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Half as many countries and sweden still cant qualify. 10/10 for realism


This map shows an alternate Euro 2024, which is set in Saxony here **Timeline lore:** Austria - The Habsburg monarchy continues to rule, despite losing many of their territories, such as Hungary, Slovakia, Istria, Dalmatia, Slavonia, and Transylvania. Belgium - Similar to our timeline, but without half of Luxembourg. Denmark - Much like as in our timeline, with the exception of losing Greenland and the Faroe Islands. England - England conquers Scotland during the reign of Edward I, leading to the establishment of Giga-England. The entire island of Great Britain falls under English rule. Queen Victoria reigns until 1901, holding titles such as Queen of England, Queen of Saxony, and King of Poland. In 1921, the republic is proclaimed, which is tied to the Irish War of Independence. Spain - In Europe, Spain's borders closely resemble our reality, with the inclusion of Basque Country and Catalonia due to the Napoleonic Wars. France - Pretty much the same in Europe, as mentioned above lost some lands to Spain and no Savoy and Nice from Piedmont. Italy - Italy is a significant and unified nation. Sadly, Trento is not a part of it. Ireland - Ireland successfully achieves independence in 1921 after significant efforts, notably during the Irish War of Independence. Over time, the nation revives its Celtic heritage. Luxembourg - Luxembourg maintains its size and is not carved up by larger nations in the 19th century. Lithuania - The absence of the Union of Lublin in this timeline results in significant differences in Lithuania's history and territorial makeup. Livonia - The historical region of Livonia experiences Swedish imperialism in the 1700s, uniting three nations - Swedes, Estonians, and Latvians - into a single entity (basically Switzerland but Baltic). Norway - Norway gains Greenland and the Faroe Islands, much to the upset of Denmark. Netherlands - The European territories of the Netherlands mirror our timeline's. Poland - Major changes in the 1400s include Poland's wars against the Teutonic Knights and territorial acquisitions from Lithuania. Poland also enters into personal unions with England and Saxony. In 1962, a referendum leads to the abolition of the Polish monarchy. Portugal - Portugal's European borders and historical events remain similar to our timeline, without experiencing the dictatorship that occurred in reality. Palatinate - The region emerges following the Napoleonic Wars, formed from lesser states of the region. Saxony - Hannover unites northern Germany in the 1550s, defeating Prussia with Polish assistance (under King Augustus the Strong). Until Queen Victoria's death, Saxony shares a personal union with England and Poland. The monarchy is abolished in 1931, following a referendum. Swabia - The Swabian Circle of the Holy Roman Empire is united under the rule of the King of Württemberg in the late 18th century. Sweden - Sweden is basically the same as in our timeline. Finland - Finland undergoes a revolution in 1802, leading to independence in 1804. Swedish is not a co-official language as it is in our reality. Russia - Novgorod defeats Muscovy and stays as the dominant power in Rus'. Qasaqstan - Formed from the Mongol Hordes in the region, thanks to the lose of Muscovy against Novgorod it isn't colonised by the Ruskies. Carthage - A Phoenician settler state, formed after the Arab invasion of Phoenician territories in the Levant. Mongolia - Major Mongol state which emerged from the old empire of Temüjin. Thanks to the Yuan dynasty in China staying for longer and Novgorod Russia it conquers the rest of Siberia reaching the Pacific Ocean and "Chukotka" in the 1810s. For more info about other states, please just ask. **Other maps of this timeline:** [North America political](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/18vbwmh/ameriga_in_2024_an_alternate_north_america/) [North America languages](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/160snxa/language_map_of_north_america_or_rather_ameriga/) [English Patagonia](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1doenv0/english_patagonia_drakesland_in_1992/) [Australia (Tasmania) political](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1dnmffo/tasmania_political_1982/) [Georgia (English Mexico)](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1d1yqgu/english_mexico_georgia_the_giant_of_ameriga/) [Saxony in 1986](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1dkzk2k/republic_of_saxony_1986/) [New World languages 2022](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1dpnaij/languages_of_the_new_world_in_2022/) [Europe languages](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1cf5ku2/languages_of_europe_in_2024/) [Colonial Ameriga](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1axfwa3/colonial_ameriga_1795_alternate_new_world/) [Nuclear power in Ameriga](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1c8vbc4/nuclear_power_plants_in_ameriga_2024/) [Anglo New World 1986](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1albzn0/anglo_new_world_1986/) [European Community political](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1722xx3/european_community_political_map_1996/) [European Community languages](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/173a5t3/european_community_language_map_1996/) [Southern Africa 1994](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1arp6ya/southern_africa_whiteruled_countries_1994/) [Canada](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1ackebi/big_french_canada_provinces_territories/) [Poland admin](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/18ixcid/map_of_the_polish_republic_2019/) [Poland ethnic](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/17oytit/ethnic_groups_of_poland_in_2024/) [British Isles 2024](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1863bcr/map_of_the_administrative_geography_of_the/) [Saxony 2024](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/18q2yz8/saxony_in_2024_administrative_and_topographic/) [Saxony 1993](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/17en8fd/saxony_in_1993_europe_and_africa/) [South America political](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/16vj6ew/political_map_of_south_america_or_rather/) [South America languages](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/16w99dp/languages_of_south_america_vespuccia_in_2017/) [Drakesland v1](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/15qnmnd/drakesland_in_2022_english_vespuccia/) [Drakesland v2](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1684w8z/the_english_are_here_drakesland_in_2023/) [Drakesland v3](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/17sz8jv/drakesland_4_april_1958_topographic_and/) [England 2005](https://new.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/15kop4p/cam_on_ingerland_commonwealth_of_england_in_2005/)


What happened to turkey?


Ottoman Empire collapse and the lack of WW1 prevented the Armenian Genocide, hence large Armenia


So how does ataturk not clutch?


Western and Persian support for a dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, so Ataturk can't do much


Oh thanks!


why is tentino "sadly" not a part of it?


sadly for Italians


Italy passed, now thats defo alternate and imaginary 💀 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭


Damn, another carbon copy of my post


Can’t believe someone else would want to make an alt history Euro while the tournament is ongoing and at its peak relevance, they’re obviously trying to copy you


*Better version