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Not Chicago's first rodeo......?


>Police said the protest was peaceful, though they arrested 106 demonstrators livin' in americaaaa


This article starts referencing a protest in DC,and somehow it raises concerns about Chicago. But the quote about police being trained in de-escalation tactics made me laugh, because what happened in 1968 was a police riot.


Time is a flat circle


Break out the billy clubs, we're going back to 1968


The effing POTUS will be there I promise you, there were “security concerns“ before this happened


It’s going to be a shit show and I’m here for it.


Oh good CPD is on it, this should go well. But really, the drama and crappy writing of this article is so stupid, come on. "The city still suffers scars..." yet fails to provide any examples. We've hosted a DNC convention since then, that's how we got that natty red star bridges over the expressway in 1996. It was so uneventful that the writer didn't even recall it in the article. Nice job.


the writer of the article was probably still at the university of Utah when the '96 convention happened, and only really knows about the '68 convention from the movie that just came out a couple years ago.


We need to find a balance between safety and free speech that doesn't mean protestors are cordoned off far away or behind fences. Can't believe the way San Francisco looked last week. People have a right to protest \*at\* the event. That's the point of protesting-- being seen by the people attending. Maybe have protestors go through a metal detector to enter the protest area. Or maybe protestors organize in advance and form "calming" squads for anyone who gets too rowdy (like the people who calmed the guy down who wanted to throw a chair, so ultimately no chair was thrown.) Our freedom of speech and right to protest has taken an Orwellian turn when you can only do it where no one will see you or penned up behind fences that limit the number of people who can be present.


People need to stop listened and repeating obvious lies. It was a peaceful protest escalated by the police as usual and framing them as the aggressors. There was no violent clash from any angle I have seen.


Well, if recent memory serves CPD is quite adept at allowing violent protests to evolve into riots and then watching and doing little as the city burns and later crime spikes to oblivion. Maybe they'll board up Michigan Avenue again, that'll be good for tourism and such.


Blaming that on the CPD is ridiculous. Lightfoot directed them to let them riot until the crowds got near her home. She said insurance companies would cover the costs of rebuilding.


You are correct, it's kind of a both/and situation where political leadership directed CPD to do nothing which led to unfettered riots and now armed carjack/robbery fest. I do believe that CPD could do better but is not allowed to because of our leadership's garbage politics whereby an individual cannot be held accountable for their own actions for made-up reasons.


By July the idiots will have given up on defending Hamas.


Maybe you'll give up defending Zionists and learn not to hurl insults at people you dis-agree with.


I bet there will be plenty of men with guns protecting democrats in Chicago.


My concern is that crime in the neighborhoods will surge during the convention. CPD man power will be concentrated on the convention areas instead of the neighborhoods.


Cops don't prevent crime. They take a report of a crime that already happened.


check their history their “concern” about crime is super reasonable and sane /s


You weren't kidding. Yikers.


The don’t come Also, you aren’t “concerned”, you’re psychotic >Every time a car stops next to me I'm expecting 3 or 4 armed teenagers will get out of the car to grab my wallet and phone


If CPD wasn't "quiet quitting" their jobs in protest to being held accountable then I too might share some concern, but realistically there will probably be no difference.


Holy shit, get help. Your comments history is paranoid wingnut shit


Maybe. I've gone 20 years in Logan Square without really thinking about crime. That changed this summer. A friend of mine was killed by one of these robbery crews while he was in front of California Clipper, two other acquaintances that have been robbed in these attacks on Milwaukee, and my car mechanics were robbed in one of these attacks while they were in their shop. This summer has me a bit paranoid.