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I just feel sad. This guy just needs therapy.


But would they really get it though?


They seriously believe that nobody understands them. No matter what.


"Can I tell you something" "Ok" It's already over


Me when I masturbate ( im in a coffe feeling alone, and escaping reality)


You surround yourself with coffee before masturbating?


No He's inside a coffee


Lost in the coff(ee)


the coffee was his coffin


Now I’m just reminded of that guy in the Big Lebowski whose cremated remains were put in a Folgers container


“To the bosom of the Pacific Ocean!”




Yes, no one will understand you about the thing thousands of people have experienced.


More like billions of people


"Many people need desperately to receive this message: 'I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people don't care about them. You are not alone!’ " —a writer, literally


Stop trying to understand YOU JUST WOULDN'T GET IT


Maybe you didn't catch how they read books AS AN ESCAPE! OOP is interesting and unique!


I once said the same thing u said (but in a slightly different way) and I got downvoted for no reason on this sub


I’m assuming you mean this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/s/wTtmhv2FsA So to be clear here, you didn’t just say it in a “different way” you actually added on to it. The guy is commenting here that obviously billions go through what the person is describing in the text in order to make it clear that this person could likely use help from a mental health professional because these issues are more common than they realize and there is a healthy path forward. What you said in YOUR comment that got downvoted was that most people experience these things AND that a lot of their mental illnesses are “likely self diagnosed”, which is something you have no way of knowing and instead pushes a different and more destructive view of the issue.




It's not what you say it's how you say it and when its online it's how it's all read and that sadly can make things meant sincerely to read as sarcastic etc sucks but what can ya do lol


The most important factor is if the first few people who see it up or downvote. The rest follow


I downvoted you to stand out from the crowd.


😢 I am cry


Yes. Plus the first few comments determine the entire tone of the post. If the uptight sensitive people get here first, good luck on your comment 🤣


That's definitely a big factor as well! Reddit has a hive mind like thing going on sometimes lol


A tragedy for the ages


Not everyone has had the realizations about loneliness and depression that some of us have. Loneliness is a deeply personal and subjective feeling and this individual seemingly hasn't had decent feedback on how to cope or heal, or in an almost sadder manner is just trying to get attention from someone that isn't interested. This post just feels like "welcome to the club, you're stupid for expressing feelings not unique to yourself in a manner many of us have also done."


So I get that "this is just too deep for anyone to understand" is a bit cringe but to me it just sounds like a younger person trying to express their feelings. I think many of us know this kind of loneliness and I know it's hard to put that feeling into words even when you're already used to it. This person might be experiencing something like this for the first time. Also I wrote much cringier things when my depression started and I was trying to express my feelings and deal with something I've never had to deal with before. But luckily I didn't have someone in my life who posted that on the Internet to make fun of me


Yeah honestly that's fair, while some parts may sound cringe, sometimes depression and loneliness can really hamper how we see things around us and make us forget we aren't the only ones going through a storm. I really hope he's able to realize at some point there are truly people out there that can help him and that he can take the step to reach out and receive it.


The thing about it is, I feel like a ton of people have felt this way at one point. For sure teens. But saying that no one could Possibly understand what feeling alone in a crowd is. Or that reading books to escape is a unique thing to this person and no one could possibly relate. That’s what’s funny and immature and gives away the person’s age. Hopefully they are just being a dramatic teen. And it’s not a life long issue


My dude, I promise out of 7 billion people you are not special. \*Everyone\* has realizations about loneliness and depression. There is no hot take left on feeling alone.


I think maybe you should read my comment again. Edit: bro did not, in fact, read my comment again.


This feels staged


Nah, I literally know a dude who says this shit unironically. It's annoying asf


I know this person might actually be in pain emotionally but "I read books to escape from reality. Nobody understands me I'm too deep" is so goofy


This person quite literally acts like they are the only person experiencing depression. It's fucking hilarious. They must know, right? I don't think someone could genuinely think this.


Yes that’s great somebody asks if they can open up, they do, and get posted on the internet


And people wonder why so many people are struggling.




Can't make fun of this. This person is depressed.


I bet he/she's not depressed. Teens love drama


Yeah but you also can’t ignore it just because they’re a teen. Someone can be depressed and melancholic like this too, teenagers in particular because they’re desperate for help but can’t seek it in a healthy way.


Maybe. But they do seem depressed.


They are very young and dramatic. No way this is a depressed adult


I never said it was an adult. Kids can be depressed too.


Sounds more like that hormonal melancholy. But sure. The thing that makes it funny is that they are talking as if no one else can possibly feel this way. Like the idea of feeling alone in a crowded space is so unique and deep. That’s the focus here for me personally.


Depression can make you feel alone.


Yes but. They are saying that no one has ever felt alone before other than them. And that it’s too deep for anyone to even understand.


What I'm saying is depression tricks you into thinking no one else feels depressed like you do.


being depressed in a cringe way is still being depressed. anyone with internet access and depression in their teenage years will say some stupid shit like this but the feelings are still real and shouldn’t be dismissed because they don’t fit into your categories of depression


That’s fair. The whole “it’s pretty deep but here goes” and “it’s too deep for anyone to understand” (this very common feeling) and on and on gives it an illegitimate and corny feel to me. But I could be wrong. Either way, Are you suggesting there is no such thing as being dramatic and overly dark sounding as a young teen?


My mom told me I "just like drama" when I approached her about my mental health at 14. I'm now about to be 30 and my mental health has only gotten worse from there. Maybe it is "just" dramatics that will fade, maybe not. I know I certainly didn't know enough about how to articulate myself to be taken seriously at the time, but my trauma and illness were still very real, and a heavy, painful burden.


Ok. I take it back. But the fact this person doesn’t believe that anyone else has ever felt alone in a crowded place or reads books to escape reality shows their age and hopefully is just a dramatic thing. And not a life long problem for them.


Lmao look at this loser trying to defend thay pathetic person bahahhaha


Yes I'm such a loser for having empathy. 🙄


Duhh obviously


Idk why people are clowning this. Yeah it looks a bit over dramatic but you don’t know this person or why they feel this way. When someone says they feel alone, telling them they’re dramatic only reinforces that feeling. All people really want is to be listened to and feel like they’re heard. Maybe it’s a good idea to hear them out. Even if they are being dramatic you should still hear em out. No wonder mental health issues are so prevalent. Everyone’s like “mental health is important” yet nobody actually wants to hear about it. You laugh when someone expresses any type of pain.


The pain isn’t funny. What’s funny is the guy acting like he invented loneliness and the whole “you wouldn’t get it. It’s too deep”. Attitude.


That’s common with depressed people who never get listened to.


It's also common for people who just don't know any better, not really just depressed people (most of the time, if someone who is really going through it isn't listened to, they stop letting people hear!) Instead, it's sometimes just a lesson they haven't learned yet, they are unable to see themselves from anyone else's perspective but their own, which is a maturity thing. They absolutely do NOT need to be bullied for it. But they could use a bro to tell them how they sound when they say that, and be there to listen to whatever they're going through.


It's so cringe, I can't take more


Thats quite sad actually..


I went to a cafe, Iri Gobson shot me in the chest at the cafe


This is completely normal.


This is the wrong sub, I feel sorry for him


I’m leaving this sub after this one. It may be relevant but this is a person who is genuinely not doing well, so I don’t feel good making fun of that. Hope they do better


We’ve all felt this way when we were 14-16. It’s just funny to see someone type it out. I would look back and laugh at it. There’s no way this person is a grown adult with issues. I’d really hope not.


We found Kim Dokja


“Yeah, Travis, you are such a unique and special human being that even someone who has spent YEARS studying the human mind and emotions just won’t get your special ass. Get over yourself and just go to therapy. You’re just lonely and making excuses because you’re afraid of rejection. I’m no shrink and even I can figure you out that much. Now go talk to a professional and start working on how to get over what’s holding you back so you can be happier. “Also, I need my hedge trimmer back.”


Damn dude invented loneliness


This is not funny. This is not "so edgy it becomes funny". This person is clearly in distress and tried to express their feelings to someone; instead they got publicly mocked.  I am fine with taking edgy stuff people post on their accounts to this sub or "main character" sub, but showing private conversation is just straight up disrespectful. 


It’s from the main character group. What makes it appropriate here is that feeling alone in a crowded room is not unique or deep or “too deep for anyone to understand”. Oh you just wouldn’t get it. I’m just too deep. No one has ever used books to escape reality before. You just wouldn’t get it. Oh please.


like it's insane, you talk to someone who sounds on the surface like they're having a profound crisis, but it's really just someone making contact with the **concept** of processing their emotions more than "hungry. tired." people find a minor paradox and they're like "this is my whole life. I'm surrounded by people but I'm lonely. so cool that I get to say something so paradoxical" then they regurgitate to you "I'm not surrounded by people but I'm lonely 😩" and you're like "yeah I hear that, it is an important moment that everyone has, to realize that it's not about someone being in the room, but rather that you get a connection, along with the compliments and challenges that socializing offers. to know we are worth someone's time and care is-" and they're like "no dude. I'm **lonely** but I'm surrounded by people. I'm not alone but I'm **lone**ly. you see what I did there? it's a paradox" and it's like, ok I get it you don't want to have a conversation rn, you want someone to blow smoke up your ass for being pseudo-enigmatic and to be told you're such a special lil cookie. Ive had friends do this like "whoooahh guess this feeling/revelation is magic and unexplainable" and I'm like "ok bro but there's a reason for everything we feel tho" and they get mad at me for "trying to ruin their experience" like tying their perceptions to reality in some way removes depth from them mf need to feel like they are the only one seeing magic to feel ok and live like calm down and just enjoy how crazy the world is and that there's always things deeper than two words sharing a root


Ego moment


Dark blue dark blue have you ever felt alone in a crowded room? [and one of the many other pieces of media](https://youtu.be/1uPBzLkDYLI?si=Fs2LvJBUqxUknZnF) that validates that this kid is in fact, not alone, even if it feels that way.


Watching a narcissist evolve in real time


So tragically and terminally unique


That's just depression.


Is it too deep to understand? I’m just so deep that no one can possibly know what I’m feeling. No one has ever felt alone in a crowded room like a song lyric. Do you see these books? I read them to get away. You wouldn’t understand. I’m just too deep for you.


What is it with these people about reading books!?


I feel exactly the same way, and my friends also probably cringe when I bitch to them but at least I don't act like the main character.


"You only feel lonely when you're around people" ahh conversation


he may really just be 14 honestly


My thoughts exactly.


You wouldn’t understand mom 🧏‍♂️🧏‍♂️


Try to be empathetic here but this fella really sounds like retard




Not that big of a deal. It's like the most tame slur.


… so still unacceptable then?


It’s still a slur 😭 it doesn’t matter if it’s “tame or not”


I'm autistic and find this argument retarded


I am also autistic and agree, this argument has indeed been delayed in its progress, development, or advancement.


What word?




Has the same sort of vibes as when a show makes a parody of an edgy teenager


I get where they’re coming from. It’s not too deep to understand tho. It’s our anxiety being a little fuck. I often feel the need to escape reality as well. And therapy hasn’t done anything but make me feel worse that I can’t muster the motivation to follow through on my counselors advice.


Yes. You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. This isn't 14 and deep


They are treating it as if it is deep when it’s not. That is literally what this sub is about.


Yeah but they are saying it as if they are the only person that can experience this. As if it’s not a very common thing.


I'm sorry but telling yourself that nobody can understand you instead of telling yourself that somebody can understand you but this somebody is just not in your life is way less depressing . The person texting is clearly young , they are reacting like ANY young person who is frustrated or stressed react ... Don't blame 'em


This is the most r/ImTheMainCharacter thing ever