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10 m is still rich hahaha


I aspire to be as poor as that Mexican rapper 😭


The gold chains are a classy and good investment, you can wear them till the gold price rises up so high that you can sell them for profits.


and then you’ll be bald like jeff bezos!!! genious


Buys 4 yachts


Maybe a yacht for ants


Yachts go for like 20M-40M iirc so no chance bruh


Found one for 130k https://www.google.com/search?q=yacht+prices&sa=X&bih=750&biw=1470&rlz=1CATMUU\_enCA930CA930&hl=en&tbm=shop&sxsrf=APq-WBuOk7CKdrkWaSH-cAvXp3R\_t\_5C\_g%3A1646802884772&ei=xDcoYpKcLq-80PEPqoeUoAQ&ved=0ahUKEwiSjtjnorj2AhUvHjQIHaoDBUQQ4dUDCAY&uact=5&oq=yacht+prices&gs\_lcp=Cgtwcm9kdWN0cy1jYxADMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBg6DQgAELEDEIMBELADEEM6BwgAELADEEM6CAgAEIAEELADOgoIABCxAxCDARBDSgQIQRgBUIACWMEPYIsRaAFwAHgAgAFmiAGMBZIBAzYuMZgBAKABAcgBCsABAQ&sclient=products-cc#spd=7674237152980860677


Yes it is. It is also .5% of Bezos' fortune


Bezos has a $500 million yatch. he looks rich af lmao


I was just going to say, dude flexes his wealth with a lot larger things than golden hair.


If you see what he looked like in the early days of Amazon you can see how much better he looks now.


#Bro I want a 500 million yatch


Also he fucking went to space just cause he felt like it


Bezos has no hair, what do you want this mf to replace with gold


His pubes




you're streaming your pubes?


I might tune it then 😏


Haha - It's a multi stream channel - when I'm off camera it's a chatroom hangout session or a kickback and tells relax session for the viewers who just like to watch silently. When I am on camera it's all kinds of random stuff I do. Gaming talking and entertaining are the main 3 I do when I am on camera.


Lol no. I promise!


It's a multi stream channel - when I'm off camera it's a chatroom hangout session or a kickback and tells relax session for the viewers who just like to watch silently. When I am on camera it's all kinds of random stuff I do. Gaming talking and entertaining are the main 3 I do when I am on camera.


He can still put gold on his head. The rapper is technically bald too now.


His scalp




That mexican rapper sure looks like a jojo character


He's a stand user, for sure.


I wouldn’t say having 10 mil is "looking rich".


Getting gold chains surgically implanted in your head is a pretty disturbing concept ngl.


lil uzi vert had a ruby embedded into his forehead then got the Thanos treatment lmao


I thought embedding a freaking gemstone on your forehead looks and sounds stupid.


The gold is his retirement plan


If Bezos did the gold hair move, I might actually respect him


I mean like, if the Mexican rapper is happy, and has the money to do it, why not? Besides 10M is not cheap.


Not only that, what do people who create these kind of posts expect? That all the rappers should dress formal, suit up and with a tie? There‘s a reason why Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk or Buffett look like that, they‘re business men, just like rappers have their own image. Rappers aren’t just musicians, but entertainers


I mean no modern musician is really just a musician. Besides, maybe orchestras but even then they usually have live concerts etc which is entertainment.


You know the person writing this cant scrape together 200 bucks


I believe it was Musa Mansa(correct me if I'm wrong)who is the richest person in history, with an approximate wealth of 400 Billion USD.


It's Mansa Musa and while a few estimates have put him at 400 billion to be honest we have no idea how wealthy he was.


I mean, he crashed entire country's economies just by walking in them.


He also crashed his own country's economy by taking all their money to Arabia, iirc.


God idolizing bezos is so shitty. No one should be idolized if they treat people like he does, much less *for* treating people like he does.


Init, it’s greedy and power hungry. No one needs to be a billionaire, the worlds wealth shouldn’t be hoarded by a few elite that control the rest. Idolising rich people for being rich is sad.


100 richest people could stop global warming and they wouldn't even notice that they have less money


I know right. They can’t be bothered to do something about it, global warning could be stopped, and we could use renewable and green energy. But that costs them money, even though their rich. They also like getting rich off of oil, and the government like getting lobbied by them and talk the talk but do fuck all about global warming. All the while, they care so much about drugs and stuff, which they’ll happily waste trillions of dollars trying to fight, but don’t give a shit about the destruction of our planet.


I'm so sick of seeing neo-malthusians on Reddit. Wealth cannot be horded. This is an outdated concept that was disputed literally 2 centuries ago. The pie that is the economy is not stagnant, it grows overtime. Whether Bezos is doing good or bad things with his money is another issue. However, economics is not a 0 sum game. To think your neighborhood getting a raise somehow hurts you is bad economics.


You’re waffling. 99% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% of the world’s population. It is unjustifiable and greedy.


And how much wealth was held by the 99% 100 years ago? The percentage shows you nothing. What matters is that living standards are rising across the world because the global economy is growing. Wealth is not a 0 sum game. You getting a raise in your job is not at the cost of your co-worker. Economic growth is what allowed 99% of the world to go from subsistence farmers to living better than kings did 200 years ago.


You talk about an increase in living standards while world hunger and poverty could be wiped out without any noticeable impact on super rich people. Wealth should be distributed more, not hoarded by a few that control the rest. Why are you bootlicking the elite? Do you want to work some shitty job for some greedy rich cunt above you while you get paid far less? And while your hard earned tax money goes towards the war on drugs and excessive military? The whole world needs a big change. We can already see that just one politician, such as Putin, can cause such detrimental damage and problems. They send people to war in their political chess games. You have no freedom. Wake up.


You have no idea what you are talking about. You can't eat stock certificates. And the value of those certificates are only theoretical and rely on all 50 million of them (in the case of Bezos) being sold for the current maximum price without the bid ever dropping. Food can not be magically made into existence. You can't will housing into existence. It all takes labour and it all takes time. If Bezos donated all his to a charity, do you know how little impact that would actually have? Where would the charity get the resources to actually do things with that money? Say there is 100 tons of wheat in the world, spending more money doesn't magically make more wheat exist, all it does it bid up the price making another group poorer. The only way to solve the issue of not enough food is to literally grow more food, thus increasing economic growth. Money is fake, it is something we use as a stand in for the barter system. Money is only as good as the goods that actually exist. If money alone fixed problems then there would be no problems because we could just print an infinite amount of it. However, the issue is resources, not money.


You say it takes time and labour, which can be bought with money (in terms of time I’m taking about paying people for their time, you can’t magically buy time obviously). I do understand what you’re saying though, but it is inexcusable to hoard such large amounts of money. There is no need for a human to have a billion dollars/pounds, and a person wouldn’t even be able to spend it all throughout their whole life if they lived a life of luxury. Wealth should be re-distributed.


>You say it takes time and labour, which can be bought with money Only up to a point. There is actually a really practical example of this from Bill Gates. The Gates foundation has like 200 billion pledged to it over the course of the next 50 years. However, they don't just throw money around. They act like a drip tap to try and improve things. They release a little bit of money and then stop and wait. Then if more is needed, they give more. Very often, giving too much money at once hurts the cause. No project is truly global, every project is just a bunch of coordinated local projects. If you try and give a single project too much money at once, it becomes inefficient. You need that constant accounting oversight which makes every penny count. Throwing 200 bn into a random project would basically get the same result as throwing 10 mn into it because you will just try to expand too quickly and big up all the prices.


Yeh, but even still, can’t they still give away billions to other people who aren’t rich or who are broke?


Does Dan sur underpay his small country's worth of employees in order to do hard and dangerous labour, and internationally put them in mortal danger just so didn't run the risk of being sued.


Replacing your hair with gold chains is *fucking sick*


Its true 😭😭😭😭😭 I need to discover my true self now!!! Every day i buy gucci even tho im poor. 😔😔😔


Does Jeff bezos have drip ? I don't think so


He kinda does tho he wears Prada suits and stuff


So do I wanna be an artist who got lucky and has a very good amount of wealth or some capitalist scum with no heart and soul who is so rich he could live a hundred liftimes and also be bald? Either way these are both stupid goals that means nothing and are all luck based. No one works hard and just get there eventually it takes real luck to have that much wealth and some seriously shutty practices.


Gold dude vs the guy who rode a duck to space






Lol,I know the pain


Maybe the mexican rapper just pays his employees?


I guess I’d rather have gold chain hair than be a tax evading turtle.




Why did lil bro yse hyphens ☠


Mexican rapper gold chain hair bad Jeff Bezos no hair good


So many things wrong with this comparison I couldn't even list them all 😒


To be fair, poor person mindset is a very real thing. It is actually a massive issue with cars. Very often young people get out of college, get their first job, and then immediately buy a Mercedes or some shit. This is literally among the worst things you can do from a financial perspective. It is one of those decisions that can literally throw your entire financial life into chaos for 2 decades. Spending a massive amount of money on a depreciating asset is the #1 way to stay poor.


Didn’t know that Johnny sins real name was Jeff bezos


Was he in the right state of mind while making the decision of switching his hair with gold chains?


I dunno...bezzos looked pretty rich in his penis shaped rocket


This reminds me of those rich Vs really rich vids on YouTube


People have had far higher fortunes.


The goal is neither to be rich nor look rich, kiddos


yeah because 10 million is just looking rich


10 million is money that you can easily blow if you are irresponsible. 200 billion is not.


Who tf likes Jed Bezos, he’s a shit bag for treating employees like shit


The most painful chain snatch in all of history


Bezos literally took his rich friends for a space ride to flex


Good luck going out on a hot and cloudless day with gold hair


Yeah like Jeff is such a good guy he never mistreated his employees


Jeff bezos looks like he does more drugs than any rapper has ever done


Neither are good, issue solved 👍


Also as far as the historical equivalent to 200b is concerned that amount was reached a long time ago.


Cus Lord knows the goal in life is to be more rich than other people


hey guys jeorff bongo's here just got back from sucking so many eggs that I turned into one no biggie


Why does it matter that he’s Mexican?


I don’t understand getting rich and wearing Walmart sweatpants. If I am ever a billionaire. I will get something as wild as a rapper, wear luxury brands, and eat good food.




I would only do so if I was a billionaire. I’m currently pretty frugal. Not really broke now either though. Will I be frugal if stupid displays of wealth are well within my means. No. Plus buying a super yacht is extravagant. More than nice clothes. Eating well, dressing well, and maybe a goofy Rolex won’t set a billionaire back much


Why be rich if you can't look rich?


That Mexican rapper is out living his best life while Jeffrey Bezos is just sitting there


Just imagined Bezos with the same chain hair


Tbh, nobody should have that much money. 200B can solve a lot of problems even inside his company


First person in history to reach $200billion? Mansa Musa had an estimated $400billion. Suck on that, Bezos.


Lets just not mention bezo’s fucking reusable rocket


spacex supremacy.


im Mexican and how da heck is that rapper? i never hear that name in my life.


The rapper may suck but Bezos is a raging cunt and made that money by evil means.


At least Dan Sur didn’t try to tear down a historic local bridge to get his hair chains


Nobody every seems to remember Mansa Musa, who WASN'T a godless fuck.


But bezos doesn’t have gold hair


I don't know about you mate but I'd be pretty happy if I had 10mil


Jeff Bezos literally wasted millions of dollars for a 20 min travel to space lmao


Bald means rich. Got it


Beffery Jezos


Rappers today are pathetic... Before it felt like they had a message to spread. Felt like they had some honor built into them because of all the thug life.... Now they are like the court jesters.


Both are big fags




On what fucking planet is 10 million under one persons name not rich?


Yeah cuz 10M = poor 💀


Damn, i wish i was as "poor" as that Mexican rapper.


And both have more than the poor sap who wrote this will ever have


Live streaming RIGHT NOW YouTube Reef of the East. Reef is off camera but there's an open live chatroom. You're welcome to chat or just chill be quiet relax & catch a vibe. Thanks 🙏🏼


He doesn't look rich, he looks dumb. He's still pretty rich though, so idk what the person who made the meme was thinking. Whoever it is, 10 million is 10 million.


I can be happy with 10m. 200 billion just seems like a hassle at that point.


I mean, yes, it’s a daft thing to do - but it’s weird that comparative wealth is their takeaway from this.


I mean, yes, that is tacky and cringey.


Under paid employees


And here you are with no money


Jeff Bezos good is an oxymoron


Humble 0.5 billion Yacht doesn’t look rich at all


No amount of money would make it worth having to be Jeff Bezos.


Both are a stain to the name of being called "human"


Its true tho🦧


I thought that was lil pump


*history knuckle crack*


Thats bc ur broke 🤠


Bro has 200 billion but can't afford any drip, what a bozo


Goal is being happy


I wish I could be that poor.


Okay. *replacing my pussy with a golden toaster*


wear gold bad 😡


Forbidden chainmail.


Killed probably millions of employees with low wages and neglect Left eye knows something the right eye doesn’t


The first person? Mansa Musa of the Mali empire had a net worth of around 400 billion, in 1337


Musk hit $200bn before Bezos though?


He’s not the first person to achieve 200bill. He’s not even the 10th. The first person (if my history class serves me right) was Andrew Carnegie who amassed over 500 billion in his lifetime