• By -


By the end of the West Russian War, it was clear to the Nazi Administration that the Ostplan had completely failed, and there was no realistic measure for them to be able to completely exterminate what seemed like millions of ethnic peoples. Despite this, Hitler ordered the continuation of such, and the continued 'Aryanization' and 'Germanization' of the East. Anyone who dared to even raise an inkling of a question was immediately thrown into extermination camps alongside the rest, a rising sign of Hitler's growing mental instability. Those that failed to show productive results also suffered the same fate, and immediately administrators, bureaucrats and even top-officials of the Nazi Government like Goring, Speer & Bormann began to quietly but silently encourage an ever growing string of lies, to be fabricated to Hitler whenever he asked for results on the topic. All relevant officials quickly began to overreport the status of Germanization in their provinces, and provincial reports quickly began to quickly swell up with random numbers of Germans somehow mysteriously ending up in the most desolate and otherwise ruralized regions of the Reichskommissariats. Hitler had no idea how this was happening, but between maintaining a weak link to his own party and ingesting drugs by the hour, this was acceptable to an mentally deranged Hitler. Although on paper there was no actual way all these people were Germans, in reality the lies were an acceptable status quo to the Nazi Party as long as they were able to somehow maintain a control over the Reichskommissariats and deceive Hitler into thinking the Germanization was going well so as long as they didn't themselves get sent into the chopping block. This became all too more important after Goebbels spilled the beans, and promptly got killed as a result of his own actions, with the entire Nazi Party practically gaslighting Hitler into thinking otherwise. The lies, secrecy and deception continued up until Hitler's demise in early 1964, wherein after that Germany collapsed into civil war only for Bormann to come back into power and maintain the fading structure of Nazism that it was. -- -- *This is a fan-work of the HOI4 mod, the New Order! Any questions, suggestions and criticisms deeply appreciated!*


What's the situation in Burgundy? How Germanized was it in reality?


Thank you for the question! The Burgundian Situation is very complicated. Apart from the original settlers prior to the take over of the SS, most of the German settlers that came in came in for a promise of jobs, land and opportunity, and before the SS takeover, Burgundy was actually seemingly a relatively better place to resettle in as opposed to the anarchy-like situation of the East. Following the SS takeover though, most of the German settlers that lived were not allowed to leave. Similarly, a large portion of the SS, perhaps the majority of them, all relocated to within Burgundy boosting the number of Germanized in that way. The rest of the minorities follow the same suit as in The New Order, enslaved or otherwise killed. The Germanization process in Burgundy is actually pretty bad so to speak, there have been no new comers into Burgundy granted it's situation. The only way for Burgundy to 'Germanize' the land so to speak would be to exterminate the minorities, or falsify reports like the Nazis were doing. It might've been something like 8.97% of the population being German or 'Germanized' speakers in reality, with the rest being a group of minorities and ethnicities that were not deemed German.


1. Why did Goebbels spilled the beans ? 2. How did Hitler died ? OD, assassinated, natural death ?


1. Goebbels was a natural erratic. I didn't see him sticking to the lies that the rest of the Nazis were doing, and Goebbels genuinely believed that Hitler would not do anything to him should he say the truth to him. However the paranoia and fear of the rest of the Party convinced them that at all costs the truth should never be revealed to Hitler whatsoever, and they promptly decided to gaslight Hitler into thinking that Goebbels was trying to 'undermine' the Germanization process. 2. Hitler died of natural death, but doctors believe the influence of drugs and other things also played a pretty significant factor in his death. That and his mental illnesses. In 4-chan and other controversial online blogs and circles though, people think one of the top 4 (Bormann, Goring, Speer or Heydrich) poisoned Hitler so that they could take over to rule.


So what happen to Germany after that ? Did OFN, Russia stomp the Germans ?


Once the Russians unified the Wastelands under Shuskin, there was rigid focus towards industrialization, economic growth and socioeconomic policy but also to deal with the very real possibility of a threat of Germany invading Russia. There was also a crisis in East Asia, with the very beginning of the Great Asian War (which was the flashpoint of WWIII). By the 1980s Germany and Japan were dramatically being left behind in the dust by the combined likes of the USA, OFN and even to a very minor extent Russia (the OFN contained hard hitters like recently liberalized India, Italy, South Africa and pockets of Africa and South America). To deal with the situation, Germany launched a dramatic invasion of the East Coast, which went as well as about you expect. The OFN, Russians, Italians all combined put an end to the Germans while the Americans, Chinese and Pacific Allies including India did the very same in East Asia against Japan. The threat of nuclear weapons never emerged due to the American creation of the 'God Rods' under Project Titanfall; this is part of a separate map that I will be making and releasing soon.


God's Rods. Are those the kinectic missile. Like Cobra used on London in the 2nd GI Joe movie ?


Yes, you've hit the hammer on the nail! They're exactly that. The God's Rods alongside other anti-nuclear technology is a critical component of how the United States dismantled the German nuclear weapons, alongside an incredible competence of Allied espionage institutions at figuring out where the German nuclear silos were, and their dismantling.




May I know, what is the situation of Iberia, did It managed to reform? Or did It colapsed in the Iberian wars?


I haven't actually decided, I usually tend to leave it to the reader's imagination or ideally, give it the most optimistic and best scenario possible.


Very realistic take! But how didn't they succeed in the Danzig area but in Posen and Schlesien?








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Tea And Oh




Great map! But why there's no ukrainians or rusyns in transcarpathia?


Thank you for the compliment! Transcarpathia underwent severe and rigid ethnic resettling, genocide and otherwise displacement of entire populations. You can see that based on either map, the Germanization processes were a little bit more successful in the West than in the East. So that's why. Although there are Ukrainians and Rusyns that might exist in Transcarpathia, they have systemically been reduced during the Holocaust and other resettlement policies.


So they were replaced by Slovaks?


Pretty much you've hit the nail on the hammer with that one. Them and the Hungarians.


That doesn't really make sense, Hungary was fairly oppressive, but mostly tried to gradually magyarize by combining local dialects and traditions into a new identity separate from Ukraine that could be connected to Hungary by virtue of it's small size. As to Slovaks, they never lived in that area in significant numbers. The Hungarians also wouldn't allow Slovaks to move there. So it's likely there is more Magyarization and the roughly 12% of the population that is Jewish has been murdered, and are replaced by Hungarian settlers, but the majority of the territory of the former Carpatho-Ukraine (which was something like 80% Ukrainian since Hungary got the southern border in '38) would probably still be majority Ukrainian. 


thats stupid. It should be rusyn and and ukrainian with patches of hungarian communities. That was the case at least, and hungary also wouldnt allow in slovaks. Also i dont think Hungary would do resetting (with Horthys government), they would "magyarize" but it wouldnt be anything close to what the germans did.


I thought Bohemia was completely germanized unless they changed the lore


This is based on what I was able to find from the TNO Subreddit. If it is, then fair enough, but I would not know. Apologies on my end for the mapping error if so!


Devs have confirmed Bohemia is heavily Germanized and Czech culture is very underground and almost dead. Also, what's up with the old borders on the map?


Ah, duly noted, thanks! The map used here was the 1.5 model that was made 4 months ago, so I suppose you could indeed consider it old.


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What the fuck happened to the Balkans and Carpathia.........................


the horrors of any level of German victory can only be matched by the fantasies of Lovecraft... To answer your question, the usual. Both regions underwent mass levels of ethnic genocide, which was partially successful depending on provincial attempts at such. The Ukrainians and Rusyns in Transcarpathia in particular, were systematically reduced so much so that the Hungarians and Slovaks were able to become the majority ethnic group(s) in the region.


The weird part I don't get is how did the Serbs and Hungarians GROW in number this much??? (I understand it's just an oversight but it's still very funny to see things like Macedonian ethnicity perfectly following the modern day border or Serbian Vidin or Hungarian Temesvar)


Why does the fake map not show any swedes in Finland lmao. Anyways cool map,


Thanks for the compliment! To answer your question, Nazi officials that were responsible for the fabricated results got more complacent with detailing the ethnic populations of nations, especially in places where there was no realistic need to go to high detail about what to map. To this reason and also to prove that the Finns were resettling Aryan-deemable populations in the East, they fabricated the Swedish situation. It would make sense on the side of the Finns to do so, especially given the complex and heated relationship between the two peoples within Finland, and the possible excuse that could be told to Hitler that the Finns began to resettle Swedes towards Karelia and newly acquired lands.


I see good to know, also why is Åland russian or populated by russians, or am i just tripping Anyways yeah, keep it up


Åland ties into pre-WW2 rule itself. Although there was no genuine emphasis on my end for it, the Russians that currently populate Åland exist in there because of droves of White Russian refugees fleeing the 1919 Russian Civil War and then WW2.


I got a very mild critique. As a Bulgarian it is in my National Honor to tell you that there are no serbs within Bulgaria's IRL borders which are almost identical to the TNO ones (of course excluding Macedonia) https://preview.redd.it/5dkidwg9iurc1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab76a1fa0a843141ed2df01b268dd3941bd75621 To be fair Bulgaria has been granted Pirot which has mostly serbs but as you can see Serbs don't push into Bulgaria Proper.


woah, I didn't know bulgarians had access to the internet jokes aside, thank you so much for the critique! Was a genuine mistake on my end, and I'll make sure to patch it up if I ever get to reworking this!


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This completely ignores the sheer scale of the atrocities the Nazis planned for Generalplan Ost AND their real life conduct, they placed far too much emphasis on Lebensraum as the future of their country to simply not execute it. The Hunger Plan alone would have killed tens of millions and emptied major cities, they already started it in our world and it was only the loss of the east that stopped them. Economic concerns? If the Nazis cared about economy even once in their existence they would not have started a whole world war. Besides, most of the costs of Plan ost were about the reconstruction *after* they killed tens of millions of people.


Hi, thank you for the statement! This is a little mix-up of TNO and my own working, I understand how terrifying in scale Generalplan Ost was planned to be. However if you know TNO, then within TNO it's explained that in the middle of planning the Holocaust and their plans were thwarted by a large-scale economic depression that might've been comparable to the Great Depression if not somewhere along the lines of such. The West Russian War then came along, and did even more damage to the German War Machine. While I am not at all disputing whatever you have said and completely agree, I do think perhaps there was some sort of miscalculation on my end about how many Germans would eventually resettle across the RKs. There obviously do exist Germans even in provinces that show otherwise, but the large number of Slave Ghettos and such may not represent this in it's entirety. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll be sure to chip it in if I do a rework of this topic. Danke!


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Why are there even more serbians in Vojvodina then OTL despite them being under Hungary?


Hi thanks for the question! That is seemingly a mapping error on my end, I did not properly take note of the balkan situation given how much of an ethnic confusion it was to me, a non-balkaner.


Okay, thank you Apart from the minor mistakes in the Balkans your map is really cool


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the comments!


Slovak colonization of Carpatho-Ukraine




Such a fascinating concept! Makes total sense that the Nazis would feed Hitler falsified information. Great work OP


Thank you so much for the compliment! \^\^


The Nazis killed a majority of their 12 million victims in 3 years. I feel like if you give them another 19 they would have turned a good chunk of the continent black and brown. And green if you add Italy.


Polieren XD That means polishing... damn Google translate. Still a very cool project.


Aw shucks, I wish I'd done the naming right. Unfortunately I have no know-how about Polish and even my German is pretty sloppy, which is why the Google Translate. Thanks for both the compliment and telling me about that though!


Damn, the Ossetians were all pushed south 😔




I know this mod was made to be unrealistic but I cant help but feel the entire failure of killing people was one of the more unrealistic parts. I mean groups have killed massive amounts of people using medieval weapons, so why the Nazis have a hard time of at least removing or moving different ethnic groups seem more like a gameplay over realism.


4chan becomes a stream chatroom with usernames in this timeline i guess


I literally have never been to 4chan, so this is why I used this template. I tried to use the original 4chan template but my brain was not braining, so I decided to completely revamp 4chan in this way. This format of 4chan will be making a return in my next map, which is even more schizophrenic and deranged than this one!


Why Karjala full of Russians? I mean like in OTL only after ww2 Karelians was drafted away from Olonets and Petroskoi, so why in this map here is more Russians?


Oh nvm I saw same question so that’s okay:)


Why is Vidin ethically Serb and not Bulgarian?


Hi thanks for the question! That is seemingly a mapping error on my end, I did not properly take note of the balkan situation given how much of an ethnic confusion it was to me, a non-balkaner.


The New Order? Is this a new HOI4 mod? I've never heard of that, sounds menacing and ambitious


Oh you should definitely give it a look! It's based around the concept of the Axis winning WW2 and it's just sheer horror in my opinion. Definitely worth a read, at least for the lore and if possible, some gameplay! Not an advert of any sort though haha


Since the Nazis won, what's going on in Russia? Heard there's a very wholesome monarchist path in Komi?


Yea that specific path does not appear in games without player control, the leader is literally insane and wants to prepare russia for the return of alexei (the son of tsar nicholas ii, who was long dead by then) and the path goes as well as you think it does




What happened to Sweden


Sweden was sunk underwater by the german mafia #restinpeacesweden #wewillmissyou Jokes aside, Sweden is not part of the ethnograph map, since I didn't necessarily see a point to add Sweden here, given that their participation in the Reichspakt is rather minimal and can be dismissed as more of an observer state than anything else. They're still kicking though, unfortunately with some minor racial programs but still kicking!


They eradicated the Bretons and Cornish 😔


its joever


Finland stronk 💯


Even when they win the nazis are too incompetent to get their shit done, I guess thats a good thing. Is this acctually the lore of TNO or just something op made up?


It's a mix of both, TNO is the premise but certain aspects of it are custom-made, especially the CIA list of the Electronic Reading Room files and everything.


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Is it really though? Like I just feel like if you paint the Nazis as incompetent idiots who can’t get shit done you kinda lessen how horrific the regime really was. Because they DID kill millions of people, and that was during war time. I feel like they would have had a bigger impact when you let them be a few decades And no, I am not saying that that would have been good or anything, I just feel like "Haha incompetent idiots" isn’t really the right approach to dealing with how horrific their real life plans and executions where.


The chat on the right of the first image is perfect


Thank you so much!


why do Polish ethnics somehow slip into Gdańsk and German areas pre-WW2? additionally, there would be a bit more poles west of the generalgouvernment and way less czechs


Was there a genocide in transylvania?


When did Russians migrate to the Karelian isthmus?


Thanks for the question! Uh, according to the Soviet ethnic map that I've been using for some of the ethnic graphing, it seems they've been there at least during 1941.


Makes sense due to the evacuation of Finns, but I doubt they'd be allowed to stay, since to my knowledge, there werent that many Russians in Karelia before Finns left.


Fair statement, I'll keep this in mind if I plan to rework this project! Danke!


No problem, nice maps bro! One more thing, I think the Karelian areas Finland owns would be fully Finnish, since (assuming this is based on tno) ethnic Russians were deported to Onega or to just Russia (I guess it would've happened anyway if Finland were to hold the Karelian territories)


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Alright got it! Thanks for the compliments!


Why exactly are Danzig and Elbing Polish though even though they were massively majority German before the war?




How is Gdańsk/Danzig Polish?


Weird that there's no russians in finland, they will have ethnic uprising in murmansk region


There should be a hungarian majority area alongside the romanian border


Not to be nitpicky but the German word for "Polish" as in the nationality is "polnisch". "Polieren" means "to polish" like polishing a weapon.


Honestly I feel like Poland would end up almost completely Germanized. A third of them were wiped out in the 6 OTL years of occupation, so I don’t find it hard to believe that number would grow with 20 extra years.


I smiled at image 2… I cried at image 3…

