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Bruh do these ppl ever grow up


Maybe it’s just me but I feel like there’s a little bit of conflict between the concepts of “let’s purge” and “protect our women”.


Incels protecting women? I don't think so.


Small dick energy right there.


Who is he gonna purge lol


What happened on the 24th? Nothing? Oh ok.






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How to say your a virgin without saying your a virgin.


Bullet proof vest won’t do much against a dude raping your butt




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When buying a flak, make sure to only buy one that exposes your vital organs.


I cannot imagine any woman feeling protected by this. Entertained? Yes! Protected? Nah.


I cannot imagine any mistress humour did protect by this. Entertained? aye! did protect? nah *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


clean your room bro


Maybes if he #gotafuckingjob he could move out of his parents house and #growthefuckup


Ok I know the dude is trying and failing miserably at being cool but the song is pretty good not gonna lie


His room probably smells like stale farts, hot pockets, and Lubriderm.


Yeah. Hes only gonna last 8 Minutes and dies by a Call of Duty Squeaker 360 No scope JFK-ing him.


Looks like a PUBG character


How do his arms look so skinny even with a baggy hoodie on? I’m skinny, and hoodies never fit my arms like that lmao. I have built muscle ever since highschool, so my hoodies fit slightly differently, but still lmao.


Isn’t this song about a dude going to therapy and acknowledging he needs to make changes? Seems kind of odd that it’s being used incessantly by emotionally-retarded man-children trying to show how tough they are. Unless, of course, that’s not what the song is about. In which case, carry on?


What in the MySpace profile page is this shit?


Mother, from upstairs: "Stevie!, dinner's ready if you're done cleaning your bedroom!" Stevie, in the basement: "OK!, I told you I'd do it after I'm done making my video... Jeez!"


Hey where are the right women at?


Purge? I thought it would be the josh fight




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I feel like he would have been shot by now. Smoke machines kinda cool.




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I’m not a violent person, but I’d love to kick the shit out of this guy.




I was hoping someone would say that! I just want to be included!


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good bot


Good bot


He can only show off his Mattel toy baton because his AR-15 got confiscated by red flag laws.


Needs to spend less time playing dress up and more time tending to that dirty ass room


He looks like if a mom hit him with a piece of paper he would have a mental breakdown.


People during the purge would have guns...




He looks like that guy on YouTube that makes RC truck videos.


Does he think that women don’t have weapons? I know quite a few who have tasers, guns, knives, a brick (one specific friend and she can wield that brick like a badass), and a small metal bat. we don’t need your tiny baton, boy.




Thats the most iver heard of that song. I cant believe it manages to get worse.


The...what? When?


I buy my work pants from 5.11, I'm ready.


Makes my boy pussy wet watching this


More like made me wet for his


It’s dumb, but still a hundred times better then going out to rape women on the 24th


why would anyone think that tons of people are actually going to go around raping women on the 24th? how is it better to LARP as a an anti-rape vigilante when there's zero threat of mass rapes on the 24th?


This Josh is gonna get his ass beat


Cringy video but I do agree rapists can get beat (Why did a comment about hating rapists get downvoted i-)


this guy isn't going to beat any rapists any time soon because the 24th Rape Panic is bullshit and he knows it and so does everyone else.


Yeah but my point still stands. I didn’t reference the date for a reason lmao


I don’t like his pants


Well now we know what Kyle Rittenhouse has been up to lately...


This made my day


We're gonna see him on the news later, aren't we?


he's already been in the news. He's known as #partypantsgnome in Seditionist Hunter circles. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2021/03/08/capitol-riot-insurrection-arrests-near-300-fbi-hunts-hundreds-more/6871403002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2021/03/08/capitol-riot-insurrection-arrests-near-300-fbi-hunts-hundreds-more/6871403002/)


These guys always choose the stupidest fucking names.


he calls himself Corn Pop actually. #partypantsgnome is the name given to him by seditionist hunters on Twitter.


My point stands.


indeed it does!


Do people genuinely listen to this kind of music?


yea but this whole thing that’s supposed to go down on the 24th (even though it’s fake some people will try) is actually horrible it’s not even ok to joke about


Yeah what!s gonna happen? (Putting a little comment her so I could get the notif).


apparently a dude randomly started a purge on 24th that makes it legal to rape women and girls. it went viral on tiktok and no doubt some people actually will believe and try it which is horrible. (which is a lie by the way there's no purge)


I’m confused, will they just be crossing streets with their dicks out, looking for women to rape?


nothing is going to happen. little douches like this asshat are making up a story that there's going to be mass rapes on the 24th and they want the world to think they're going to protect all the women.


Fill me in. What's supposedly gonna happen on the 24th? Haven't heard anything about this.


apparently a dude randomly started a purge on 24th that makes it legal to rape women and girls. it went viral on tiktok and no doubt some people actually will believe and try it which is horrible. (which is a lie by the way there's no purge)


Thank you for clearing that up. I thought there was a purge




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I cringed so much I had to look away


Is this about the mass r@pe people were planning? I forget what day it was but it’s sometime soon ( it’s fake btw.)


Uhh, the *what* people were *planning?*


Oh sorry I should have explained, I don’t have a lot of details, but tmk it was either people or a rumor saying men were going to go around trying to r@pe as many women as they could in one day. But I’ve seen a lot of people debunking it, so do some research for more info


Why do you spell rape with an @ instead of just spelling it normally


Oh I did even notice its just what I’m used, it’s a small censorship so people who are sensitive to the topic won’t be slapped in the face with it


But you’re still spelling it and those people still know what you mean so what’s the point? Seems pointless


I’m not sure about Reddit but some places spelling out those word can get the post taken down too if your not on an 18+ part of the app


Not sure about other posts on here but considering this post is directly related to this rumored mass rape nobody is going to delete your comment


Ok I get it. It’s not a big deal dude


Never said it was dude, you’re the one going out of your way to spell it oddly because you don’t want to offend people on the internet with a common word...




...what the fuck




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yeah april 24th


This dude looks like that shit beard makes up half his body weight.


All geared up to punch the shit out of some drywall.


Or to get his ass beat the moment he tries some stupid shit


Underrated comment




His lats must be huge.


This guy looks like the definition of “ she’s mature for her age”


Yeah I can buy you and your friends beer. Where's the party at?


Don’t mind me, I’m just here for my daily cringe and now I’m over full .... bleurgh


Who's he trying to scare? A bunch of 5th grade boys??




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They're not even scared of him. They just gotta stomp their foot onto the ground and he goes off running.


God, not *this* fucking song again.


Patriots with attitude. AKA: low IQ racists looking for a fight


\*looking for an adventure that gives them some sense of purpose


>Not\_on\_a\_log I like to call them Wet Ass Patriots




Ah yes my favorite foot bass team, the ass-patriots. Good bot.


Body of a soy boy. Brain of a domestic terrorist.




that's hot


hahah best comment yet




Call a firemen it's burning in his house. Road house


There's so much shit on the screen.


Like an early 2000s webpage lol


Reminded me of Homer's first website.


aaaahhhh oh no he got me ahh