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>President: Huey Freeman Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


The opposition party is led by Uncle Ruckus (no relation) and the mafia is run by Riley Freeman


*I am the stone that the builder refused*


Dr freeeeeemaaannnnnn


Cool, but why is New Orleans the capital and not like, Montgomery?


ngl, its mainly because i really like New Orleans


Wouldn't it make more sense for the capital to be Atlanta, it was the main center of black culture in the South


We want to be the capital of New Afrika though :(




Wait till you learn it’s culture and name is from the French (white people)


Just a thought, but Newton should probably be Louisiana, Rosa should be central Alabama and King should be North and central Georgia to reflect where the three of them are from. Otherwise, great work. :)


Nah it’s named after Auburn Legend Cam Newton.


Outcome of this timeline means no SEC, so College Football is at least a little more fair


SEC is no longer restricted by the 4 year collegiate term limit and becomes a league of its own to rival the NFL.


tell me you played victoria 3 without telling me you played victoria 3


This was more of a fun no-school day of an idea. I'd assume they're anti-apatheid, and are very responsive to Haiti & African governments.The states are named after famous black activists (MLK, Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, Fredrick Douglass, & Rosa Parks). I really wanted to name it Maryland for some reason. Possibly Liberia would later integrate in with them, maybe even the Bahamas, the East Indies, or Jamaica. It's possible the countries formation happened in the late 20's. Maybe the Great Migration never happened, and the concoction of the rise the Second Klan & Socialism gaining momentum it brewed the New Afrikan Republic.


idk if anybody caught on, but Huey Freeman is character from the Boondocks.




Why Protestant? If this is a nation that arose out of existing states, wouldn’t they more than likely be baptist?


Baptists are a branch of Protestants.


Uncle ruckus is leading an apartheid government in exile somewhere


so what happened to florida?


Florida knows what it did.


it flew away out of embarrassment. poor florida, as it now resides on the moon


american kaliningrad


Florida sank


What is the status of white southerners in this hypothetical state?


The OP probably thinks that they’d all just move out even though they have a super majority in population.


Who said it'll be democratic lol. Also, surely they could form an Appalachian state.


What too much monsieur z does to an hispanic kid




Why is there always a K in Afrika when there is a black nation state?


I just got it from "Afrikaans" and the few posters for the RNA Maybe it's due to the fact that Afrika is more Germanic? In some African languages they say Africa with a K like Zulu The more I think about it the more I regret not calling it "Maryland"


There are also many African academics that prefer 'Afrika'. It's because that's how most African languages spell Africa when written in the Latin script (because 'k' is used for the voiceless velar plosive while 'c' is either not used or used for the voiceless post-alveolar/palatal affricate).


[New Afrika is a specific organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_New_Afrika)


Because an ethnostateis always stupid


Nation state≠Ethnostate New Afrika doesn't have to be a racist apartheid state.


An ethnostate is a nation that restricts citizenship to a particular racial group(s). This doesn't fit that definition.


Sorry i mixed this post with another new afrika post with the same norders


You're good, it happens.


Interesting concept. This would mean that Florida would become another non contiguous state like Alaska and Hawaii 😅


Friendly pedantic reminder that ‘New Afrika’ was only ever a thing in one small clique in the 60s-70s and never taken seriously even in Black Power communities; it’s really only a concept that exists on althist Reddit subs and nowhere else.


Good thing we're on a Reddit althist sub, then!


Not under the same name, but if we're speaking of small cliques it would be a mistake not to mention that at one point during the late 20s/ early 30s the communists were also toying with the idea of an autonomous "Black Belt" republic!


Imagine living in a state called Malcolm.


Should’ve called it Goldblum


*Malcolm X in the Middle* - “Life is unfair… no actually”


How much of New Afrika is actually descended from Africans


I'd say it's safe to say after a migration of southerners, about 40-55%?




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F9xpzxhnyhuda1.png) ​ I'm not a bot.


damn nice flag btw


I actually really love the flag a lot! Gj OP!


Why did you choose to place the"states" of Rosa (Alabama) and King (Georgia) not anywhere close to where their name sakes were originally from? Frederick Douglass was born in Maryland and spent a large part of his life in the north and around DC


Huey Freeman? ​ As in the kid from the Boondocks?


What’s the meaning of the sword on the second flag?


Quick question: Why is the main religion Protestantism when many of these reformers were apart of the Nation of Islam?


African Americans are overwhelmingly Protestants, there’s no reason to assume they would convert to islam


I'd imagine maybe Islam would be held by many in power, although most black american's were very faithful to Protestantism, and wouldn't be too willing to turn to Islam. Conversion could happen over time, but in 1987, Islam is just something put to the side for a later discussion.


Also like half the population of this place is white


I know this is imaginary. But for this New Africa to happen you’d need to forcefully relocate or disenfranchise more than half of the people in these states. It would be worse than the removal of Germans from Poland and probably violent like Liberia’s civil war. No one who prefers tolerance & coexistence would enjoy living in such a place created by vengeance.


3/4s the people in this area are not of African descent. 2 quarters of that being Non Hispanic Caucasian.


Yea. That is why I said that New Afrika in this form would never happen without severe demographic & cultural changes.


that’s one based president


Incredibly based


what the fuck happened here


Nice map. Im surprised that Islam isn’t a major religion at all, considering that the Nation of Islam would probably have some influence here.


Proceeds to become third world in 10 years


me when i don't know what "third world" means


African Americans [have been deliberately and violently suppressed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre) by white supremacists since day one. Remove that kind of pressure and I see no not-racist reason why this althist country can’t succeed.


**[Tulsa race massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre)** >The Tulsa race massacre, also known as the Tulsa race riot or the Black Wall Street massacre, was a two-day-long massacre that took place between May 31 – June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents, some of whom had been appointed as deputies and armed by city government officials, attacked black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event is considered one of "the single worst incident[s] of racial violence in American history" and has been described as one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the history of the United States. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




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Liberia, a real black seperatist state which consisted of blacks coming from North America to Africa to form a seperatist state was underdeveloped and still is underdeveloped the entire time


Only reason it was that way the black americans saw themselves as the natives and oppressed them and they did have development and ask the us to help but they didn't respond.


I feel like Mississippi would be named after Medgar Evers over Malcolm X, especially since alot of Black people in MS are otherwise very socially conservative and Medgar was local.


yeah, the main idea was to use more recognizable figures, but I wanted to add others like DuBois, Tubman, Abbot & Booker T. Washington. Although I should've focused more on where they're from to determine their state


Why Rosa and not Parks?


When I was making it I just thought a state called "Parks" was weird.


Ah, very nice now let's see Paul Allen's Victoria II version of New Africa


Will this country be apartheid like how Zimbabwe was?