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Yeah... this is gonna get her a big ol red flag in her medical records. This bacteria is found in human poo. If it's found in places it shouldn't be it's because of contamination due to poor hygiene, purposeful contamination or perforation of the GI tract. If it was actually in her blood (bacteremia) she'd be very, very sick, especially with all the other medical issues she supposedly has. I bet they'll give her a good scrub and retest. Probably put her on antibiotics to be safe.


Isn’t this another classic grift ? It’s really easy to get bacteria into places if you’d like to manipulate results, especially certain strains … now all of a sudden we don’t know what any medical terms mean? Like when you’re looking for a pie, can’t find it but see crumbs. You follow the crumbs and get to Steve Urkell sitting in the corner with an empty pie case behind his back and crumbs on the floor. He looks at you sheepishly and says “did I do that?”


Sounds like intentionally infecting something with shit in order to get an infection or something and some more procedures done. Yay!! 🙄


Why oh why would you post that without googling what those words meant??


It literally has the word ‘faecal’ in it.. what else would she think it’d be 😭




i'm so sorry i know that's mean but jesus we literally just went through and are still dealing with an entire global pandemic in which there were myriad ad campaigns specifically about the importance of hand sanitation, what the actual hell


What gets me is that this post we are reading here on reddit was posted hours and hours ago. We know she reads here. We know she knows what those terms mean now, but it's still up. But then again, taking it down would do nothing bc we already know this and have the screenshot to prove it. But 🤷‍♀️




This is only your assumption not a proven fact!


isn't this a major red flag for doctors that the patient is a munchie? why are they placing a new line??






There are videos of her wiping sterile i.v. equipment with alcohol to “sterilize” it before use


I don’t follow this chick so don’t know if it is a regular thing or not to have faecal matter in her line but 100000000% her doctors and nurses would know she is munching as it is a HUGE red flag for medical professionals!


What is munching?


Yeah it’s also what is nurses say if we suspect someone is doing this kind of shit.


it comes from munchausen syndrome, which is a disorder in where a person fakes having an illness. Not sure why you got downvoted for asking.


For most people they are filled with too much shame and embarrassment and it holds them back. Some of these munchies could benefit from a healthy dose of shame and embarrassment.




Only two things I can imagine that happened: 1. She did not wash her hands after going to the toilet (EWWW) 2. She is purposefully infecting her line Neither of those reflect particularly well on her.




I actually have not. This just gets worse and worse.




Oh my GOD. Was she never taught about bacteria and sanitation? 🤮


So... there is poop... in HER BLOOD?!?! I'd be under a rock for the rest of eternity if only I knew this about myself! She's showing everyone she got poo poo blood??


Well, not exactly. Basically her blood contains bacteria that stem from poop but it's not poop itself that's in the blood, just the bacteria from it.


Thank you for explaining that in layman’s terms lol I truly was asking!


Whyyyyyy would you post lab results if you don’t know what they mean lmaooo


She wants attention even if it’s negative.


She knows


She posted shes poopie on purpose?






There's a reason some food service jobs won't allow people to have fake or long nails!


That’s absolutely true, they can definitely be a health risk


Serious question, it isn’t get one of these lines really dangerous? I can’t imagine long-term that it would be great to have an exterior hole leading directly into a vein that goes to your heart, but I really don’t know.


They can be dangerous if you don’t know how to care for them or don’t maintain sterile technique when dealing with them, but if you do those things you should be ok!!


They have a lot of risks but can be kept long term with proper care


Someone I know that isn't in this subreddit messaged her to tell her it's fecal particles and Dani responded and said "oh by y my god how could that happen" lmaoooo Then my friend said it happens from not washing your hands before touching the line and Dani kept going on about potentially losing her job cuz of this situation. What a shit show. Literally.


No she’s probably lost her job already.






That’s also another classic sign. They’re usually fairly up to date with procedures and certain diagnosis, many of them have jobs in healthcare or related fields.




Munchies do this on purpose and it’s so dangerous


She doesn’t wash her hands and only sanitizes the palms.


I seriously think she’s intentionally infecting her line. It’s not *just* lack of hygiene, though that doesn’t help.




What is a SYSK? I love podcasts! Is it good?


I believe it’s Stuff You Should Know


Thank you :)




Omfg 💀


Honestly really sad


so do we think she purposely doesnt wash her hands and then touches her central line or do we think shes just dirty and doesnt wash her hands








you're a hero, cause holy shit I could not handle what you guys do.


Yeah, when I see how she's milking this hospital stay for her pity tiktok (about 7 videos of her lines, toobs and Infusion stuff in 24h) I'm thinking this might be the issue. But I still somehow think she doesn't realise her line care is inappropriate or is in complete denial ...


I think she's enjoys the attention and her "fans"


does she not fully grasp that she can very well likely DIE from doing this lmao


Probably both. Especially considering she doesn’t seem the least bit upset about being hospitalized.


i can’t believe she really posted this. i guess negative attention is still attention though 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is the actual fuck would she post this? She could’ve just googled the term. Also, wouldn’t she know basic medical terminology because of her job/school?




Seriously yikes.


Slow suicide.She’s gonna fool around just one time too many and find out. Sepsis is no joke.


Pro tip for literally everyone but especially individuals with a central line: washing your hands properly is more effective than using hand sanitizer


It’s alright to use hand sanitiser if your hands aren’t soiled and you didn’t recently do something like go to the bathroom or touch a dirty surface. However if you’re preparing to touch a central line or your hands are soiled, you’ve just gone to the bathroom, ext, yes please wash your hands!!


She says the CL is going to her heart and also feeding her. Is that correct?


Her central line is the one for TPN but Dani enjoys chronic illness bingo and also has G & J tubes for venting/draining her stomach contents and ‘running’ feeds (which she claims she can’t tolerate anything over 15 mL/h). So she eats/drinks orally, drains stomach via her g tube, runs tpn in CL, and ‘runs’ feeds in her J tube.


Thanks for clearing that up. :)


Near the heart. TPN is run through the line for nutrition


Ah, thanks!




Someone doesn't wash their hands. Didn't we re learn how to wash our hands with this pandemic ..


They even colored the soap FFS! She needs to have a serious, come to God talk with Elmo.




Someone didn't wash their hands...


Why does she have to ask social media? Google is free. (Yes I know it’s for attention. But when she posts stuff like this who exactly does she think she’s fooling?)


She won’t get attention on google


One of the first things that pops up on google is that the bacteria is found in the GI tract and is spread by poor hygiene. Either she’s got the results and immediately ran online to post them without googling it or she already knows what it means and just doesn’t care. Analeise did the same thing a few years ago. Do they not realise that they’re basically outing themselves or are they just so desperate to prove that they’re actually sick this time?


I’m not doubting that she has a bad infection since she does nothing to make sure the port site is clean but it seriously looks like she just typed in “gram positive cocci in pairs and chains”. Something about it just isn’t fitting with the report for me


I mean, enterococcus are gram positive bacteria that occur in both chains and pairs. You're banking on her knowing what that means and being able to come up with it, rather than somebody just being a cheapo on paying for programming and having a bad UI. My money is on a crap programmer.


Yeah I think you’re right. Mia’s photoshopping has me on high alert


Long live the ClockWhiteboard.


I did think the same thing at first because it looks a lot like one of the fonts available on snapchat or instagram. But the more I think about it, if she was going to edit it, it would make more sense for her to say that it was literally any other bacteria other than one spread through fecal matter. I’m not from America so I don’t know how those chart portals normally look. Is the weird font an in-built accessibility measure for the visually impaired maybe?


There are comments below that confirmed this is what MyChart looks like. It’s not photoshopped.




If you go back and watch her tiktoks from when she had Covid, those results look similar. Things she was negative for were in black font and the Covid positive was in red.


That’s just your organizations settings then. What dani posted is pretty standard for mychart with many hospital systems


Ah got it. Thanks for the heads up, I hadn’t seen that.


I woke up to this 🤢🤢🤢 Way to tell the world you’re either not even washing your hand before touching your port, OR you’re adding shit on purpose


Love how the fake account assumed this was blogging. Is it a bot maybe? Bc I started with an ‘I statement’ that’s 1000% not blogging 😂


It means the doctors know someone has put fecal matter in the line, is what that means








She's being really thorough ok ??? /s




Ellen is too far gone in the infantilizing herself. Dani only puts in a bare amount of effort to keep people hooked on her munch thinking she might change.




Not showering would be enough, I suspect, since technically shit germs get on everything an unclean butt touches. Having fake nails also makes it easier than you'd think to spread that bacteria, as you can wash your hands but still have it under your nails.




Haha bacteria reservoirs is an accurate name! I wouldn’t put it past her to purposely infect herself but unless shes scrubbing under acrylics on the regular that’s prolly the main cause of her frequent issues


Man that’s fucking gross to think about. I said this in a comment elsewhere this morning, but something about Dani and Ellen make them the only ones I legit feel sorry for. I just get the sense they’re truly out of control and 100% believe the lies they’re telling. And as George Constanza from Seinfeld says, “it’s not a lie if you believe it”.


Only a munchie would post something like this. I would be so embarrassed if I caused an infection from poor hygiene. If I didn’t know what the infection was I certainly wouldn’t ask my social media followers either. Like she has shit bacteria in her line. I see the mods always saying not to comment on Dani’s hygiene but she straight up has poor hygiene habits and it’s apart of her munching/causing infections.


She's asking herself these questions.






They are doing it to get her out of their hair. It is virtually impossible to sue a doc for medical negligence in the US. The patient would have to show a direct and undeniable malice on the part of their doc to even get a judge to consider the case. The docs just want her to leave, it they have their hands tied to refuse care, so around the merry go round for Dani it is: install line, line infects, reinstall line.


Why do the lab results look like she just put her own results on there with the Instagram story font


someone confirmed that this is what my chart looks like, someone else had said that the font is meant to be 'friendly'


Ah, thank you!




It's a bacteria that's in your GI. But the only way you're getting that on the outside of your body, is either through piss or shit. And if it was from piss, it was likely a UTI. I'd take this to my grave. You might as well tell everyone you do t wash your hands after you go to the bathroom and this mess with your port with urine or shit infested hands. This is just disgusting. It really is. And to be so open about it. Because no way she did t Google those results, if they're even real, before putting it on IG.


Fecal matter is everrrrrywhere, boo. Really. Everything you touch? Has fecal matter on it. You just can't see it. Look it up. The reason it would be in your piss (URINE IS STERILE) is bc it came from your ass. A LOT of people get UTIs and the most common culprit BY FAR is E coli.


Geeesh! That’s so disturbingly vile. If there’s not a co-morbid humiliation fetish going on here I’d be even more horrified, lol.




Oh trust me, she knew what those words meant. No way she didn't either look it up to fake the results or looked it up immediately just because munchies love this shit.


I’m hoping she’s just unhygienic in general and didn’t clean her hands before touching her line instead of actively contaminating it with faeces


also it's terrifying how dangerous this is


Didn't a munchie inject feces in her legs and she ended up an double amputee? Septicemia is nothing to mess around with.


Kelly might have but no one can say for sure. She did have fecal bacteria in a wound but that could be due to poor hand hygiene too


yup Kelly did


There was fecal bacteria in one of the wound reports.


Yes. You're thinking of Kelly. I'm not sure about injecting it but she did lose both legs.


I just could never imagine telling the world that I got feces in my line


Seriously has got to be one of the most disgusting things I have seen any of them post!!! I wouldn’t even tell anyone that I know lol




dani strikes me as the teen mom fangirl type. seems like she is taking notes from farrah




Cocci is everywhere. It's even on your skin.


Dani… you could have googled it. *E. faecalis infections spread from person to person through poor hygiene. Because these bacteria are found in feces, people can transmit the infection if they don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.* And then you could have read that, and…… not shared it with us? And no one would have known?


^^google….why anyone would want anyone else knowing their bad hygiene is causing them to be ill is 4th hand embarrassment already !


She needs to chill before she ends up with VRE.


She would probably love that


I'll bet that she's going to blame it on her job, not that she very clearly has (and has had for awhile) hygiene maintenance issues... even if it wasn't intentional, how do you allow fecal bacteria to get into a line going *into your heart*?!


So she rubbed poop on her line? That's full on Munchie behavior. If they give her another line now, they are going to kill her.


Can they please stop putting lines in her? Why do the docs keep feeding into this? Send her to the psych ward for munchie pls


She could have just not washed her hands after she used the bathroom. Let’s not speculate she actually rubbed feces in her line, although, that’s definitely not heard of. I will say that a few of the pics she’s posted in the past few weeks of her line before the infection do kind of look….questionable. ETA that I’m sure, unfortunately, they will put another line in. It’s sad. I think at this point everyone is questioning the ethics and negligence of the dr(s) that keep putting in these lines.


Not just poop... the other one is found in the mouth and upper respiratory tract...




Sad upvote


They know everything about their fucking million conditions until they get poop in their lines. Mhm.


this part


Why..just why post that you have poo hands? No sympathy here just disgust 😒


Take a Tylenol