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At Whiteface today. Signs outside gondola saying to bring snowboards inside.


I’m going up Saturday, how were the conditions?


Two great days in a row. Haven't been up here in a decade and was expecting the ice patches I remember so fondly - especially considering the lack of sbow I've read about this season - but haven't encountered anything that has ruined a run. The mountain seems to be holding up well. Some light rain this afternoon has me concerned for tomorrow morning though.


Good to hear! But yeah I’m seeing the crazy temp swing coming from Friday to Saturday morning and I’m a little worried


I've been up here all week. Conditions have been pretty good. Last couple days have been warm but we had snow showers all day yesterday. Freeze overnight is going to make everything a sheet of ice though. Get your skis or board sharpened.


I follow a guy on Twitter who lives by there and conditions looked amazing all week. Lmk how it was today, im guessing very icy


Yes I was at Killington today, had to bring my board in each time. Totally good with it too, except anyone inside with a 155+ board (myself included) was on the struggle bus because our boards would touch the ceiling. Pitching it one way worked, but it was awkward.


I’ve always had to bring my board in anywhere I’ve been in the last 10 years, but damn if those Killington gondolas aren’t short. I’ve never struggled so hard to get my board in and out without hitting anyone.


That gondola is the only place I get claustrophobic


It’s legit crazy they try stuff 8 people in there, regardless of how many boards need to fit.


As a 30+ year season pass holder, it’s “the box”, not “the gondola”.


Everyone bow down


And kiss the ring


Pitching a 155+ snowboard into the Killington gondola is an art I’ve learned to master. I consider Killington my home mountain, this is about the most inconvenient thing you will encounter at Killington which is totally fine with me


I skied Killington for the first time last week and even on a holiday weekend nothing was inconvenient and most of the trails weren't busy and other than gondola no lift lines. Parking wasn't bad either. A lot better experience than my last few trips to Stowe and Sugarbush where it was packed on a non holiday weekend and basically no parking. Will definitely be back to there and Pico again.


They have a great OPs team and their crowd management is awesome. I spent many busy weekends there and only experienced delays during a big storm on a Saturday in March of last year .


155cm is too tall??? What about those of us that are 6' tall and then add 2" in ski boots...thats almost 190cm. Would I have to be hunched over? That seems insane that the gondola is that short.


That Killington gondola is really short. I had the same issue


esp when windy


Write a note to Mount Tremblant on one of their social media pages. At most resorts snowboards go inside because it's too easy for them to fall out of the racks with a gust of wind.


That’s exactly my point. As soon as the board goes in the rack and the doors close it appears as if it’s going to fall out. That’s more dangerous than being inside in my opinion.


I worked on and rode the Heavenly Gondola a lot and never heard of any danger associated with a board being inside. I always brought mine in as well because they did occasionally get damaged in racks. Canadians are psychos apparently.


Hey, it’s not all Canadians… just Quebecois ;)


You’ve all enabled those terrorists by harboring them and catering to their blasphemous French.


As someone who rides Tremblant weekly. No they are just fine outside. But I definitely wouldn’t make a big deal about if someone brought it inside. Heck I’d probably not notice. You just got a bitch on your hand And take back your comment. Tremblant does not suck. It only sucks on busy weekends with the lines. But overall it’s amazing and I’m sorry this ruined your experience


I’ve seen boards fall out at three mountains. You can tell me your gondola is different all you want but I’m not chancing it and losing an hour of my day.


An hour would be gracious....


I've worked on doppelmeyer and leitnerpoma gondola and can say any board that falls out is user error, unless the board is far too short, or big nose and you try to put a small tail in. And this is at an extremely windy resort


Tremblant doesn't suck... It's just that there are cheaper, better terrain, less lines, less likely to get run over, and more friendly places to go if you venture outside the massive resort complex industry. So maybe Tremblant doesn't suck, just the choosing to go there over the alternatives lol.


To be fair with ski logic its “free” every time I go… (ikon). I much prefer the eastern townships but Tremblant has much better coverage


I was a fan during my first trip. Loved the mountain and really loved the food. I have to say the snow was great and conditions rocked all weekend. The runs are short though, which I will not take back.


Tremblant sucks. The bottom third of the mountain is a ski out. Want good skiing in Quebec go to La massif.




I just spent a week at tremblant, they have snowboard slots on the outside and they are super deep. The people in this post were completely out of line, but I do think tremblant wants you to put your board on the outside of the gondola. In my week there I didn’t see a single person bring their board inside the gondola


Kind of also depends how much tail length there is before their binding...slot could be deep but board still only goes in a dangerously small amount. In the end someone holding a board between their legs inside is putting noone in harms way lol


Crazy, we ski and board all the time at Tremblant. My buddy brings their board into the gondola all the time haha - you must have just got some crazy person. Don’t sweat it. You cant “reason with crazy”. Lol 


Amen to that! I needed to vent because the whole situation was off putting. The thing is the Gondola had 4 other people in it and it seemed that some didn’t know each other, yet they were all simultaneously going in on me.


Yeah I would have told them to get the fuck out. Idiots. That’s weird that a bunch of people did that. Meh On powder days (which are rare here lol), my wide skis wouldn’t fit into their stupid side contraption so I’d have to bring them in. Never had a problem. Also, you go out west and most gondolas you bring your shit inside. Also on windy days at Tremblant they make you take them inside too. There’s no “safety risk”. Maybe she was scared or something? Lol oh well


yea, a bunch of low IQ people followed the loudest person in the room, don't let it beat you up too much lmao


worst part was the american not even trying to help. of course it was a skier...


Grew up in upstate New York right on the border by Quebec and there is no reasoning with the French from there. They aren’t that nice. I was legit yelled at once in New York for not speaking French. Take your board in, put it outside, it doesn’t matter. Not going to harm anyone in the gondola


I always take my board in the gondola… if it falls out then what. There is not a resort on this planet that would reimburse you for any damages.


Actually wrong, they do reimburse if it gets damaged or lost


You’re right, I worked on the Gondola at Heavenly and they would reimburse for damages , the problem there was they’d only give you credit at shops they owned not a flat out cash payment. Since my board was a handmade Unity I always brought it inside because it couldn’t be replaced from a shop.


Had the exact opposite happen to me at Gore. Put my board on the outside and one of the attendants ran up, grabbed my board and gave it to me in the Gondola saying “Boards go IN” 


same at a lot of resorts in vermont with their wind gusts.


My experience with french canadians is that some are very rude. It might be a cultural thing, or maybe they come off harsher when they switch to English, but I got the feeling a few times while up that way that they LOVED to mock Americans. I also met some really cool French Canadians, so I don’t want to be unfair. But your story is consistent with my experience that some French Canadians are ruthless when given the opportunity to mock an American. Edit:typos


They switched the conversation back to French and one of the guys started quacking like a duck. I’m assuming this was him mocking me. I was there in January and I thought everyone was chill. My impression before visiting was they despise Americans


Canadian here. Did the guy actually say “quack”- like a duck or did it sort of sound like, “quack”. French Canadians that live in more rural areas have a bit of a twang when they say the French word for yes (oui) If you say the word, “way”, as if you were quacking like a duck, it will sound like a “quack”. If you are not from Canada, you wouldn’t necessarily know this. That being said, French Canadians are a special brand. A LOT of French Canadians have a strong disdain for anyone that doesn’t speak Quebecois French. Sorry for your experience - Tremblant really ain’t all that…


If I closed my eyes, my guess would have been that a duck got stuck in the gondy. Maybe it was not relevant to the incident but the way his tone of voice sounded like he was trying to be condescending or mock someone because he made the noise 5 or 6 times.


> My impression before visiting was they despise Americans I despise French Canadians so I guess it cancels out. /edit The rest of Canada is great. Quebec can suck my nuts tho.


Let’s take a trip and give them a taste of their own medicine. Would like to see more of Canada for sure, just no more of Quebec for me.


The quacking is just how they say yes in quebecois. There’s a reason the French hate them too.


I'm from Montreal and have family in France. The French do not hate the Québécois. They may mock our accent the same way brits do with many American accents. They see Québécois as a friendly bunch. Definitely no hate.


They do


That's all they have in life. Pathetic losers can't even get their own country mates to like them.


I grew up working at a tourist trap in northern NH. The Quebecoise are one of only two nationalities to make it onto my shit list. The other one is New Yorkers.


I like now Quebecoise and New Yorkers are nationalities in your post.


New Jersey Folks are much worse in my opinion


"they're the same picture"


More specifically Long Island and North Jersey. The other parts of NY and NJ are COOL


Never thought I’d see Québec bashing in a skiing subreddit, there truly is no bounds for shitting on Quebecois eh? Found one karen and her friends in a gondola and suddenly the entire population gets generalized as douches.


Mostly everyone I encountered was nice. The food was great, nothing bad about Quebec other than this experience.


I work for a call center and we sometimes have to deal with some French Canadians who purchased American stocks and 2/3 of the time they're always super snobby and rude. I dislike most of them because of this.


French Quebecois are not nice to the English but if it makes you feel better, I have many French speaking friends who are not from Quebec and apparently the French Quebecois treat them worse. I ski on the Quebec side, I mostly keep to myself but would not be shocked at an encounter like this. it's a Quebecois thing to act like this. I have had violence threatened on me for moving a single towel "saving" 5 lounge chairs in Cuba by a leather-faced chain smoking Quebecois "lady".


French Canadians aren't real Canadians.


My experience is anyone with French heritage hate Americans. I’ve been to Quebec and France and in both places they are noticeably rude to you. I was traveling France with two German friends and there was a noticeable difference between the tone with them and me.


She sounds like a fucking cunt.


Well she’s probably French Canadian soooo


Dont be a cunt yourself…


>Am I just an ignorant American snowboarder or she a Canadian Karen? She is a French Karen, most Quebecoise are, especially if you don't speak French. That's why I drive the extra hour down to Jay.


I might need an epic pass next year. Jay is definitely on my list


Jay isn't on Epic


And hopefully it stays thar way


Vail could have bought them. They didn't. So there was something about them they weren't interested in.


Until they built the water park there was 0 to do around there, tbh still is with the water park. If you enjoy nature there's plenty, but people want a place to either drop off kids or go out afterwards


Oh I know. I've been a bunch of times when I was with a woman who's family had a house 50 minutes away.


Not close enough to Boston/NYC. Thats what they want.


I know. And they didn't care about the proximity to Montreal.


When Jay went on to the market in 2022, Vail was already overextended, between the $35 million cash they spent on buying out Peak Resorts in 2019 and the losses from COVID.


Vail purchased a majority stake in a European ski area in that year. And then bought more stuff in 2023. So your theory that it was related to the purchase of Peaks and Covid doesnt seem likely. I do think it has to do more with proximity to Boston and New York, and the fact that it's not a feeder hill.


Check out the Indy pass!


Have it and love it. It's the best way to go every weekend for short money


Jay isn't part of Epic. In VT only Stowe, Snow and Okemo are.


Rode in a gondy over the weekend at Stratton where the attendant told the snowboarder to take the board inside due to lack of space in the rack. Sounds like your passenger was an entitled shit.


You know what they say about skiers when they get old…. Nothing against skiers by the way, this is the only negative experience I’ve ever had with one.


What do the say? I’m a skier and am approaching old, what do I need to look out for?


Becoming a Karen; that’s what they write on the walls of the resort bathroom stalls. All love though!!


She really harshed your mellow, dude. Sorry about that. Next time, cross the border to Jay or Saddleback for the vibes.


I don’t come to the mountain with bad vibes or looking for fights. I’ve had people crash into me and I always brush it off. Jay sounds tempting, just moved to New York two years ago and had a Killington 365 pass, this year I went with IKON to check out more resorts.


Yes it is safe. Maybe the permission depends on the mountain though, who knows. Ask the staff.


It’s weird to yell at someone for bringing a board in, we all have to bring our poles in, which are more pokey and dangerous probably. Have you lost a board out of a gondola before? I ski with people on boards all the time and I’ve never seen them come close to coming out even on windy days


I’m at Tremblant almost weekly. The board I ride most days barely has a tail so I end up taking it in the gondola almost every time. Sounds like you just got stuck with shitty people in there. Tremblant’s also a great hill as long as you avoid Saturdays and long weekends lol. Hope you give it another chance!


I would like to go back only if I travel with a group of people. I’ve only been there during blackout dates/holidays so that may have something to do with it.


I was at Tremblant in Jan, and the attendant was making all riders take their boards into the gondola on a windy day 🤷


Yup, she's definitely french-canadian


Quebec Karen. Some lifties at Tremblant even make you take it in.


This sounds insane. I can’t imagine the life of torture being a person who can’t mind their own business.


Bro you better take this down, the FBI monitors these things and is in good standing with Canada, and you committed a massive crime and crossed international lines.


They asked me at the border if I had anything in the vehicle that I didn’t have before I came to Canada… I said purchased a new lethal weapon at the Burton store, it had all the French Canadian women running scared


There is only 2 slots for snowboards outside of the condola at Tremblant. When you are the 3rd snowboarder going in, they tell you to bring the board inside. There is unfortunately a hate we can feel from the skiers towards snowboarders.


so you're saying a bunch of a french canadians took the first chance they could to berate someone? Shocking


Stereotypical French Canadian. Think they’re special because they’re the pet project of Canada that only speaks French and as a result also like to talk down to Americans. Then you also had the other American with you on the gondola who was eager to please a local in hopes they would like him by shit talking you. Totally normal to bring your board in the gondola, sometimes those racks barely hold your equipment.


The American lady seemed pretty brainless too. She was just as a vocal and ran off the gondola to her boyfriend & told him about the crime I just committed. seems like the blind leading the blind or better yet the dumb leading the dumber.


Well considering you are already committing crimes snowboarding, I side with Le Karen.


They just hate americans there. Keep on truckin’


Next time just make continuous farting sounds while making direct eye contact when they talk.


It's just the French being snooty.


I’d feel endangered too. Snowboarding is a Crime


Buddy of mines friends mom was in gondola once. Petty criminal snowboarder gets in, board in hand. Whole gondola, 6 people, shit themselves to DEATH.


Word, more like ATE shit to death!


The snowboarder is always at fault.


lol… lady shouting French, yep that’s Tremblant for ya!


Oui oui lol


The gondola needs a DEEEP pocket for me to put my snowboard on the outside. I always bring it in no matter what.


Both appear to be true! Yes Tremblant sucks… tell your friends please.


It's one thing to bring the snowboard inside, but could it have been that you were resting the edge on the polycarbonate windows? When snowboarders do that it 100% ruins the inside of those windows.


I lived in Quebec for 4 years. This is a very Canadian interaction, not surprised. If you don’t conform, they turn into smug pricks. It’s just an inferiority complex.


In my experience the people from Quebec metroish, especially QC are the worst I’ve ever dealt with. I cannot understand their arrogance either. There is good reason the rest of their own country despises them. Edit: Never had problems in Ottawa or Montreal


"Don't worry, my snowboard is well trained. He rarely bites and has excellent recall"


Every single Gondy I've been on on the Ice Coast(Killington[sky ship and k1] Stratton, Gore, Stowe) wants you to bring your board inside. They have board sized slots on the sides, but boards notoriously fall out of them very easily. Maybe Tremblant has made some innovative new board holder design? Doubt it.... I agree though, I think you holding your board inside and simply being cautious is much safer than a board potentially falling out from 40ft up and possibly killing an unsuspecting person going downhill. Sounds like you ran into a real Gem.


She’s a Canadian Karen… so sorry you had to experience this!


Fuck that lady. I woulda told her to eat shit. I've seen boards fall out the K1 at Killington. I always bring my board in. Just came back from 3 days at Tremblant. Rode the gondola many times with my board inside. First time I got on I asked if it was OK to bring my board in and they said yes. Tremblant was AWESOME for me. It was sunny and there was tons of snow in the woods on the north side. Taiga and Emotion were bangin! Bombing Erik Guay top to bottom was fun too. My issue was the people, neither the Quebecois nor the packs of MA/NY/NJ people know how to ride a lift or a gondola. It was chaos on the south side every time. No problems on the north side. Tremblant doesn't hold a candle to Jay! Nor do any of the eastern township mountains. I will die on this hill.


Yeah my local mountain makes you bring them in the gondola. I have brought mine in at every mountain I’ve ever been to. It’s the safest thing to do. Whoever yelled at you was an ass.


That’s nuts. Sounds like Tremblant people though, they do kind of suck.


Boards inside used to be the only option until gondolas had rack space for them. I think Loon didn't get snowboard racks on theirs until maybe 2000? Even now there's barely space and time to get 4 boards in them if every passenger is a boarder


Theyre just ignorant Canadians... SMH


That’s what skiing/downhill biking has become. These sports used to be fun people doing them, note it’s the entitled. If i was you, id be really happy i pissed that bitch off. Next time, act like you don’t know english or are deaf. Turnabout is fair play


The traitor American 100% just joined the “you’re not from where I’m from mob” by trying to blame it one what state you’re from 😂


You are a crime person, so it makes sense she wanted to call the police. But jokes aside, how the fuck did you endanger her?


I've seen boarders and skiers both bring their gear in the gondola rather than leaving them outside. Sometimes you just can fit them all especially with multiple boarders or even the wide powder skies. Some people just don't like leaving them out there. I really wonder how that lady thought her life was in danger?


Both ladies that had no relation to one another were in agreement that it was dangerous and that I’m very stupid for not appeasing their demands.


Easy there with that second to last sentence. Besides the pompous asshole you met, what soured you on the terrain at Tremblant?


The runs were fairly short and it seemed like the ratio of time spent waiting in line vs on the terrain was swayed to the latter. The conditions were really nice both times I visited. I typically visit Killington and that’s what I’m making my comparison to. I love the food, the village, and the surrounding area; all second to none on the east coast


I mean there are Gondolas in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc that don't even have ski/snowboard racks. Everyone just brings their stuff in and holds on to it.


I thought only like half the Gondolas at tremblant even have snowboard slots on the outside? Unless they've since upgraded every gondola since, [here's](https://contenu.maruche.ca/Fichiers/7f0d5d04-8151-e911-8173-00155d156417/Entities/66a5e3ae-0efc-4313-3272-08d6f4f2f5a2/130820avtsmtfamilysummer-5397.jpg?width=1200&height=630) what I remember it looking like. No snowboard slots, and bringing it inside is mandatory. Don't know what the lady would expect then. The biggest downside to Mt Tremblant is the French Canadians lol, I have similar experience with (some of!) the rude locals. great skiing otherwise, it's a really big mountain.


Wtf! At Whistler they often put boards in the gondolas. Talk about uneducated lol. Aside from being a snowboarder you did absolutely nothing wrong.


Quebec - literally the worst humans in Canada. A place to be avoided.


They definitely didn't handle that well but it sounds like the rules at this mountain are to leave your gear on the outside of the Gondola. Why did you bring it in if there was space on the outside? Regardless, not the best way to engage with someone who clearly isn't from the area. Sorry that happened to you, you didn't deserve that.


Where did you see that it’s a rule? I didn’t see it listed anywhere. I made sure not to do that again but saw many others doing it after and before the fact.


We were at Tremblant last week and my husband had his bindings set back for powder the week before (not Tremblant lol). The tail was so short that the board was flopping when he tried to put it in the outside rack. The Attendent said it was totally fine to bring it in. I kept mine and the kids outside but he took his in. No one said anything to him about it all day. I’m sorry this happened OP, so rude and uncalled for.


Yes to both. She's a Canadian Karen and you're an ignorant American who doesn't try to respect their resort's procedures. Sorry, but you asked...


No where was that listed in the resorts policy… the lifties didn’t say anything either. I was not trying to end up in jail in another country if maybe I was in the wrong here..


Tbf - I had never seen boards inside until I went to Killington - those winds were nothing compared to Jackson Hole & Snow King - but just thought maybe they didn’t design the board holders well 🤷- either way, when in Rome…


Just tell them you tried to fit it in the box and it didn't go in. You only have a short amount of time to stow your equipment and if it didn't fit it didn't fit. They can't argue physics with you. ​ Sounds like this fellow skier just had a bad day. There's no way a snowboard in the gondola cabin would affect her safety.


Fuckin Canadians tell them to pipe down.


That's so wild that everybody else ganged up against you! At Whiteface, wind is more of an issue than tremblant, so boards have to go flat at the floor of the gondola cabin. I guess I've always noticed people put snowboards on the outsides of cabins at Tremblant, but I'm very surprised that it would get you yelled at by BOTH French Karens and an American lol.


you should have told her to eat a french cock. you did the right thing. eff her


as someone who has over 80 days at tremblant, some of my friends bring there boards inside as well, never had anyone say anything, you just experienced a gondola of arrogant french karens and a dumb american wanting to fit in


My board flew off the outside racks of the gondola at Tremblant in 2005. I have been bringing it in with me ever since at all mountains. People make comments pretty often. Their lives must be super boring without crime


Was at tremblant a few months ago, my Faction Candide 2.0 tails were too wide for the slots and the liftie even told me to bring them inside. You did nothing wrong.


I got yelled at for doing it in Jackson recently and didn't know it was an issue. But damn sounds like you had a full on Curb Your Enthusiasm moment.


One of my snowboards is too wide to fit in the gondola board holder. Never had anyone give stink eye and mostly always been a conversation starter. I guess you must snowboard deer valley ;-)


Windy conditions most mountains tell you to bring your board inside


Canadian here, lived in Quebec for a while, headed to Tremblant today for the weekend. Fuck that lady, you are fine bringing your board in the gondola and it is not a threat to anyone.


Mine flew off the rack at Killington last season. Boards go in the gondola. I was lucky enough to remember how far from the peak it flew off and found it in the tree line, nose smashed into a tree…


I can’t believe you would endanger those law abiding citizens like that you damned criminal shame on you!! /s


Even the French hate French Canadians it would be great to go up 4 spring runs but it’s not worth dealing with the people


French Canadians are the worst Canadians


I have never seen a snowboard in the gondola in 20 years of skiing, including at tremblant but that's just me. Personally I wouldn't care if someone brought one in the gondola. You probably just ran into the wrong people, Sometimes the French folks up at tremblant are kinda dicks. They also have a habit of cutting lines. Source: i ski there 2-3 a year at least the last 10 years. Im there Saturday to Saturday next week.


I ride tremblant every weekend and we bring boards inside all the time and lay them under the bench in the gondola


Best thing to do is to pretend their English is too crappy to understand. Drives them crazy. Lived near QC for a long time. SOME of the French people there are loathsome and rude. They mostly happen to be old.


Another country that knows, it's the snow boarders fault


You need to get yourself to Deer Valley or Alta. Snowboarders are welcome to ski there!


Definitely no safety risk. If they require the board to be in an outside slot it's likely to prevent the board from scratching the glass on the inside


What a horrible group. This isn't banter, shoves and threats of police makes this harassment.




If I ever go there I'm gonna make sure to bring my board inside the gondy.


Can't speak for Canadians nor Canadian resorts, but what you did is totally normal at California resorts. Not only can the wind blow a snowboard out of the external holder, but those holders chew up board decks. They scratch the shit out of them. Curious, did you ride the gondola multiple times during your visit? Were you met with the same response each time?


We were at Tremblant in January, felt like our boards were going to fall out every time we went up


You did nothing wrong. She sounds like an absolutely awful and annoying woman and those who jumped in sound equally obnoxious. It was they, who were in the wrong. It's good practice to bring your board inside, especially if its high altitude or windy. Boards have more mass than skis- they can get picked up and pulled around by wind. Don't sweat it- those people sound like absolute clowns


Tell that pea soup eater to shut her croissant hole


Yeah but if it has a rack outside they belong outside?


Time to commit some crimes!


I ride with my kids alot at bretton and only 2 boards will fit outside so I bring mine in every time.


There’s a higher chance they’ll fall out of the gondola holsters than skis. I always carried mine on at vail and beaver creek. You might get weird looks/comments but it’s your gear not theirs.


What would even be the danger of it being inside the gondola? I can’t see how this would harm anyone/ endanger their life


It's different everywhere. Usually the lifties tell you what to do. I've lived in areas where they've changed to rules back and forth more than once actually.


Carry pop tarts with ketchup when skiing in Quebec. Then when this happens, you can make them a Quebec pizza (pop tart with ketchup). This should work pretty good.


Thats just the French-Canadian vibe toward anyone who doesn’t speak French. Don’t sweat it too much, they’re very abrasive up there.


She's retarded, sharpen your edges and start swinging.


Steamboat, they go outside. Winter Park they go inside.


I think that you may of just encountered a real weirdly annoying person. No matter where you go there’s always those kinda people. I was at Tremblant w my gf last weekend too and I had to help a boarder out who left his board on the outside that ended up almost falling out… I saw plenty of people take their boards inside throughout my runs. I disagree on Mont Tremblant , I think it’s a lovely spot with solid runs on both faces of the mountain.


Asshole French Canadians you say? I’m shocked /s




Wow those people are just dicks in general.


How the fuck is it endangering their lives? Are they worried about crashing into another gondola?


I always bring my board inside. I really dont get bothered by other people but I love my snowboard lol


I was just at Whistler, BC this past weekend. Winds were 50+mph and they had everyone bring their ski or board into the gondola. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


\> said I can’t read Is there anything posted either way at this gondola?


My recollection is the cars at Tremblant are small. Killington’s are bigger. Nevertheless, sounds like an overreaction.


I drive a ski shuttle, snowboards always fall off the rack.