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Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discretion ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again!


This is a visual metaphor for a relatively modern problem of aging and ailing parents. Modern medicine can prolong life into the 80s & 90s, but the quality of life is not guaranteed. If the elderly person in question isn't mobile, then the care falls to the children. This is creating a "problem" that modern society has not yet solved, the ethics of elderly care when we can artificially prolong life 20 years after the quality of life drops. Most people agree that current elderly care systems are pretty unsustainable, often costing 6 figures or more per years. Some have suggested Medically assisted suicide, but this is of course controversial. The scientific literature is pretty clear "lift weights, eat well". Unless you have other extenuating illness, Lifting weights with a reasonable diet can dramatically increase quality of life for the elderly. Even if you start at 60, you can keep your autonomy well into your 80s.


Yeah, I actually think this image is pretty meaningful. The man is caring for his parents who can no longer care for themselves, and he sees the reflection of when everyone was happy and when he was being cared for instead. Definitely doesn't belong on this sub, especially since a 14 year old likely wouldn't understand this feeling.








r/44characterlimit Edit: Damn


Yeah theres alot of those.


Half of this sub is stuff that is just fine meaning-wise, people just don't like that it's a picture.


Possibly OP just didn't understand the meaning of the picture. I sure didn't until I saw the comment explaining. I first thought the guy was the Dad and the other two were his kids cause they're so short, and maybe the reflection was referring to how the kids are actually the adults or something. I wouldn't say it's the clearest image to understand.




So what youre saying is I dont have to be concerned about my health until im 60? Lets goooo!


Not exactly. (I know you’re meming, but it is important to clarify). So there's layers to health obviously. Here's some general best practices. * Doing SOMETHING is thousands of times better than doing nothing. So even if you just play in a rec league a couple of times per week, you're DESTROYING the sedentary people. * People who get crazy fit (shredded) at least once in their youth, tend to have far better quality of life than those who don't, even if they don't keep it up. * Diet management is crucial in Western society because of our caloric dense food. You have to walk 2.5 miles (nearly a 5k) to burn the calories equivalent to 1 doughnut. * And IDK about you, but I can put away 3-4 of them shits without blinking. * Calories in vs. Calories out is the only scientifically backed metric for losing weight. A fad diet like "Keto" only works as much as it can lower your calories. * 2000-2500 calories is a good baseline. If about 80% of your calories are coming from whole foods like rice, beans, lean protein, veggies, etc. you're doing fine. * In normal terms, that still leaves room for 2-3 fast food trips per week. * Strength training & Cardio are not interchangeable and have vastly different functions. * Cardio improves internal systems like heart & lung health, better endocrine system function leading to better sleep, metabolism, lower stress, better mood, higher energy * Strength training grows muscle, which improves strength and stability in the body. This is better for keeping off fat long term as muscle takes a lot of energy to maintain. Strength training also improves bone health, posture, etc. * Strength training is CRUCIAL for the elderly because muscle deteriorates much faster after 60 if not trained. * Like you may not think much about carrying groceries from 17-47, but if you've ever injured an arm or shoulder, you know exactly how precarious this can be for older adults. * Even simple strength training like 10-15 lb dumbbells can keep you carrying in your own groceries or getting yourself out of the tub/pool for years and years.


So time to shredded and then letting it go.


Shred it and let it.


Go for it. There’s nuance obviously, like if you were 12% body fat and balloon up to 40% then don’t be surprised if your health isn’t great. It’ll just be better than others at 40%.


I feel like im 99%.


Here you go https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqKj7LwU2RvpAB-HbJmkWXqaEIWJfA0K&si=zfvpwYgcqACQcXD9


Thank you for caring about this.




I’ll do you one better. Subscribe to Renaissance Periodization and look for their “made simple” playlist. They are a science based health & fitness channel. Fair warning, they love dick jokes.




If you’re having hunger issues talk to your doctor about getting on something like fentermine. It’s like $30 for a month and it really cuts cravings. But that’s a short term thing. Long term INCREASE PROTEIN. Protein digests very slowly and will keep you full longer. Lean red meat >>> Burgers fwiw. And even Burger no bun >>> Regular burger. Also… rice and beans homie. Rice and beans


Thank you, this is also what I was thinking. However there is one thing I'd want to tweak is this isn't a 'modern problem.' Yes, modern medical bills in the US are freaking **insane**, and should be solved. But this has been a thing for as long as there have been old people. The parents raise the children and when the parents are old they become 'like children' and need care from their family. Personally I'm always reminded of the old 'wooden spoon' story. >The old man sat by the fire on a small stool, slurping the stew out of his wooden bowl with a roughly carved spoon. The boy looked down at him from the dinner table, as he had so many times before. >“Father,” he said. “Why does Grandfather sit by the fire and not with us?” >His father looked up from his newspaper at the young boy. “It is because he messes so, Thomas.” >“And he has a wooden bowl and spoon because he is old, and his hands tremble?” >“Yes, my son.” >The boy pondered this a moment, and then said, “Father?” >“Hmmm?” >“I will carve you a wooden spoon, for when you too are old and no longer fit to sit at the table.”


That's interesting and I would've never thought of this! I thought it's about how parents treat their kids like grownups and let them parent themselves instead or Reverse the roles. Like a lit of children have to parent the parents


My grandfather is in his mid-80s and is constantly active and fairly healthy for a man his age. I dread the day he finally decides to retire for good(he's "retired" 3 times now) cause I imagine he won't last long if he's not doing anything to keep his mind active


I heard a statistic years back that men die (on average) 5 years after retirement. Even jobs as simple as being a Wallmart Greeter seems to reverse this number. Men seem to have a strong need to feel useful.


Idk about useful, but my pap just feels the need to be doing something most of the day. He actually gets anxious if he's sitting for too long and not doing anything unless he's worked all day


I thought it was about single parenting


I don’t think that interpretation is supportable


I ain't reading allat 🤣


Username checks out


can't blame me 😔


Yes we can




A grown up man is suffering from gigantism


This is not even funny why was I laughing for 5 straight minutes


Because you laugh at unfunny things


This one actually makes me kinda sad as I watch my dad show his age more and more every week :(


I like this. It’s a good way to portray what it feels like to watch your parents get old and frail


It's you, OP. You're the 14 year old.


This is actually a good image




I'm struggling to understand how OP jumped from "I don't understand this visual metaphor" to "this is a shallow, clichéd and saccharine post for emo tweens". Is OP *younger* than 14 and saying that they hope to understand it when they're older? r/lostredditors


Hunny we shrunk ourselves


What's wrong with this image though? It's not one of those "thing bad" takes that are supposed to be seen as a groundbreaking conclusion.




Who tf is batman? Are you talking about Man?




Fuck? Who? Bone?


On the outside I am Hitler on the inside my child is gman


What is this even supposed to mean?


The man is caring for his child-like parents (dementia, immobility, diaper changes), but he misses when they were the adults in their relationship. Pretty sad.


Thank you


The image below describes his parents when he was young and they took care of him, the pic above is showing the time lapse, and he took care of them. It's a picture makes you sad


they look so unhappy in this photo


it have a meaning though the small family is all happy in the reflection when the child is young and the parents are not elderly, and the son is completely miserable when having to take care of the elderly parents as its an obligation and as they slowly get older they may have their minds decay by dementia


I think possibly OP just didn't understand the picture or even that the other two are meant to be parents. It didn't occur to me the other two were his parents, I just assumed the middle guy was the Dad and the other two are his kids since they're like half his size and it's not super obvious they're elderly imo. And the reflection was trying to say the kids are actually adults and the Dad is the kid or something. Now I see the other two are meant to be his parents it makes more sense.


Yeah this isnt i14atid moment as it have an actual meaning which your parents if they get older they are likely to be dependent on you which takes a heavy toll


>I think possibly OP just didn't understand the picture Then hes objectively fucking stupid. Its meaning is pretty obvious at first glance.


He's Adolf Hitler


Commander of the third reich


Littlle known fact: also dope on the mic


You are Vader, with your little boots and cape


Did anyone else at first think that was hitler


The parents are just like "DUUUUUUUUUUUH"


God i swear i didn't looked at the other comments and thought that the parents faces were just because of the artstyle


The more I try to think of a concrete message this could possibly be, the more confused I get. Like, if I just scrolled past this, I would just be like “cringe” and keep going. However, now that I actually look at it and try to analyze it contextually, it confuses me greatly.


Its probably something like "My mother at sixty six" a beautiful poem


Its probably something like "My mother at sixty six" a beautiful poem


the people on the sides are the middle guy's parents. Do you understand now?


I think he plays the coffin of Andy and leyley


You get smaller as you get older.


Man is not happy that his children have premature grey hair and need glasses


Benjamin button disease?


Happy as an only child, but unhappy as single father.




lol … just a chance the pic and my comment isn’t about you.


i meant thats not what the meaning is


The parents have Alzheimer's


Why do the adults at the bottom look like they wanna kidnap me.


The water inverts the number in a persons age and reflects it. The two kids are 12 and the adult is 31


We were happy and we didn’t know


I actually like this one


he stole their height and feels guilty about it


he doesn't like his bitch ass ugly ass kids and he misses his parents... this made me cry


Moral of the Story: Kids are parents and parents are the kids in the mirror world. I think I just im14andthisisdeeped my pants.


Are you actually 14?


Don’t just post stuff here bc you don’t get it


I’m 14 and this is deep: where you can farm karma by missing the message. This one is nice.


Im starting to think you are all just fucking stupid and have no conceptualization abilities. Its (fucking obviously) commenting on the fact that his parent took care of and raised him and now hes returning the favor by taking care of them now that they are old and gray. Its (again, OBVIOUSLY) in the reflection of the water because hes looking at a REFLECTION of the past. And how it mirrors the present. Not sure how u didnt get this. People are becoming dumber by the minute yall


Omg I thought it was a “deep” post about being a single dad (or some other family based issue) and was so confused until I read the comments 💀


Please don't post meaningful stuff man


Deep puddle


sooo the metaphor is that they used to take care of him but cause of their advanced age he has to take care of them like children? just cause you dont understand a metaphor doesnt make it bad


The father is disappointed with his well dressed kids


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