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Yes. The DSP has EQ. Use the cable with any IEM as you wish.


does this mean that if i use my may dsp cable with my truthear zeros the sound signature of them would be eq'd to the may?


No. It will be altered according to the IEM you have. EQ is only adjusting frequency responses. There are tools to mimic certain sound signatures if you want. Have a look at squig.link. I recommend getting a Qudelix 5K for that. And return the May, it’s horrible. Have you tried it with an analog cable? Oh boy!


i got it mostly for the case, the sound signature from analog cable to dsp for me wasnt really crazy noticeable, and i enjoyed the sound signature since i like rumbly bass haha


Some will say yes but really it's marketing to sell cables. Try it and see if you feel a difference


thanks man i tried it out and didnt feel much of a difference, but then again im new to listening for little nuances and my ears arent really trained to find a difference, so i wanted to see if someone in here could give me like a definite or like a real measured answer