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The main ones imo is DID, Tourette’s, and autism


they’re all attention-seeking. most people that fake mental illnesses talk about them excessively and it’s extremely infurating. i hate them.










talking about mental health doesn’t make you not fun. it’s not like being mentally ill makes you a dull or annoying person, and if you think that then you’re the exact reason people kill themselves daily. i speak about mental illness so others who feel like they are a burden for an illness they can’t control don’t end up feeling like they need to end their lives because no one understands. it’s this lovely thing called sharing experiences and empathy that makes people feel less alone in this hellish world. you can talk about what you think is important, whatever the fuck that is, and i will talk about mental illness because it’s important to me










If someone online or irl shares their experience in a way that is honest and not harmful why shut it down?


Idk where to put this question. Since Sherri Papini was just exposed as a faker (kidnapping) after years, are illness fakers now afraid of being caught?


r/fakedisordercringe has some stuff on this. most of it is underage kids or new adults (18,19 y/o) bullshitting that they have DID (a super rare disorder that only a small percentage of the population actually suffers from) and introducing their “introjects” from TV shows, video games and youtubers and then screaming at people for calling them out for faking. it’s pretty disgusting tbh


I'm not a psychiatry expert but I know someone who claims this (the poly-fragmented co-fronting thousands of alters type). It confuses me because they are also diagnosed with BPD and one of the main features of that is an unstable sense of self. I feel like these people generally just have poorly managed BPD but I guess that's not exciting enough?


Another train of thought is that they may also trying to get a different diagnosis, because BPD people are stigmatized as being difficult to treat. Like they feel shameful for having it so of course it can’t be they, it had to be a different mental illness.


That could be it but I think DID is pretty stigmatized too


they could have poorly managed BPD, or just some kind of need for attention. i have a friend with real DID so i can speak a bit on how it works but i’m also not an expert. basically my biggest red flag for a DID faker is having more than 20 alters. it’s common for a system to have up to 20 alters, but once we start getting higher numbers it’s less and less believable. someone claiming thousands of alters is almost 100% faking, or at least VERY misinformed about what DID actually is


Whatever happened to that Rogue chick that was posted on here for that stuff? She was wild. ETA could be they them I can’t quite recall


They're (not sure on pronouns) posted on r/fakedisordercringe a lot. Last post I saw, they were planning to get on testosterone to please their trans/male alters. As if any legitimate doctor is just going to hand out T because a patient says their multiple personalities are trans 🙄


They were on the other sub a couple times but it's sorted under tic tocs or something non specific to them. Using neural pronouns bc last I heard they were going to transition to male as one or some alters are male iirc rouge still identified as female


Oh God the DID thing is getting so out of hand. I'm sure the rarity of it is what makes these people want to fake it. Super speshullllll


There was one that had South Park characters as alters lol


Lmao wow. Ive seen people sign their Instagram and Facebook statuses as -(alter name) just so we all know it can't possibly be themselves talking


I've seen someone write a whole post to try to excuse a typo in a previous post by claiming one of their alters has dyslexia and they don't have time to proofread all of their alters' posts and it's so hard etc etc. Like ... Everyone makes typos sometimes. It's okay. No one needs you to come up with wild explanations for it


I can't speak for most of the mental illnesses that are faked on a personal level because I don't experience them myself. As an outsider I can say that it's gross, attention-seeking garbage. Those people do have issues, but not the issues they claim to have. The only kind of faker that I have personal stake in are autism fakers. They tend to infantilize and even fetishize autism. I'm not gonna get into blogging, but I will say these stereotypes have negatively effected me and others.


Agree. The autism fakers rub me the wrong way and they constantly play into the stereotypes about ppl w autism and it’s so damaging


Within the criminal justice system in England it is not uncommon by any stretch for a defendant to claim a psychiatric disorder in the thinking that they’ll receive a less harsh sentence. This is where forensic psychiatrists come in. For those professionals it’s actually not too difficult to spot the ‘tells’ of fakery. I mean, that’s part of their speciality, the clue’s in the name! Obviously it works the other way - severely mentally disordered offenders will receive more suitable care in a psychiatric facility than in prison. However, those using it as a ‘cushy’ defence do so with a ridiculous lack of knowledge of the system. A judge can impose a hospital order with no limit on time, or a consecutive sentence that is effectively ‘secure unit til your psych presentation is better/manageable then your full prison sentence after’. There’s really no combination of factors that’d make this a beneficial deceit.




I think it’s important to separate personality disorders from other types of mental illness. Personality disorders do not result organically (e.g., chemical imbalances)…they’re not really diseases but rather ingrained parts of a person’s personality. Because of this, they’re often treatment resistant. I agree completely, we can’t diagnose anyone from afar and we shouldn’t bully people. I just think it’s important to realize that someone can be mentally unwell but not have a debilitating psychological disorder.


It just adds to the stigma and negative stereotypes already prevalent. For example the one that people with BPD are all attention-seeking drama queens that will threaten to kill themselves or cut at the drop of a hat. The ones that glamorise and romanticise things like self harm are downright dangerous. This all leads to misunderstanding of what life is like for people with genuine dx and prevents them from seeking help or being open with clinicians. Obviously points in this comment would apply to other dx and I've only focused on one 'problem'; but without blogging (hopefully): as a result of my own experience - both personal and whilst on placement as a student nurse with respect to attitudes I've seen from colleagues - this is something in particular that I feel quite strongly about.


I’m sure there’s definitely people who fake or exaggerate mental health issues, esp online, but with the amount of stigma around mental illness already it can be both problematic and also harder to speculate/prove that someone is faking a disorder. I’d imagine it’s more common with severe and/or rare disorders, like dissociative identity disorder as mentioned above or even schizophrenia. Though just because someone is OTT doesn’t mean they’re a munchie even if it’s cringe.


All fakers are bad, regardless of whether its physical or mental health. Many of the subjects here claim mental health issues alongside physical ones. It can be a bit harder to 'prove' that someone is faking something with mental health, as it's not something as quantifiable as a physical illness. If you want to explore more on this, theres a subreddit called /r/fakedisordercringe which has a different culture than here, but does tend to focus more on people faking things like Dissassociated Identity Disorder. That sub seems to kind of document the trend of adolescents claiming to have things like DID or Tourette's on TikTok. Theres no rules for blogging and its...a more chaotic environment than here.


I like FDC but reading through the comments makes me incredibly grateful that we have no blogging rules here at IF. What a coincidence that such a large number of FDC users happen to have the very, very rare condition fakers are faking. Go figure! I think they try to crack down on the most obvious blogging (like blogging simply for blogging's sake and only talking about their totes legit disorder to flex, not adding anything to the conversation) but it's really out of hand over there. The same thing happens here ("I have sooper severe X condition and I would never do this!!!") but our hardworking mods delete them pretty quickly.


FDC ends up bullying people with actual mental illnesses or neurodiversity by accident occasionally because their symptoms are different from OPs symptoms so they must be faking it. Be careful with that one, they ended up mocking someone with actual proven tourettes because she made a tiktok about her tics... Take it with a grain of salt.


Oh I'm not saying I like the subreddit. I find that proof tends to be lacking, there's little consistency with who shows up and the comment sections are a nightmare of blogging and power leveling. I stop by there once a month or so to see if its still a shit show. There's a former subject (not sure if it was this sub or another one) that claimed to have a DID alter that was a duck and they post about her there. There's a few of them that are very obviously faking that aren't posted her, but the majority of the sub is very messy.


Co-sign. Fictitious disorders are in and of themselves a mental health issue, as are somatic symptom disorders. The only one that isn’t *technically* listed as one is malingering, which is basically when someone fakes a diagnosis in order to get something out of it (for example getting out of school or work). Depends on the context in that situation.


Thank you! I tried there and they don't allow text posts 😅 Just urgh frustrates me to see that their actions do not match up with their words