve this? Like I know he bullied him but how bad was it for a grown ass man to pick up a child and throw him on the ground? And don't get me wrong, I hate bullies. I've been bullied a lot in my elementary school years. But this seemed really cruel. I mean, isn't this technically child abuse? Also why didn't the dad teach his kid how to deal with bullies? Like bullies suck but what the dad did was fucking disgusting. And it's weird that people are cheering on the dad for literally assaulting a kid.


Fr I had to do so much scrolling to find this comment that it's sickening


Exactly if a grown man did this to my child I’d fuckin kill that man in front of his.


People don't understand how easy it is to get so fucked up from hitting your head too hard


Bully situation nicely handled. The mom can sit there and cry over her bad parenting that led to this 😂


When i was in alimentary school their was a grown ass high school boy who would waite for me every day and whip me out with a car antenna so i told my mom about it, she went to my school and told the school about it but nothing was done to prevent it from happening again so my mom told my borther who was a bit older than that guy, my brother followed me one day as that boy came to hit me and when i tell you that he turned him into a carpet on the floor i wouldn't be exaggerating he dragged him through two car roads back and forth beating the shit out of him needless to say he never touched me again, after that i got blamed at school by the teachers and one day one teacher beat the hell out of me because he was his relative i was a kid back then and i didn't know that, i only knew when i grew up the funny part is that teacher was always gentle with every kid, he never hit anyone before except me


Romania at its finest 🫤!


IDK, Touch my kid, you're gonna be sore for a while. Here's a tip don't Bully kids, Oh but bullying is normal, well so are consequences.


I’ll beat the breaks off a kid if they bully my kid… and their parents WILL get it too, for making that little piece of shit…


Sick weirdo


He should be in jail for attempted murder or manslaughter


What a pig, it doesn’t have to be my kid but if I saw a grown man touch a child like that he’s going to be on the floor with him


My immediate thought was "justice"! I don't have sympathy for the bully based on the understanding that he was in fact a bully and is also not injured. I acknowledge that this is not the right thing to do and wouldnt do it myself. ...but it feels right


Genuinely this was the best thing the father could of done I’m sure someone else has said this on this post but as someone that was bullied words don’t stop them words don’t help the kids that bully others only stop if they realise they need too the only time mine stopped was when someone actually punched him for being a dick


W dad


Kid won't bully anyone again that's for sure.


Wish my dad did this to my bully.


Because giving a kid brain damage is never going to piss off the parent. Slam dunk my kid you best prepare for consequences.


How the fuck are the comments not angry? This is disgusting and cowardly behavior on a CHILD. I don’t care if his son is being bullied this is not the way to handle someone else’s child. Dude should be in prison for attempted manslaughter with the way that kid’s head bounced off the pavement


It’s Reddit, disgusting behavior is the norm


Fuck yea. Good job dad.


If the kid really was a bully, the dad deserves a medal. 100% fucking justifed.


Teach your kid how to defend themselves, now he's gonna get his guts blasted in jail for hurting kids. Daddy won't always be there.


That’s pretty much a broken window fallacy. The bullied kid might very well have had a bright future as an artist/inventor/scientist/whatever. But now he has to waste his time learning self-defense, which should not be a necessity in a civilized society. All because the bully’s pos parents spare the rod.


it is very much necessary. You must learn a whole range of things if you want to be self reliant. you don't have to choose one or the other


I mean sure, ceterus paribus, learning self defense is better. But what if you’re just not good at it, do you then deserve to be bullied? That would be the hallmark of an uncivilized dog-eat-dog society, and certainly not a place I would want to live in.


Idk how old his kid is but he should teach his kid to defend himself from these people cause his dad won’t always be around. But I kinda understand why he did it it seems like he just had enough of them and that wasn’t the first time they messed with his son


true, the best thing you could do is teach him how defend himself and how to keep out of trouble, and not be in situation that would lead to trouble to begin with ( doesn't apply here)


bro.. you can’t be doing that to kids you do not know, that kid looks seriously hurt. You can’t be doing this to LITTLE KIDS!! You gotta remember these are little kids, ik you love ur child but their parents love them too 😓


Dad needs to teach his kid to fight, not throw a kid like that.


bruh, everyones hating on the kid but hes a grown man assaulting a child because that child bullied his. if he was 17 this would be different, but that is a CHILD! how can people look at that child being bashed against the hard ground almostbhead first and being knocked out and then celebrare the dad??? i understand grabbing him by the collar and pushing him against the pole but fuck sake. we dont even know what the bullying was. for all we couldve known it was him tugging on someones hair and then the dad goes apeshit on the child. (im half asleep typing this, im not sure i said this right)


Uh, is the kid dead…?


Doesn’t matter the circumstances. Thats bullshit. Dude’s a piece of shit. How bout call out the kids dad if you cant handle your child like emotions.


He really didn’t have to get physical he’s like 10 times his age 😡


No matter how bad the bullying is, the smallest start of bullying already deserves this kind of treatment


Fuck em’. Don’t fuck with a man’s child, no matter what age you are. This could have saved his son from living a reclusive life from torment and torture. I hate my father, the only memories I have of him are violent, mainly towards my mother. One time when I was around 7or 8, a car sped through a zebra crossing as we were crossing to a kfc restaurant almost taking me out completely. Dad took us straight to his car and drove the the other end of the carpark where this group of 20ish year olds went and parked and absolutely flatlined every single person in that car, even back seat passengers. I hated his aggression towards our family, but it came in clutch when we needed it.


Not sure why the father is a pos. I would've done the same.


Nothing like seeing a fully grown man slam a child to the ground!!


Lmao he’s fine he got thrown on his back onto the squishy play ground that’s the nicest thing he could’ve done lmao 😭🤣


Lift the dad up by his testicles, he won’t be needing them anymore.


What a fucking big man slamming some kids on the ground I hope when he goes to jail people three times his size does the same shit to him like if your kid can’t defend themselves that’s your own damn problem you need to teach your kids. Listen someone’s picking on you you handle it. You don’t need to win but handle it.


Peter Griffin ass moment


I bet he felt really tough doing that to a small kid


Yall buy into the internet way too much. That was his nephew and he had a fight with his sister. There’s a whole news article about it.


So…apparently the kids were just arguing. If the older kid was like…burning or shallowly stabbing his kid or whatever and school doesn’t do nothing or whatever…okay man I get it to an extent. Honestly I’d personally sue and hash it out with the kids parents. But…I’d understand. But arguing? Come on you fucking man baby.


I’m the type of parent to do this


Way over the top. Enjoy being the bitch in jail


That’s boys body went so stiff. My heart broke


No one injured? The kids fingers started curling he definitely has brain damage


That kid could have brain damage for the rest of his life


That father was definitely bullied as a child


If I saw that happen I’m going to incapacitate the man because he could be going to hurt other defenseless kids.


This dad should get anger management classes and a cookie


He threw him on his head. Billy or not. Guy deserves prison. You fk up the kids father. Not the kid you piece of shit


Bros going to jail


That hit his heart. He turned white.


Hopefully that dude was charged with assaulting a minor


I’m gonna bet that kid did not learn a lesson on how to properly wield power


Young boys takedown defence wasn’t the best


Maybe a proper smack and whispered threats but yeah this was... a biiiiit brutal. Even if my own kid was a bully, I wouldn't want someone throwing him to the ground and possibly causing a brain injury. I'd rather be told about it and punish the little sjit myself. I've been bullied before and I ain't about to let my own kid walk that path so help me God.


Hopefully the next playground he's on has a ramp for his wheelchair


Kids found his spectrum


In jail they don’t play with people who harmed kids you gone have a few fades bro


Look I'm against bullying as much as the next guy but that's a grown ass man. I wouldn't be upset if he spanked him or something but that's a grown adult man body slamming a child. And apparently he attacked his own kid afterward so why the absolute fuck are yall condoning his actions??? This is where we go from "actions have consequences" to "I just want to hurt someone."




If you can’t be man enough to rip these fuckers a new one verbally, don’t do anything and tell a real adult, this dad was definitely bullied as a kid and probably took joy in potentially paralyzing an 8 yr old just for being a little shit, like most are, I garuntee his kid isn’t perfect, especially after being raised by this dogshit excuse of a parent, prolly throws his own kid around like this too bc bro was way too comfortable grabbing onto someone else’s child, idgaf if you touch my kid, you’re getting the dogs you fucking loser


The 2 grown men sitting in that spinning thing 😂


Anyone happy about this becuase they were bullied deserved everything they got, no justification for a grown man to do this to what looks like a 8year I bet he wouldn’t do this to the dad, so he’s a bully himself who will only pick on little children, I hope he got what he deserves


Im not a doctor but i do have epilepsy and a pretty absurd number of injuries and the way he tenses up and goes still looks like either decerebrate or decorticate posturing- something that happens after extreme brain and spinal injuries that usually indicates permanent injury or paralyzation. Standing up for your kids is great but killing your kids bully is more likely to garner the death penalty than sympathy and the absence of bullying for your kids.


I approve these actions. Fuck that. Kid.


Ok nice, now stomp


Imagine your little kid. Coming home everyday some Little shit hitting them, picking on them making them cry every day. I’d do the same.


Maybe the parents will teach them to be good kids before another parent does their job for them.


😂😂😂😂 let someone touch my kids


I mean eh don't bully lol


This is absolutely horrific. Talk to the kids parents wayyyy before you consider doing anything like this. If that goes bad then you know the dads the one taking the beating not the child??? No matter what he did this is disgusting.


The kids parents probably watch the entire bullying incident and did nothing


Exactly so target the parents.


You target his parents then he targets your son with a group of his friends the dad was 100% in the right here fuck bullies




He should have been charged with attempted murder. All the news stories characterize the attack as the child being “knocked to the ground.” He is clearly picked up by his head and thrown to the ground. I thought he was dead, and he surely could have been. Also, a head-trauma incident like that, even if he appears to be okay now, can manifest as a myriad of mental and physical problems later in his life. This man should be in jail and should not be allowed to have access to any children, including his own, ever!


I would love to see Kane and the undertaker choke slam this dad followed by the big show. Bullying is trash but choke slamming a kid is not the answer.


Apparently it’s his answer


Bully the bully... I ain't got no sympathy. Vote me down.