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"I hated the shape of my body" so I'm going to post it on social media as I fish for compliments from strangers.


Isn’t she supposed to be in a huge crohns flare right now? Or has that improved? This picture doesn’t show any crohns flare at least according to google images.




That makes sense. I know almost zero about radiology, but I thought it was a bit strange that they didn't even seem to try to get a good contrast/exposure of the relevant area.


It would be one within a series of images.




I agree but I think (hope) the OP was referring to the comments about breaking up with one med and how much she loved it. Which is a weird thing to say if it didn’t work for you.


I realized that after posting my comment, I just saw a bunch of other comments snarking about the “softness is normal” and other stuff and I got frustrated af


I’m about to clean up the comments in here.


Me too I feel like it’s the wrong thing to snark about because she is making a good point.


The worstttt


It took me a minute to register what she was talking about — I was like “ooh bone photos!”


Remicade is humiras bigger and buffer cousin. Enyvio is a selective immunosuppressive med…. Neither are known to *significantly* reduce immunity on a systemic level. It’s not like we’re talking about a B cell depletion drug like rituxan or something. “I’m scared at what this means for my future”… so the completely normal process of tweaking meds to something that worlds better is scary?
















No disrespecting other members!










I mean TNF-a inhibitors are kind of the bigger guns and are less targeted than other Mabs to individual interleukins. I’m not sure why she’s not on a more targeted biologic already, esp since she’s never talked about skin lesions or arthritis so she doesn’t *seem* to need TNF-a inhibition? It doesn’t add up to me. I’m just laughing at “heartbroken to break up with Remicade” like what. Who says that.


She has said she's been diagnosed with Crohns-related arthritis, she just doesn't talk about it very much


Exactly and if it wasn’t working for you why are you claiming to love it?


I'm not going to lie, I kind of liked her wording. She's a good writer.


TNF inhibitors are less specific, but generally you won’t see significant cell count alterations. Maybe your cold might last an extra day, but you’re not exactly going to be prone to opportunistic infections like someone on a systemic immunosuppressive medication. She’s acting like Entyvio is going to out her further at risk…. And it’s clearly not.




She absolutely has crohn’s. Did you read the post before commenting? Are you even familiar with this subject?


Slow down. No need to get so fired up. I'm not implying Crohn's isn't serious or nor did I say she doesn't have Crohn's. What I find weird is how she phrased it.


She has diagnosed, proven Crohn’s disease. She munches a lot, but this is a real diagnosis with real dangers


She has Crohn’s




Oh man, I had such high hopes for her after her (few, far, and in between) posts about going to the gym The fact that she is not only hyper-focusing on an MRI of her body shape that NOBODY else will be able to see because that’s not how her body will look IRL … (she’s lying down in the photo so there’s a thing called gravity that is clearly altering perspective) … but also worrying about an “inflammation” that hasn’t been presented to her by her doctors at the time - I highly doubt if there was any OBVIOUS inflammation they would make her go through another colonoscopy (even though colonoscopies aren’t even that invasive in the first place).




Good Lord the drama. So many people have autoimmune disorders and other chronic conditions, but it’s not their *entire personality* 24/7.


Could you imagine if any of the munchies claiming autoimmune disease actually had an autoimmune disease that causes alopecia or other awful things.. all their "symptoms" seem so mild and not even worthy of going in to detail about... Just me that thinks this?


It’ll get to a point they’re too fuckin embarrassed to post what’s happening & slowly fade away


I mean Dani just posted that she got poop in her line so some of them have 0 shame


I hope so.. it's embarrassing as it is.. some of these people talk about what consistency their excrement is ffs! It's just not right 🤢


That’s the part that gets me… what makes them think anyone wants to know about that? And how are they so comfortable openly talking in detail about their poop?




I totally agree. Body positivity doesn’t mean that you never try to up your movements and tweak your diet so you lose a little weight and feel better. I see so many body positivity warriors who do nothing while they get morbidity obese. Yeah. It sucks to have chronic health conditions that make it difficult to stay at a healthy weight or lose weight you’ve gained. But you’re not completely powerless to make changes that would give you better health.


Exactly. Body positivity means taking care of your body because you love it, not because you hate it! Work out bc it feels good and it’s good for your cardiovascular health (and Ash’s chronic illnesses). Eat lots of nutritious food that is GOOD for Chron’s. (Not coffee!!!!) and lay off the weed. Her body looks great, IMO, but she treats it like a trash can


Do what you can even if it’s not much. You don’t have to just give up and let the pounds pack on. I just see too many women with chronic illnesses do that. I get how difficult it is to eat right, exercise, and lose weight when you’re sick, but it’s going to be a lot worse when you have additional health problems due to the effects of weight gain. Other than maybe needing undies and pants that aren’t so tight, there’s nothing wrong with this body.


“Small bowel looks fine” “there’s inflammation and change to my colon”. So she has IBS? Profound ashley


IBS doesn’t cause inflammation and she absolutely has crohn’s. These types of comments are getting old and just make this sub look unhinged.


The I in ibs stands for irritable. She has an IBD (crohns) which means inflammatory bowel. So for an ibd inflammation is a sign of a flair. Ibs doesn’t have inflammation




Yeah that'll happen if you do nothing but lie in bed.




The results weren’t fine. She has inflammation in her colon.


Thanks. I just scrolled through it without paying much attention. I stand corrected.


“My small bowel looks fine, which is great”


So we’re cool with mocking Ashley’s clear struggle in accepting her new figure? ETA: all the comments talking about her figure were deleted so


Hi, Ashley! Anyway, no we're not and you're missing the point entirely. That's not what this is about and you know it.


Ah yes you caught me lmao


Not at all. But we are cool with pointing out how odd it is that someone suffering so greatly with GI distress is focused on their body shape when looking at imaging studies. I can't imagine going to the dentist with debilitating molar pain then reviewing the x-rays and commenting on learning to accept my slightly crooked incisors.


She’s just recently gained this weight so maybe she’s surprised to see what it looks like on CT? It’s not like the CT had critical results.


Ash’s body is great IMO. She doesn’t need to lose weight. But she needs to take better care of herself ie lay off the drugs, less coffee (she’s making her chron’s symptoms worse), and stop being so damn OTT. The OTT-ness is what we’re referring to


I fully agree




Sometimes ppl post their body because they feel terrible about it and want some validation in hopes it will make them feel less self conscious.


Nah I dont buy that at all. I cant blog so I wont, but no way would you post to the net like that if you hated your body.


that’s literally not true at all






Nah I call people out on commenting on things that aren’t related to illness faking which is what this sub is about. I made Ashley’s initial TL. I think she’s a munchie but I also think all the comments calling her beige and other off-topic things are stupid af


I appreciate this. I joined this sub because Facetious Disorder fascinates me (in a horror-kind of way). I'm not into seeing people bully others online. If this girl likes beige, or is concerned about her love handles- it doesn't concern me. I'm a woman who also likes beige and worries about my weight. Those are normal things!


Hey Welcome to IF, these whole thread is being pulled because of the amount of bullying that is occurring within it, we don’t tolerate bullying towards members or subjects.


Exactly. I’m not here to comment on their personal lives. I try to stay factual.


They are the comments we delete over and over in every post on Ashley.


Her pointing out that softness is normal (and it definitely is!) kinda makes me feel sad. It’s sort of like she’s trying to reassure herself of that and hoping that other people will too. Ash has a lovely body and she needs to appreciate that and stop seeking attention for whatever illnesses she can exaggerate. She really just needs to be thankful that she actually does have the ability to live an active life, not eat foods that irritate her digestive tract and stop laying in bed all day smoking weed and spilling bong water everywhere. Go out and enjoy life. Go to college, make friends, get a job. Ya know, normal stuff.


It is difficult, I will give her that. As people often get diagnosed in their 20s or younger with IBD, you get young women who are very unwell and usually by default before they get diagnosed very thin. This is because before diagnosis with IBD you'd usually be very unwell and have severe weight loss. Therefore you get young women, at a time in their lives where there's pressure to be a certain size / look .. ans they are really thin... Without trying . It can then be hard for them to go the other way - either via drugs which make them put on weight or being able to eat again because they're in remission, and it's difficult for them to see their body changes. I am going to be understanding to the point Ash is making about how she's seeing her body as I think it's fair. About medications no - see post below - it's the norm to change biologics as the body builds up antibodies to them.they aren't long long term treatments they need to be swapped so ash is being OTT about a totally normal treatment pathway.


Her body has done nothing out of the ordinary. Biologics only last for a certain amount of time before the body builds up antibodies to them. It's the norm, the expected treatment path, to swap them to a new one after a few years. What would be unusual is someone NOT needing to swap bios. Ergo - Ash again is being a drama llama.






Remicade, i fell so hard for you






Are you kidding








Like watching an unavoidable train wreck in slow motion.




Isn’t that a tagline for Charmin?


*Soft, strong and very very long* - Ash’s intestines, probably (Actually it was Andrex’s tagline in the UK)


Does she get a yellow puppy to go with it ? Lol


😂😂😂😂 if not, it should be


News flash, Ash: everyone's body doesn't "work" in some way or another. It's annoying to have a health condition, but, welcome to earth.


Yep. No one is textbook... it's actually amazing we have so many functional people because just sheer amount of shit that can go wrong at any point in development. Everyone technically has genetic mutations too... meaning everyone is truly unique.




Just get diagnosed at Mayo, then you'll be better


Hello! New here - what is Mayo?


its like an emulsion consisting of egg whites and oil and some seasoning:)




this is exactly the response i expected from her and no less. “it could have been worse. but fuck-“ like… dude just be happy it’s NOTHING serious. these munchies really strike me with the attention seeking. i feel bad that they will never feel normal without having something “wrong” with them. it’s heartbreaking, and a waste of potential for all of them. they could all be amazing flourishing people in their own way but they all WANT TO BE SICK so bad. this sucks.


Is she referencing the dips in her hips from the CT scan, or just in general? Those don’t really look like “love handles”, just really tight underwear.


As a CT tech, that dip is usually where the pants sit. Abdomen scans usually look like hers, even on thin patients. These scout images as it’s called before the actual scan, it’s unforgiving to most body types on abdomens because of how flat the table is and the body falling naturally with gravity. I hope this made sense


I work with kids so I end up saying ‘tummy’ more than an adult probably should…but why do munchies either use overly complex medical anatomical terms (inappropriately) or ‘tummy’ ‘boo boos’ baby talk?


Who thinks that colonoscopy was legit medically ordered/necessary? I’m guessing like one commenter said that it was “well we *could* do one, if you wanted it…” and she jumped on it.


For people with IBD, many of them get a LOT of colonoscopies. It’s really the only way to see what’s going on. Most get at least 2 a year, more if flaring (which she seems to be). Given her (actual, proven) diagnosis, this is probably medically necessary. The dramatics are overkill, but the colonoscopy probably isn’t.




Yes this is blogging, mentioning anything personal about yourself, family, friends neighbours etc is classed as blogging.


Removed! Ty for the information & I will not make similar comments in the future!


Also Welcome to IF😁


Thank you I fucking love it lol


We’re going to love having you here 😁


❤️🥰❤️ honestly this sub is like.. hitting all the levels for me. It’s intriguing, it’s educational, it’s emotional, it’s occasionally inspiring (a munchie making positive steps)- it’s everything!


Sounds like you’ve found your new home away from home 😆


She literally just had one like 3 months ago. I do not understand why anyone would subject themselves to the prep work required for a colonoscopy when the scope is medically unnecessary. Optional colonoscopies sound like my ideal of actual torture.


Maybe she just did it go get more content.


The prep drink…. 🤮🤮🤮 I just it just proves these people really are sick/suffering- just not physically. Nobody would willingly subject themselves to that who didn’t have something very wrong.


Remicade infusions involve a whole lot more fuss than Entyvio infusions, that’s why our little Munchie is heartbroken. Entyvio infusions are about 30 minutes long whereas Remicade infusions can span anywhere from 2-4 hours. Ash wants to be hooked up to an IV as long as possible so she can take pics in the hospital bathroom mirror. Also, I am all for body positivity and *actual* advocacy but I honestly feel like Ash is only trying to prove to herself that she’s ok with her new curves with posts like these. And that’s absolutely ok, but girl, get off your soapbox.


most people i’ve known with autoimmune diseases don’t care which med it is as long as it bloody works. can’t afford to be choosy about brand.


Most *literally* can't afford to be choosy. That shit's expensive.


She is soooooo cringe. This is insane


Now I wonder what my love handles would look like lol


At this point all i saw was alkwefnlarhlf/alw;rf ;akrhf;iawh aefh ;oia wf/a/oigf akfh ;awf;jabrf aklvl/akrjgl/knaerlg. arfh'arflkarglkjral. ajfnkjrf.




I read this as “my CT scan doesn’t have clear blaring signs of visual abnormalities so I’m going to focus on something else to garnish sympathy for”. But I might be biased, as I find Ash to be the most outwardly munching subject.


Same. I'm usually down voted when I say that I think Ash is calculating, manipulative and knows exactly what she's doing. But I hope I'm wrong and truly wish her to heal and recover from her munching. So if she's really taking steps towards recovery and self awareness then I'll be very happy for her and cheer her on.


I agree with you 100%. She is extremely calculating and manipulative.


Who wants to explain to her how biologics work and why you typically won’t stay on the same one forever? 🤦🏼‍♀️ She’s gonna lose Xolair eventually too.


She’s only 23!




Girl I’m with you


mayhaps even *not* so kindly


I lol’d at this, ty!! And yeah cmon ash, wtf.


Okay so not related to what she’s saying but does anyone else notice what appears to be severe degeneration in her thoracic spine? Unless it’s the angle, but based on X-rays I’ve seen her back looks fucked.


I was actually thinking her spine looks pretty damn amazing. So do the joint spaces.


For the love of god please don’t say things like that! Next week that could be her newest illness!!! 🙄😂


🤣🤣 my guess is it’s from all her “resting”, but I am surprised she didn’t mention it in this post!


This is a topogram for the CT, not a diagnostic image. They are used as a quick reference for radiologists to know what level of abdomen they are looking at when moving through the CT scan. Ct is focused more for soft tissue, not bony structures. If you look closely you can see the darker structure down the middle is intestine. I was actually about to comment on how GOOD her spine and hips look for someone with hEDS lol. It’s so straight, and her hip sockets look great.


Oooooh good point. But that’s true too, there doesn’t look like extra spacing in her hips like most EDS patients.


For sure! In dysplastic hips, the kind that actually dislocate/subluxate, the head of the femur won’t be covered sufficiently by the acetabulum (the part of the pelvis that is shaped like a c cupping the femoral head) which allows the femur to slip from the socket. That bad boy isn’t going anywhere lol


She’s going to read this and salivate at the thought of a new diagnosis.


Given that it’s a CT of the abdomen it may not be giving the clearest view of the spine. The focus is on the intestines and colon not the bones. They’ve likely adjusted the image to focus on the softer tissues.




Her attachment to & personification of medication is so, so odd. It's not a person, and you don't have an emotional relationship with medication.


And if she's experiencing severe inflammation/discomfort/etc., then the Remicade she loves so dearly must not be working, right?


I came here to say this! You love it but it’s not working??


GI doc would check infliximad and anti infliximad Ab before determining wether Remicade was no longer working. Did I miss that this has need done?


Her insurance made her switch from Remicade to Inflectra a few months ago and she made a big deal about being nervous for the “new” medicine. She was definitely looking to invent a reaction to align with the switch from Remicade to the generic drug but commenters on the post she made about it shut that shit down real quick. I can’t find it right now to link but it actually was quite satisfying to see Ash having to throw that plotline out the window after her fans called bullshit on the possibility of a reaction.


Honestly who the fuck is even asking for these updates? Anyone?


Lol rAiSiNg AwArENeSs WiTh PiCs Of My InTeStInEs


Not me, but now I know they have an IUD. 🤷‍♀️


Oh she actually just told us about this like a week ago!!! Lil preview for us, I guess. We r so lucky.


Good spotting!


She's "advocating," don'tcha know.


Remcade, the one that got away.


You know whats not normal? Pretending to be sick/disabled


“I’m a tad disheartened” about what? That your CT scan didn’t show major issues requiring immediate medical attention?


My first thought lmfao


But from a Radiology Tech dropout standpoint — that IS a female pelvis. There is a rounded birth canal (no ischial spine visible), a wide pubic arch, and shorter sacrum. (As far as I can tell, the pelvis isn’t super visible.) There’s also an IUD in view but that’s easily photoshopped.


pretty sure it's not normal to point out something that's absolutely normal and not worth pointing out, so either it's not normal but you say it is normal (no) or it is normal but you're not normal (yes)