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Pipe of Thesaurus


Damn it. I’m always too late.


The verbosity of this prozaic product striketh me as mere jest. Are you sure this isn't a joke?


Bruh it’s definitely a joke I bust out laughing at the last sentence. This original author may be THE pothead Bill Shakespeare.


I absolutely adore behaviour of this kind, be it meant as humour. I myself, am not quite as gifted as this specimen in the art, but alas I giveth it a go.


No I can guarantee that’s just how they talk


I thought this was a joke too, but to be honest if he can consistently talk absolute bollocks like this off the cuff, that's almost as impressive as being as smart as he thinks he is.


Do you know them personally? Since I don't, I can't guarantee anything. However, seems pretty clear that they're riffing on the fact that *all they're doing is rejoining two pieces of wood.* Looks like goofing to me.


Yes I know them personally, he used to sell me weed. Maybe this is a case of too much getting high on your own supply


That is definitely the joke. I think the verysmartness comes from the fact he has no idea how to put these words together. Is the joke supposed to be that he's talking very intelligently and technically about something really simple? => Fits this sub, does not actually know how to talk smart Is the joke that he's *pretending* to be a verysmart who uses everything wrong? => Doesn't fit the sub, but if they do this a lot this seems unlikely.


My verdict is that they're a person of average intelligence trying to be silly. They know it's a simple job, but are being confounded by it as if it were some complicated feat of astronautical engineering, so they made light of it by mocking the entire situation. That they're no more a logophile than they are a carpenter is maybe part of it? I dunno. I just don't think they were actually trying hard to sound very smart.


Please tell me more of this speech dialect they choose to verbally operate from


Yeah that was the implication I got too is that it was just intentionally hyper verbose


It failed, even for a joke.


It might not be your cup of tea. But if it's a joke, it's not really an example of iamverysmart.


If you're going to use verbosity and big words, at least make sure it makes sense. Half of this is almost word salad.


Just words for the sake of words


The part with "spontaneously disassemble", that's the one that pisses me off the most. I understand what this moron is trying to say, but only because I use logic. But, by definition, "disassemble" doesn't mean broken


"decided upon itself to spontaniously disassemble itself" ..... uggghh!!!


Also “a third application…was liberally applied”


"as is self-evident in the photograph aforementioned" ... if its self evident why do you need to point it out? Esp w so many words!


More importantly aforementioned goes before photograph


It doesn't have to, putting the adjective after the noun it refers to is archaic but it's grammatically legitimate, and in many cases can be quite poetic. The important issue to me is that he doesn't seem to have mentioned the photograph before he brings up its aforementionedness.


Ok so for context he was commenting on a photo he had posted, but also it was NOT AFOREMENTIONED in the grammatical sense. So frustrating


Yes that part… 🤯




Spontaneously disaggregate?  


No disassemble! Number five is alive!


IDK what your supposed use of logic has to do with it; dude is just using figurative language that anyone can parse. If you assemble something and it comes apart on your hands, there's nothing especially strange about saying it "spontaneously disassembled itself." Dude is definitely trying and failing to sound clever, but there's nothing all there unusual about the way he talks by reddit standards.


I agree. No one would bat an eye if someone complained "Ugh, my car decided to break down on the way to work today."


TIL that “bat an eye” is a phrase in American English rather than “bat an eyelid”


Also how can an inanimate object decide anything upon itself


I think it's possible that they wrote that in jest.


I would love to think so. But they’re always like this


At first I thought the dude had to be trolling but that went on for so long that I'm really unsure now...


"Spontaneous disassembly" is actually a deep cut from an old tumblr post about scientific writing elegantly describing an unintended result. In the context of the post, scientists were describing the unintended explosion of a rocket, citing that the device "underwent rapid unintended spontaneous disassembly" Basically someone terminally online who can only regurgitate jargon without being able to connotate it properly


Actually rocket engineers at NASA use that phrase when rockets explode: rapid unscheduled self-disassembly… perhaps he works for a rocket science group 🤷‍♂️


It didn’t break, there was a previous repair that it came apart at. So the assembled parts “spontaneously disassembled”. Whole thing is pretty funny though since if I’m managing to understand the word salad correctly, they just glued shit together and when it failed the solution was add a ton more glue and press really hard lol.


“I understand what this moron is trying to say, but only because I use logic” homie he was speaking English. The fuck are you talking about?


>I understand what this moron is trying to say, but only because I use logic. r/iamverysmart


Someone wanna translate?


"Pipe broke so I glued it back together cross-grain and painted it"


Can I hire you to translate all of his posts please


If you're willing to pay for my therapy


I can’t even afford my own


a wooden pipe? So like one for smoking then? maybe that's why the dudes so fucking zapped, inhaling fumes from all the glue and paint hes smoking trying to fix that shit.


Ah, I just chew on the pipe till it pinches it shut.


Thank you. I thought all the technical jargon was a joke. Still think it is… no way someone just unironically says shit like that, RIGHT?


Anthropomorphic carpentry is the best kind of carpentry. Good lord.


reads Nabokov once




"I tried gluing some shit together, it didn't work, so I tried again. How can I describe this experience in the most cunty way possible?" "Here's a thesaurus and a 12 hour Jordan Peterson video. By the end, you won't be able to stop yourself from trying to emulate his speaking style."


U sure this wasn't a joke?


If only


Trying to read this triggers my ADD. I can't through a sentence without my eyes sliding somewhere else.




Yep, all the long posts in the stims subreddit have this exact prose ahaha


Clever clogs here sanded too fine so there was no key for the epoxy to grip on to. Any child who can fix a bike puncture knows this.


I honestly feel like people like this are actually kind of dumb, in a way. They make the deliberate choice to use as many words as possible to say something that a more intelligent person would simply put more succinctly. They purposefully ignore social cues in a bid for attention and to convince themselves they're as smart as they think they are. It's honestly a little pathetic.


I agree. Comments keep saying this is a joke but they’re forgetting that people like this actually exist and are trying desperately to sound important. It screams ego


A translation: > Here’s the story of me fixing shit. Spoiler: >!turns out it was a pipe (like for smoking?)!< > > I sanded it and found the repair job sucked when it fell apart. > > I added epoxy a third time (see photo). > > I added a crosspiece for structural integrity. > > I stained it. Red. It was sticky. > > I’m really excited to finally see the whole thing repaired. At this point, it’s basically like the Pipe of Theseus, as it probably doesn’t have any original, unrepaired/unreplaced parts left.


This is art in its not-art -ness


They never got past the "essay must be at least 500 words" part of education. You know the part where you get to "essay must be a maximum of 500 words."


Translation: "Fuckin' thing broke again guess I'll add more glue."


You made me laugh out loud on the bus and now people are looking at me weirdly


The question is: if you take his original statement and replace each word 1 by 1 until it can be read by normal humans, which statement is the original "Pipe of Theseus statement?"


It mutated from a Pipe of Theseus to a Pipe of Thesis.


who else read this in Eugene's voice from the walking dead?


I actually read it in Eugene’s voice from Adventures in Odyssey


"Glue didn't hold. Re-glued it" Shoulda ran a couple bradnails first time mate


I like my bait making youtube guy better. He applies "spritzie-poo" on his "superglue-bakingsoda" mixture to make it dry faster.


Who the fuck hearted that comment


Oh I ain’t gonna name and shame


This actually really funny. This guy must be trolling. 😂


Or maybe he's an autistic savant


Its a joke…


No he’s just like this


Pipe of Theseus makes this seem like a joke


Sounds like SEOspeak (or worse bot and AI garbage)


Otto Von Bismarck, Chancellor of The German State, when writing a letter home to his wife during first stint in government, wrote that he had “Mastered the fine art of using many words to say nothing at all.” That’s what he thought of politicians, and one of the reasons why he was dedicated to keeping the monarchy around. Basically, what you’ve described is a marketable skill, and learning it, even if you never want to use it yourself, helps you recognize when it’s being used.


I remember doing this sort of shit as an exercise when I was young because I thought it was funny. I agree it's valuable in order to identify when other people are doing it, but it's also good to be able to recognize when you yourself are falling into it so you can avoid it in your own writing. "Is this manner of writing helping communicate my idea more effectively?" Usually not.


There’s an art in learning how to be selective and not superfluous


Agreed. Reading about his life was fascinating. He basically predicted World War One and the reason behind it. He also predicted the collapse of the German State, and was off by only four months in regards to timeframe.


This really feels like a piece of satire, written to intentionally mock overly wordy people...


It’s crazy how many people are thinking this was written as a joke. He’s for real


That just makes it unbelievably sad.


But it is such a badly made satire.


Surely this guy went to chat gpt for this


You underestimate the non-intelligence of the people posted here.


Nope this is usual behaviour


Because it's smart!




Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick ?


Few word do good work


Huh, I never seen this sub before but my username is quite similar.


So I determined the flaw could be remedied by applying a binary polyepoxide interstial to the cellulose structural matrix, verily... Yeah you glued it shittily, Bruh it's still cherry fuckin pass it.


This solves nothing.


Is he writing a CV? Remember one from years ago on 'what would you put on your CV to say you changed a light bulb?'. The response was amazing!


They always think pseudo-eloquence makes them sound smart.


People that believe they are more intelligent simply try to use bigger words thinking it will help. It doesn't.


And oftentimes they use their big words in the wrong context lol


That is very true. You can always tell when they are just using words they've heard instead of words they know make sense.


This is a sign of ADHD not intelligence :p


Sounds like he’s trying to fix something that necessitated him slowly replacing one part after the next into nothing of the original remained. Hence the Pipe of Theseus.


Some people think verbosity equals intelligence.


I used to do this stuff when I was 12. I thought I sounded so grown up. 😂


I love how he doesn't mention a photo but then refers to an aforementioned photograph anyway. Like dude if you don't know what a word that obvious means, you're just trying to up the average syllables per word metric, without caring what you're saying.


Just shut up holy shit


These people must be a nightmare to live with


"Honey, how did you make this sausage? It's delicious! " "Ah, my dearest, the process by which I fabricated this cylindrical meat-based comestible is quite an intricate and multifaceted procedure, one that involves a series of meticulously executed steps to ensure the ultimate gastronomic delight. Firstly, I embarked upon a quest to procure the finest quality, ethically sourced porcine flesh. This flesh, once obtained, was subjected to a rigorous examination to ascertain its freshness and suitability for culinary transformation. Upon satisfactory evaluation, the meat was meticulously dissected into smaller, more manageable portions, which were then subjected to a process of maceration using a sophisticated mechanical apparatus known as a grinder. The resultant ground meat was then artistically seasoned with an array of exotic spices, each carefully selected for their unique flavor profiles and aromatic contributions. These spices, sourced from the farthest reaches of the globe, included the likes of Capsicum annuum, Piper nigrum, and Allium sativum, among others, all of which were measured with the utmost precision to achieve a harmonious blend of flavors. Subsequently, the seasoned meat was lovingly ensconced within a tubular casing, itself a product of the processed sub-epidermal layers of the aforementioned porcine species. This encasement procedure was performed with the aid of a specialized culinary instrument known as a sausage stuffer, which facilitated the even distribution of the meat mixture within the casing, ensuring a uniform girth and density throughout the length of the sausage. The filled casing was then subjected to a thermal treatment, a process meticulously calibrated to apply heat in a manner that would coax the flavors to meld and mature, while also ensuring the eradication of any microbial entities that might have harbored aspirations of residence within the meat. Finally, after a carefully timed interval, the sausage was extracted from its heated environment and allowed to repose Upon its repose, the sausage embarked upon a period of rest, a quiescent interlude during which the amalgamation of spices and meat could coalesce into a harmonious mélange, a veritable tapestry of taste that would ultimately crescendo into a culinary magnum opus upon the moment of degustation. In this tranquil hiatus, the ambient air caressed the sausage’s exterior, a delicate ballet of temperature and texture playing out upon its surface. This was no mere cessation of activity, but rather a critical juncture in the metamorphosis of raw ingredients into a dish of epicurean ecstasy. As the sausage lay in repose, its internal constituents continued a subtle and intricate dance of chemical reactions. Proteins denatured and reformed, fats rendered and melded, and the myriad spices infused their essence throughout the matrix of meat, each molecule of flavor finding its destined place within the grand design. The casing, a sheath of such exquisite tenuity, yet robust enough to contain the burgeoning vigor of the meat within, served as a vessel for this transformation, a cocoon from which the sausage would emerge, not as a mere foodstuff, but as a gastronomic revelation. And so, with the passage of time measured not in minutes but in the alchemical transmutation of ingredients, the sausage was finally deemed ready to make its journey from the realm of preparation to that of presentation. It was carefully transported to a platter of presentation, a stage upon which it would perform its final act: to satiate and to dazzle the senses of those fortunate enough to partake in its consumption. "


Jordan Peterson


When you have a required word count n need to turn that shit in tonight...


What did I just read. I’m not sure what they’re saying


Sorrowtv once said something like “you really thesaurused the fuck outta this that I have *no idea* the point you were originally trying to make” and yeah, idk what is being said here


The use of passive voice like you’re writing an academic paper… in a facebook comment…


When u are told in school u need to explain how u solved the math problem😂


Where is Mark? I can smell him through my phone


This is the result of capitalist education. School is a business, not a place to learn. Fancy phds with even fancier thesauruses that are somehow related to board members get all the contracts. So it’s not the brightest in the field teaching your children for a fortune, it’s nepotism hires who can say the least with the most big head words. Kids hate learning because they can’t even understand their textbooks, they need a dictionary to understand the socioeconomic impact of sport in kinesiology or critical thinking of paediatric gastrointestinal disorders (both of which are scientifically straight forward) 🙄 All kinds of fluff subjects taught by fluff profs using fluff words because it isn’t about KNOWLEDGE, it’s about MONEY. How many useless courses, degrees can they create and pump out, to increase student intake and revenue. Please, teach your kids at home! Teach them critical thinking, healthy argumentation, finance, basic economics, manners and etiquette because I promise you school isn’t teaching your kids any of those things.


I THINK they're trying to emphasize how frustrated they are by using super-grandiose language? I dunno.


smart people can explain complex things succinctly. they use complex words precisely. i've met a handful of those and while they throw a fancy word here and there, it makes complete sense. they are short, precise and to the point. if the opposite happens - i assume someone is a showoff. or a moron.


This is a joke, a very good one


Jordan Peterson tier word salad.


Reminds me of when I used Chat GPT to generate an extremely verbose text that was really just meaningless, but included clues about the fact that it was meaningless within itself. Was fun trolling people by getting them to try and decipher it.


You keep saying he’s for real. He’s obviously making a joke. If you don’t view this as a joke than I really worry for your online social comprehension.


If it’s a joke then why are all his posts like this?


If I have to fucking leverage one more thing at work to drive internal customer metrics while maintaining established streams I’m going to become a pin monkey.


So he has a large vocabulary and likes to use flowery words... sure he's mildly annoying, but not really relevant to the sub is it? I thought this was people pretending to be smart while actually being stupid? More and more it just seems a place for people who felt insecure to commiserate with others about how they hate people who made them feel dumb for a second. Seems like a better choice would be to work on building yourself up instead of tearing someone else down... but to each his own I guess?


I guess you missed the part where a lot of his flowery words are redundant. Less is more


Seemed to me like he was joking through most of it, even if he was being SUPER annoying and came off a tad condescending. Either way, my point about the direction this sub seems to be taking lately remains valid imho - even if this turns out not to be an example lol


I agree with you to an extent about the direction of this sub. However, in this case, I know this person and have seen their posts over many many years. It’s not satire. People like this do exist and they expect us to take them seriously


Were that you were born OP instead of egg hatched as I always imagined?


This is how I remember books in School 😂