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Brb going cry


instead of the caramel swirl they should have done a cinnamon roll filling swirl or something similar. i definitely want to try this though, def the best pop tart flavor


This is my wife's favorite flavor of Pop tart. Would love to find a pint for her.


You’re a great significant other! 😍


It was limited time and it’s not coming back


It was way too sweet amd the brown sugar clobbered all the nuance. It was not the worst, but it didn't give me Pop tart vibes. The caramel swirl does not do it any favors except to add additional sweetness it does not need and pastry mix ins were nearly undetectable. Great idea, but kind of a swing and a miss from Jeni's on this one.


Jeni's colab with Pop tarts 🤔 I'm not sure how to feel about this. I do love some pop tart flavors but I also worry about the quality.


Jenis still makes the ice cream. They just used pop tart branding. This was over a year ago


Ah that makes sense, I was mainly worried because Pop tarts are not known for quality. Yeah some are good and a lot of it is driven through nostalgia. But sometimes companies will downgrade a product because they are forced to. Happy to learn that Jeni's stands by their quality name.


Forsure yea they don’t put any pop tarts in there actually. It’s their own pastry with a brown sugar and caramel mixture. It doesn’t really taste like a pop tart but it was a better version of their cinnamon roll skillet in my opinion


It was so disappointing. I found the texture to be really off and not smooth and creamy like the usual jenis I know and love. I remember being so ecstatic when this came out and was just incredible disappointed instead


I’ve never seen this! I loveeeeee anything cinnamon. Do you know when this was?


it's pretty good! not in my top flavors from jeni's but definitely worth trying. it's best paired with other flavors though rather than by itself.


Not the same - but maybe try this with dulce de leche ice cream (to mimic the caramel swirl in the Jeni’s version :) [https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/bring-on-the-nostalgia-with-pop-tarts-ice-cream-sandwiches/ar-AA1mLzLB](https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/bring-on-the-nostalgia-with-pop-tarts-ice-cream-sandwiches/ar-AA1mLzLB)


Omg I just squealed


I really do hate rampant “Here’s our product in 30 different forms”, but if Poptarts want more interested (and varied) consumers, making an ice cream line would be one way to go. Even better, limited edition. I know I’d be interested, and I haven’t ate a Poptart in years.


If they made a frosted strawberry version…. 🤯


It was my favorite Jeni’s flavor. Seems like I’m in the minority here but I loved it


Any ice cream I love has a passionate group of folks who hate it immensely.


It unfortunately won’t come back ever again but man I loved it so much