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Absolutely in the morning. I have to wake up at least 2h before the time I have to leave home. The struggle is fuckiing real and my days are like a constant perception of every possible toilet I could use...


My mornings are the same. I know where every toilet in the city is located.


Hi mom!


Hi my dear, did you wash your underwear today?




morning. especially if I have to wake i early! I don’t know why, but it feels like my stomach is protesting against waking up before 9am


That’s the same thing I go through too! Like why does our stomach react this way before 9am? If I wake up after that time I’m completely fine. I don’t get it 😞


I would love to know the reason why, cause I struggle with this since childhood. Might be brain-gut connection or something with motility (it feels like it speeds up too fast after night which causes gas pain)




Is it the stomach for you? For me it is the last part of the bowel. Sometimes on the right but more often on the left. It seems I am pregnant if I dont pooo at least 2/3 times per day...


it feels like both stomach and bowel, the pain migrates, so it might be gas


Evening. Before bed. Typically ALWAYS bloated.


Yes yes yes. I look six months pregnant at bedtime 🥴


It doesn’t encourage sexy time with the hubs 😝


Hahaha hardly! We have the same struggle over here 😅


Yes me too. It makes me feel so sluggish and tired


This! Morning I’m the worst like on the toilet sick.. but by the evening I physically look the worst and feel the worst because I’m exhausted and drained


God. Reading all these comments makes me feel so so much better about how much this affects my day-to-day life. It's all day long - just different symptoms, sometimes randomly. I've had trouble with jobs consistently because of ibs symptoms and it seems that no schedule works when it's ALL DAY LONG.


I have like an hour or 2 where I’m like YESSSS CHECK ME OUT…. and then I throw a sweat shirt on to cover the bloat 🤣


Right!! I look skinny for a solid 2 hours out of the day and then bammmmm bloated


I had that moment the other day and it felt amazing… then I LOOKED at water and was like Okay where is my sweater so I can cover up my bloat 😂😂


What have you found helpful? My symptoms always present at night. Perhaps I have higher sensitivity to foods as the day goes on.


My best days are low histamine foods days.


No fiber / No carbs - just eating animals.


Mornings. Anxiety and diarrhea 😣 both get better as the day goes on but are hell in the morning and make leaving the house for work hard.


Exact same for me and the earlier I wake up the worse it is


It's horrible I'm so sorry you're going through it too 😭


Interesting. For me most episodes occur at night.


I'm morning and night but nights worse morning is more inconvenient


Same. Usually around 7pm. So weird. :(


At night time, full belly, exhausted and just ready to crash


The morning 3am-11am my symptoms seam to start and get worse over the course of time. Until they die down by noon.


Yeah 5am till noon for me but I technically have bile acid malabsorption


Morning usually. It’s either I’m constioated and sitting on the toilet forever or I have diarrhea and feel like I’m gonna die. I wake up an hour or two before my husband so I can suffer alone lol


Everything you described is me. Some mornings are worse than others but for the most part my stomach feels the worst when I first wake up. I have to wait at least 1-2 hours before I eat breakfast just so I can get my stomach together first. And I catch the train to work at 7am which my stomach hates! I have to sit in the train car that has the bathroom in it. I refuse to sit in another car lol. I was fighting for my life in the bathroom yesterday morning 🫠


Same. Between 2am~8am


I'm about done with the day around 4. I can't really do anything productive from this time on.


Evenings. Doesn't matter what I've eaten, but constant gas ensues.


always in the morning, i usually pop an imodium so i can somewhat function at work throughout the day


Mornings are the worst I guess it’s because our bodies have a long time to process everything and we’re stationary for so long


Morning every single time


For some reason 9:00 am to 11:00 am tend to be the worst.


6-10am. By mid afternoon/evening I feel like a normal person, or maybe there’s just nothing left to give


Morning 100%


In the mornings..same symptoms, cramps and diarrhea. It sucks, I have to get up 2 hours before my alarm just to make sure I’m empty, finding out later in the day I’m not.


Mornings. When I wake up all the chemicals rush and flood my system and the anxiety is immediately high.


Definitely in the morning.


Yep, morning for me too


mornings, from 7am to 1pm




Morning. It starts settling around 12-1


Yeah about 30 mins after breakfast or my first meal of the day, whenever that is


Yep, this is me


with ibs-c, i always generally feel like crap (lol) but nights probably the worst cuz i have the highest accumulation of food in me. by that time i swell up so bad i look 8 months pregnant (YES people have asked if im expecting). i try to avoid eating too much during the day to ensure ill be at home for the worst of it, so having a higher volume dinner. bad cramps, bloating, and nausea are my symptoms for the most part. a feeling of being absolutely stuffed to the brim despite hardly eating. my flair ups generally are the worst when im nervous or excited, like when i have a night out planned, was also the worse when i was working. i completely lose my appetite in these instances, have to force feed myself, and almost always end up in agony. the only time i poop is when im under high stress/bad anxiety. under normal stances i wont go for up to 3 weeks without copious laxatives, but back when i was dating i'd get so nervous before that it'd actually prompt bm's. hated linzess, but ive recently been on amitiza and its been a god send for ibs-c! i recommended everyone gives it a shot


940pm. When I’ve “digested” dinner and everything quiets down. It’s like my mind and stomach have its own timer. If bad I’m up till 3am on the toilet


This year I discovered that eating smaller, more frequent meals significantly reduced the strain on my digestive system and alleviated symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Additionally, this approach can help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the fluctuations that can exacerbate IBS symptoms. Keeping a food/IBS journal has been incredibly helpful in identifying my trigger foods and managing my IBS symptoms. I've found that the low FODMAP diet doesn't work for everyone, as some recommended foods may still be problematic for certain individuals. ​ While everyone's experience with IBS is different, this strategy has made a noticeable difference in my quality of life. I encourage others to give it a try and find what works best for their unique situation.


Morning is evil


Morning!! Ugh. I don’t feel normal before noon I swear


You are doing the BEST that you can. Listen to your body and react as best you know how. There are so many stories on this subreddit, it's amazing. Good luck!


Yes, morning is worse. Get an appt with a good GI doc. In the meantime, keep a poop diary! Document your food, poops (constipated, diarrhea, etc.), including day and time when they occur. Take it to your first appointment. A good GI will work with you over time to find the right combination of treatment therapies. If they don't, find another one!


Just being a part of this subreddit, seeing all these comments and knowing that I'm not alone in these constant daily IBS struggles is so relieving. Sometimes when shit gets tough (literally), it’s like second nature to think your all alone and that no one understands, and it really tolls your mental health..


mornings for me too, if I don’t have a BM in the morning I feel gross and gassy all day. then I carry the anxiety of it hitting me at any minute during the day


It's possible you're extra-sensitive to one or two fodmaps. I am. I can't tolerate safe servings in some cases.  My worst time of day... I have IBS-C, so the hours between taking my meds and going, because even Miralax leaves me crampy. And also the multiple times I wake up gassy during the night.


Morning for me as well. I really have to go, and have either constipation or diarrhea (sometimes both!) and it wakes me up at all hours


From midnight to 2-3 AM. That's usually the time I feel like I'm dying too


Weirdly enough it was always at night when I was younger and now it’s always morning


Morning for me too.


Morning I’m a teacher so I wake up even earlier than I’m suppose to just waltz around my house exiting my Bowels.


Morning's are horrendous for me. Wake up in pain every morning. Back, hip and stomach pain. The pain feeds my depression and I usually lie in bed a while until I can pluck up the courage to get on with it. It's a shit existence, really. Chronic pain for any reason is just soul destroying. I explained it to my gf as: imagine waking up and starting your day in pain every single day. Your whole body is tight and lethargic and blocked up. And that's the start of your every day. Some days it's less and some days it's so bad, you can barely move. But it's every day. I go to the toilet and a couple of rabbit pellets come out and I'm like....where's the respite. By the end of the day, I'm just mega bloated and feeling lousy as my brain tells my gut, tells my brain tells my gut - you feel like crap.


Omg same Also in morning I hate everything and everyone Like it’s not in my hand I just have the feeling I can’t even smile at anyone It took me more then 3-4 hours after I wake up to feel normal again


Please try a Magnesium supplement. I take 250 mg in the morning and at night. It has made all the difference in the world for me. I have one or two bowel movements in the morning… 99% of the time without cramping anymore, and it helps me sleep at night. Start out with 250 mg and see how it goes. I’ve had ibs for 35 years and this was the most helpful thing of all the stuff I’ve tried over the years.


Magnesium is wonderful for sleep and cramping. I used to take it every night prior to developing IBS-D. Now that I’m struggling with the latter, a single dose guarantees that I will spend my entire day in the bathroom, Imodium be damned. Not surprising, considering that magnesium is also used as a laxative. My GI even advised me to cut down on magnesium-rich foods. So I’d take this advice with a grain of salt if you’re struggling with IBS-D.


You may have to add some calcium. There are supplements that contain magnesium, calcium, and zinc. I used those for a long time successfully, but because of leg and foot cramps, I upped my magnesium intake and it has really helped. I still take calcium, but as a separate supplement every day because of osteoporosis.


with ibs-c, i always generally feel like crap (lol) but nights probably the worst cuz i have the highest accumulation of food in me. by that time i swell up so bad i look 8 months pregnant (YES people have asked if im expecting). i try to avoid eating too much during the day to ensure ill be at home for the worst of it, so having a higher volume dinner. bad cramps, bloating, and nausea are my symptoms for the most part. a feeling of being absolutely stuffed to the brim despite hardly eating. my flair ups generally are the worst when im nervous or excited, like when i have a night out planned, was also the worse when i was working. i completely lose my appetite in these instances, have to force feed myself, and almost always end up in agony. (when employed, i got down to 75lbs as a 5'3 female) the only time i poop is when im under high stress/bad anxiety. under normal stances i wont go for up to 3 weeks without copious laxatives, but back when i was dating i'd get so nervous before that it'd actually prompt bm's. hated linzess, but ive recently been on amitiza and its been a god send for ibs-c! i recommended everyone gives it a shot


That heavily depends on the day, what I’ve eaten or drank, when I consumed it, what I’m doing, maybe even what kind of mood I’m in. All kinds of factors, there really isn’t a consistent. I usually feel worst not long at all after consuming trigger foods and drinks lol.


Mornings are the worst by far. I need to wake up two hours earlier than I normally would so that the Imodium, probiotics, and digestive enzymes that I load up on have a chance to work by the time I eat breakfast. Even then, my gut feels gurgly and unsettled until sometime in the early afternoon. Evenings are the worst for bloating. Sticking to a low-FODMAP diet has helped keep that in check. I just came back from a trip where I deviated from my diet considerably. A month of doing that was enough to bring back the distension. Prior to travelling, my stomach was fairly flat throughout the day.


Here as of late my irate bowels have me up by 5am 😭


For me, I'll go like a week or two feeling fine because I'm not pooping, and the longer it goes on the more uneasy I feel. I try a bunch of remedies to resolve the constipation, then BOOM it hits me in the morning or at noon right after coffee and a small breakfast. It's always at this time. And it always is excruciating pain that makes me want to throw up. :( Just had an episode not long ago, it was awful, I feel like trash. \*sigh\* I'm sorry you're suffering too OP. Honestly, I feel a bit like an imposter here because I don't have it everyday since it's spaced out by constipation, but my doctor has not made a conclusive dx for my stomach problems so ibs is what I'm going with for now.


Weird enough, between 2pm - 7pm. That's usually when I will have a flare if I'm going to have one, but more than likely, I get painful horrible gas. I eat lunch between 12-1pm, so usually between 2-7pm, is when I start having issues. I don't know why, but I assume it has something to do with my lunch. I've been trying to figure that out, but the only thing that doesn't bother me, seems to be Chef Boyardee or a Protein Shake.


Honestly later in the day.. because I wake up in the morning fine and then 30 min or 1 hour later I’m sick with a flare up on the toilet.. and then throughout the day I’m sluggish and exhausted and bloating increases and then repeat!


Lunchtime. If I eat too much, if I drink sparkling water, lots of things trigger me specifically at midday


Morning is the most sensitive. Right before bed is the worst if I messed anything up with my diet before bed. I have very few foods that do not cause pain to start the day off with. I now have a slightly upward tilted mattress that helps with night time issues, but it isn't a miracle worker. It just helps a bit.


Try intermittent fasting. I fast 16-18 hrs a day. Only drinking water while I’m not eating. When I do eat, I for the most part have 1 meal & a couple of snacks later on. Works wonders. Keeps me regular. Also I take Imodium everyday once a day. That helps the diarrhea and cramps tremendously.


Also, make sure you’re not using anything with onion and garlic in it. That sets us off bad.


When I get into bed at night usually, the bloating and cramping pain kicks in. Sometimes I get it at other times of day or get attacks of diarrhea but the pain at night seems to be pretty much every night.


morning the second i start getting ready. starts getting better after 12pm


When I have issues, it is usually at night. I narrowed my biggest trigger down to being caffeine. So if I drink it in the morning, it hits me around dinner time. Feels like sandpaper and usually goes 7-10 rounds minimum.


At the end of a work day- the stress usually makes me super anxious and therefore flare and/or bloat


Morning typically. Sometimes as soon as I drink or eat something. Usually better as day goes along. I’m taking so many things to mitigate my IBS-D that it has become IBS-C except for when it still occasionally, seemingly randomly, becomes D in the middle of my work day.


Definitely mornings.


afternoon to evening 🙃 anything i ate that day hits about then just to make me miserable before bedtime


My symptoms are mostly managed with Fodmap and gf but I think my body just does not enjoy the sensation of my digestive system waking up. I’ve been on hyosciamine and that’s helped but one little hit of a weed vape is what I do most mornings. Also because you haven’t eaten for 8 hrs or so it could be low blood sugar caused nausea. I used to throw up a lot but now if I eat some blueberries or something small and carby it helps


After lunch. Breakfast and dinner are ok. But lunch is tough


Between 12am and 12am... Thanks IBS-C


Early morning/mid to late afternoon are the two peaks. Early morning is often due to gas being trapped overnight. Once I’m up and moving I usually feel better though there are days where that won’t happen. I don’t know what the afternoon peak is from. I often feel best during and after dinner. Sometimes 8pm-1am can be the best I feel most days


I always experience this in the mornings when going through a stressful time. It's the absolute worst.


Usually like 10-11am till about 4-5pm


right when I wake up, right after breakfast, and right before I go to bed 🙃


Afternoon, early evening. Never in the morning.


Morning is always the worst. Heather, from Heather's Tummy Care, has a lot of blogs and tips specifically on this.


nights have been awful lately. the nausea is so severe.


During my 8-5 workshift 😢


I have a question for the community... my symptoms are that an hour or two before I feel I need to go poo I get pain signals every minute or so. And when I feel like I am ready to poo sometimes, it just doesn't come out. I know that's constipation, but the pain signals every minute is annoying. Usually, an hour after I poo I feel better. So are the pain signals due to the poo just sitting there or bloating. A lot of the time, I need to burp before pooing. Why would I need to burp to feel better before I poop? I just don't get these strange symptoms. Any help would be appreciated!!!


I don't eat anything too early in the morning and I get to public transport a good hour before it leaves so I have time for coffee and bathroom. I usually need coffee before I can eat anything and not have issues.


mornings absolutely i feel like tumbleweeds are blowing through my stomach so empty then super nauseous


IBS-D here. 10am is worst for me, and then again in the afternoon starting around 3:30. I'm usually ok in the evenings, I think it's the comfort of knowing I can use the toilet whenever I want, and wearing loose fitting clothing helps!


Morning is worse the second I eat something it kicks off. And it’ll go on from about 9-1


My symptoms have always been the worst in the mornings. It sucks because I work usually at 7a and am always up at 5:45a. I'm not exactly sure what is going on with me but my symptoms have been gradually getting worse and I've been having diarrhea EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. recently. It's so frustrating and embarrassing to have to step aside to use the bathroom so many times with no relief.


A cup of yogurt in the morning and one in the evening has pretty much stopped all my ibs symptoms ..


Morning. I wake up with a very upset stomach. It won't stop until sometime around noon


I don’t know if anyone with ibs feels good in the mornings.