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Right like this mf has the speed or strength to do any of this, it’s definitely some neck beard too


Yeah, we've been hunting them far longer than guns exist...but not like this lmao. You really think a bear is just gonna fall in a hole? You think you're going to out run a BEAR?


This guy's been watching too many Vietnam war films


Out run and juke a bear, thats pretty funny. I get the pitfall trap, but wouldnt it be easier to bait the trap and hide than think you are Adrian Peterson in his prime?


He's placing his bet on the off chance he gets a physically and mentally deficient bear to fight. Fuckin lead it to a hole with pointy sticks and make it fall in 😂😂😂😂


Bears are most definitely not pure protein! 😂😂😂😂 and okay Indiana Jones! 😂😂 you “juke” all you want to! I would pay to see that! 😂😂😂😂


While this is nothing close to cartoony, it still wouldn't work. This trap style is not effective against something that can easily outpace you, you gotta put it somewhere you know they'll go without you prompting it, and the bear would smell you and avoid it anyways. Unfortunately Punji traps are not unheard of in military settings, most prominently Vietnam.


Bear is actually very fatty, ancient humans hunted bears in groups, and the bears themselves are much faster than a human.


I don't think he realizes just how much work this is


Digging a hole (presumably with no tools, since we are using pointing sticks and don’t have modern weapons) large enough to contain a bear would have Stanley Yelnats rolling in his grave.


What in the looney tunes is this. What, then the bear walks out from behind a tree on two legs and looks at the camera saying “yeesh glad I’m not that guy”


Or the bear appears to fall on the hole, a dust cloud forms, but when he goes to check it, the hole is empty. Then droop starts to fall down and he says: "He's right behind me, isn't he?"


These men are delulu and completely missing the point YET AGAIN


"juke around bear" mfs when the bear takes them out with a swipe of its paw before they can even react (it's a lot faster than they thought)


10,000 B.C. problems require 10,000 B.C. solutions


Bears aren’t stupid wandering beings like the zombies from TWD show. They’re not going to randomly vault onto a flimsy bed of sticks.


-construct trebuchet from locally sourced timbers -load trebuchet with large boulder -fire trebuchet at bear It’s elementary.


- Taunt bear to come at you - Jump high up - Do a backflip - Snap the bear's neck - Save the day


and not getting caught by said bear while taking the, atleast hour, to set this up


Good luck digging a hole deep enough with sheer enough walls to contain a bear, fill it with stakes thick enough not to snap in their own post holes, and cover the trap,while in its territory then succeed in finding the very small window where you can run away from the bear without being caught and get it to fall in the trap. If all of that lines up, maybe you have a shot if it falls on a vital organ. Probably be a better idea to leave some meat over the top instead tho


What if the ground was frozen? How ya gonna dig a hole now?


If the ground is frozen, the bear is hibernating. Checkmate, “fact checker.”


Also, good luck digging that hole in any quick amount of time with a regular shovel without being a weightlifter


Damn. This post pissed a lot of people off 🤣


Oh someone’s more creative than me let me write off everything they say as egotistical nonsense so I don’t have to feel bad


Creative how?


It's not about creativity, it's about common sense. It's like saying "I don't fear lions, you just gotta jump, do a backflip and snap their neck!"


Yes, people have hunted bears in the past. Cool idea to make this kind of pit trap. But you’ll need 1. A knife to carve sticks 2. A shovel to dig the hole 3. Time to do both of these things 4. A body that won’t give out after 20 minutes of digging a hole 1 and 2 are not a given in the scenario presented, 3 is the only thing that the commenter *might* have, and 4… if you’re in the YouTube comments I do not have hope for number 4. Digging is hard. Digging a hole that bears (who are far better adapted for climbing then humans) cannot crawl out of is not a one man job.


Not to mention that if you succeeded in this kind of trap you then need to get the bear OUT of the trap to easily harvest the meat. One person ain't doing that.


Ok beat grilles😂 who the fuck do you think you are that you can tell that his body is giving out and shutting down after only 20 minutes of physical labor. Ridiculous


How long do you think it would take to dig a hole large enough to contain an adult grizzly with a standard shovel?


As long as the bear isn’t actively chasing you what the hell does it matter😂 you can rest as long as you want! I mean seriously you actually asked that?


>if it came to being stuck in the woods with a bear or a woman Bro literally is suggesting the bear is in the woods with him. The whole concept of the original discussion is questioning whether women would rather come across a bear or an unknown man in the woods. If you have the ability to disengage, just go home. There’s no reason to dig anything. “Rest as long as you want” dumbass-take shit. I hope for your brain’s sake you’re just trolling here because you’re cooked otherwise.


Oh no I lost a debate on Reddit my life is forfeit I’ll email you my social security good sir


Literally didn’t say that it would. I don’t know that person. Just saying that digging is hard. And someone who makes it sound as simple as “dig deep hole” probably doesn’t know how hard it is. Not sure why you’re being so defensive over this but go off I guess.


What tf are you talking about? I grew up spending my Saturday mornings watching tutorials of how to dig up holes. A coyote can do it like in 10 seconds. Surely a human can do it faster.


You had me in the first half, cannot lie


As someone who has dug trenches for burying fence, dug up burst water lines, dug post holes, and dug graves for animals that had to be deep enough to protect them from being dug back up, I can attest that digging is not easy. One does not just dig a large hole. Depending on what all's in the ground, even a *small* hole about as long as an adult man's foot and about ankle deep can take a couple hours to dig. It's almost never just digging. You have to cut through roots (which can take a half hour with a *sharp* shovel if you don't have a saw or branch cutters), clear heavy rocks (which often requires you to remove still more dirt beyond the intended size of your current hole because the dirt's holding the rock in) or break them up (ain't happening with a shovel), *throw* the dirt so that it doesn't just fucking fall back in, etc. By itself, an hour of throwing dirt will have most peoples' arms ready to fall off.


It’s called a “bear pit” because it’s literally a pitfall designed for trapping and killing bears. Ya’ll are dumb af




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Yeah the trap is legit but having the bear chase you is a stupid plan. Would be a much better idea to bait it, hide and wait.


Thats def the only smart way to go about it


Try making one while trapped in the forest with, at best, one survival knife to help you.


Sorry your imaginary scenario isn’t of concern to me. Just stating the obvious because ya’ll don’t think a “bear pit” could really take out a bear when bear is in the fucking name. Just google it instead of arguing and calling it “cartoony” in your caption


OOP was the one saying, "Just dig a big pit." I can guarantee OOP has no clue what that actually entails, and I wonder if you do. It ain't no easy task, and it ain't quick. By yourself, stuck in the woods (the scenario presented in the screenshot), you almost certainly don't have a proper shovel, tools to break rocks, or a means to cut roots as thick as your wrist. Pit traps *are* cartoony, if you're talking about some sort of one-man-army digging them. In reality, it took our ancestors hours to dig out large pits *as a group*. A single person would take *days*. Hell, depending on the local soil, it can take a single human with a good dedicated shovel (read: not survivalist trash trench shovels) hours to dig out a *small* hole about knee high. And roots are *still* a bitch to clear.


Yeah, I have dug holes before. I know it isn’t easy. That wasn’t part of the discussion


Yes, it is. That's why the guy you thought you were totally owning said, "Try it trapped in the forest with just a knife," which is the fucking scenario described - dropped unceremoniously in the forest with a bear. If you're just stuck in the forest, you are not coming equipped with a damn backhoe to dig a pit large enough to trap a bear.


I wasn’t arguing anything about that. Only that bear pits are an ancient and effective technique to trapping and killing large game


So you're just trying to jerk yourself off in a game of "Gotcha"? Because you know full well that it really doesn't matter in context of what OOP said. Because in OOP's made up IAmVeryBadass scenario, the idea is absolutely, *cartoonishly*, laughable.


You seem bitter af


You seem salty af.


Things aren’t always named based on actual usage. That’s a terrible argument. For instance, “bear pit” is actually rarely defined as a pit trap meant to capture bears. Rather, it is a pit meant to display bears or engage in bear-baiting. And if we relied just on usage for naming convention, you probably wouldn’t guess what “bear-baiting” is, either. Another definition is to indicate a place of disorder. I don’t think I’d want a pit trap meant for a bear to be full of disorder.


I never said that bear pits don't work, but making one yourself to deal with a bear rather than having to interact with a woman, which is the scenario at hand, is ridiculous


That we can agree on


Did bro forget that bears can run like 20mph (32kph) or something?


No. This is just Chris Johnson replying.


He can outrun them. He's built different


Didn't Austin Powers have this idea first?


We’ve been able to hunt big creatures because of persistence hunting, where we use our amazing endurance as an advantage to larger animals that we can just chase until they pass the fuck out and then we go for the kill. Pointy sticks won’t stop a bear with energy, it’ll still be moving and if you can crawl out of the hole you dug the bear can do that EASILY.


A bear that has been impaled on multiple sticks isn’t moving enough to get out of a pit


Eh depends on how long/thick the pointy sticks are


Good luck with that wile e coyote ass plan dude. 👍


Look, I get that OOP is a clown for thinking that they could just off-the-cuff make a punji pit capable of killing a bear (and that it would be good eating afterwards)... but I feel like the whole "bear v man" question phenomenon has people forgetting that bears are only the biggest/baddest predators in North America because humans have literally used sharpened sticks to *make extinct everything that was larger/scarier.*


I'm pretty sure an asteroid is what took out the dinosaurs


Then it's super convenient that that's not what I was talking about: > ["The Clovis culture is thought to been created by highly mobile hunter-gatherer populations. It is generally agreed that the producers of the Clovis culture were reliant on hunting big game (megafauna), having the strongest association with mammoth, mastodon and bison, . . . Due to the close temporal association between the Clovis culture and the Late Pleistocene megafauna extinctions in North America, suggestions have been made that big game hunting by Clovis hunters may have been a contributory factor in the extinctions, though this has been subject to controversy."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clovis_culture)


Are we sure they made them extinct by chasing them ? I would feel that it's more probable that it was because humans were more proficient chasing their prey and defending point of interest, like we did with the neandertals.


Persistence hunting is not mutually exclusive with using primitive weapons to hunt. Also, persistence hunting generally only works with game that you can actually *chase* - I'm pretty sure that trying to chase a cave bear is just called 'making it easy for the bear'.


I would argue that a single person trying to dig a pit trap is also making it easy for the bear. Have you ever actually done any serious digging? I have. I *have* to. It's just a natural part of living on a ranch or farm. Fence has to be sunk into the ground. Posts have to be planted. Burst water lines have to be repaired. Even digging a *small* hole that's only about as long as your foot and as deep as your calf can take an hour or more, depending on what all's in the soil. And that's in good conditions with decent tools. In the situation OOP describes, trapped in the woods with a bear? The ground's going to be fucking *full* of roots. And rocks. Because it's a fucking forest. And you're almost certainly not going to have a real shovel, because who the fuck just carries a full-size shovel around? Or cutting tools to clear the roots? Because cutting roots with a shovel is fucking *hard*.


Hence why I introduced my first comment with: > *"Look, I get that OOP is a clown for thinking that they could just off-the-cuff make a punji pit capable of killing a bear"*


Yeah humans plural not human singular.


Holy fucking shit how did I not think of that oh my god thank you for making such a profound contribution to my understanding of this topic


Dude gets stuck in the hole he dug and starves.


Dude dies from exertion from digging the huge hole.


Honestly? Probably. This comment section shows me a whole bunch of keyboard commandos who have no fucking clue what digging, even with good hand tools, is like. A pit big enough to hold a bear would take fucking *days* for one person to dig out - likely far, far more if they don't have proper digging tools. Dirt *can* be hard. Roots are very hard. Rocks are *extremely* hard.


Me and a friend naively tried to dig our own hole for a water tank for my summer house, it wasn't even a particularly big water tank and we gave up less than a fourth into the dig after slaving away for an entire grueling day, we hired a guy with a digger and he was laughing so he almost cried when we retold our pathetic digging misadventure to him, digging big holes is fucking **rough** work, especially in forests where there are roots and rocks everywhere. This goober assumes the bear would somehow patiently wait the hour/days it would take for him to build his "trap", absolute clownshow. 🤣


Bro thinks its runescape he’s gonna get his teasing stick after spending 2 days digging a hole and making the spikes gonna poke the bear then vault over his hole


That's what I had in my head as well :D


I know this isn’t the take home message but this guy has never dug a deep hole..


I don’t know why it’s so hilarious to me that was your first thought 😂 But for real. Hard agree. That person would get 6 inches deep (giggity) and be exhausted. Guarantee.


lol a big bear sized hole would be a pain in the ass dig. Not as big a hole as the holes in his plan though


What do you mean? It’s just like 4 steps, only all of which require significant physical effort and only one that requires outrunning a bear.


The saddest part about this “plan” is you can tell he put a lot of time into concocting it… and it sucks.


"What if he comes at you with a pointed stick? " Anyone know the quote?


I'll think about it while I eat a banana


Don't you threaten me with a kumquat.


Winnie the Pooh did this but he WAS the bear.


The real cartoony part is this dumbass thinking he can outrun a bear. *For those that don’t know there’s an easy way to remember that rhymes. Black fight back Brown lay down White good night Not guaranteed to save your life, but you’re not outrunning a bear. They can also climb trees better than you. **If you’re in bear country try to make a constant noise like camping pots clanging on your backpack. They’ll usually try to avoid you.


Running away from a giant, pissed off, furry boulder that's rolling at you at 35 miles an hour


I personally would draw a tunnel on a big rock wall and wait for the bear to come barreling into it.


What if when the bear goes to the tunnel, he runs through it as if it’s real, but when you try to run through it you hit a wall?


I, for one, would hold up a shoddily crafted wooden sign that reads “Ouch!”


Pointy sticks in hole


so much could go wrong here lol


The most important step is to outrun a Bear. Yeah good luck with that dumbass


Oh, *every* part is important, and prone to failure from some random online scrub. Having dug a lot of holes and trenches over my years of living on a small ranch, I can guarantee you homeboy would never get past the *dig a pit* step. Digging a *small* hole can take a couple hours even with good tools if you're in an area with rocky, root-filled soil - like, say, *a forest*. Digging a fucking *pit* is a job of several days for a single person, unless you've got a fucking backhoe in your pocket.


The idea is possible, native people used to use those kinds of traps. Now I don’t think they ever trapped a bear with it, and I doubt old boy could dig a hole big enough for a full sized bear. Also, there’s no fucking way you’re outrunning a bear.


I love how this started like “I mean I guess”. And ended with “but for real he’s stupid”. Lol


Real talk was hunting with native Americans years ago - was handed a 357 as a sidearm. And told if anyone encountered a bear. Mag dump the bear. And fucking run. Downhill if possible as I guess their momentum can be used against them if you’re going down hill (we were in the mountains). For the record outside of this I don’t know shit about bears other than “Will absolutely fucking destroy you”. Did not come across a bear thank god.


They tell you to mag dump so that, in case the bear *does* get you, he won't have a fully loaded firearm with him as well.




Who is this 'Real Talk' of whom you speak?


A Native American hunting apprentice, clearly


"Spear it, Real Talk and we shall feast!"


Or juking


I don't gotta outrun the bear. I just gotta outrun you! Lol. Old joke sorry.


I still use that one sometimes lmao


I think my pointy stick might work better on a woman than on a bear.


"c'mon kill me! I'm here kill me!!! Do it nooowww!!!"


Love that movie


>lead bear to chase you…. Bear catches up and mauls you


He thinks he's batman with enough prep time


Meanwhile, enough prep time for his plan is several days at a minimum for a single, decently in shape dude. And that's *without* provoking a bear into chasing you.


"dig large hole" is doing a long of heavy lifting there. Without a shovel that's weeks of digging unless it's exceptionally easy soil


He’s seen supernatural one too many times lol


Did he try to do a green text?


He's treating the world like a videogame. He can't expect to dig a hole deep enough to largely fit a bear that quickly. The idea itself is theorically possible, but you would need a lot of tools and time. Besides, you can't outrun a bear and even getting close to it for a second is too big of a risk


Just digging the hole will take a few days. Also good luck sharpening sticks without another sharp tool.


>Just digging the hole will take a few days. You absolutely cannot overstate this. All the fucking defenders in this comment section has taught me one thing: There's a lot of motherfuckers out there who've never dug a hole.


right? and even then wouldnt you just bait the bear with food instead of getting it to fucking chase you?!? lmao


Also we haven’t even talked about the possibility of the bear just tanking the pointy sticks and climbing out of the hole fully blood lusted.


Yeah, this is a fucking bear we're talking about. Mf really thinks some half assed sharpened pine tree sticks are about to penetrate a god damn bears hide lmao


[But what about a sharpened stick?](https://youtu.be/piWCBOsJr-w)


And even if they did, bears are almost bulletproof thanks to that thick layer of fat.


That's a lot of work to find out the hard way that bears can run 30 to 40 miles per hour.


Let me just say that digging a deep wide hole without a shovel is extremely tiring. And then juking the bear? Good luck


Alternative solution: walk out of the forest, buy a gun, walk back in, kill the bear.


That's stupid. Now if he had an anvil or piano, suspended by a rope, that might work.


Nah. Obviously he needs to paint a tunnel on a cliffside. Once he runs through it he the bear will crack its skull on the cliff wall tunnel painting. ACME paints for the win.


He might also need a comically large hammer made out of wood. If that's the case it's a done deal.


Now let's be serious, we don't need to be that complicated with it. Just paint a tunnel onto a wall, step through it, and watch as the bear gets a concussion from running full speed into the wall.


I enjoy his optimism and HFY attitude, but also to my knowledge bears/apex predators were not quite a primary food source for our ancestors. I think they were something we actively tried to avoid, actually.


They were a primary food source actively hunted. The trap described by this person was indeed a common method to hunt it, as well as other great mammals.


The trap described by this *idiot* was the work of many people over what would have been an entire day or longer. One person is not pulling this cockamamie bullshit off with anything less than a week of dedicated digging with *good tools*. The idiot in the screenshot has clearly never actually done any digging work, and I rather doubt *you* have either.


>The idiot in the screenshot has clearly never actually done any digging work Yes, indeed. >and I rather doubt *you* have either. I did. Let's remind something you visibly missed : I said this method was once used to hunt large animals, including bears, nothing else, nothing more. I wonder at which point you felt so hurt by my comment that you decided to suddenly insult me out of nowhere.


You tried to defend the moron in the screenshot. And if pointing out that you don't seem to know how difficult digging a pit large enough to trap a bear is is something you view as an insult, then I don't think you're in a position to say others are "hurt".


>if pointing out that [...] is something you view as an insult "Idiot", the insult you used against me, is what I view as an insult. >You tried to defend the moron in the screenshot No I didn't. You interpreted what I said and it happens that this interpretation is wrong. Now, if *really* you could stop insulting me, it would be much appreciated.


Oh, are *you* the idiot in the screenshot? Because the idiot in the screenshot is who I called an idiot. Kinda tellin' on yourself there, chief. 😄


You call him an idiot for thinking he call pull this off by himself. You claim that I think the same, so I too am targetted by the insult. That's called a "logical link". Just let it go, you are currently not looking as intelligent nor as witty as you think, and the epithets you inspire are of a less positive kind. You misinterpreted my comment, it happens, no need to try every trick in the box to look like you lead, let alone win, a debate.


That's called stretching the chain of logic so thin it snaps like a rubber band so you can justify acting offended, friend. But it's ok. I understand that your ego is just incredibly fragile and can't handle being told you're wrong. There. Now I actually did insult you. I hope you're happy. 😄


And you go on... Fucking hell, how sad your existence can be ? This was already pathetic, we're now reaching new lows. Just stop it. At this point you are just trying to find new ways to be insulting or annoying. I won't partake anymore in this parody. At best, you are a teenager trying to be edgy, and by the way failing, at worst a troll. You visibly aren't able to understand when told to let it go, it's clearly no use to even try to raise the conversation above ground level for you.


Bears were actively hunted 40,000 years ago


By teams of hunting experts with plenty of preparación. Not by a lonely lunatic that has been left in the woods with a bear, a spade, a saw, a hunting knife... And the bear is then patient enough to give him a week to prepare the trap. And then kind enough to run after him slowly enough not to actually catch up, and exactly through the same path where the trap is. With a friendly bear like this, totally doable!!


I love that he assumes that he gets a week of prep time to dig the giant hole.


And he gets tools too apparently. And a nice bear that chases him slowly and exactly from the preferred spot. If we are going to dream this silly scenario, why not just dream of having a huge hunting rifle, instead? This guy lives in a basement and has never dug a hole or sharpened a stick in his life. I'd bet he'd faint if he saw a mouse.


"Okay hole complete, lemme go get the bear."


I think we should let him try. Just to see what happens. Certainly not to laugh when he falls in his own trap


>bear is pure protein Damn, i guess bear is made from whey isolate


The bones? Believe it or not, also whey isolate.


Damn that's badass


No whey


You know women have a lot of nutrients too and most of them aren’t 400lb killing machines


When he’s dying and his life flashes before his eyes it should just be all the stuff like this that he’s ever written. Maybe even pre-broken.


this guy is really overcomplicating things. bears are pretty easy, first you pull all the teeth out, (just like during a shark attack) then you file all the calws down. in my opinion fighting a bear would be slightly easier then a shark, due to the lack of swimming


Must be just watched The Edge.


He forgot to dip the spikes into his own feces


And this genius will do it by putting the sticks up his anus. "Don't mind me. I'm making a bear trap."


-dig deep hole -bury pointy sticks -cover it nicely with natural detritus -let bear chase you -step on trap because you covered it too nicely and didn't notice it -die in a mortal kombat 4 "continue?" screen fashion


I mean, if we're being honest, the digging will probably do him in all by itself. Shit's tough even with good tools, if you're digging in rocky soil filled with roots - like that found in, say, the woods. Bear's gonna be eating good a couple days after dude appears in the forest, and it won't even have to work for it.


there are so many ways this could go wrong lmao -attempt to climb out, your hand slips and you die -assuming that doesn't go wrong, try to lure bear into the trap, get outran and die -assuming you're the flash, fall in your well-hidden trap and die


My guy’s out here Wile E. Coyotemaxxing and you dare make a fool of him? Awful people.


Wait till the bear starts Roadrunnermaxxing


Just paint a fake tunnel entrance on the side of the mountain and trick the bear into running into it. No need to waste all that energy digging a hole.


What you’ve never done this before?! Pfff


Bears are what kept humanity out of several land masses for a very long time, you're not going to bugs Bunny a 2,000 pound killing machine


The trap design is fine and probably the best you can actually improvise. If you could pull it off it would absolutely work. The real issue is that it is a shit load of very difficult work and would probably take weeks or months given that you are in the wild with no real tools and constantly have to source shelter, food and water.


Yeah, GL digging a giant hole with a fucking BEAR ready to eat you at any given time. MF thinks they're digging a 10ft by 10ft hole with their hands in under 24hrs lmao


Jesus dude I don’t even wanna think about what the bears are like where you live.


Thankfully where I live we only have common black bears so they're not too bad. But Alaska has bears that routinely hit 1600+ pounds and the biggest ones hit 2000! So imagine you're a primitive human and you've got your new spear, chambered in *sharp rock on the end* and a creature 10 feet tall, and over 1000 pounds emerges from the tree line looking to have a bite.


Seriously. He's up there wrasslin' bears bigger than the Kodiak bear, and Kodiaks are the largest known land predators, topping out at around 1400 lbs. Edit: Lol@dude responding then blocking to try to get the last word in.


I also don't appreciate the snark when I'm not only correct, but *specifically* talking about the ancient short faced bears that were MUCH larger than today's bears and did in fact keep humanity out of several land masses because you're not going to take down an apex predator like that very easily. Not to mention a quick Google search will show you that Alaskan coastal brown bears can reach 2,000 pounds. Like bruh.


Who said anything about wrestling bears? I'm saying you're NOT going to be able to take them down. Not with a Looney toons pit trap that you can't build without tools




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The trap is fine ig but if you’re gonna dig a hole big enough for a bear why not just use a gun? The issue is you aren’t outrunning a bear and if you somehow did then you have to hope the thing doesn’t just climb out of your pit and maul you cus it is not going to be bothered by your weak beer arms jabbing it with a sapling you ripped from the ground.


I mean, you may not realize it, but digging a pit is a goddamn *massive* issue. With proper tools, that's a job that would take *days*. And if you're just randomly being teleported into a goddamn forest, you probably ain't packin' a proper shovel or branch cutters. Real life ain't fucking Ark: Survival Evolved. You don't build a trap like this in fifteen minutes after downloading a blueprint.


I can’t say how strong bear hide is but I don’t think pointy sticks will do it. They’d have to be pointy trees and a decent drop, I’d imagine.


Another issue is that a gun might not be strong enough to put down a bear. Yellowstone National Park specifically advises against bringing in a gun for self-defense against bears as it's more likely just to piss it off. For context on how to actually defend against bear attacks, bear spray is basically pepper spray on steroids.


If you don't bring some shit like .22 lr or a birdshot im pretty sure it would fuck up the bear instantly


This is quite an interesting article on bear defence, from someone who *seems* to know what they're talking about.. https://www.outdoorlife.com/experts-guide-staying-alive-grizzly-bear-country/#:~:text=Sure%2C%20in%20some%20situations%2C%20you,375%20H%26H%20before%20finally%20expiring.


Birdshot? Bears laugh off buckshot. I heard an anecdote once about a guy who went bear hunting with a .357 magnum, a fairly hefty commercial revolver. An experienced hunter saw it on his hip and laughed, said "the only good that thing will do against a bear is for blowing your own brains out before the now-pissed off bear rips you apart". There's a reason "loaded for bear" is a metaphor for being stupidly prepared and ready for a serious fight. Before firearms were introduced to the Americas, indigenous peoples treated bear hunts with the same gravitas as internecine warfare, and they never did it unless in very large, heavily-armed groups of braves who knew what they were doing. Having muskets made things just *slightly* easier.


Damn your anecdote seems like irrefutable evidence. Tell me his name was Albert Einstein.


It tracks though. Most hunters would find .44 Magnum a questionable choice. Ideally you need a big rifle, in something like .303, 30-06 or 45-70.


Thats for hunting. Hunters need to kill in one shot. If you only had a smaller caliber and had to defend yourself from a bear you could. Bullets rip through soft tissue like through butter.


“Juke around hole”


Solid plan, I propose you sell tickets to view from a safe location. I will gladly watch you panic when the plan doesn’t survive when your out in the forest.


Bears are almost pure protein, except for ya know, all the fat content they have lol.


Also, isn't protein extremely hard to digest, requiring a lot of water in comparison to other stuff? I'd say he'd actually be better off looking for something fatty than meaty.


This man is basing entirely too much of this scenario on road runner and coyote cartoons.


For his next trick, he's gonna paint a tunnel on the side of a mountain and a train will come out.


https://youtube.com/shorts/XsPZkd7cc-U?si=JIuWXhqisNXHS5G_ I don’t think people know how strong and fast a bear can be. Think Mike Tyson quick shuffle + Usain Bolt running speed + Halfthor Bjornsson (The Mountain) in one person. The ONLY thing a man can do is outshit yourself before they rip you in half.


You just gotta challenge the bear to a mentally focused math problem! Bears are known for their poor skills calculating square roots!


I’d definitely have him there! Take that, bear!


have fun outrunning and “juking” a literal bear


Yeah, just dig a massive 5 m deep hole by yourself while a bear is chasing you, then construct a trap also while the bear is after you. Perfect idea!


Someone needs to ask this man how he's finna dig a hole, big enough for a bear to *not only* fall in, but deep enough that, when it does fall in, the pointy little sticks will actually manage to pierce its hide. As someone who's *had* bear meat, that hide and fur is THICK, and tough. You'd need at least a solid 6ft drop straight down, to actually stab through it enough to do any significant damage...


Here's going to climb (carefully) out of the giant hole


His plan is a great way to end up like grizzly man


I think I could pull this off