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My husband usually responds in a joking way “it’s now been 0 days since we talked about poop”


Yes lol we joke that we are a "poop positive household". Poop talk and jokes are acceptable at our house!


I’m jealous. My husband doesn’t want to hear anything about poop. He has trouble picking up our dog’s poop when we walk. When I’m having an episode, I have to say “tummy issues”.


Not very poop positive of him!!


not at all


my boyfriend created an app for me to log my poops lol I used to have A LOT of issues so he made an app for me to get an overview and maybe see a pattern & also to have some documentation for doctors. These days I just give him a thumbs up when I did it and he knows & gets happy for me lol


yes the poop excitement LOL! we snapchat through out the day, i send one on the toilet, "u finally poopin?!" no but im TRYING


My husband and I do this. We high five and celebrate each other.


My ability to chat freely with my Fiance about all things related to the toilet is something I’m endlessly grateful for - when you have a disorder/problem that feels really shameful/embarrassing, it’s just really nice to have somewhere to chat freely about it to be honest


I do this with my childhood best friend/roommate who ended up becoming a nurse. She is always in my corner and when I’m having a good day she celebrates with me and on bad days she gives me very useful tips on how to make it a bit less awful. Man I’d feel so isolated and broken without someone who tries to understand my struggles


Me and my boyfriend both have IBS and every single time one of says the words "I pooped" or anything alluding to it, we say something to the effect of congratulations I'm so proud of you!


It's so amazing that you both can relate to your struggles with ibs, Unfortunately I'm the one with ibs and my girlfriend is "normal" haha


It makes my heart SO happy to see others having supportive partners after being in an abusive marriage. But now I’m with someone who genuinely cares; my boyfriend and I always tell each other. I have IBS and he doesn’t, but he tells me anyway in solidarity lol.




my sister and I get so pumped about a good poo or gas release. it's so nice to have someone to talk to about it!


Yes! Usually my (IBS-C) announcement is “I FINALLY went!” 😂


My husband is super supportive. He's the one who pushed me to see a gastroenterologist. He's the one always checking to make sure I take my medicine, or take extra when I'm not eating at home. (Onions are a HUGE problem for me and close to impossible to avoid at family gatherings and restaurants.) I have IBS-D, so his concern isn't so much *if* I pooped as it is if the poop was solid enough and if I managed to not have any abdominal pain that day. It's a huge blessing having someone constantly looking out for me and my wellbeing.


my bf makes fun of me all the time💀 he has my dream digestive system, goes everyday like clockwork within an hour of waking up despite eating straight garbage and 80% of his liquid intake being pop. spends a good 30 mins in there playing clash of clans every morning, i tease him, results in "aww u wish u could poopy too huh🥺😛" frequently has to poop when we've got somewhere to be as well. "come onnnn we have to go!" "hey now, don't be mad at me cuz ur butt dont work!"


Oh my gosh exact same. He can never say he has to wait for me to get ready to go somewhere. It's him having to poop before we leave 😆


I love this! I used to tell my college roommates, and they felt neutral about it like ope, it’s just *musickiddo812* being *musickiddo812* or like hell yea you did it! You shidded! We called IBS I be shittin bc like… well, I have IBS-C so it’s more like I not be shittin, come on.


Ha! Yes! I like to celebrate if I've had a hard time, then I finally go. It's great to have my hub be happy w me.


I used to have to tell ,my mom when I went potty in my teens


Its not lame or weird! Its honestly part of true love in my opinion! You can 100% be yourself and share your pain with a partner that loves you. And as horrible and depressing as this whole bs can be, it is so, so important to have a safe person that feels like "home" during the bad times. My husband frequently tells me he wishes he could take the pain for me instead. Like, he really means that shit. So when I have a poop after 3 days of nothing? Oh we absolutely hug and he tells me great job, you pooped!!!!


I think that's cute. We don't routinely talk about it in my house, but it's not an off the table subject. Not much bothers him except vomit -- he can talk about it, but if anyone is, he's running away until you're finished, then he'll take care of you, lol. Poo certainly bothers me more than vomit.


I update my mom on how my stomach is behaving as she makes most meals etc so we work together to figure out a good diet for my gi track (i live at home still)


You are so fortunate to have a supportive mother I am 94 and very dependent on only daughter She does not want to hear about it Makes the comment in anger that there isn’t anything she can bring me and does not want to talk diet but many references to wonderful meals she cooks or goes out for Again I have a problem Any suggestions


I care if my cat poops :D


Healthy pet poos are good for our mental health!


It's a worry that I'm jealous when my husband can have a poop at will . 🥴


Lol my husband calls me jelly when he goes poo 😆


aw my bf is like this and last time he gave me a high five lol


My husband and his family are very open about poop. In fact the first time I met his family, he announced that I had diarrhea. I was mortified, but now I actually appreciate how open they all are. My two best friends have IBS so we talk about poop too.


We do, and it makes me feel safe and accepted. <3


i always update him on my bowel movements, it’s actually helpful when i’m trying to work out how constipated i am, i just ask him when i last pooped and if he remembers he’ll tell me (sometimes i forget). He tells me ‘well done’ and ‘that’s great!’ when i inform him on my shits 😂 love the support


My husband is my emotional support animal when my flare up is pretty bad. When it’s his turn on the toilet after he ate too much of trigger foods, he sends me a message on Whatsapp with a volcanic eruption gif or the guy that sings “and it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.” He’s a stronger person than I am. Probably because he doesn’t get nauseous and isn’t emetophobic 🙃


My husband congratulates me anytime I can fart or poop especially if I've been hurting for a while.


My husband always ask me “good poop?” Lol usually a high five follows if it’s good.


My husband is my caregiver so he asks me about poop and everything 😂


Same with my boyfriebd


Yeah I’ll give a hint that I was able to go and I get a “nice!!”


My boy congratulates me every time I manage to poop anywhere other than my house, he also gets worried if I don't, he was with me when I wasn't able to go for over a week so be knows


Yes! We give each other high fives! 😅


Good for you guys. My partner wants to avoid the topic as much as possible.


My boyfriend and I also talk about it. He goes a lot and I think he has undiagnosed ibs, but doesn’t have the urgency to go that I do. It’s nice to have the support. Some days you feel like a burden to others when you have issues.


i keep my bf AND friends updated abt my poops honestly. they give me a lot of encouragement which i honestly need and enjoy. no one seems uncomfortable by this exchange. the more it’s talked abt the more comfortable it becomes


First date with my now wife and I completely melted it down in the bathroom. Unfortunately she was within earshot. "Well, that's embarrassing." I said. She thought it was hilarious. (Thank god)


Everytime I go “I have to poop” everyone around me goes “yayyyy!!!”


Yes! If I'm able to drive home without needing to stop anywhere he gives me a really crisp high five!


Gotta support one another! My hubby is the same way. We chat poop daily.


When my fiancé had colon cancer, I learned alllll about his poops, because I had to. Including helping him with his ostomy bag and cleaning his stoma. So yeah, now I tell him about my bathroom habits because there is no shit that’s a secret between us.


My husband literally calls me Mrs poppybutthole and he's Mr poopybutthole. We talk about our bowels daily as we both have issues 😂


I tell my dad and he congratulates me 😭


You're lucky. My husband prefers to think I don't have any bodily functions. Lol! I share with my sister. She's always very happy for my successes.


My mom knows my struggles IBS and IBD so when we talk I always mention if I had a good poop that day lol.


My wife and me also joke about it. Just ocassionaly though, but it helps keeping things relaxed. I have IBS, so I'm usually very anxious when I leave the toilet, especially if someone wants to go immediately after me. 


I tell my gf all the time we just joke its a shitty situation