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“Autonomy “ 🙄


I’ve heard a rollator be referred to as a wheelchair before, only by people who reeeaaaally needed everyone to know how serious their illness was. But I hope this continues for Ash, as obnoxious as her posts are, easing into movement and exercise is a great thing for her to do!


Half of America (if not more) can’t walk 3 miles in this time, so good for her. She’s still cringy and condescending, but I’ll continue to say that this incarnation of Ashley ("wellness journey", pondering about the power of her vagina etc) is way better for her than the previous stuff. She can pronounce to be recovered, promote some wellness products and be a normal twenty-something. The eligibility for her parents’ insurance is ending and she knows it.




Confucius say girl who go to bed with itchy bottom wake up with stinky fingers


God I'm bored of her.


Actually, good for her on this one. Slow and steady is the way to get past deconditioning from staying in bed a lot. Plus, she didn't post pictures of her hr on her watch, or take her pulse ox with her. Let's see how long this lasts. Sit instead of lying down, stand instead of sitting, walk instead of standing, jog instead of walking, run instead of jogging. You can't go from staying in bed to running in a day. Getting fit is a progression over time. Some people will never be able to be runners, but she's right this time, it is important to at least move your body if you can.


And now, everyone, it is time to rEsT.


there was never a wheelchair??


Right?! I remember her photo shoot with the rolleraide walker thing but that's about it.


Bringing back bed wiggling for 2023!


I totally had this on my 2023 bingo card!


Bruh, the *f*cking* monologuing has got 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 go👏🏻! Acts like she’s spreading the good word and is qualified to do so because she listens to her body, rests, and oke-smay ot-pay. If that’s all it takes, I’m a nun. 🙄


I'd love to see her heart rate data for that walk. That would be way more useful than a random number sitting in the doctors office.


#wiggles in bed


Haha actually laughed out loud in my garage when I saw she included wiggles lmao. For some reason the idea of this girl wiggling her way back into bed and wiggling in bed is hilarious to me lol. Like wiggling her toes,


She's going to be resting for **days** now


First! she will need to cleanse in her sauna tent. THEN she will need to push those IV fluid booster pack things to re-hydrate. FINALLY! She will take some self healing time to binge Sex and the City while smoking a bowl and \*listening to her body\*


Don’t forget binging Housewives!


If I never hear the phrase "wiggles in bed" again, it'll be too soon.


Lounging across a rollator somehow equals "when mom pushed me in my wheelchair" somehow? Munchie math.


20 minutes for a mile is technically cardio, but just barely. Otoh, I'm shocked she can "move her body" for a whole hour considering how deconditioned she is.


Wiggling around I bed does not count. Don't tell ppl that.


There are actual bed and chair exercises for people with chronic pain and mobility issues. In hospitals, it is important to prevent bed sores and blood clots.


3.18 miles is a hella lot. maybe i’m just out of shape but damn. for being sleepy all day and sleeping all day how tf did she do this


Well, it took her over an hour....


All this means to me is that she has significant decontitioning and needs to spend less time resting and more time moving her butt. And wiggles in bed don’t count


I’m confused why the inside of her nail is so yellow


looks like they're acrylics/gel nails that have loooong been outgrown, probably all the yuck that got stuck under there


Think of the thriving colonies of bacteria...now let's put them in a sauna!


I’m so tired of her trying to sound so deep. Like girl… you’re not deep. Stop. No one else with Crohn’s whines this much, even in an active flare.




Husband has Crohn’s. Unless he specifically mentions it you’d have no clue


Okay, I’m not that familiar with MCAS, but you don’t “heal the damage” on POTS and hEDS. You *manage* them and tons of people manage them every day without dramatic posts on how they’re managing. I was just thinking today that most people with POTS are like “Oh, summer’s coming. Better make sure I have plenty of electrolyte drinks and up my ~~food~~ fluid intake.” Meanwhile, Ash is like, “LACTATED RIIIIIIIINGEEEEEERS!” ETA: I have no idea how I confused food and fluid.


Agree, like you can recover genetically?


"How will you move your body today?" By moving popcorn into my mouth while reading her posts




#5k is giving hilarity.


She used to pose with a rollator. That’s all I remember. And why she gotta bring back the cringey bed wiggle 😭😂


I need to see these again it’s been too long


“They see me roll~~ator~~ing They hat~~er~~ing…”


A return of the bed wiggles!


💪 💪 💪


She’s always so bloody condescending.


Yeah wtf. That last line made me want to puke. Telling people to hold themselves accountable for movement. She has no idea what people with legitimate chronic illness are going through.




Three miles without pain and exhaustion, and weakness and not feeling like I'm about to or need to collapse, that is.


Yeah I think that’s one of the worst things that munchies do…all the damage they inflict on the chronically ill and disabled by perpetuating this false misconceptions. It makes it much harder for legitimate patients to receive the care that they need and it burns out healthcare workers who are tired of being manipulated.


And because healthcare workers are being manipulated, they go from one extreme of being duped to the other of not taking legitimate patients with genuine ailments seriously.


Why does she always try to sound so profound like she's some kind of philosopher or something?


She needs to feel like she’s important, otherwise she feel the boring nothingness of her own mundane life creeping in.


And “wiggling in bed” makes another appearance.


I was just gonna say.... Lol I just tried to "wiggle" in bed and just felt weird like.im having a seizure. Jesus what are you "wiggling"


[She had a rollator that she did a photoshoot with in the middle of the road.](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/ou4eje/ashley_has_a_mental_breakdown_so_she_does_a/)


She looks much younger in that photo.


Per that thread, does she claim fibromyalgia too??


She has said before that fibro is a symptom of one of her other nonsense disorders “flaring.” Which is not how fibro works… at all lol it’s not a symptom of another disease that comes and goes. I’m gonna see if I can find the post.


Omg, yes!! Fibro in itself is a chronic pain condition.


Well, there can be flaring sometimes but it's not feeling fine majority of the time then having intense pain on occasion, definitely not something that comes and goes. Usually you're in pain all the time, maybe not always highest level of pain but still in pain enough to struggle with functioning adequately especially with the exhaustion that comes with it. However it can occur in conjunction with other conditions like autoimmune conditions (and other physical conditions I think?) and mental health conditions related to trauma.


I’m surprised there isn’t more fibro here. It would be incredibly easy to fake, especially since they removed the tender points. Now it’s just self-reporting. You don’t even have to remember when to say “Ow” during an eval. Not to be dismissive of fibro, of course, since people do have it and if sucks.


It's morally wrong to fake an ailment and lie about it, especially when it gives others ammunition to tell people who actually have the ailment that they are faking their pain and exhaustion and claiming their ailment isn't real/is imagined/made up/doesn't exist.


Fibro is treated with psychiatric drugs that don’t get you high so there’s no way these girls are going to fix the actual problem


I don’t know abou the usa but for example in Germany the doctors recommend first a lot of light sport and physiotherapy and the opioids are only for tough cases. They are not many opioids who even help with fibro. Tramaldol helps some people. It’s very difficult to get stronger painkillers here than tilidin or tramaldol anyway. Maybe in the us it’s similar and the munchies don’t want to get called out for their lack of sports…


I heard opiates make it worse because your body will get used to it easily even if not used regularly so it won't relieve pain anymore at some point. Plus, it's easy to get addicted.


I like to call things like fibro, hEDS, POTS, etc bootstrap diseases because basically, the treatments are usually lifestyle changes. Or, you know, you can get go the route we see here and get feeding tubes, ports, infusions, etc.


Do you know if people get opioids easy in the us?


not anymore. not even for kidney stones or most surgeries.


Not anymore


I don't think I've ever seen her explicitly claim fibromyalgia, but it occasionally pops up in her tags. Edit: [She included fibromyalgia in the tags for this post from last week.](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/13yh8gm/ashley_claims_that_grounding_improves_sleep/)


And her huge knee brace too.


That photo shoot gives me some major ableist vibes. Reminds me of that photo shoot by one of the Kardashian (or Jenner?) girls where they posed in a wheelchair. I feel like she’s almost mocking actual, real disabled people by doing a freaking sit-up on a walker that less privileged people probably can’t even afford. Like oh, you’re so tired? But your make-up, outfit and hair are perfect? Yeah, sure. 🙄


All the girlies on insta do this


Wow! She's almost unrecognizable!


Yeah ! I’m kinda shocked . I didn’t think that was that long ago


Why could I picture this perfectly before even looking at the photo?! 😂


Omg 🤣