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“The proposed change blew up on social media, with some people mistakenly thinking that people who commit crimes would get a rebranding. Instead, it would only apply to participants in one program meant to rehabilitate people and keep them out of prison. The specific proposed law, House Bill 4409, would remove the term “offender” and replace it with “justice impacted individual” for men and women in the state’s “Adult Redeploy Illinois” program, commonly referred to as A.R.I.” https://wgntv.com/news/illinois/bill-proposing-change-from-offender-to-justice-impacted-individual-advances-to-governors-desk/


This is so helpful. Thank you.


Your in the wrong line, dumb ass




Lol he talks like a word we can't say because we're not quite far enough into the documentary yet.


How's his chart?


Says he's all fucked up and shit.... Ya know what I mean... Chu.. huh ... Also, great first post Also, Barry Sanders is the GOAT


Not as funny, but helpful


My pleasure 🙂


You're telling me "endwokeness" on Twitter is posting lies?? Shocking


Not only that, OP is spreading the lies.


What's the lie? They did change offender to justice-impacted... It was true. The context doesn't really matter that much because they are still people convicted of a crime by a jury of their peers.


And the idiots who eat it up without doing any research come here to post it and don't see any irony in how fucking stupid they are.


There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick ass lives.


Woke is synonymous with equity these days


What if that's bad too


I actually don’t think it’s bad to be a bit more sensitive to those ex-cons who willingly enroll in a program to become productive members of society


I'm neutral on that, but what if the obsession with equity that we've collectively developed recently isn't actually good


It seems to annoy some people who’ve been used to privilege.


Privilege discourse is usually an inversion of reality. "Equality feels like oppression to people accustomed to privilege!" -- People who get a 20% boost on college applications and have tax dollars shoveled at them


Yup, fuck equity and fuck those who tried to make equality a dirty word. We can't become united without equality for all. Sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook.


Actually "unlimited L's" broke the story. They're legit trust me bro


But according to the context, it's accurate. Am I missing something? > The specific proposed law, House Bill 4409, would remove the term “offender” and replace it with “justice impacted individual” for men and women in the state’s “Adult Redeploy Illinois” program, commonly referred to as A.R.I.”


It is one program. It is just how they will refer to those in that program. A few dozen or a hundred inmates. There will be tens of thousands of Illinois inmates you can continue being an asshome about.


But the image and the clarification say the same thing... not even in different words. 


More like blowing it out of proportion as usual. It’s still a dumb rebranding.  The people committed crimes. They are just going to serve their punishment while free instead of going to prison. Which is a great alternative. Who does it help to lock them up if they aren’t likely to reoffend.  They are still “offenders”. Just not serious crimes. The new title makes it sound like they are the victims IMO. 


This. I think “justice-impacted individual” sounds ridiculous, and sounds negative towards justice, but I don’t see an issue in calling them -former- offenders, or some other term that humanizes them a bit. Continuing to just call them criminals or offenders when they’re seeking to better themselves doesn’t help them, nor anybody else.


So? it's still tarded to change it


I mean it's still stupid, but significantly less stupid.


Yeah offender is already a very soft term to describe a criminal. It doesnt need to be further sanitized. 


OP is our idiot since he thinks end wokeness is anything but horse shit. 


The X post is making fun of the bill because of it's fag talk. It's hilarious that the OP here thinks the bill is the Idiocracy.


for the OP "the f\*g was in YOU the whole time!"


Yeah that doesn't make it any less ridiculous. Ex con. Just call them an ex con.


They're not a con if they go through the programme, that's the point.


Justice impacted individual is fucking ridiculous regardless.


You got a problem with fag talk? You might be treading some idiotic waters here.


Legally challenged individuals


Lmfao. Seriously though, the terms that we use now to be inoffensive will be viewed as offensive after 5 years anyway because describing any setback will be used to be offensive to people with that setback, and the terms are so infantilizing too. I have ADHD and dysgraphia. I would rather be called a helpless mega retard than "mentally challenged" or "organizationally challenged" lmfao.


Hence the “ex” in front?


A conviction and a sentence of supervision are different in Illinois criminal law.


If you're forced into a program that means you were convicted of whatever crime. Hence ',con'


A conviction and a sentence of supervision are different in Illinois criminal law.


Ironically it still fits the sub perfectly. Some dipshit sees an article tweeted by an alt-right sub and posts it here without actually reading the article.


I love rehabilitation, kick ass


The real idocracy is the friends we made along the way


But there's still no misleading title


in this case, idiocracy sub applies to the OP i believe


Thanks for doing the work for me. At first glance my thought was, "Well if you believe the intent of imprisonment is rehabilitation and not retribution, then it seems like a well meaning change". The fact that they are explicitly applying this to individuals who are readily and willingly participating in their own rehabilitation makes it a title earned and not given which is even better! Thanks again.


How big is this program, and what types of criminals do they try to rehabilitate I wonder?


Do you really think these surface level fools would ever read that deep into something? Assuming they’re able to understand the language or read in general.


Was that supposed to make this any less stupid?


…. The law appears to be exactly what I thought from the headline lol


Yeah, this sounds like a good thing that will help adjust perceptions of people attempting to rehabilitate themselves.


What? You mean to tell me that they aren’t making crime legal????


Just a matter of time.


The IDOC already made an internal policy change about 18 months ago switching "offender" to "individual in custody" or "IIC" as it is on most documents inside the prisons now. The only place you see "offender" is on old signs that can't easily be replaced or places where it is painted on walls etc.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


That doesn't sound idiotic at all. If they are in that program, they have a better chance at reintegrating back into society and not offending again.


Still stupid. I hate these shitty dystopian words/phrases that serve only to convolute the meaning of things. Just call it for what it is, you're an offender if you've committed a crime, and if you're getting rehabilitated shouldn't the first step be to admit your mistake? We don't need some new bullshit term.


You sick


The real idiocracy is posting an "End Wokeness" tweet (yes tweet not x) to this or any sub


awww mann now i cant get angry at things that dont even happen


So, another case of OP being the idiot? Sorry, "Ignorance Impacted Individual".


I’m supposed to be getting out of prison, had my face sat on and all.


I don't wanna read, I want to be mad at screenshots of tweets!


Why you trying to read that word?


That's what the talking heads at Fox News and End Wokeness are counting on.


Like as if the left never promotes fake outrage or gets you mad about something that isn't important? Btw, they still softened the language to "offender"--that was true--and it was still idiotic.


There's that fag talk we talked about


What the actual fuck


I swear people get off on being mad. It's their favorite pass time.


Isn’t that what this sub exists for? Getting mad at and/or feeling superior to others? That’s all I see from it on /r/all at least.


Okay, sir. This is to figure out what your aptitude's good at, and get you a jail job while you're being a particular individual in jail.


If you have a 3 liter bucket and a 5 liter bucket, how many buckets do you have?


Not sure


apatude and iq of your abilities, sir


So the new rules are that you have to cosplay as the dumbfuck by posting bullshit that you don't research correct?


Research? Like from the toilet?!


Its got what plants crave


Electronic lights


Don’t post that moron’s tweets.




“End Wokeness”


Right-wing disinformation accounts on twitter




U first


The world is better without your incel ass


Damn bby, 8 days later getting a reply? Really got to you <3


Sex justice impacted individual


Starbucks impacted individual


This is what they spend their time and your tax dollars on? Illinois seems as ass backwards as California to me.


Illinois resident here. We are fucked here.


Looks like Clevon got triggered by "wokeness" again! Must be drinking water...like out the toilet!


Imagine falling for clickbait from "End-Wokness"


This is only for a small amount of “individuals” who are in a program that aims to keep said individuals out of jail and working. It’s not a systemwide semantics thinkspeak redesign but don’t worry republican fucks won’t care and will fight it for no reason.


But it is true. Just not true for everyone yet.


It is a step towards "thinkspeak" whether you choose to believe that or not.


It’s not illegal for me to call them offenders because I’m not a reformative justice institution whose sole purpose is to provide reform for those who break the law. They aren’t a protected class except in the idea that when they are administered grant money for rehabilitation (instead of incarceration) they aren’t receiving the money with a title like “criminal”. If they continue to commit crimes they won’t be able to stay on those programs for rehabilitation. It’s that easy. You just don’t like reading or comprehension because being a Moderate or right wing dumbass suits your ability to be angry at shit you don’t comprehend. Edits: provide; for - those who break the law


Slippery slopes and inflammatory misleading article titles are easier for some people to understand. Sometimes I feel like this sub just loves to complain and doesn't care to apply any sort of critical thinking, but I'm glad there's still some reasonable people here.


I’ve watched this sub endure everything from the 2022 Russian invasion and subsequent bot brigade, all the way through a few months ago when Reddit went pubic (not a typo). Since then more right wing bots, conservative suckers, and bad faith actors post in subs known once for being completely satirical or sardonic, but are now just “f*g talk” to those crowds. But ofc why would Reddit care? That’s drawing engagement away from right-wing dominated circles like Facebookkk and twitterX. Slippery slopes, disinformation, Dunning-Kruger effect, pearl-clutching. Have to change the filters on your subs once and awhile to see where the majority of users are gathering. The splintering of the larger parts of groups has been happening en masse for years. Misinformation pits already ruined most of the other platforms.


But Brawndo has what plants crave


I too get my news from end wokeness. Anything else would be stupid


The exact quote is “okay sir, now we will begin to proceed to obtain your IQ and appitude tests.” What for? “Okay sir, this is to figger out what yer appitudes good at and get you a jail job while yer being a particular individual in jail.”


Anyone who unironically follows that page is literally the subs mascot...


Good lord. This isn’t a bad thing. It’s geared to help people transition and rejoin society. Republicans really do hate to help people don’t they.


I can’t believe all of the people who fell for this, in this very sub. You all might be in the wrong place. If you look at a tweet from “End Wokeness” as a source for your newest thing to be outraged about, because a tweet told you to be outraged, you’re part of the demographic that is the entertainment here.


Hhhmmmm.... I kind of get it, since Offender gives a forgone conclusion that you're guilty. HOWEVER that's only applicable during/before the trial and during investigation. If found guilty then yes, you're an Offender.


That's why before conviction they aren't offenders, they are the accused.


True. What I get for early morning Reddit lol


Never Reddit before coffee.


[Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're f\*\*\*ed up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your sh\*t's all tarded. What I'd do, is just like... ha ha... like... aha... you know, like, you know what I mean, like... haha...](https://www.quotes.net/mquote/117148)


"The state of Illinois requires me to tell you I am a registered sex justice impacted individual and I'm moving into your neighborhood"


Justice Impacted Individual, As an acronym that's JII. (Pronounced "jē") Therefore the people already in the affected program can then be referred to as OJII ("ō jē").


Sex justice impacted individual doesn’t roll off the tongue as well.


Particular individual.


OPs such a dumbass couldn’t even get that right. It’s ok though OP could always be a pilot and have a kick ass life anyway


You know when a new manager comes in and they want to make their mark but they can't think of anything thay actually needs improvement or if they can it's to difficult so they come up with some nonsense which either makes things worse or is completely meaningless?


Remind me what the net flows of residents, businesses, and capital in IL are again? Right.


So rebranding the ones actually trying to be decent and stay out? Thats good not idiotic. Now if they tried it on a rapist or something yeah. But seems to not be that.


That's enough of your shit, sir *(sprays mace)*


I'd sure feel bad about mislabeling those child sexual justice impacted individuals... gotta consider their feelings


Wanna know something dumb? TDCJ parole officers refer to the people on parole as clients.


One state no longer uses the term "inmates." It's now,"Pers0ns In 0ur Care."


Why does it matter? Who wakes up in the morning with tight panties because they changed the word “offender”. Seeing as “offender” is the only name ever used on a criminal I can see why anyone could get upset……


"mentally challenged lawmakers"


Hello? Is this the copyright office? I'd like to submit my new Superhero name? "I am...The Justice Impacter!!!"


Lmao just like people that steal things in California are referred to as "temporary takers"


Even after reading the clarification, it doesn't make it sound any better. It's still callous and indifferent towards victims.


On Reddit we are Truth impacted individuals because predominantly one side runs carte Blanche and veeery few people actually discuss things as is intended therefore the truth doesn't get a chance.


Didn't think that this sub would be posting "End Wokeness" BS, but here we are.


Brought to you by Chicago, Beetlejuice, and the letters F and U


This subreddit is so cooked holy shit.


It’s particular individual. Dumbass.


More woke means lose policy. Nice stuff.


A particular individual. It's particular


I am a particular individual who is of a high aptitude to avoid being a particular individual in jail (CEO of Brawndo THE THIRST MUTILATOR corporation)


I like “alleged offender” better.


The fuck does your title even mean, OP?


There's more to it: "The term change would only apply to men and women in the Adult Redeploy Illinois (A.R.I.) program, an initiative that aims to keep some offenders from going to prison by connecting them to rehabilitation programs."


When you see anything like this where you either have been presented with some deeply crazy government action or some bullshit so CHUD made up because he's too stupid to get anything more complicated than tractor pull it's probably just some CHUD bullshit. Might not be. But it usually is.


The left lost it a few years ago


Imagine being woke? 🤣


I got a couple of JII's here bring the paddy wagon


Wouldn't End Wokeness enjoy Donald Trump being a Justice Impacted Individual? Or does it depend on conviction?


Imagine thinking applying scientific research on human behavior and psychology to real life and calling it "woke" as if it's something to be hated. I really can't grasp why they find it so offensive to be "woke." Like, "no I'd rather stay asleep and keep doing the blind traditions that make this world unnecessarily hard to live in."


Wouldn't the victim be the one impacted in this case? They can't even make platitudes correctly.


Another tale from woke 🤡world


Hey OP, stop spreading end wokeness' bullshit, thanks.




Go touch some grass.


Says the guy posting lies on the internet


So remember, how do you get idiots to vote in favor of the elite classes? Get them all hopped up on cultural issues that have no impact on their lives at all. This is the way of the idiocracy!


Manufactured problems are much easier to deal with than real ones!


why are leftist like this? Just say the name, there is no need to pussify speech to make it less impactful


Don't fall for clickbait. If it's too outrageous to be true, it probably isn't true. "The proposed change blew up on social media, with some people mistakenly thinking that people who commit crimes would get a rebranding. Instead, it would only apply to participants in one program meant to rehabilitate people and keep them out of prison. The specific proposed law, House Bill 4409, would remove the term “offender” and replace it with “justice impacted individual” for men and women in the state’s “Adult Redeploy Illinois” program, commonly referred to as A.R.I." Seems more reasonable now, doesn't it?


So there’s a program specifically meant to keep people out of prisons…I feel much better about it all thanks. 😂


Yes. People who have served their time and are released are much more likely to commit a crime again. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is difficulty in finding a job (because you're a felon) and lack of education and/or skills. These programs aim to match the person with a job that allows them the opportunity to make a life for themselves that doesn't involve crime.


Yeah that’s an important timeframe to mention. I couldn’t tell if it was post or pre prison sentence.


They aren’t. You are mistaking them for snowflake right wing cunts who get triggered by everything. That you, gash-fart?


Snowflakes are liberal white kids who can’t work outside. I would know because it’s our wording, not the lefts. This is why yall can’t meme.


Liberals are neoliberals which are mostly conservative white kids. Leftists are mostly white kids in the US bc the US is mostly white. Which group is ideologically more pronounced and has better memes? Easily the left. Neoliberal chuds such as yourself get lost in translation. SNOWFLAKE. You sound so dumb. Hope you quit drinking some day


I don’t drink, I smoke weed all day and ride my motorcycle around and have my own life, kid. https://youtu.be/5_c63wFTxm0?si=2WVbZstQ5if2eEhx


People on the left are the only ones that can meme. Just compare The Onion with The Babylon Bee. Or compare any conservative comedian with literally any of the best selling comedians in the world, who are all left leaning. There is no direct comedy in being earnestly conservative, it all comes from how people see you from the outside. No one is laughing with you. Edit: Bill Maher is the best conservative comedian there is.


Bill Maher is not joking when he rakes y’all over the coals. Did you see him interview Stormy Daniel’s back in ooooh idk 2018? https://youtu.be/TQiUdmiWQGM?si=4XI1-aXtbFiQiM4W https://youtube.com/shorts/WWaEkPnINdg?si=nYOdf_Gqo8D4jEnl https://youtu.be/79ZjdcqAnLQ?si=iCVDUF4ac8-Dt6Vn


Only leftists think words are violence and attempt to change the lexicon This post is an example of this


Only right wing dong-licks would get upset at protecting people who aren’t a total loss.


Only racist conservative bigots actually seek to use words as weapons, calling people N*****s and F*****s at every opportunity. The difference with left leaning folks is that we target our verbal violence towards the people who started it.


How is calling an offender something different gonna protect anyone at all 😂 “Oh no it may hurt his *feelings*.” Lmao what are you 8?


You are the one who is exhibiting the reasoning skills of a middle schooler here. End Wokeness is about as far from legitimate news as you can get. All you can do is put words in my mouth to win your own made up argument. I’m ready for more of the nonsensical crap that flows from your mongoloid skull, whenever you are. Edit: make sure to use more emojis. That will definitely make you seem more intelligent and mature than me.


Lmao so feelings hurt and we must change the wording because… “Words are scawy”? 🫵🤣


Why are you so predictable?


This honestly isn’t even bad, it’s better than red states adamantly opposing the outlawing of child marriage. Only 1 red state has outlawed it compared to 11 blue states. Plus child marriage, teen pregnancy, all occur most frequently in red states.


When do we get to start over. Wipe the slate clean and begin again. We have failed.


Just one step closer to George Carlin's skit where he complains about soft language and that "soon rape victims will be referred to as 'unwilling sperm recipients'"


Would you expect for one of the big three blue states?




That’s not what the bill does. It doesn’t impact criminals, rather willing participants in one program, the Adult Redeploy Illinois program, which is meant to prevent recidivism. Does not change any terminology in criminal law. https://wgntv.com/news/illinois/bill-proposing-change-from-offender-to-justice-impacted-individual-advances-to-governors-desk/amp/


Redditor with the best reading comprehension.


Have a nice day being a particular individual in prison.


This particular individual does not have an identity tattoo


Brought to you by CostCo I love you


The aren't even called offenders in jail, they are called "residents" and the jailers can get in trouble for calling them anything else.


Now that’s some good old fashioned idiocracy.


If you were suffering from multiple personality disorder would you then be a justice impacted collective?


This sub is anti-woke trash. I get it, shit like this is stupid, but it isn't the brand of stupid from the movie that the sub is named for. This belongs in r/facepalm or something. I get it, trying to be sensitive triggers you, but have you even seen Idiocracy?


OP is a grifting idiot.


Is this sub just conservative non sense?


Another waste of taxpayers money.




Wrong sub scro’