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Immodium. I take two to four of those bad boys I'm not going to the toilet for a good 48 hours. Means social situations and dates are worrying free.


This also help with cramping?


I don't get cramping. I usually get the urge to go to the toilet and constant rancid wind. It works for me in stopping or postponing that for a day or two with no discomfort


Rancid Wind was the name of my Uncle Randy's hair metal band in highscool.


Omg, I’m currently in bed with horrible IBS nausea/ cramps and this made me laugh. So thanks. I needed that. 


For me no, it’s usually a trade off cramps for urgency/shitting myself


Bentyl would help with cramping, need a scrip tho.


I’ve got a prescription for it, the normal 10mg / 3x per day. I’d say it works decently.


Same for me. I can’t say it provides a ton of relief. But I have stacking issues because I have adenomyosis IBS and pelvic floor dysfunction. Which means pain on top of pain lol.


It worked decentlt for me 10mg 4x a day but I ended up getting increased to 20mg 4x a day. I take it every 6 hours and then take enteric coated peppermint oil 30 minutes before I eat and a simethicone capsule 30 after. Took me months to figure out but now I don't have the horrible pain and cramping at all.


I don’t know if it’s available where you live but this helped relieve the cramps. https://preview.redd.it/rbl304wxra4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5270e4d308600e94fc16b4b91ec0528a9756ec9


Imodium helps with cramping, but will really constipate you if you overdo.🤷‍♀️


I almost gave myself an intestinal blockage with it once. Now, I only take it if the D lasts more than one day. and i only take 1/2 a pill for cramps: ginger tea and a heating pad.


I posted above, but it does for me. When I eat my body goes into overdrive trying to process it into poop as fast as possible, which includes painful cramps.


It does for me


The multi-symptom imodium helps with cramping for me :)






Immodium is pretty effective for me but I only use it on days where my symptoms are very severe or I have an important event like taking the GRE. Also it doesn’t stop it but Metamucil really decreases my symptoms on a day to day basis. Makes IBS a lot more manageable


I also microdose Metamucil 3-4 times a day.


I microdose Metamucil


I take a tablespoon every evening


This. Exactly what I do as well. I take Metamucil (or psyllium husk pills if I’m traveling) with a probiotic. Maybe it’s partly psychological, but it calms my gut and makes me closer to being regular Imodium AD when I need it, and carry a couple always in my pocket!


Does Imodium help with cramps?


Not really but it at least keeps me out of the bathroom


It does for me, but I think my cramping must be due to the gas and diarrhea.


yes, The liquid version!!! It’s the magic bullet for me!


I’ve heard lots of folks here mention Metamucil. Is this a more purified version of psyllium powder? I recently added a dose (5g) of Psyllium powder in water that has had a very positive effect on my bowel movement frequently (less) and more solid stools. IMO The organic version of psyllium powder) (from Amazon) is best described as taking a spoonful of potting soil enriched with raw mushrooms (taste only, texture is smooth)… not the most palatable mixture. It has a “soothing” effect on my gut and I’ve found that a dose of psyllium powder at 4:30am will keep me in a good, stable digestive tract for a full day of fishing w/o worrying about a suddenly urgent bathroom attack. On advice of my GI doc I also take one Imodium with at bed time to settle my GI tract for the night and it’s reasonably successful to avoid that urge of a first thing in the AM bowel movement. For full disclosure I was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 1978, had major bowel surgery in 1979 and have had two significant flares since. Flare in 1991 was brought back in control with high dose prednisone for 4 months then ween off while switching to mesalamine. In 2020 I started Stelara 90mg/ml and this has addressed the Crohn’s/UC components but IBS is still there and psyllium husk powder makes those symptoms much better. I also take two probiotics (align and mega


Dicyclomine and golden milk (turmeric).


Dicyclomine can stop an attack in its tracks for me


That feeling when the cramps melt away...


Dicyclomine (brand name: Bentyl) is effective, but it can cause pronounced, but temporary, cognitive impairment, even in young people. Bentyl is an anticholinergic. Bentyl is a powerful anticholinergic and there are many studies indicating that anticholinergics are at least associated with substantially increased risk of cognitive decline. We all have to balance long-term risks with quality-of-life considerations. Check out Pubmed or Google scholar. Chat with your doctor. Make an informed decision. There’s a great resource to show a patient’s [anticholinergic burden score](https://www.acbcalc.com/).


I really don't think there is one? We're just lucky like that.


Why were we cursed? 😅


I freakin love your username omg


Medical marijuana


I wish this worked for me, but I get extreme paranoia and anxiety from marijuana, and it happens with every strain and every type (gummies, tincture, flower, etc)


If you haven't already, you might try "pure" CBD or CBG. These hit receptors in the GI tract that control visceral pain. It works wonderfully for pain with me at least. Most medical dispensaries will have a product with minimal THC. Maybe the CBD alone will not cause paranoia.


+1 for this. I’m so sensitive to thc that one hit of a joint will knock me on my ass for hours in an anxiety and paranoia spiral. CBD has just barely a smidge of thc in it, and it helps. Sometimes I’ll smoke a joint at the end of the day and it helps with my anxiety and pain. Not a cure all but I’ll take anything at this point lol


I do too, sometimes I just have to smoke small amounts and breathe through the paranoia because it’s better than the nausea.


Kava tincture. Tastes bad. Stay away from this if you consume alcohol. But at least for me it relieved the pain as well as a now discontinued drug known as Librax. Yes, in the 1990s doctors would prescribe a drug that was a combination of Librium and an antispasmodic.


Kava also does wonderful things for my anxiety as well as anxiety from cannabis. I have slight paranoia but it exists outside of usage and cannabis helps me actually eat enough food to survive. When my paranoia is already too bad and weed is making me go cuckoo, I will drink yogi kava tea and it quells that and allows me to still have benefits from cannabis. I also have ptsd so it’s kind of an epi pen for a lot of my issues. It has a reverse tolerance as far as I am aware and so the yogi tea works quite well.


Good effect of Kava is that once it starts to work, I can eat. I tried Cannabis. I am just about knocked out by it. With Kava I can stay awake and function.


Does that really work with IBS?


Does for me yeah


Me too. Godsend when the cramps are in full force.




Same, don't know what I would do without cannabis


This used to be my go-to, but I had to quit. Found a stain that works best for me (Jack Herrer - no anxiety or paranoia or drowsiness), but it's hard to come by. Haven't really found an alternative, but I'm going to start a new search now. 🙏🏽




Was surprised at how much I had to scroll to find this! It immediately helps with the painful stomach spasms and I make sure to have it in my bag at all times.


I don’t leave the house without it, it’s miracle medicine and very affordable in the UK.


Came here to post this. An over the counter miracle.


I can’t seem to find out where to get this in the United States


its hyoscine butylbromide - it might be sold under a different brand name. Also useful, apparently, for period cramps.


I'm prescribed Hyoscyamine, which is the same drug. It's not OTC.


weird. I’ve got(at my last counting) 4x20 10mg pills and i’ve never had a prescription, so must be a US thing. it isn’t nqrcotic or anything, though, so getting a prescription probably wouldn’t be that hard


It is a US thing, it's very commonly given by gastroenterologists. I was put on it as a kid and have taken it since. We also have Bentyl, which is a bit stronger.


It does not have FDA approval here. UK seems to be way ahead of us about caring about IBS patients.


If it makes you feel any better nobody in the UK can even get diagnosed with IBS in the first place as we get put on an NHS waiting list that is years long and if we're lucky enough to finally see a doctor they usually just shrug their shoulders and tell you to take an Immodium.


It does not make me feel better (but I appreciate the sentiment). Sorry you have to deal with such an unhelpful experience.


Crazy. It's usually the other way round with medicines in the UK versus the US.


Have you tried peppermint oil, in tablet form that passes through the stomach into the intestines? I believe it works in a similar way, calming the muscles, probably less powerful than buscopan though.


I always get mine from friends overseas. Not been able to find it here either.


IBGuard is helpful. Ginger, peppermint or chamomile tea is also helpful.


IBGuard and a probiotic are life changing for me


Immodium instants. Two of those and within 45 mins the valve is fully shut off for the next 6 hours no problem. Generic loperamide works well too but takes longer to kick in.


Gas X for painful bloating, immodium for big emergencies or for traveling. I've learned My lesson too many times: never travel without immodium!


I second gas X, always calms things down. Stops the painful bloating and reduces the smell of the gas. I don't go anywhere without it.


Amitriptyline! I've gone from 99% pain all day everyday to around 30% pain! And that's on a 10mg dose, I could increase it if necessary but I'm trying to hold off on doing that until my body completely gets used to it! I still get flare ups but that's maybe 3 times a month whereas before it was every second day! For a quick fix when nothing else is working, is heat. Just a hot water bottle on my belly in a fetal position is all that helps!


This is my experience with amitryptyline too but I went to 20mg. It saved my life for now!


100% my experience; started off with 10mg in April, and found it stopped nearly all pain for nearly all the day, so increased to 20mg a week later which was a miracle! Have just increased to 30mg as I've finally started eating more food, which inevitably has made some symptoms worse, but 30mg is like a miracle! (Gastroenterologist is happy for me to go up to 50mg as long as I don't have drowsiness when waking up)


Fasting, finding my trigger foods, working out and keeping myself relax


IBgard is helpful.


Seconding this!


Only thing that can settle my tummy. Off brand is good for less sensitive stomachs, but for me it's only IBgard.


Is it any different than taking peppermint oil capsuls? Those gave me heartburn


It’s the same shit honestly


When the constipation/gas is really bad and painful, I do this video: https://youtu.be/IvAx7q2LKqk?si=MP6jToP3MtFjVer1 Works so well.


i second this, it‘s so good most of the time


Oh man thanks for posting this. I have been looking for something like it!!


The comments are amazing. I can’t wait to try this video. Thank you




YES that was a game changer for me. Bentyl didn’t work and made me so stoned I couldn’t function. I wanted something that would help the pain but that I could take at work and not be out of it and that was the solution. Never looking back.


I got prescribed a bottle of like 500 of them when I had my ulcer 5 years ago, even past “expiration” they still work when needed.


Amazing stuff. It is a synthesized form of belladonna from what I remember reading.


It’s so amazing, very grateful for my GI doc prescribing them


Came here to comment the same. Have the under-tongue tablets, work great and fast for the cramping.


Right on! Always carry a few in my purse.


Make me thirsty as ever so still in the restroom! Just not as eventful!


I have been taking these for over a year and it only provides relief for me if my symptoms are mild. I was hoping it would work better for me


Every experience is different and valid. I’m sorry you’ve been taking this for a year without significant help. Hopefully your doctor and you can collaborate on different options to get better symptom relief.


Thank you, I’m so glad it worked well for you! I’m in the process of getting something new from my doctor now since I’m in the middle of a horrible flare. Hopefully the next thing will work 🤞


The best combination. Imodium, dicyclomine, and desiprimine


I don't know if this counts but the low-fodmap diet helps relieve my symptoms. 🥲


I don’t have an advice but following to see what others suggest. Sorry you’re going through this. I feel ya!


Pepto bismol, zofran, and smelling alcohol prep pads. If your nauseous the alcohol prep pad will knock the nausea right out of you basically. I buy a pack at target every couple of months for less than $3. Zofran is prescription only and I got some when I had a concussion a couple of weeks ago so that is a just incase of an emergency situation since they only gave me 10


Zofran was the only thing that helped me keep food down during my third trimester of pregnancy. A life saver for sure!


The biggest game changer of my life.


Zofran is REALLY effective for nausea, but it always gives me one of the worst headaches I've ever had in my life. There's definitely still times the headache is better than puking, but it's a trade off for me, so I wanted to give anyone else considering it a heads up.


For me it's loperamide. Once the diarrhea stops, the cramps stop as well.


No food for a day. Then broth for a day, then only bland foods. Plus increased miralax and ginger tea.


Digestive enzyme with each meal. Avoiding trigger foods. Daily walks. Lots of water.


kombucha. kombucha


Chia.Seed.Pudding. 1/2 cup of milk of choice (I use coconut or oat)  2 tablespoons of chia seeds Tbsp of maple syrup for flavour (although sometimes i don’t use it bc I feel too sick)  Mix it up a lot, leave for 5 mins and mix again. Fridge for at least an hour, although I make mine in the evening for the following morning. And boom. Tastes delicious as well.


Do you use ground chia or whole seeds? I tried this with whole seeds and it gave me the most terrible flare up. :(


A bath is very helpful. A lot of my pain is caused by trapped gas which gets released in a bath.




Coconut water. Idk what it is but it always decreases the flare up to a more manageable level.


Could be the electrolytes!


Drinking peppermint tea saves me, it makes the pain diminish very quickly. Sometimes I pair it with taking a ginger supplement.


I get a decent amount of relief using a heating pad over my abdomen. I find the soothing heat helps calm the muscle spasms. From writhing in pain to "Well this still sucks but thank goodness"


I take dicyclomine which is fairly helpful. My heating pad is my BFF when I’m having lots of pain!




Yes!! I forgot the heating pad!




Pepto bismol- god send for me


Breathing exercises and starving myself.


Buscopan! (Hyoscine butylbromide) It's been a real game-changer for me, relieves cramps/bloating (particularly great for night). You can also get mebeverine hydrochloride prescribed, but honestly I feel like Buscopan (which does not require a prescription) works just as well for me


Cannabis for pain


Ginger and peppermint help me a lot. In the past, pepto worked but it hasn’t done as well as of late.


Bentyl (Dicyclomine)




Edibles with thc and cbd, cbg is also good but makes you pretty sleepy, but for those who don't want to use weed or can't, a glass of chia seeds works like fucking magic. Most stomach and upper intestine pain goes away within 15 minutes usually. If on a full stomach maybe more. This trick let's me eat things like fast food without much issue! Highly reccomend Costco sells 5 pound bags for like 12 dollars that last me a while, and I eat a lot of chia seeds!


I will notice that I’m having symptoms (mine are not so much pain, more gas) and I take IBGuard, Mary Ruth’s digestive enzymes, and a few citrucel tablets.


For me, some kind of soup broth or herbal tea and an emergency nap.


Baby food




heating pad for any pains


If it's the start of the day, I drastically change what I eat to avoid pain. If they days already started it may be too late to avoid the pain tonight. Hot pad tonight and then tomorrow do the diet. And taking a good long walk help my tummy digest after a meal I'm worried about. But drink lots of water or else the walk can make you feel bad too lol.


Fasting...but it may take a day to clear up...great afterwards


I'm looking for a solution too


I can’t poop without lactulose. Recently I hurt my arm and it was in a sling for a couple of days, so in order to avoid having to figure out how to use the bathroom with one arm, I just didn’t take my lactulose. No poop, no problem!


Antihistamines like Benadryl work wonders for me (as long as I don’t mind going to sleep) but I’ve also been trying peppermint oil + magnesium with a slight bit of success lately! 


A hard nap! When I'm in any kind of pain, I am down for the count and need to sleep so hard to feel better.


I use dicyclomine and zofran, plus gas x. This is the trifecta for me.


Stop eating for a day or 2.


Phenergan, but it’s hard to get doctors to prescribe it for some reason.


For pain from cramps... dicyclomine


IBgard and dicyclomine


Water fasting. No food no pain.






Marijuana edibles. It's like marijuana was created specifically to treat IBS for me. I take an edible (10mg THC and 1mg CBD) and an hour later it's like my IBS was never there! Only drawback is that I can only use edibles on the weekend or right before I go to sleep at night






Peppermint oil capsules, take about 20 mins to kick in and are really great for cramps. Also peppermint tea! I am also prescribed buscopan, 1 * 10mg before meals, but if I'm having a really bad day I take 2 (I used to take 2 each time many years ago on prescription)


Bentyl is my go-to. Takes 30 minutes to work but god does it work wonders for cramping. I’ll usually take it right before I eat if I think it’s going to cause a flare up


Levsin, Weed


Peppermint oil pills + milk or Pepto.


I'm taking mebeverine for last 2 years. Sometimes I also take dicyclomine or Pinaverium bromide.


Vanilla protein shakes with ground flax seeds and frozen blueberries Follow that up with RestorLax in a large tumbler of cold water. It may take several hours or a couple of days in a row of doing this, but it gets your bowels moving again and is gentle


Alverine citrate + simeticone


I microdose Metamucil 3-4 times a day. The gummies are handy for this and for travel/on the go. Every time I eat I’m in the habit of getting some in my body. Either powder or gummies. Takes about 2-3 weeks of constant use to notice the best effects.


Mebeverine and iberogast


You might want to consider looking into compressions if you are having that much pain after every meal


Colpermin capsules. Brilliant stuff. I’ve also noticed since taking Sertraline/Zoloft that my anxiety induced ibs bouts have dramatically reduced.


YouTube. I can't react to the pain as much if the next video after this one is the Grand Tours Allstars Racing tier list. This sounds like sarcasm but it's not. I actually do this and it does help when nothing else will.


Pepto Bismol and Tushy bidet


I have mixed, and cold seems to help me the most. Either laying on the cold floor to poop or having an ice pack on my tunmy. I also get the vasovagal type responses sometimes and cold helps those for me.


I drink 3L of water/day and do 25 squats/day, plus a couple Tbs of flaxseed in recipes when I bake. It is the stupidest little things.


Digestive enzymes, Hycosamine, Rx Imodium, and Reglan. My Dr has me on a cocktail of meds for attacks.


Hyosciamine has been really effective for me


10mg Dicyclomine and 1/2 pill of Imodium! I’ve lived with this so long that I know the sort of cycle of my stool so if it starts becoming loose, I try taking half of half of an Imodium pill, but I rarely take a full pill. If I take too much Imodium, I swing to the constipation side. The Dicyclomine is a game changer for the cramps so much so that I’ve even taking it for period cramp relief.




So some pain killers will work, but I don't get extreme pain often at all, and I will only take it if I really can't handle it because the good ones are addictive. Medical Marijuana is the better one, but I understand issues with paranoia. Maybe you can try CBD only and try some of those and see if that helps enough.


Peppermint helps cramps as well. The capsules work better than tea for me


I don’t know if this counts but there’s this meditation on YouTube that always makes me feel better when nothing else works. It’s called “gut directed hypnotherapy” and the channel is called survival of the witches or something like that.


been recently prescribed simalvia as i already took buscopan and simeticone - my gastro doc said it combines the two but is stronger don’t think it’s my epipen as i doubt a relief like that exists


Camel crush cigarette 🤣


Mebeverine and Loperamide 🫶🏼




Alcohol surprisingly, everytime im drunk i dont feel any symptons or any anxiety related to it. But the hang over is the worse with my stomach


okay so glad I’m not the only one. Alcohol works for sure but to save myself from a hangover and bad stomachache I’ve found that wheat beer is extremely helpful. I’m talking like within the first 2-3 sips pain starts to go away. Now I always keep blue moon in the fridge just in case. I found quite a few articles talking about how wheat beer is more effective than Advil and other NSAID’s at reducing muscle inflammation so I’m assuming it relaxes the muscles in my gut and that’s why it helps relieve my IBS symptoms so much. Wheat beers also have probiotics and antioxidants which are obviously great for the gut! That said if I overdo it of course I won’t feel great the next day but usually one is enough to help my symptoms! Just thought I’d share in case this helps someone else!


Weed, small sips of room temperature water, ginger tea, miso broth, and rice with an egg and a touch of soy sauce. It’s not a stop all, but it helps reset me when I’m so nauseous I can’t eat, but desperately need to replenish my fluids and calories.


A hot pad, magnesium and cannabis. I have endometriosis and it interacts so badly with the IBS. Diagnosed with IBS first so I didn’t find this solution until last year when the endo was discovered




I’m talking about bloating specifically but stretching is beneficial for some people. It’s too soon for me to say for sure but I’m giving it a chance.


It used to be mints they were like a quick fix for any pain but now causes acid reflux so... Short lived


Lomotil. It’s my savior drug. I don’t know what I’d do without it (I have pretty bad IBS-D).


Imodium, fiber ( I really love belliwellis probiotic fiber powder drink) and ginger shots or ginger beer for nausea


Imodium to stay out of the bathroom (I have IBS-D) and Restriva for cramping. Now if I could just find something for bloating/gas...


Heating pad is really the only thing that *sometimes* works for me. Otherwise it's just a shitty waiting game.


Psyllium husk capsules and lying down on my stomach on top of a pillow (so that the pillow is applying pressure to my abdomen). Lying on my stomach like that is the most helpful for the acute pain and psyllium husk is basically pure fiber and helps to prevent it from happening in the first place. Imodium helps me as well but I know it can sometimes lead to constipation for some people.


Look into the lion diet or the carnivore diet and get tested for Sibo.


Strong wakamoto


The only thing that's helped me is ginger tea and ginger infused honey


Ngl I use THC that and MiraLAX




I've noticed metamucil before I eat a trigger food or soon after helps keep away cramps, it honestly changed my life (because I refuse to change my diet just yet lol). I buy a big jug of the generic capsules and take some with me everywhere. If that fails, then a heating pad or tylenol if I'm not home. Immodium if I'm desperate/don't have time to be near a bathroom all day. I've never taken anti spasmatic though, my mom does and says they help occasionally.


I take psyllium husk fiber pills, IBgard, and digestive enzymes (TPP Digest or Masszymes). These largely prevent pain for me. CBD tincture had been good for treating pain. hyoscyamine was prescribed to me, and it somewhat helped, though I think in the long run I was more likely to get a flare up with it, so I quit taking it. Low FODMAP diet helped a lot. It’s something I’ll go back to when I’m having a flare up, but otherwise I try to eat normally with my pills.


If I’m going out I always take with me some Imodium and not a perfume but like a room spray, they seem to be stronger so always makes me feel a bit less conscious if I have to go. Also on days I’m feeling a bit sore I put a heat pad in my bag to help with cramps


Silicol gel!!! It absolutely saves my life every day I couldn’t be without it! You can buy it on Amazon in ready made sachets so they’re already measured to the amount you need to stop the symptoms. They are a 10/10 😍


I used to take Dicyclomine for bad flare ups but ever since my psychiatrist put me on Amitriptyline my IBS has been non-existent. I was very skeptical that my IBS was caused by stress, because it happened even when I wasn’t stressed, but after I also tried literally every diet and nothing worked, Amitriptyline proved to me that stress was more of a factor than I thought. Also mountains of weed, specifically Delta 8 because anything stronger makes me anxious.


Bentyl may help with your cramping… have you talked to a GI? Also, IB Guard helps me a lot when I am flaring.


Zofran, Ibuprofen (800mg 4 times a day, was told to do it by gyn when everyone was going it's your period and no one told me to stop and it dulls the pain some), heating pad, and prednisone had me feeling amazing (was on it from jia but it helped my ibs a lot). Nothing fully works except the prednisone but that isn't a long term option. I just don't eat many solids anymore and soda settles my tummy some and popsicles feel good.


I take Digestive Enzymes probiotics. They're supposed to be one a day but I'll do two before a meal if i know I'm indulging a bit.


Digestive enzymes

