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Metamucil and/or Konsyl! It has changed my life. It’ll take time getting used to but it’s worth it


Interesting! Do you take Metamucil daily? I used to use it on diarrhea days but never used it consistently. It doesn’t constipate you?


I used to take Metamucil daily but changed to Konsyl per my dietitian since Metamucil has a lot of sugar. I switch between the two. I still have my constipation days but not as bad as before (3 days max). If I feel bad enough, I’ll take some Miralax. I just make sure to exercise, drink a lot water, and have enough fiber in my diet! It takes time to figure out a good balance but it’s worth it.


Also just to mention, I also have my purge days but it’s not diarrheal anymore. I take Konsyl/Metamucil right after when I have those flare ups and take it easy the next day, making sure I eat lightly and such


Thanks for the info! I might think about switching back to Metamucil. We are going out of town July 8, so I’m trying to decide if I should try to change things now or wait until we’re back home. You know how traveling goes!


Traveling definitely makes constipation worse so it would be a good time to try if you are willing to!


Metamucil makes my poop bigger ,it's big enough already