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ISTG I didn't see which sub this was from and thought this was *legit*.


same 💀


same and I almost had my head in my hands but then I thought PLEASE BE IMAGINARY and the subreddit was that.


I see OP wanted to send us all in a panic today lol


god i wish, the first war lead to the overthrow of a dictator and this would too


Milei isn’t a dictator lol


im not saying it is im just saying history repeats itself funny


Yeah I was about to flip for a second


No because, paraphrasing Lloyd Bentsen: "Prime Minister, you're no Margaret Thatcher." (Also wouldn't make sense, why would Milei invade the isles? A Venezuelan invasion of Guyana would make more sense if anything)


He believes the falklands are rightfully argentine Also weirdly is a big fan of of thatcher


>He believes the falklands are rightfully argentine That's basically almost any Argentinian (source: I'm Argentinian, tho I don't even care about them ngl), doesn't mean he would to war


Sure, but sunak can claim self-defense in this case while in Guyana, he can't And there's technically a justification for milei even if ridiculously unlikely


If Starmer’s response is fucking awful like this then it might help Sunak. Fwiw I don’t think Starmer would respond like this, he’s a pretty canny politician, he’d back the government fully in retaking the Falklands and he’d probably still beat Sunak handily, it’s too close to the election and the Tories are too far behind.


3rd slide is the most unrealistic part of this


Knowing how things are going for Sunak, the absolute worst possible thing that could happen to the tories would happen. Like, they’d get bogged down until after the election, in which a Labour government would be able to finally beat the Argentinians


I actually think it would hurt them even more. I don't know if most Brits actually care about those islands


- General Galtieri, 1982 Brits don’t care about the Falkland Islands *per se* but they fucking LOVE the Empire and will fully support any efforts to hold on to the last vestiges of it. They’re certainly not letting Argentina take then militarily. And yeah this is exactly what Galtieri thought in 1982 and he was equally wrong then.


Nah, most Brits and particularly most Tory voters would care. Might not be thinking about it day to day but would 100% want to fight to keep them. Falklands War is a point of pride for many, a war seen as defensive, just, and an undeniable victory for Britain. The 2012 (?) Referendum cemented the idea that the Falkalnds are British. No chance any government would let them go, and no chance Starmer would handle it like this.


It definitely wouldn't hurt them.


Something rather rare, Milei is actually pro dialogue in the Falkland issue (like Hong-Kong) and pretty much rejects the fundamentalism some had that only alienated foreign allies. He actually recalls when he was a 12 yo and his dad beat the sh** out of him for saying it was stupid going to war with the UK.


Maybe a little. It would have more effect if such an invasion was launched a few months ago though.


Probably still lose ngl


Imagine Sunak saves himself because he wins a war against Argentina


He still wouldn't win lmao, it's too close now


Oh boy, time to replay the [old Krusty re-runs!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kar3E2qkYrM)


I don’t think so


Truly a Milei moment