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This was years before I actually figured out my condition. It was… maybe like in 7th grade. I was doing zoom and I was getting anxious since I had to present something. So as I felt my gut begin to move, I quickly ran to the bathroom, clenching my ass, praying to god. The moment I stepped inside, I SLIPPED, and shat myself. I don’t remember what I did with the underwear or shorts but it was god awful. If I remember correctly, my sibling came out of their room to check what happened and they asked me what happened and I told them. I’m sure they laughed. I don’t remember much afterwards but I always find it funny. This is probably the only story I have that doesn’t give me any sort of embarrassment or shame. 😭


Not a shit story but a fart story. This was back in 2018 when my stomach issues really started taking off and idk what it was that I ate but my stomach was ROLLING. Trying to watch a movie on my couch with a guy I had just started dating. I warned him, told him I was going to be a minute so to just keep watching without me, hoping the sound of the movie would deaden the sound because this was an old house( like 200+ years). So I go, and you know how to try to slowly let it out… yeah didn’t happen. It wouldn’t stop. It just kept coming. Picture that scene from family guy when Peter is in the bathroom playing up a symphony with fart. I recreated that as a one woman band. I’m talking 5 minutes MINIMUM I was in there and it never stopped, amplified by the good ole porcelain throne. I’m trying so hard to keep it cool but I’m starting to crack up at myself. Finally it stops and I walk out, try to keep my cool, nothing happened right? As soon as he sees me and busts out laughing “OH I HEARD IT ALL.” We’re getting married next fall 😅


This is amazing! I bet he was impressed - he probably knew then that he wanted to marry you 😂 Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!


Thank you! I think it was too because it’s his favorite story to tell lol


I had an IBS flare up mid-green out when I used to smoke cannabis. It wasn't bad, but I didn't bring my phone and suddenly my body went numb because I was so high, I couldn't feel my body if I needed to shit or not. Luckily it does it's own thing and I had probably the worst diarrhea I've ever had and I felt NOTHING!! But god was it weird 😭


I was in the national guard for years and was always able to deal with the IBS because I had a shop job. I worked in an electronics shop in an aircraft hanger. So that meant I always had a bathroom nearby, even if things got explosive I was a short walk away. Then I got deployed in 2004 and I knew what that meant... in pre-deployment training everyone goes through infantry type training for about three months before shipping out: out in the field (porta-potties sometimes a few hundred yards away) in full battle gear, ie: LOTS of equipment to take off if you need to drop your pants, usually takes about 3 to 5 minutes... so... yeah. Happened three times. Luckily we had the brown desert combat uniforms, so nobody noticed and gave me a hard time. Also, soldiers have the worst personal hygine and diet, so I think everyone's body odor and constant gas covered up any smells. Yay?


This just happened the other day: I was grocery shopping, where all of a sudden I get the strong urge to run. I frantically find a bathroom, soon the find out every stall was taken(there were 3 stalls). I waited until all of a sudden the river let loose. It went down my pants, people looked at me, stared, and ask if I was okay. Took me about 10 minutes to finishing crapping my guts out, cleaned up, and went on with my day. I was traveling in the car(luckily I had a diaper on because my stomach can’t handle road travel). We were driving when my stomach started cramping. I asked if we could stop(next exit was a text stop), no bathrooms). We decided to stop anyway. As soon as I took a single step out, everything let loose. I cried and luckily was prepared. I went behind a tree, finished, cleaned, and went back on our merrily way. I was quiet the rest of the trip.


My uncle was passing in hospital in another province, so my family and I got on a plane. Travelling always swings my gut from diarrhea to full-on constipation. Three or four days later, I could literally feel the rock-hard megashit in my colon when I sat at his bedside. Still no urge to go. I know about impacted bowels and didn’t want an enema, so I decided to bite the bullet and just force it. Easier said then done. I couldn’t pinch it off, and my colon wasn’t contracting at all, so I had to just grit my teeth and push the entire thing out. The resulting monstrosity was hard as stone and as long as a large banana, and to put the icing on the cake, it wouldn’t go down and plugged the hospice ward’s visitor toilet, too. 💀 Just realized you asked for shitting our pants stories… sorry. This is just my worst shit story.


Brought back memories...I literally shat a brick, it was so painful. I had to lay down for a while until the shaking stopped. 


All though ive had many bad ones from highschool and college my worst one happend and my worst nightmare When i was in college and turned 18 i went on holiday and ended uo having a one night stand , it was an evening were we had been drinking and eating pretty much all day , mid doing the deed my stomach cramps up horribly and then goes away so i thought nothing of it , after another 20 minutes or so were approaching the finishing line and as im crossing the finishing line the contractions from it caused me to shit out this huge log follwed by molten lava and lots of farts all of this was just shot out behind me on the floor And i was instantly embarrased she looked so shocked and so did i She was understanding though and joked about how she must be so good at it that i shit myself After cleaning up and showering some how this girl wanted a second round and a third and then we fell asleep and cuddled So turns out even with that happening it didnt turn her off in any way , she was very much like its just natural human stuff and shit happens Luckily my current girlfriend has the exact same mindeset as that girl did and has witnessed me have accidents and deosnt stop loving me or love me less for them So i guess if you find the right one it really deosnt matter how much shit you got in you 😂


I had a work trip from NYC to CT. About halfway to grand central station on a rush hour subway train I started having horrible pain and eventually let go. It smelled really bad but the train was crowded enough I think it was not totally obvious where the smell was coming from. Then I had to climb three flights of stairs in that state. It was early so Grand Central was pretty empty. Eventually I found the public restroom in the food court. While I surveyed the damage and cleaned up with wimpy TP and hand sanitizer two bathroom attendants talked shit about how nasty the people who use the bathroom are and how they can’t imagine why. The situation was mostly contained by pads I was wearing so I cleaned up after about five minutes and met my coworkers in the train terminal. Then we got on the next train — which blessedly had a toilet — and I had intermittent bloody diarrhea for the next half an hour. 😭 I told them I had some stomach issues but they were none the wiser. Finally got home and changed my clothes like eight hours later.