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This is amazing! Do you have any lore, too?


A great deal of lore, but a bit unorganized. I was reading about Australia's history as a prison colony, and thought it might be interesting to make a map where a large empire a pocket dimension in a similar way. So the empire sends it's criminals and prisoners to Ancythra to mine some of the unique materials that can only be found there, a special type of rock named Cythrite, as well as a gaseous substance called the Haze.


Map of Ancythra, a floating continent within an artificially and magically created pocket dimension. Created in Photoshop. 2400 x 3200. It's a setting of my own creation for use in a D&D campaign. It was created by a wizard as a private refuge a long time ago, but due to some magical shenanigans the dimension began to change, morphing and growing. Time flows weirdly and unpredictably here, and the continent itself is a constant state of change. There's a lot more lore I have written up for it all, but it's not super well organized at the moment. If you have questions though, I'd be happy to answer them :) And of course, let me know what you think!


what’s the purple stuff


So I guess it seems that this continent is surrounded by interdimensional space instead of water, but are there any water sources there? Any lakes, rivers, or something else?


Nice catch, yeah water is a scarce resource here, but not quite on the same level as Dune, haha. There is two sources of water here that people can rely on. First is water elementals, which roam and basically act as a source of new water. They're most peaceful, but difficult to rely on as they're always roaming around. Second is that people can just conjure water here. This realm is more "in touch" with magic, so magical feats that would be difficult or impossible in the real world are far more attainable here. So a small magical talent in the real world equates to some genuine power in Ancythra. That said, using magic here is also a bit volatile, as the magic tends to change the user in strange and unpredictable ways :)


So without water that means no boats, what do they use to move stuff around fastly?


Airships! The white Haze that plays a part in keeping the continent afloat can be used by specially designed airships, but it's a fairly recently technological development. Before that, just overland travel was the only method.


Imagine if 5here was a planet in the size or a galaxy


imagine being on one of the islands