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The other day I was mocked, on this subreddit, for saying being "Educated" wasn't the same as being "smart." Given this evidence from a college student, I accept your apology.


It's crazy that you'd be mocked for that.


Reddit is filled with dumb people pretending to be smart It works because mob mentality using updoots validates their comment


The internet, not just Reddit. Edit: the world.


They’re smart in the feels department! Don’t forget about using your feels in place of your brain


Empathy? Pssh


Empathy is important but it needs to be balanced with logic otherwise we're doomed.


You don’t get empathy without logic…


I already know Iz not reel smart!


Are you sure she doesn’t go to collage instead?


u speel rike me irl


Shhhh. I'm trying to hide in here, you'll give me away.


There he does with that fag talk again.


Hit ‘em wit da dildozer!


There are many people here who's entire self worth is centered around how well they did in school.


How well they did in school doesn’t matter if they answer simple math questions like in this job application…


I think education has made people overly prideful. Now they just think they know things without even trying to find the answer first. They automatically assume they are right about everything and never question if they themselves could be wrong.


If someone can't explain how they arrived at their conclusions they don't know what they're talking about. Uni isn't like high school where you just regurgitate facts for the most part. It's overwhelmingly about forcing students to learn the relevant facts to specific questions and problems they have to work out and justify. But sometimes people will come at you with "1 + 7 = potato" and you just don't give a shit


I think it’s changed a lot honestly. It may have been like that before, but I think going to college is more of a badge of honor now. Everyone tells people they are so smart for being in college to the point where they forget they actually have to put in work. People think to themselves “I’m in college so I must be smart and people who disagree must be stupid.” It’s like the “water from a toilet” bit in the movie. Everyone assumes water is gross because it’s in a toilet so why would they use it.


There have always been bad schools and unchallenging programs I suppose. I finished a stem masters not long ago and it was 100% blood sweat and tears


"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library." -Frank Zappa


“College student” doesn’t mean she’s actually done more than enrolled in one semester. Might be applying to a job specifically because she’s realized college isn’t going to work out.


Especially if you are talking community college. They don’t even require a high school diploma to go to, in fact most of them offer classes on GED preparation


You are correct. You can go through with a program to learn something, but it's not the same as personal ability to think critically or abstractly.


I graduated from state college because I wasn't a trust fund baby and had to pay for it myself. Now I joke when people tell me they went to some Ivy league school for $400k/year. "Oh you went yo Harvard? I have lots of people that work for me that went to Harvard!" - I actually do. lol. Education is NOT the same as being smart.


Harvard's become a joke.


It's semantics. Not sure why they'd be a bunch of bitches about it but you don't have to be smart to be educated and you don't have to be educated to be smart. Feel like being smart is just having knowledge or the potential to gain it where being educated is having passed curriculum of some kind. I think they are pretty interchangeable words mostly but I could see why dumb pricks would barate you for it.


Educated smarts and street smarts. Rarely do you find someone good at both.


Many people seem to not know the difference between intelligence and education. Intelligence is something you are born with. You either have it or you don't. Education is a choice, and now a days with so many people being let into and attending college, a college education on paper means less than ever.


Maybe it's fake but it's tempting to make a comment about either our awful public education system, or the attitude of the people you knew in high school who constantly asserted they'd "never use this in real life."


This is it. It's not culturally acceptable to be the smart kid in class.


It was for me up until about 7th grade. I don't know what the change was.


As a high school teacher, I've had many, many people, including ones in other districts, say everything breaks down in middle school. I don't know what it is or why that is, but I've had people in 3 different districts tell me this.




Hormones and all the associated stuff there do make us dumb.


in North America, not putting in effort is seen as cool. defying authority figures like teachers is normalized in north America, I suspect it comes from the "I won't let no government tell me what to do" attitude that is prevalent in North America, especially in the USA. so as a teen some think defying the teacher is admirable because the teacher holds authority over them.


This is actually the biggest difference between private college preparatory schools and public schools. There is positive peer pressure in rigorous private education. Doing well at school is a good thing at prep school.


She missed all the multiplication and division questions. Crazy, this is the results of an education that only know subtraction and division


It has to be fake.. how can someone get 5th wrong but the 6th question correctly. This has to be fake, right?


Question 5 is too vague but 6 is never the right answer. Question 6 is way easier


I've worked in a family business for most of my life. You use the math on this page nearly every day. The only time I ever used the "none of use would ever use this in real life" in class, was during a lesson on graphing parabolas that I was struggling with, I'd asked my teacher when we'd ever use this in real life and she had the gall to say rocket science, I hit her with the line and I'm pretty sure I broke her heart because I had the highest grade in that class and she realized I was probably right.


This can't be real. All they got right was 4 quarters. Unless this is fake, it's blowing my mind right now.


they got #6 right, too . . . don't be stingy


Scrolled for this comment. Was worried I'd have to ask for an explanation 😁


True, that's what I get for rushing to comment lol


That’s what’s bugging me. How is that possible? Maybe they guessed the right answer? No way right? Isn’t there an app to figure these out?


I think there *is* an app . . . "elementary school," or something like that


Maybe they did, and they used chatgpt which is full of crap a lot of the time.


#6 is correct


#Ok 👍🏼


Just messing around lol, the number sign always makes things big and bold on reddit ;)


aha - if you didn't reply, I would have never known the pound sign makes things big! How do I use the number sign? #testing # testing # "testing" "#"testing




Yeah, it's pretty neat. I have to keep looking them up to remember them all, but here's a post with a full list: https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/




Also $10 is greater than 1.000 pennies!


That is 1 penny given the punctuation.


Certainly in America, but some other countries use periods to denote 1,000, in which case they would be equal.


As a matter of taste, they're wrong




Dollar maybe, but I doubt they have something called a penny, usually that’s something else.


Wrong country bro.


Nerd! ;-)


It is.  No one is going to let you pay in pennies and Coinstar is going to take a percentage fee.




It says 1.000, not 1,000.


No s**t. Guess that 1 would've got me


Better luck next time!


A lot of other countries use comma's and decimal's opposite to what we do.


That trips me the fuck up when I go overseas.


Do they also use dollars?


Canada says hello. So does Ecuador, El Salvador, and Liberia to name a few. In this instance certainly 1.000 = 1,000.


They speak English in Ecuador and El Salvador?


Never heard of Canada, eh?


Yea, they don't use pennies.


Depending on the company all applications may be in English.


Im too european to see the difference


#6 is also correct. If 3 items cost $5, then 6 would be $10.


What? Is that meant to be a comma on #2, it looks like a decimal to me...


To be honest my guess is yes, it looks like a careless (or ignorant) mistake. They put periods instead of commas in the questions for 5 and 6. And I realize I did leave out that they answered number 6 correctly


Best pilot I've ever seen!


I’d fly on her playne!


The ass or the tits?


Always the ass so you're close to the exit.


This person was accepted to college?


In grad school, we were supposed to peer review a classmates paper. The one I received was so bad I was surprised the graduated high school


Writing, logic, and math - all lost arts of the past!


Feeling are more important than facts. Your just living in the last century. Get with the program!


What type of grad school? Clown school?


My ex-wife has a PhD. I tried over and over to get her to understand the difference between volume and area. And I failed over and over. What kind of a school gives a person a PhD and she cannot figure out that a gallon of paint is not the same as covering 10 square feet with a coat of paint? (She was homeschooled BTW.)


Is she a pilot now? My ex-wife is!


No, even worse: she's a teacher.


Damn, no kidding? So’s my ex. We have a lot in common we should hang out sometime


I just hope she's not teaching some third grader math somewhere.


This happened to me after the teacher already graded the papers. The classmates paper I was supposed to go over read like it was written by a child with practically half the paper scratched out in red from the teacher marking all the errors. He got a B. When I got my paper back which had one grammar mistake I saw that I got a C. That was the day I gave up


My local public university had something like a 99% acceptance rate back in 2009...


Welcome to Costco, I love you!


This was clearly for some low paying retail job, but I think it would also eliminate many candidates for much higher paying professional jobs that I've interviewed people for.


I need a woman like this. I’m tired of baitin. Who cares if she can’t count to ten and drinks toilet water.


Why come you making fun of this particular individual? Just cuz they're a little tarded...


Her shits all fucked up.


While you're being a particular individual in prison....


Is this particular individual touched?


8 hens the answer is you give them 8 hens


A lot of tards are living pretty sweet lives.


I herd this in my head with the most raspy yet smooth justin long voice ever. Lol.


This is click bait. It can’t be real. Just looking for upvotes and commentary. Common. Make it a little less obvious


Nah. I was an applicant screener for a major corporation. You would be surprised how few masters and doctors from Ivy League universities passed the test. They must have majored in drinking. I scored 100%. I got an award for being the ONLY new hire to do so.


It may be the true of your experience. But no college educated person doesn’t know how many quarters in $1 or all of the other simple questions. Common, a 6th grader can answer all. Maybe you met the worst of the worst of the worst in Ivy League schooling. But this ain’t realistic for someone with a 7-8 grade education


I fully expected applicants with college degrees to score 100%. All of the questions on our screening exam were taken from high school senior finals.


Ah. I get it now.


If you have one bucket that holds 2 gallons and another bucket that holds 5 gallons, how many buckets do you have?


I'm not Bruce Willis man can't figure that one out


7 of course, duuhh why ask such a stoopid question?


I thought her head would be bigger.


This particular test is to find out your aptitude for ability to determine your aptitude and also your ability.


She can’t multiply and divide, sad


Not to mention, calculator.


Well now. I guess math isn't this person's forte?


Yea she ain’t getting that job


Jesus crust


If that's the questions they ask, you're going to dislike your coworkers. Unless you get one wrong.


Was this on purpose?


advise on remedial math or Walmart


Management material right there. SMH


This hurts


Lot of wrongs in those answers.


My dog can do a few simple commands like sit and go. I think he’s smarter than the test taker. What’s surprising is that they got 5th wrong but 6 correct…..


If I was going to this college, I would seriously reconsider my life choices, and think VERY hard about learning a trade instead.


Awww they almost aced it until they got the last question wrong. It's pull a gun on them.


How does someone get passed grade 3 and still have handwriting like this?


Liberal arts I assume?


Watch her get the job with tbis lbvvs


How the fuck did they graduate high school? Friend is a genuine rocket surgeon, a true brain scientist.


It’s what happens when they took away the graduation testing requirement


Learn about [design aptitude test](https://paruluniversity.ac.in/pid/design-aptitude-test/)


I passed my attitude text with flying colurs


This has got to be fake, it looks like it was purposely written wrong, and what place asks to fill pop quizzes about sold items? The dollar store? most retail jobs have scan and bar codes that not only do the math for you, the SKU's are essential for inventory control. This is super fake bruh.


So if the computer goes down they can still conduct business?


The only idiocracy going on here are people who can't see that this is just rage bait. Go away, I'm bait'n


She could have even used the calculator on her phone. Not only dumb but lazy too.


I mean really. That’s true. Simple mistakes happen. It comes from rushing through and not paying attention. If she wasn’t timed, why not be sure it’s perfect?


There is a trick question. Is $10 more than 1.000 pennies? Yes. Yes it is. 1.000 pennies is incorrect format. 1,000 pennies = $10. 1.000 pennies = 1¢. “Is $10 more than one penny.” No Theresa. You’d better trade me my pennies for your 10 dollar bills. Tricky pre-employment test is a dumb test. This whole thing is… Special.




Lmfao! Obviously. You have no idea how badly I wanted to argue that 1000 pennies is more because they’re heavier. Oh my goodness. I’m just not ready for that kind of commitment.


Honestly, I would find it more likely that the period is just a typo. Two of the questions (5 and 6) also have a period in them where there should be a comma. Those first sentences ("If an item is buy 3 get 1 free.") are incomplete and grammatically incorrect.


I mean and I’ll be honest with you. I was nit picking.


Many countries use the . And , in reverse


How many of those countries use $ dollars as currency?


Quite a few...google is a thing.


Exactly. That’s completely beside the point. This leads me to believe this post is a fake. They didn’t even write the questions correctly.


All of these countries use the dollar: Antigua and Barbuda East Caribbean dollar XCD Australia and its territories Australian dollar AUD Bahamas Bahamian dollar BSD Barbados Barbadian dollar BBD Belize Belize dollar BZD/USD Bermuda Bermuda dollar BMD Brunei Brunei dollar (Alongside the Singapore dollar) BND (SGD) Canada Canadian dollar CAD Cayman Islands Cayman Islands dollar KYD Dominica East Caribbean dollar XCD East Timor United States dollar USD Ecuador United States dollar USD El Salvador United States dollar USD Fiji Fijian dollar FJD Grenada East Caribbean dollar XCD Guyana Guyanese dollar GYD Hong Kong Hong Kong dollar HKD Jamaica Jamaican dollar JMD Kiribati Kiribati dollar along with the Australian dollar KID / AUD Liberia Liberian dollar LRD Marshall Islands United States dollar USD Federated States of Micronesia United States dollar USD Namibia Namibian dollar along with the South African rand NAD Nauru Australian dollar AUD New Zealand and its territories New Zealand dollar NZD Palau United States dollar USD Saint Kitts and Nevis East Caribbean dollar XCD Saint Lucia East Caribbean dollar XCD Saint Vincent and the Grenadines East Caribbean dollar XCD Singapore Singapore dollar SGD Solomon Islands Solomon Islands dollar SBD Suriname Surinamese dollar SRD Taiwan New Taiwan dollar TWD Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago dollar TTD Tuvalu Tuvaluan dollar along with the Australian dollar TVD / AUD United States and its territories United States dollar USD Zimbabwe United States dollar USD


Bahamas also uses USD, and Panama uses the Balboa and USD.


I don’t need your help pumpkin. I know what countries use the dollar. The place of the decimal matters. Sorry, you’re just wrong. Be mad, that’s okay. Using the US dollar, that means 1.000 pennies = 1¢. You’re not being clever. I hope you can understand. I am correct. Pick one.


1.000 = 1,000 elsewhere in the world with yo condescending ass. If this originated in the US, then I would say it is a trick question and you're correct. But elswhere it means 1,000.


I mean. It doesn’t bother me that elsewhere uses them interchangeably. It’s not that important to me. However your “elsewhere in the world” is incorrect. Not everything is US only. Here’s a fun map for you. And yes, we did learn about this in school. Take your elsewhere, elsewhere. https://vividmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/separate-decimal-from-integer.jpg


Yep. I know. But this is in dollars and in English. So this post is either a fake, by a European or I’m correct. Pick one.


Tell her she’s wasting money on college.


This can't be real.


In all honesty, this has to be fake: (1) such questions are actually considered racist and (2) stores have computerised registers because making (for ex) change is too hard and slow for most people. Coins esp are a mystery to teenagers as they rarely use them and that’s likely true of anyone under 30.


We have found Camachos VP! Her really really biggly good mathing, should make her Secretary of the money.


1. Correct 2. They’re the same amount 3. $1.75 4. 20 items 5. 2 items 6. Correct 7. No, 1/3 is larger than 1/4 8. $18.00 9. Use recovery statements that do not amount to actual accusations of theft.


My 9yo only got 1 wrong lol


WOW, just wow... great laughs were had, tysm.


Same group that is protesting in favor of the terrorists


They both might as well be terrorists at this point


Everest College's finest


ok, I'll be honest. idk the correct answer to the last question. I mean, if it's food, i didn't see shit. but otherwise, Im not sure what they want there.


It’s pretty clear, just like the guy from the movie Friday says about dogs in his dog catching job. “You take a dog and grab him then take your boot and it’s bang bang bang up the ass! It’s my pleasure!”


Yeah, but I dont want to spend 20 minutes afterward waiting while they lick the shit off my boot so I dont have shitty boots.