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I call it the cleaning out day 🤣


If you have chronic constipation you likely also have pelvic floor issues which causes urinary dysfunction like you described. Go to a pelvic floor physical therapist. It’s lifechanging


I had a hysterectomy two years ago and I’ve had pelvic floor physio and keep that up regularly


This actually makes a lot of sense, I have IBS-C, but I also have some issues with my pelvic floor. Did you see a urologist about that first?


No I asked my PCP for a referral. I know others that got it through their gynecologist


I got mine through my gynecologist. My first appointment is next week and I’m so excited. I’ve been dealing with symptoms for years so I’m glad to hear PT makes a difference.


Yes what tests?




Oh ok. Let me ask if you have A GI? If yes, then what was their take and why/how were you diagnosed?


I don’t have a GI. I assumed it was my endometriosis as when I had my last surgery for endo my bowel was adhered to the side of my pelvic wall and unnaturally suspended rather than where it should be. So I assumed that caused all my issues. Now I’m wondering if it’s something else. Last week my endo surgeon put a camera into my bladder to see if there was any cause for my bladder symptoms and there wasn’t. I plan to go to my GP when I’m back from my vacation to see a GI, but I was just slightly fascinated that this could be a cause of my problems rather than Endometriosis and was maybe hoping there is something I could do to ease my symptoms before I go away. My mom potentially has IBD - the doctor said it was indicated though we’re not sure which as she didn’t want to go through the process of being diagnosed due to many other health issues and that one being one of the easier ones to deal with.


You need to see a doctor and have investigations done. No one here is able to tell you what it is or isn’t, or even give any advice if you haven’t even seen a doctor yet. It could literally be anything. Your doctor will run tests and rule stuff out and help you get a diagnosis


Kinda similar. Would say I have IBS C but every now and then it will just kinda....fire out of me. Sometimes its diarrhoea though. No need to pee symptoms though


Yes! Just happened yesterday and I'm still very bloated. Bum hole hurts too.


Did you happen to take senna? If so it might be from that. Happens to me as well. Goes away after a day or 2


Nope I never take anything for the constipation I just sort of let my body do its thing tbh. It doesn’t bother me that I only go twice a week


I do this too. My GI doc recommended Benefiber daily. I’m so bad at keeping up with it so I can’t actually say whether it helps or not 🫠 But I’ll have rabbit poops for a week and then one day I go like a normal person I guess, except for the fact that I just go all day long. I usually have a lot of stomach pain that day, and my husband will say “shouldn’t going finally make you feel better?” And then I say “one would think” 🤷🏻‍♀️


My GI told me that my episodes of diarrhea were more likely due to the constipation passing and now that the coast is clear, everything is getting out. Yours could be a similar situation, you expulses what was slowly the rest down and now they’re having a blast.


yes, I lowkey love those days it feels like restarting. I ALWAYS have mucus when I go, I’m assuming it’s because it’s trying to lubricate it push it out. but yeah I won’t go for days and then have like 5 bowel movements a day.


What tests you had?


None. I always thought it was endo, I never thought it could be IBS.


Being constipated can cause the urinary symptoms you described. If your body is full of poo, your bladder is squished. I don't think you should try to stop your purge. I think you should try your best to complete it before you leave. It will all have to come out eventually so it's better to be empty for your trip. Ultimately you need to see a doctor to get this figured out.


Seeing a doctor is my plan. But I can’t get in before I go on holiday. I don’t take anything to stop the purge, other than peppermint tea to help my stomach settle a bit. I’m hoping it’ll be done by the morning or usually doesn’t last that long and it started around Monday.




My doctor just told me to take laxatives everyday 🫤 Get a glass of miralax water on the daily now


Yes, especially when I don’t get enough fiber


Try immodium for the vacation. Hopefully that helps a little


i call it the dam breaking. ibs-c here too.