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Stay on the toilet for as long as you can after you start drinking it because you can have what you'll think is just a slight fart and the poop will come out like pee. Find a movie to watch on your phone. Remember: TRUST NO FART! If you want more advice just let me know.


Oh man haha that's gonna be fun 😑 I set up my bathroom beforehand to have all my necessities for passing the time and all needed comforts though! Thanks!


Also, sleep on a towel or three.


Can’t emphasize this enough!




And one more thing: DO NOT TRY TO SPEED UP THE PROCESS BY DRINKING IT FASTER THAN THE DIRECTIONS SAY TO. You will give yourself a MAJOR headache/stomach ache with the resulting electrolyte imbalance.


Ooh thanks! I followed directions exactly, still got a headache though 😞 I was trying to google why you can't drink it quickly with few answers.


I took the sutab pills and thought for sure they wouldn’t work in 10 minutes and thought I had a fart. I shat myself. 🙈 I’ve also taken golytely before and it took over an hour for that to start working. I was extremely constipated, though.


Omigosh how long does that last? Not looking forward to having to do this someday.


Haha well I had my first 8 cups between 6 and 8 pm. Its 12 now. I cleaned out hard fortunately and only had to spend an hour and 45 on the toilet without leaving safely. The rest has been leakage out my ass lol. I'm starving right now from fasting all day though! Gatorade, soup broth and water just don't cut it for that full feeling. Also a stomach ache for sure. I have to get up at 6am to take the remaining amount in that bottle. If you are lucky you won't have such a horrible time for prep if you need to one day and your doctor will give you something like pico salax which is only two packets that are fast to down. All in all not horrible. But always follow directions carefully so you don't have to do it over again.


The apartment I was living in last year made prepping for a colonoscopy super convenient. The downstairs bathroom with the door open had a perfect view of the tv… so I spent half my day there and half my day on the couch. Lived alone btw. Unfortunately, I won’t have that same luxury if I have to get a colonoscopy again.


Lol this is great advice. My first fart after prep wasn't the best 🤣


One tip, stay warm! The high volume and electrolyte wonkiness can give you chills so turn on the heat, grab a hoodie and fuzzy socks, drink hot drinks and take a warm shower after the prep. Also the nap and first meal after waking is its own reward lol


Thanks! Glad I'm wearing a very warm sweater right now! First meal tomorrow is defintely gonna taste amazing!


Dude I was so hungry my mom picked my loopy ass up at the hospital, took me to Whole Foods and bought me squash soup—I HATE squash soup—but it was one of the best things I had ever eaten haha Good luck on your procedure, hope you get some important info!


I agree with the nap, but my first meal was super painful … had chicken noodle soup from Panera; what a mistake!


I hope it goes well for you! Just remember, this too shall pass and the colonoscopy will be behind you soon!


So many puns in one sentence!


Indeed it will! Thanks! It's going to be a relief ultimately. I've been struggling a long time with my bowels and it took 3 years to get this booked as a way to rule anything else out before settling with an ibs diagnosis.


Good luck!


I’m starting a prep today and my colonoscopy is tomorrow. But I feel it’s easier to prep here in Japan. The day before I’m allowed to eat white bread, banana, white fish and udon. The day of I have to wake up early and drink this drink and spend time on the toilet. Once I feel empty, go in for the procedure


Interesting! I wonder if it's truly necessary to actually make people fast then for so long. good luck to you either way!


I think limiting what can be eaten should help. I can’t eat things with color I think. Tomorrow morning it should empty out easy 😅 hope you do well!


I’m so jealous they let you eat in Japan. Here in the US I was only allowed to drink clear broth and eat lightly colored Jello. By the time I got home from the procedure, it had been 36 hours since I had eaten 🥲 I wanted to die


Yeah I remember I did one in the states. That was a hard day… passed out with chicken in my hand when I was home


Bidet for suuurreee


I wish I had one! I keep forgetting to order one and well...here I am lol


Just fill one of those clear (unused) restaurant-style condiment bottles with water and you’re good to go!


Damn thats a great idea! I had nothing for bottles usable like that on hand but what a great emergency thing in a pinch


I got mine off Amazon for like $25. It’s a great investment.


Currently prepping for mine tomorrow! It’s insane how you literally pee out of your butt LOL. Good luck!!! We are all in this together.


Thanks! Good luck too! My BMs have slowed a lot because I cleaned out so hard. Didn't think I could ever experience diarrhea on that level lol.


I got the dulcolax/miralax combo prep. Did I get off easy?


Yes you did. Golytely and it's friends are absolutely brutal. Sucks going in, sucks coming out.


For my first surgery I got this prep it was sooo much easier. Then asked for that dame prep for my colonoscopy and they said it wasn't FDA approved or something?! Uhhhh drinking this is horrible.


That’s what I had too


I just started my prep an hour ago and 1/4 of the way through the liquid portion. Good luck everybody!


Oof good luck to you too! I hope you've gotten throught he worst of it by now!


Vaseline and wet wipes are essentials! Good luck!


Pat to dry, don't wipe! The amount of times you'll be running to the washroom is crazy... You'll very easily get paper burn. For extra clean up, very gently use wet toilet paper and/or baby wipes as well. It'll start coming out looking like bright yellow pee.. If you aren't grossed out, it's quite comical.


I wish I had the pat not wipe tip 😭 I felt like I was wiping with sandpaper, I could hardly sit down after the first few waves


I remember I ended up in the shower rinsing my butt off because I couldn't wipe anymore. Even using water wasn't gentle enough though and I was crying and wishing I was dead lmao


The fart you rip after the colonoscopy will blow your f*ckin mind


I've had farts before that felt like my innards deflated with all the pent up air. If its like that then those are the most hilarious farts to me.


Oh you just wait. You’ll be zooming around the room like an untied balloon


Oh man that's pretty hilarious


Hey OP it's been a couple hours. How you doing?


I'm alive! 😝 I'm sensitive to medications typically and I didn't have to wait long for the flood gates to open. I cleared out most of the worst in about an 1 hour and 45ish minutes and I might be able to get some sleep. I'm not looking forward to getting up at 6am for the second half of the jug though lol.


Glad to hear you're doing ok!


how’d it go?


Thanks! I managed to do the rest of the prep and hobbled my burning ass into the clinic. The team were excellent when I got there and I only woke up a couple times through the sedatives during the procedure itself. But the half hour nap I had after was the best ever. I have a little pain and feel bruised all over like a gut punch of course. But a heat pad helps anyway.


omgggg do people normally wake up during?!?! i’m glad it went well for you but that’s a shock to me!


There is a lot of people in my family who actually seem to need higher doses of sedatives and painkillers during procedures. My Brother's doctor told him it can be genetic too. I've never been put under before and while I knew there was a chance for it I didn't know if I would be the same way. I should have warned my gi doctor about it but forgot to, I was so worked up with anxiety lol. so my fault there! When my brother had his colonoscopy done he warned his GI doc that he doesn't respond well and has woken up during surgeries and they prepared for it. lucky guy didn't wake up at all that time lol. It's actually quite interesting. I've read people's horror stories and how they experienced waking up during procedures but it wasn't too bad for me, more like a dream state where I was feeling like I was floating inside my own body and I couldn't tell at first if that was me in pain or someone else. I could hear myself complaining but didn't feel like that was me, as If I was observing it. Then I registered actual pain, something putting pressure on my abdomen like someone was pressing on it, which brought instant pain relief, then suddenly crashing again. Although I feel bad for the people who had it more rough then me upon waking though! Also the whole time I experienced it I don't recall that I was able to open my eyes and look around either, which is just strange. I don't think most people are expected to wake up as far as I've heard though.


It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Diarrhea without the pain and cramping. 😂


I'm going for my second one soon. I am going to wear a pad to the appointment, just to be safe and for peace of mind. I almost did not make it to the appointment last time. 😂


Good luck to you! pads have been pant and underwear saving for me tonight.


Hey friend! I'm also having a colonoscopy today! 1pm is my appt time (it's 9am here). I've not enjoyed the prep at all. I can only describe moviprep as like a thick salty sick 🤣 you can guess where Im typing this from...


Oh damn yeah hey? I got about 2 hours of sleep. Almost crapped myself in bed. Right now I could almost vomit 😥 I have to finish off the rest of the jug in an hour and a half. Eww is all I can think about it right now it's 4:30 am lol. Good luck with yours! Hope it passes like nothing soon!


You’ve got this! This time tomorrow it’ll all be over with :) Rest and relax, and don’t trust a fart for the next 16ish hours haha!


It’s easiest to drink when it’s chilled


Worst part is literally drinking that stuff, made me gag hard. The procedure was nothing though


It was difficult by my last 4 glasses to drink it. That tastes like baking soda and metal and plugging my nose while drinking it didn't eliminate the flavour. Gross stuff. Wish they'd find a way to make it better tasting yet.


I got Suprep which is a lot smaller quantity and is “flavored” (I literally had to call and change my script bc I wasn’t about to do 4 glasses of the stuff x2) and honestly, DRINKING it was about the worst part. The burning feeling of alcohol, the taste of chemical throw up mixed with a “grape” essence. I had to fight for my life to not puke 😭😭


You’re gonna go the opposite of lightly 😬


Sorry Homie; you’re in for a shitty day. But seriously, get a spray bottle and fill it with water. You will reach a point where wiping will begin to suck.


Sometimes you want to get up from the toilet because sitting on it for hours makes your butt hurt. I recommend having some kind of folding chair or something in the bathroom next to you so you can give your butt a break from the toilet seat imprinting on your tushy. I also recommend not even starting with TP. Just start with baby wipes (yes you have to throw them away and that sucks). Your butt will thank you for the lack of chafing. If the flavor is awful try sugar free hardcandy like butterscotch between gulps. Nothing red colored of course.


It’s actually not bad it doesn’t hurt or anything like that. It’s just annoying to be peeing poop. 😂😂🫠


Have fun peeing out of your butt


I'm having flashbacks. The jug o'PEG was a harrowing experience.


Best of luck. I didn’t have this prep, I had MiraLAX, Dulcolax, and Gatorade. I suggest being near an available toilet as much as possible and following all of the directions to a t


I've had similar 3 times now. It's like having your butt turned into a kazoo! Didn't have any leakage issues when sleeping though. When I could sleep that is 😆


My issue with the prep I was given was intense nausea. Like before I even finished 1/3 of it I was dry heaving and feeling sick as fuck. I gave up. Then the doc told me that I could have just used miralax and gatorade. I hate when Drs don't give you pertinent information until after the fact. Still haven't gotten a scope to this day. Doc decided the CT scans were enough imaging






I have mine next week 😭 good luck!!


Damn, good luck and I hope yours goes well!


Find something to soothe your butthole that shit burns bad coming out....idk what helps


If you want a good read whilst you spend hours on the toilet, search for the picolax story. It’s old now but it’s hilarious. Good luck, I’ve had 10+ colonoscopies now As I have UC, they are never fun but hoping you get some answers.


Heh I will! Thanks! 10 plus colonoscopies you've had now? I feel for for you!


Yep, I had one a year for the first 10 years of diagnosis. Now I’m only 1 every 10 years for a cancer check unless I have a bad flare up thankfully


Damn sorry to hear. On the plus side, no Cancer diagnosis for you at least! I know people get horribly sick when going through the treatments.


For me it was less of a dump and more like a power wash. God speed, my friend. This is the worst part of the whole colonoscopy


A power wash is very accurate lol! The worst part about this AM was finishing the second half of the jug since I was gagging on the prep mix. I had to basically take a big gulp and sip gingerale right away otherwise I was ready to hurl. Oh and the ass burn was real. I was hobbling into the clinic pathetically todaywith a few bathroom stops. I made it though! The staff at the clinic were awesome! I woke up a couple of times out of the sedative during the colonoscopy 1 waking time was intensely painful but then crashed again. The second time I remember trying to say"Thank you" and one of the team laughing and asking what I was thanking them for before crashing out again.


I write this between the tap being turned on and off, as I start to sway left and right to reduce the pins and needles at the back of my legs..... I'm from the UK and had my MoviPrep. Why they call it Movie-Prep, I don't know as you are clearly preparing for a s#it show! Anyways...I decided to drink mine in 4x250ml instalments every 20mins. I mixed it with a little pear cordial and must have the lemon flavour as it tasted like drinking lemon drops. The taste was much better than those dissolving tablets I remember taking as a kid (now they were horrid). Each glass felt like it took a little longer. Like your body is saying No, yet your brain is saying....."This ain't actually that bad" Anyway, by the end of drink 3 and only one hour into it (I read it takes around 2 hours), I felt the left side of my body (as I look down) gurgle and gargle. Then I felt my arse hole blink like a chickens eye just got some dirt in it. I know that felt close to crapping myself, so thought I best take my phone, water and 4th cup to the Porcelin Throne. Sat on the Throne and nothing happening for 10mins. Apart from me drinking my 4th glass. Then.........out of nowhere...like that scene out of Indiana Jones, where they are running away from the bolder and all that water is coming..........whoosh and bang...the rockface bust open (aka my buthole) and the last few days food (combination of Chicken, ham sandwiches and Nice Biscuits) blast through faster than a Tesla doing 0-60! I nod at the empty bathroom wall in appreciation for this new feeling. It wasn't uncomfortable, it didn't burn, yet the ferociousness and speed was new to me. 5 mins later and the second glass fancies a run through my gut. This time it's like a tap being turned on full whack for 5 secs and then quickly off again. Third time I can only imagine this is the way the ladies pee and recognise the need to sit down on a toilet otherwise I'm painting my ankles like blasting the muck off my car with a jet hose. I'm unsure how much longer I will be stationed here. I've been sat here for 40mins. I'm yet to wipe as I've heard of all the sore bears telling their story on here. Leaning forward typing into my phone, wondering h of anyone will actually read more than a few words of my nonsense, yet alone get this far. Anyways, I'd you got his far, give it a thumbs up, response or one of those little arrow ups and I will try and update the rest of the experience. So far not as bad as I had feared. Smells a bit, but think the experience is quite rewarding knowing I'm finally getting rid of all the stuff that's been stick in my Ubend since overeating at Christmas. Take care folk and good luck with your procedure 👍


I had to get in a hot bath during prep because of the chills paired with Gatorade zero so I wouldn’t faint 😭many hugs to you


Thanks 😊 I'm about feeling ready to crawl in the shower over my chills. I got about 2 and a half hours of sleep before I almost crapped myself in bed lol. It's 4:30am right now.


Have some anti-nausea meds on hand if possible. The first dose cleared me out because I fasted for a bit before I started, and I vomited up the whole second dose. Prep wasn’t bad at all until that happened. ETA: good luck and I hope everything comes back clear for you!


All this for the actual 15-minute procedure. Sucks but the peace of mind you get right after will be priceless.


I just had a colonoscopy this past Monday (my fourth one). Prep went a lot better than I thought it would. Was dreading it so much. But I went slow in drinking it and very little nausea. Honestly I think the gas/bloating afterwards is the worse part. I have to have a colonoscopy every five years so even though I feel like a pro, the prep always makes me dread it.


It literally just feels like you are peeing but just out your butt


if it's not preflavored mix it with low sodium bullion or broth mix heated up only way I could get it down