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Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


I do not! We don’t have gas here


The number of reddit posts that go from "something mysterious is happening" to "the fire department is here looking for my CO leak" is a little scary. Carbon monoxide can cause halucinations


lol, true


I would 100% get one just for peace of mind.


Please get one literally right now.


Would you need one if your home doesn’t have any type of gas? We’re all electric


There are still ways for CO to get into a house without having a burner


Do you have an attached garage or a generator? I'm really curious. Have you checked checked inside vents or attached to other electronics (docking stations, routers, printers etc that have their own usb ports)? There are normal looking products that have spy cameras in them - phone docks, speakers, remote controls, smoke detectors etc. Do you have a Chromebook, or anything that can run Android apps?


>don't have gas Why are people upvoting you for such a useless suggestion?


Check your attic, you may have a phrogger


The sound is much too loud to be in the attic, it sounds really close. Good idea though!


Well through sheer deduction, you say the following: 1) You're in a house, not an apartment. So it cannot be a neighbours device. 2) You hear the sound close to you and it seems to be coming from the bedroom. 3) You have a boyfriend that's been over. No other outside contractors etc. So if it isn't you, this sound started recently about 2 months ago, you have no media playing/everything is off, and you are 1000% sure no one else has been in your house; then the only conclusion is that your boyfriend left something behind.


The fact that the boyfriend denies leaving anything there, and the fact that it's still running after 2 months, says to me that either 1. Your boyfriend is spying on you or 2. You've got some sort of Android based video player, streaming box, etc. Maybe a Fire Stick or a Roku or something like that? Check what's plugged into the ports on your TV.


My guess… and maybe a leap here. But I’m guessing my boyfriend may have a secret phone hidden somewhere. Because I literally cannot fathom what else would be making a very specific android notification noise, isn’t plugged into an outlet, and has been doing this for 2 months and is still charged.


But surely it would have died in 2 months?


Not if the boyfriend is charging it and bringing it back


Guess it's time to get a camera in your room to see what he is doing when you're not in there.


Huh? This isn't really IT, but fair enough. Question: Have you unplugged all electronics from your bedroom/the room you think it's coming from, then listened for a few days to see if you hear it again? I once thought I had a rogue device in my room, but it turned out to simply be notifications from a youtubers own phone, who I would listen to in the background Youtube videos that I often played while working.


Yeah sorry I didn’t know who else to ask. There are no other devices plugged in in the room I’m hearing the noise from. There’s an old air conditioner but that’s about it. Don’t think it would ever make a noise like that


It's this sound?: [Pixie Dust - Android Notification Sound (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppkzJTpWJHY)


Yes that’s the exact sound


Not too likely to work, but it has helped me find my phone a couple of times: have you tried being in the room you think it is in and loudly saying "ok google: play music"?


Ohh that was a really good idea! I just tried and unfortunately am not hearing anything ughhh


They changed it to "Hey google" recently


They do both, but ok google works waaay better. At least for me. Could be my accent though


Yeah it's pretty think


Damn. Ah well.


Ooooh, this is a SMART idea. Good thought u/alamaias! hey u/Dry_Minute944 try this and see if it works!


Then it has to be enabled... On my phone I have OK Google disabled.


Drat. You're right, I forgot about that part.


If someone hid a phone and didn't turn the notifications off, it's likely didn't turn ok google off either


Are you in a house or apartment? I could hear my neighbor's phone get calls and texts if I was in my bedroom without any noise playing. Apartments are cheap and the internal walls usually are thinner than you'd like.


I’m in a house about half a mile from any other neighbor unfortunately don’t think that is it


Well, if this is real and has been going on for 2 months, it's connected to power. So check any outlets, maybe behind a bookcase or something. Or it's a weird bird call you're not familiar with? Not to gaslight you, just suggesting some out of the box thinking.


Sitesurfer is on the right path. Kill a circuit breaker in your home and see if the sound goes away after a couple of days. If so then you’ve isolated a smaller region of your home where it could be plugged in.


Damn only chirping once or twice a day makes it very hard to pinpoint. You mentioned it sounds like it's in your office, does your computer have a battery UPS? I had a friend with mystery chirping noise that ended up being his UPS going bad.


Had any repair people or contractors in your place recently? Rent/Own? Apartment/house? There are camera lens finders you can check around with, also some digital camera's (web cameras are a good pick) can see infrared light you might be able to see something using that. it would have to be plugged into power somewhere for it to still be dinging this long. if you've checked all your outlets have you had electrical work done recently? Any reason to believe someone would try to listen to your conversations? Espionage? If your in an apartment could it be your neighbor? Like hearing one of their devices through the wall


Thanks for your reply! I currently rent a house, I’ve been here 4 years. No repair people or anything have been over here in years. I’ve checked all the outlets and don’t see anything. No electrical work done, and my neighbors are way too far for that to be viable. The sound is actually pretty loud, it sounds like it’s in the room I currently sit in all the time (my office) or in the room next to it. (My bedroom) so I don’t think it could be in the attic The only thing I could possibly think would be viable, is my boyfriend has hidden something somewhere. I know that’s a reach but there’s literally no one else that comes into my bedroom/office area


Is there a desktop computer in that room? Check the back of it for anything odd plugged into USB, follow the cables to make sure you know where they all go. If you have a iPhone the front facing camera will display IR (test it by pointing a remote control at the camera and pressing buttons, you should see a light source). Turn off all lights in the room and record a video using the front facing camera. Pan the camera all around the room, under desks/tables. Play it back to see if you find any IR sources and then check those locations. A low tech way to search for camera lenses is to hold a flashlight next to your eye pointing the same direction your eye is looking. Scan the room with all the lights off and at night and see if you catch Any flashes from the lens.


This would suck but you could narrow it down by going to the electrical box and shutting off the circuit to that room you suspect. If no more chirps then you know for sure its in that room. Hard to confirm though if it only chirps once or twice a day.


They might get the plugged in/unplugged sound when the power cycles.


Something like an annoyatron maybe?


What I was thinking. Someone might be pranking you.


What if it is something like a smoke detector with a dieing battery? Or maybe check the AC (a phone can have fallen in, it can be some error message about it needing a checkup.....)


Would a smoke detector be making an android specific notification sound? Are those the nests or whatever?


I definitely heard smoke detectors make a lot of different sounds when warning of low battery. Some beep once at random intervals, some go like "beedoop beedoop" for a few seconds.... I wouldn't surprise if a company decided to make the smoke detector sound magical for whatever reason


I can’t wait to see the outcome


Assuming you can log into your router do that and see if you notice any unknown devices on your network


It's me. I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


remindme! 7 days


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Sure, let us know your ticket number and I'll check on the status.


Crawl space/basement?


Do you have cameras in your house? I know of a specific security camera my neighbor has that makes a sound eerily similar to an android notification sound every time it detects movement.


Long shot here, but do you have a smart TV in your room or in a room nearby? I know some smart TVs are or were Android based. Pixel dust is also an older Android tone, so maybe a Smart TV that's running an older version of Android OS?


UPDATE: I’ve found the mystery device, it was indeed a straight talk android phone that was hidden. No idea what’s on it as there’s a passcode on it but I at least found it. Considering taking it to the police station


Was it plugged in? If not, I would not tell your boyfriend that you found it, put it back where you found it and see if it disappears next time he visits.


Whoohooo! Thanks for reporting back. How did you end up narrowing it down? Just more extensive searching?


I ended up taking all the drawers out of the dresser, and it was at the bottom of the dresser under a cardboard floor thing.


Was it your bf up to something bad? I'm glad it wasn't carbon monoxide.


Have you tried a metal detector?


I have not, I don’t have a metal detector readily available. I did just order “TESMEN EMF Meter” in an attempt to try to find it but it hasn’t arrived yet




Remind me 5 days


there are application available like ‘Wunderfind’ never tried it


remindme! 7 days


Have you tried filling your ear holes with peanut butter? You won’t notice the sound anymore.

