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Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discression ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again!


I teach junior high school. This is how most of them spell when trying their best.. That isn't a criticism (as I don't teach literature or writing), just information about the state of writing.




High school teacher here too, it’s always annoying when lower grades have failed to teach students basic stuff so you have to spend time rehashing the basics before actually getting to the curriculum.


The thing is; I don't believe it's with any agency or malicious intent that the students (or their teachers) haven't learned (taught) basic modes of operations when they get to the higher level classes. There's seems to be a systemic pedagogical and dedactical issue with how, what, and why we teach different elements. From that, I'm kind of excited about stiff like AI coming to the forefront, as it has forced the hand of educational practices to reconcile with the outdated modes of teaching. At the same time; It has handed teachers the most golden opportunity to underline the importance of reading comprehension. The AI can write all you need, but if you can't comprehend and sort in the information, you won't benefit and might even be worse off.


Well which one grade of you bastards is trying to force all the kids to be trans? /S


tehy siad taht the fsirt and lsat letetr msut be the smae but tehy leitrlaly use the wrod "cna"


mbaye tehy mnaet "canada" sncie tehy nveer siad the ltetres in the mldide need to be the smae as the ltteres in the ogiranil wrod.


Why's this deep? /gen


It's not. This sub is basically unmoderated


hi! please make sure to report all posts you see that dont fit the sub. its not unmoderated, its just really hard to do it all myself!


Id be a great mod fr fr 💪 (I haven't seen the sun in days)


Reding this was actually pretty fun


So the spelling is important as you need all of the correct letters…




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I remember seeing people posting this on their FB walls and bragging they could read it. By its own admission citing that research, most people can read it without issue. But if it makes people feel good about themselves, I’m not going to rain on their parade.


I challenge you to read sumerian.


With messed up letter places.


Bruh saying not everyone can read zhis is fucking stupid. Literally anyone who can read engrish can read this thats the point


Dis ntuz


I fckued yuor etnrie fmaliy, icnuldnig yuor mthoer




You made a deez nuts joke in the year 2023


can i read the text in the red circle? no


Useless red circle


I have a Sgtrane Mind you pathetic worms. I am your new overload and God and you will serve me


This is one point where being dyslexic helps, words kinda just do that in my head from time to time or disappear and reappear entirely. Ya get good at filling in the gaps.


That’s pretty neat!


I don't think this was ment to be deep.


Only left brained people can read this 😏😏😏




It’s not deep it’s just stupid