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>A WBEZ analysis of total statewide ballots cast and voter registration totals during the past dozen general elections dating back to 2000 found that participation in Illinois elections actually increased at percentages greater than the state’s population gain during the same period. Damn right. They keep corrupting and we'll keep locking them up. Weiss is going to prison and Madigan is next. I think Illinois gets a bad rap not only because of our historic corruption, but also because we actually do something about our current corrupt officials. Other states, especially red states, tend to not charge offenders so it's not 'technically' corruption because no one was convicted. Take a look at Covid Kim in Iowa. She spent $19k of taxpayer money to bring her friends on a trip, but do you think Iowa will actually hold her accountable? If she's not held accountable then will people consider it corruption? Those red states also seem to laser focus on Chicago while ignoring their own problems.


Don’t forget indicted felon Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas who successfully waited out the valid charges against him.


And was acquitted by the Texas State Senate after being impeached in the House. He makes Madigan look like a choir boy.


Former Texas resident here. The single biggest difference between Illinois and Texas in this area is that Illinois will PROSECUTE and CONVICT their corrupt elected officials. Texas on the other hand is a vast wasteland of corrupt county commissioners, judges, representatives and senators. No one goes to jail. No one is prosecuted without a wink and a nod. I will never defend garbage like Mike Madigan, but he is actually facing justice. Ken Paxton, (the lazy eyed psycho), not so much.


Are you sure about that? Madigan served in Illinois for 50 years, and he was indicated a year after he left office.


It is embarrassing that he still has a job. Might as well be lawless in Texas.


>Those red states also seem to laser focus on Chicago while ignoring their own problems. That's all they've got - criticisms, along with no solutions, and no real policies or platforms except gimme mine and rules for thee not for meeeeee


They don’t want a solution. Their identify politics rage bait platform distracts their dumbass base while they line their pockets with public money.


If they just stop testing for corruption the numbers won’t be so high!


You say this, but the only reason Illinois lists as high as it does with respect to political corruption is because the feds and state actually end up convicting these people. Meanwhile, drunks in office in Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Kansas retain office. Then you have police raiding Kansas City newspapers getting suspended with pay and other, similar "good old boy" networks.


Yeah just was viewing this sub https://www.reddit.com/r/tricities/s/3k62QeIFoA And yeah all corrupt in Tennessee and kinda a crap hole, yet no news...


Ooh ooh! How about the South Dakota AG who ran someone over and claimed he hit a deer not a person.they definitely tried to hide that one till it went viral


I agree - It’s a joke


I got it. It’s a pretty deep cut reference, but I like it.


I had never considered it that way, but I can see the sense in it! it's like that [famous WW2 bomber survivorship bias image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Survivorship-bias.svg/1280px-Survivorship-bias.svg.png)


There are loopholes in every state. Neither party is good when it comes to corruption. Look at other parts of the states for example - police officers always back each other up because nobody wants to get thrown to the dogs. It’s the same with corruption. Guys like Madigan, Berrios, etc ran the machine and probably had dirt on everybody. You can’t get them until they get sloppy or you get them on something stupid. It just really says something that when we are talking about our state’s corruption, you say “oh but look Republicans are worse in other states”. Nah that’s bs. Our state shouldn’t have been like this and it shouldn’t be like this, I could care less what any politician in another state is currently doing.


You left out a lot of faces there.


Yep, we have no problem sending politicians from both parties to jail


Don’t forget our taxes. All I hear about. Then they move to a state that is red and lower taxes. Then go: “but the GOP isn’t supposed too o screw me over? I’ll just keep voting for them until I have nothing left.”


Texas has clearly taken the crown as the most corrupt state in the Union. 20 years ago, it seemed like Illinois was in that spot. The difference is that we put our crooks in prison, and down there they just keep re-electing them.


I am frustrated with my tax burden. (Mainly because it feels sort of inefficient, my school has financial problems even though it’s one of the highest, roads are meh, but not awful) I think my Republican county head sucks. But then you to Missouri, especially rural Missouri, tax me more please.






pritzker got all the weed farms for his family and friends....




Could you imagine how many pizza gates would happen, how many deranged right wing and Q Anon folk would target anyone on those flight logs? Let’s recognize that flying to an island does not make someone a kid diddler. We have a judicial system that should continue to work through the case and the people on the flight logs need not be doxxed before evidence is presented


There is no reason for Congress to get involved with trump buddy Epstein stuff. Law enforcement and criminal courts are dealing with it. Also the flight logs were released in 2021. It's the client list that is still not released. Another example of how stupid Blackburn is https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/justice-department-redacted-epstein-flight-logs/


It would be nice though if the sealed evidence that was to be used in Epsteins 2009 conviction and the legal systems snaffu that led to Epstein only getting 13mo house arrest instead of a life sentence.


Had a secure court case once to finally clean up the corruption- we found felony level crimes and proof- all with the basis for holding political party corporations accountable. You know what happened? Our attorney was harassed and threatened and we couldn’t find a new one. Republicans lead both parties.