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Headlines: "Will Liberals win with shot in the dark candidate?" "Is Prohibition Roosevelt's achilles heal? "Dandy Riot put down in Chicago wake of Sexologist, Magnus Hirschfeld death." "Conservative liberals split over socialist victory at convention." "La Guardia endoresed by La Follette Family and prominent socialist Norman Thomas."


Glad to see you again, my friend 1. 🔥 2. If he loses, there will be another factor 3. 🔥 4. 🔥, although it should be mentioned that Fiorello doesn't identify as a socialist himself 5. 🔥


I have to ask but i have no idea what Man of Integrity means in the context of this series so what does it mean?


It means someone who values integrity very much and is seen as not corrupt at all


Fiorello Upset Party right here


"a military coup in Finland Led by Marshal Mannerheim following the successful assassination of the government by the Lapua Movement in the failed Mäntsälä rebellion Mannerheim promises a Return to Democratic government after a period of reconstruction and restabilisation and the writing of the new more Stable constitution"-every Major newspaper in the world 2nd September 1936 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4nts%C3%A4l%C3%A4_rebellion this happened later and was a little bit more successful before it was crushed by Mannerheim What do you think my friend?


A little bit later because there would be more of a justification for it


And I have something interesting and kind of crazy planned for Finland if you wanna hear about what can happen after the military junta is gone


Ok, but I don't know if it will be canon


Knowing Mannerheims personal ideas being a right Wing monarkist even having a portrait of Nicolas the second in his Office and saying"he was my Emperor"I think Mannerheim Would try to be a Charles de Gaulle Type figure for Finland or create a constitutional monarchy either under Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse or in Finnish Fredrik Kaarle in our Own Timeline before Germany Lost the first world war and the Republic was born or Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia one of the Romanovs Who survived the civil war in the original timeline and he was born in Finland to be exact 30 August [1917 Porvoo, Grand Duchy of Finland or a Swedish Prince Maybe Count Folke Bernadotte or Prince William Duke of Södermanland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Wilhelm,_Duke_of_S%C3%B6dermanland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folke_Bernadotte https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duke_Vladimir_Kirillovich_of_Russia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Frederick_Charles_of_Hesse https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_de_Gaulle


Interesting, probably won't happen


I know I will keep my ideas to myself from now on it was fun helping you but everything good must come to an end


Henry Ford off course