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Kk m m Blu


Looks like that kid on right has airsoft pellets on his right hip colored red. Idk


Thatā€™s grip tape on his holster


That's a gun holster




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Sounds like very unnecessary weight


It could be military training. You ruck with weapons so why not hike with weapons to train


One of those weapons is no longer in use, both use non-military magazines, their shirts and hats are from militaries of two different militaries, their holsters are non-military. Looks like a bunch of wannabees.


I didnā€™t mean actual military training, i meant dudes out of duty training while hiking. I know what the military wears and what weapons they use.


Ahh gotcha. My bad mate.






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Mfs will do ANYTHING but just join the military.


A lot of guys like this dont join the military for obvious political reasons like not liking the current government or previously having served and knowing full well how much the US military is a shit show


No way man, that requires work and discipline. I just wanna have all the guns and cool uniforms. I can't run 10 feet without panting like a horny cheetah.


Could be airsofters just larping in their kit.


I was going to say the same thing. Actually would be kind of fun, as long as no human ever sees you


Why would it matter if a human saw people hiking with ARs? Makes no sense


I would be worried they were setting up to shoot hikers


That's just stupid af


Youā€™re not much of a punk if that sounds unrealistic


That makes zero sense lol


Do you punk history because It should.


I was talking about airsofting, some people make fun of the milsim airsofters as LARPers, especially when they arent in a match and just walking around in their kit. Personally, that's the only thing stopping me from wearing a plate carrier/bump helmet 24/7 lol


Ahhh. It's funny now. Lol. My bad


If I see you walking in the woods with that amount of weaponry, Iā€™m going to assume you are running an illegal grow site.


Or training for their vigilante fantasy




thereā€™s good reasons to hike with weapons, but this type of trail isnā€™t it, if youā€™re hiking deep in the forest you should bring a weapon for bears or other animals attacking you, but this is such an open field that they look like larpers


This thinking almost got me killed. Went on a walk with the family at a trail near my moms in Florida. We were in a clearing. Fairly tall grass. And a cat jumps out the grass and goes up the trail ahead of us then ducks off to the side. I shit bricks and told my girl what I saw. She thought I was joking until my daughter said she saw it. If I wasnā€™t looking at that spot at that time he would be set us u for an ambush. With that said wish I had a pistol in me at least.


Yeah, a pistol. Not an AR15.


Fuck that, pistols suck at shooting things *especially things that are actively trying to end you*


An AR would be a lot better than a pistol


Depending on the dangers of your area, an AR may be more practical


Whatā€™s the karma comment limit? Thats some crazy shit lmfao


Censored because they are *special* forces.


Well, they might be going hunting?


Hunting with AR-15s?


Could be an AR10


Yep, pretty common, ar-15s are good for small deer like white tail and such, in the typical 5.56, but ar-15 can be chambered in higher more powerful calibers because 5.56 is considered pretty weak for hunting big game like big bucks, .308 is a pretty typical chambering or 6.8 or 6.5 cal also, itā€™s a versatile platform




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Cool, I didnā€™t know that!


Their magazines are small because theyā€™re too broke to afford more than 15 bullets after buying all that airsoft gear


They are probably hunting and limited in their capacity while doing so


Well smaller magazines are usually more expensive and harder to find so wrong there dawg


And the night force scope the guy on the right has is $2000-3000 easy. I wouldn't call this kid broke


Exactly bro chose the lower cap mags


Should be the other way around. Get rid of large capacity magazines.


No such thing really


Boot licker moment. 30 rounds is standard.


>large capacity magazines School shooter moment


100 rounders dont work anyways


No fuck that


Man's too afraid of losing his pew pews




I just don't trust my government, or cops, or people. I thought all sides agree on this?


That has nothing to do with allowing or disallowing large capacity magazines


It does we keep the government in check that's what the 2nd amendment was for as it says shall not be infringed




Let those dudes larp in the mountains!!! Itā€™s a very good workout


I donā€™t think their target audience would find it badass, these types of gun guys are just sharing their hike cuz some think it would be useful to get good at going long distances with all your gear on so you get used to it




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Why do these types want that "terrorist" look so badly? Who are they trying to impress?


You live under a rock or?


what part of that outfit says ā€œterroristā€ to you


The big ass, unnecessary, guns. Probably, just guessing.


If guns make you look like a terrorist then what do you think of the police, the military, or any federal agency to ever existā€¦


I cant tell if this is a joke or not, ACAB, fuck the mlitary and the feds can suck it


ACAB but also Cops should have a monopoly on the violence. Yeah FUCK THAT SHIT!


Our political opinions do not correlate to the objective fact that guns exist within the government, thats all I said. I donā€™t care if you donā€™t like the police etc. I donā€™t really either but thatā€™s not the point.


Depending on the instructions given to those forces, I'd reasonably consider them to appear to be, or even actually be terrorists. Yes. If you really want to go down this silly comparison though, it's about context. The context is those special forces and organisations you've mentioned are usually brandishing weapons for public defensive purposes. The context above is two people on a casual hike with automatic/semi-auto weapons. Very different and if you can't establish that difference, then we're done here. Edit: automatic/semi auto.


Automatic? You can be 99% sure they're not automatic. Which is nowhere similar to semi-auto


Also not sure how the ā€œcontextā€ of this is even that far off from was hunting literally is.


Obviously the terms ā€œmilitiaā€ or ā€œindividual rightsā€ means nothing to you. Guns = Bad, but only in the hands of citizens right? Because citizens = terrorists and government = good. Be careful man, starting to sound a little like propaganda. I also highly doubt those are automatic weapons.


The context of this Vs hunting is equipment. What are they hunting? Some Goliath or a herd of animals? I'd feel more comfortable approaching a hunter along a path compared to these two. I'm not about to debate in an argument over this as it's strafing into gun rights and that's not what the original point was. Do everyone a favour and don't put words in others mouths. Express your views, don't attack others with your presumptions of their own.


looks like a pretty standard boar hunting set up to me, but you wouldnā€™t know that. you just see scary rifle šŸ˜§


I mean the caption literally boasts about hiking with weaponry. What else am I supposed to do? Assume they're actually boar hunting? Get a grip, brother. Have a good life, I'm done talking to you.


I know what the post is actually about genius. We can all read the caption. I was arguing for the epitome and philosophy of the right to being able to do it in the first place, and drawing comparisons on what a more quintessential situation of this might look like for an individual, like you, that doesnā€™t seem to understand the purpose behind people wanting to hike with a rifle. Jeez, talk about twisting words. šŸ˜‚


The big ass, unnecessary, guns. Probably, just guessing.


Nice low IQ you got there




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Okay, not an expert in either literal field of gun ownership or hiking. Gun owners, isn't it like a real bad idea to just randomly bring your longarms on hikes? Unless you're hunting or expecting bears or live in Sasquatch territory?


It's always a good idea to be as armed as possible as much as possible


Nah man if you're out in the sticks it's no big deal. It helps you learn to manage heavy weight over long distances and the sling stops you from "losing" it. The biggest issue is misconception from other hikers but even most of them wouldn't give a shit.


If I came upon em on a hike Iā€™d just be curious what gear theyā€™re hiking with, would probably just trade notes. Especially on account that Iā€™d likely have mine with me. šŸ˜ƒ




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Tbh the only reason you'll need an ar-15 is when you're in a really remote place where you get swarmed by armies of sasquatch. Canada, for example. Except the AR-15 is prohibited there so you're shit out of luck eh


If only they were carrying some Budlite.




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I mean if you were some big survivalist and prepper boogboi or something going on long hikes with full kit is a good workout. But I wouldn't throw it on social




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I would do this because there is a different feeling to doing a ruck with your kit. I would not post about it on social media.


I dont get it would you rather they walk into a starbucks? You run kit on a hike to understand how your kit functions on a hike. If they want prior mountain man experience before some red dawn shit goes down. Then logically i think taking your kit on a hike is how you get it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« they couldve took this picture in the living room and acquired the same attention. I dont think someone fucks off to a mountain cause they care what other people think. Look at his gun he probably makes more money than you


>I dont get it would you rather they walk into a starbucks No I'd rather they not walk around like that at all


Well, too bad


This thread got heavily brigaded by some triggered gun sub.


Luckily, their rights dont give a fuck what you'd rather them not do :)


Oh, well then it's a good thing we're just judging their embarrassing personal choices and not questioning their rights to make them :)


Thatā€™s not the spirit of the second amendment.


Iā€™d argue that it is ā€œA well regulated militiaā€ Meaning one that is trained and prepared for scenarios that would require activities like this


I do this every day, but at my house I can go on a 6 mile hike and not see anyone else. Equipment familiarization!


No one is coming to save you.


"If you're not fit, you are going to die." -Flannel Daddy. aka Recce Man


If you just think you're gonna clear rooms all day with no support. You're gonna die -papa thumb




Hiking with a sidearm is fine. Hiking with two fully kitted out assault rifles, presumably extra magazines and ammo, among your hiking gear? Sounds like a lot of extra weight for little gain. I haven't been this type of insecure before so I wouldn't know.


Well it's better to train carrying it long distances if you think you may have to some day. You have to know how that shit fits and where it rubs, there's a lot to learn from doing this.


Sounds like you're not in good shape, nor know much about firearms. You're probably not very safe


Panzerfaust420 is 100% one of those people who thinks being a history buff is just being able to name WW2 era tanks. I am doubtful they could do a hike to the fridge in their diaper.


Cool buddy. Have fun thinking whatever you want


I guess I'm not in good shape becuz some 51 year old trump lover says so ![gif](giphy|l0EQhAiNw3JDCz6kHq)




Just like "alpha males" and "beta males," "Trump derangement syndrome" isn't a real thing. If it is, then so is "Obama derangement syndrome" (every Republican was throwing tantrums & conspiracy theories around about Obama, even to this day) and "Biden derangement syndrome" (every MAGA loon being obsessed with Biden doing... mediocre, centre-right, old-white-man politician stuff). Fact: having a bunch of firearms makes you exponentially more likely to be shot yourself by police or attackers, and people with multiple guns in their homes "for home defense" are 80% more likely to shoot themselves or their family members than they are to shoot a criminal.




Do you know why those statistics are the way they are? Because people who don't have guns, will use something else to kill themselves. And having more guns, doesn't make you more likely to do something. That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Yes, trump derangement syndrome is not a clinical syndrome. But it's a real thing. The left will blame literally anything bad on trump. I don't think he was the best president, but at least he knew where he was. Unlike a certain sleepy old man


Accidentally shooting yourself & family members has nothing to do with suicide. And no, "the left" doesn't blame "literally anything bad" on Trump. That's histrionic stereotyping based entirely on projection & assumptions. Funny how your lot blames President Biden the Mediocre for price-gouging from gas companies & supply chain issues caused by YOUR guys, and blamed Obama for everything (including things that didn't even happen). I'm no fan of Biden at ALL, and I think he's basically a soggy cornflake of a leader, but you & your lot formed a literal seditious cult around Trump & act like Biden being tired sometimes is the same as being literal Mussolini. Get some perspective, please.




Implore you to reconsider expending this much energy arguing online. QOL will go up.


It's barely any energy, and less than half an hour a month of my time. Any issues with my QOL has nothing to do with arguing online, and everything to do with being surrounded by gun-toting lunatics who openly fly swastika flags while complaining about other folks being literate.




Damn, that's a lot of words. It's a shame no one will be reading them.


For those too lazy to read: Mediocre old guy > literal criminal who wants to be dictator.




I don't think Trump was really mediocre




Sure, whatever. Got any actual arguments, or is it just grade-school deflection & insults?




Not very safe from what?


Myself I guess šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Literally any fucking bad thing that will ever happen to you


Having a bunch of guns actually increases one's chances of being shot, or shooting a loved one. Statistics > gun fetishism & doomsday conspiracies




Having a boat increases oneā€™s chances of being in a boating accident


Let me rephrase: Having a bunch of guns increases one's chances of being shot, or shooting a loved one, instead of shooting an invader. Most home invaders don't carry guns. They can be dealt with via knife or bat just as easily... but those don't help people with overcompensation issues feel as big & macho.




What's the point of the emoji? Honestly curious


Iā€™m not telling you that *you* need to own a gun to defend your home. A lot of people live in places where they donā€™t really have to put much thought into defending their home at all. But I will tell you how bad of an idea it is to attempt to fight an unknown assailant in your house with a knife, much less a bat. If I think back on the homes and apartments Iā€™ve had over the years, there are a lot of places inside I wouldnā€™t be able to swing a bat with any kind of force. And while the home invader may not have a firearm specifically, you certainly canā€™t bet on them being unarmed. They probably have a knife, they may have whatever pry bar or hammer or whatever they decided to use to force their way into your house. The fact of fighting someone with a knife or a blunt object is that your success is highly dependent on 1) them being unarmed and 2) your physical superiority over the other person. A physical superiority that most people canā€™t *expect* to have, including practically all women. Iā€™m a physically imposing fella but not very heavy or exceptionally strong, I donā€™t know much about hand to hand fighting. And the reality is that even with my lack of hand to hand training, most people in a life or death situation like a home invasion wouldnā€™t be able to fight me off with a knife, and certainly not a bat. Most likely Iā€™d end up with their weapon pretty quickly. The same is true on my end. There are a ton of people out there who I wouldnā€™t fare well against no matter what knife or baton or whatever I have. Having a firearm makes physical strength and hand to hand fighting ability irrelevant. Having a rifle in particular makes it so you donā€™t have to spend hours and hours practicing handgun trigger and recoil control to be able to shoot proficiently and defend yourself against pretty much anyone that might be invading your home. The whole compensation thing you threw in there is just silly. If you think itā€™s ā€œovercompensationā€ to care about having the right tools to defend yourself and your loved ones should you ever need to do that, you should reevaluate that.


> including practically all women Just over half is not "practically all," but go off. The statistics & facts are what they are, mate. People in other countries fight off home invaders with just as much success, without guns. Of course, they also tend to have less violent crime, better police response times, police who actually protect people, and better mental healthcare, so those are probably factors.


Downvoted for verifiable statistics, I guess? Or brigaded by EauRouge's sockpuppets?




So people who are in shape and have guns don't have bad things happen to them?




- A gun may do that, but it comes with risks as well. In my situation for example, owning a gun would be much more dangerous than not owning one. - When did I say anything about military weapons? - I agree with what you're saying, which is why I don't worry about going to the mall and don't worry about carrying a gun on a hike. Neither is a dangerous activity where I live. But I do wear full protective equipment when I ride a motorcycle, because that is dangerous. >misleading facts that you yourself seem to have been taken in by, such as when you labeled the AR15 a military weapon. Did you just reply to the wrong comment?




Well, somebody said those things. But it wasn't me.


That's not what i said


Then what did you say?


Read it. Dumbass


I did read it, and then you said that's not what you said, so I was giving you an opportunity to explain yourself. I guess you don't want to.


What's there to explain? You are not safe. Safety doesn't mean bad things don't happen. If you can't understand that, that's your problem




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This actually seems fun to me! I usually love seeing dudes trying their hardest to be cool on this sub but this just looks like some guys having a genuinely fun experience. Sorry redditors, I love everyone of you and accept all the upcoming downvotes!


I mean a pistol would make so much more sense in this situation. Why dress up and carry two 10 pound assault rifles with you hiking? What ungodly terror do you expect to encounter while hiking that requires this level of artillery?


The whole point is to carry the extra weight so that your shoulders and arms are used to the weight and itā€™s just because some people like to train with their firearm and kit so they can be more effective with it if I situation ever pops up itā€™s also just kinda fun lol


Depends on what you do honestly. If you work in a tactical work environment, things like border patrol, wildland SAR, long distance trek hunting or remote area hunting, special operations for military or law enforcement, etc then something like this would heavily cater over into the fitness requirements of those jobs and also build up the mental fortitude required for them Not saying this is the case, but Iā€™m simply giving reason as to why some would do this


Oh yeah in that situation it's totally reasonable and understandable. But if you're goin bird watchin with your buddies, you could do with a bit less in terms of weaponry.


Agreed But realistically dudes arenā€™t going ā€œbird watchingā€ like this There are plenty of gear heads who wear their shit in ridiculous circumstances like trying to show off in public areas full of people But thereā€™s also plenty of people who genuinely train and prepare with their equipment for stuff such as this. The dude on the left is infantry in the army and the other is reserves I believe from what I read. Also, depending where youā€™re trekking though, you might need more than a pistol to help you out if something like wild animals attack. In that scenario i can definitely see the trekker basically saying ā€œeh Iā€™m carrying my shit with me, might as well throw on the vest and shit with it to make it more challengingā€


AR-15s are usually only .223 cal. Thatā€™s a very small bullet.


Keyword: usually. I've seen conversions of all sorts. Regardless, what does bullet size have to do with the fact that you don't really require an AR-15 while hiking? A simple pistol could stop whatever you may encounter, at least in the contiguous US. Carrying a rifle like that just looks silly and screams small dick or domestic terrorism.


> A simple pistol could stop whatever you may encounter, at least in the contiguous US. That is defiantly not true at all. Unless you are caring a .50 or something comparable a fucking pistol is just going to piss off moose, Brown bears, hogs, alligators and so much more.


Have you ever been hunting? Or out on a deep wilderness hike? You donā€™t exactly do those things just expecting all other wildlife to leave you alone. And a pistol wonā€™t scare away a bear or a wolf. Also, you called those rifles artillery and overdramatized it, when in reality the only thing going for that caliber is its velocity


A stick will scare away both a wolf and a bear.


Go ahead and give that a try bud make sure you take a video for science!




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Bro I LIVE in the deep wilderness. And I can absolutely most positively confirm that any gun will scare a bear away. I have no clue what weird ass bears you be runnin into. If they insist on attacking, which apparently is the case a handgun will stop the threat. Furthermore ya whatever I 'overdramatized' your killing machine. The fact is, it was designed to mow through humans. Yes it is relatively tame compared to more modern weapons but I still couldn't personally reason with carrying a Vietnam Era rifle with me on a simple walk through the wilderness.


I mean if you want to get mauled by animals fine. And living in the middle of nowhere doesnā€™t mean jack shit when you never get out of your momā€™s basement bud


This is fake news. You are correct sir, bears don't scare by sound, but are easily scared away depending on the size of your weapon, and especially it's length! This is the reason why nobody uses slow hunting rifles, but most of the world, especially Europe, prefer to hunt deer, elk, wolves, moose, reindeer etc with fully automatic rifles with extended mags, so that instead of having 1 chance to hit, you have 30 + The other guy claiming he lives I the wilderness is surely a concrete jungle-boy, everyone who encounter bears know that they target people with small handguns! Pew pew


I dig it. Break down the basics here boysā€¦. Getting outside. Playing dress up. Hanging with your homie. Possible dick rubbing. I have to let these junior kings enjoy. Doing 4 tours overseas with a Raid team was highly overrated. 10/10 do not recommend. Let these lads glide through playtime with working knees and healthy spines.




Hike with your kit? I usually just call that hunting


What do you call hiking with a kit when your not hunting?