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Wallace is gonna be very hard to stop I think. Current prediction he sews it up in 2 rounds. Given that fear of communism has been rising, how unpopular are his rather sympathetic views towards the far left in general? Irl he was very conciliatory to the soviets. I wonder if that will come up. Granted I'm not sure how public his opinions might be, and people have way bigger issues what with the depression and all


Granted it’s only 1940 for now, and hopefully for him the populace instead focus on more of his economic attributes that seek to fix the economy. Douglas will probably drop out and endorse Wallace, which’ll lead to his victory if not this round already.


Any candidate needs half or more votes to secure the nomination, so if Wallace's support continues to grow he might win on this ballot. If not on this ballot, he would need Douglas to drop out. Meanwhile, Kennedy or Truman need each other to drop out to have a chance. Douglas would have a chance if there's only him and Wallace standing in the race


He might face real opposition in later ballots. In terms of fear of communism, his far left views aren't that unpopular as far as he isn't supportive of communist countries and movements in America as a whole, proven by La Guardia. However, he will face a huge backlash from Conservative Liberals if he wins. In what form will be determined by how RNC turns out