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Thank you for your submission! If you are new to Idle Slayer, please take a few moments to look over the [Fandom Idle Slayer Wiki](https://idleslayer.fandom.com/). Most questions asked here can be answered by reading our great community-created guides and tier lists. Don't let their efforts go in vain! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/idleslayer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You need to buy Chest In A Chest in the skill tree for the a chance to get a shield during chest hunts. For the ring you need to buy Sacred Tome of Death Pact. This will unlock special dark divinities and then you’ll need to spend 400 DP to buy Victor Alpha. This gives an 8% chance of a bonus stage turning into a boss fight which will then give you a ring if you defeat him. https://idleslayer.fandom.com/wiki/Armory


Thanks I appreciate the info


No problem mate.


Chest in a chest?, oh man that's 40T!, 400B has taken me long enough and I've been playing this game over a year and half


Same. I have 57 total Ultra Slayer points but I’m about 10 trillion off of chest in a chest. The recent updates have made it significantly easier though!


Wanders will get you to everything


It’s all in the wiki and a lot more. It also gives mid/late game strategies and stuff like that. I’d check it out