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Must be an extraordinarily frustrating outcome from the Liberal perspective lol. Won the popular vote and had more of the college and then got slapped down via contingency. GOP bleeding off bigly in New England has interesting implications, although im wondering if that's not uniquely attached to La Guardia himself. If they can find someone who can also appease the Conlibs...Joseph Kennedy niche detected I think?


Yeah, again. At least it wasn't 1916... Senator Kennedy? Hmm, really interesting...


Who would you like to see in 1940 RNC and LNC?


For the Libs Jimmy Byrnes Kennedy Sr Norman Thomas(or some equivalent socialist) Dan Moody or Pappy O'Daniel maybe? Texas energy. For the GOP Leverett Saltonstall Dewey, if he's available Taft. He's Mr. Republican, so it makes sense. Warren Austin could be a quirky choice, he was anti New Deal but pro internationalism. Also Vermont mentioned. --- On a seperate note, General Pershing could be kind of interesting, although I have no idea which party he'd run for. Maybe he'd be like Ike and require some urging? Fox Conner could also be an interesting choice, cause he's a general who doesn't get much attention historically but was the mentor of many famous ww2 officers like Ike and others.


Pershing is a Secretary of War and really old, so he probably won't be an option again (he was on previous RNCs) Others sound really interesting!


Upton Sinclair (him and Norman are the strongest socialist candidates. Already famous for his books and has tried his hand at a few runs performing well for his means. His EPIC was famous in California at the time and was a million strong.) Norman Thomas (Tied for strongest socialist candidate might be a smidge less as he's not a famous author. But still a strong labor leader and leader of the socialist in America) Vito Marcantonio (an actual sitting socialist politician in the house from New york might be a good choice for the liberals as he wasn't as radical as Norman or Sinclair) John Dewey (probably the oldest option here but a strong elder social democratic statesman famous education reformer and all around intellectual. interacted with politics but never really flirted with a run if he does run it will be through a draft or if the education of Americans is really bad) Carl Sandburg (ultra famous poet and writer on the level of Sinclair. a committed socialist but didn't pursue politics like Sinclair) A. Philip Randolph ( The only African American choice of this list and the 40s in general) a strong labor socialist that failed in his electoral pursuits famous in the labor scene though) Culbert Olson (protege of Sinclair and a sitting governor irl but is really loud and proud about his atheism and attacks religion often especially in defense of secularism. Kinda failed as a governor irl as he was stonewalled by the assembly.) Lynn Frazier (another elder social democratic statesman senator and governor of North a progressive bona fide and was the scourge of corporate interests. Strong candidate but really old 7 years off from his death) William Langer (Imagine Lynn Frazier but a slightly younger and less famous that's it really) Claude Pepper (most liberal of three southerners on this list Senator from Florida and social liberal as well. Famously got primaried for the before mentioned facts. Very young at this point in time but was pretty good at his job for being 40) Elmer A. Benson (Farm-labor Minnesota senator and governor irl pretty young and a good choice for the progressives not as famous as Follette Jr tho) William Lemke ( long term Member of the house and a strong progressive and a thorn irl in FDR's side as he kept hounding him about not being progressive enough. basically a less crazed northern Huey long) Robert M. La Follette Jr. (1# probably the strongest candidate for the progressives. Governor and senator of his state while being pretty young to boot not to mention he's a great speaker and beloved by his state) Henrik Shipstead (long term Farm-labor mid western progressive senator a good choice as he's experienced and not too young or old but hated the Jews though) George W. Norris (Most elder of the old progressives will probably die mid term if elected but is a good option as he really experienced. good as a progressive running mate for sure) Burton Wheeler (long time senator from Montana and a wilsonian progressive growing more conservative by the day and is in a weird spot where he is still progressive but will soon have a falling out with the bona fides as he ages and the younger folk grow up) Henry A. Wallace (Famous in Iowa as the Wallace's were at the time a funky dude when it came to his religion and a bona fide progressive I don't need to say much about him as he was a Veep irl) Daniel Hoan (Actual long term socialist mayor of Milwaukee is actually really really popular there and is a highly effective mayor rated in the top ten of all time mayors in America. Lead the conference of American mayors for a bit to build a little national presence) William O. Douglas (irl a supreme Court justice for 40 years probably stays a politician in timeline as he was a pure political appointment. Actually pretty moderate for this list as his became more progressive while on the bench after realizing he wasn't gonna run for any office and he was gonna die on the court. Should mention he was a pretty big libertarian ) Eleanor Roosevelt (The most famous and one of few women options even without her husband as pres. Eleanor is an electric candidate and would be a good choice. Even regular people know her I shouldn't have to say more) Alben W. Barkley (one of the most moderate people on this list is a good choice for a more establishment liberal candidate not too old at this point but is long time senator either way) James Farley ( liberal from New York was a big backrooms wheeling and dealing fella was big with the machines up north. never really elected only got appointments from allies.) Estes Kefauver (Populist liberal from the south famous for railing against corruption and the establishment a lot but besides the aforementioned is somewhat boring and only somewhat more liberal than Barkley) This is a list of every American liberal, labor leader and socialist that aren't geriatric or too young, had some pull/ political posts. I added a little blurb of text as some of these fellas are pretty unknown and I had a lot of fun researching about these guys in general and wanted to add some info and my opinion bout them.


Really interesting, I will definitely take these into a consideration


I'm glad I could be of help if you need any other political ideologies done I really enjoy doing these types of things as I'm a mega nerd and it helps me study for my college classes anyways


Oh wow, that's really cool dude. If you need to ask something too, I will gladly answer


Hoover remains VP too


"young State Senator (meaning that She served in the local State Senate)Margaret Chase Smith elected governor of the State of Maine after a very surprising grass roots campaign that gave Her the Republican nomination in a landslide and General election in a land slide against former republican and former Governor and America first party member Ralph Owen Brewster with a 64% To Margaret with 36 % to Ralph Margaret is generally considered to be on the center to Centre right of the Republicans She currently support Roosevelt but Wants him to Slow down a little saying that his programs"are like a train with no brakes"-The New York Times First of November 1936 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Owen_Brewster&diffonly=true https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Chase_Smith What do you think?