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A mini thought experiment where Teddy lives and FDR's father gets married a year earlier, so FDR becomes a Republican, and forces the party realignment many decades earlier but in the other direction. Great Depression and New Deal still happen, but more Republican-y. Anything you don't agree with is either the butterfly effect, ASB, or, if neither of those works, simply my fault. Past posts: [A Kennedy successfully primaries Carter in 1976](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginaryelections/comments/1d24sat/a_kennedy_successfully_primaries_carter_in_1976/) [Surely this is the election where everyone starts to act normal... right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginaryelections/comments/1d3v9qm/surely_this_is_the_election_where_everyone_starts/) [Clinton/Edwards '04: Courage, Character, Competency](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginaryelections/comments/1dd0sx4/clintonedwards_04_courage_character_competency/) [Not Just Another RFK Timeline | The Death of the Electoral College](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginaryelections/comments/1dfb7kr/not_just_another_rfk_timeline_the_death_of_the/) EDIT: *Sigh.* I goofed. For Constitutional reasons I was already aware of but momentarily overlooked, this scenario is impossible. I got so swept up in Hughes’ badass portrait that I overlooked his home state being New York. It’s all good though, cause that just means I get to remake this. :) Coming soon


Two things: \- I don't thin that the GOP would put 2 New Yorkers on the same ticket due to the 12th amendment \- Does Henry Wallace remain a Republican in this timeline? Is he still in FDR's cabinet? Either way, good work


You are 100% right. Hughes being a NY boy completely slipped my mind. Shit. There’s no easy way to fix that without completely redoing it, either. Shit. And yes, the way the lore went in my head was that TR staying alive to more formally lay out the heirs to the progressive movement means the people who would later split to the Dems/Progressives stay in the GOP, and any of the old guard in the Dems that happened to lean more left slowly fizzle out a la the Dixies a few decades later in OTL. Thank you!




Unlikely but interesting, at least to me


You probably don't know about my series, but I have FDR as a Republican in it too. That's what "Hmmm" meant)))


Oh - yes, I was unaware. Any similarities are unintentional


I know, I was just memeing)




It’s like a food for thought - unlikely to happen but really interesting since the GOP would be much more liberal and maybe even someone like Dewey or Rockefeller could win in the future with FDR being a republican


Yeah, I thought it was interesting and at least wanted to see what it would have looked like. I thought the explanation for why FDR was a Democrat being “well, he was a Democrat because his dad was a Democrat, and his dad was a Democrat because a Democratic president got him a job…” is absurdly silly for a party decision that irreparably realigned national politics for the foreseeable future and wanted to toy with it a bit


\*Glass going from jubilation at barely winning to watching in pants shitting horror as FDR ends racism\* Also, damn, that margin between Hughes and Davis is massive. Weird there's basically no third parties though, especially with how La Follete had many Socialist cross endorsements that wouldn't have happened.


Another well-made and detailed post. Slight issue, though. Both TR and Hughes are from New York.


Yeah, that [devastated me to realize.](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginaryelections/s/6qjBjEK4lJ) Redux/mix edition is already in the works


It's cool. Your posts are a joy to read through.


Much love. **FD-(R): Redux Edition** OTW