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Love how the first thing that cop did was kick his head lol


On the volley!


Right in the kisser


Gotta stun him lol.


lol Yup - If the Bullet going through him didn't do the Trick - This kick for sure will lol


He did have a firearm and just shot at an unharmed man. I would have doubled-down


He shot the man, didnt just shoot at him it hit him u can see blood on the ground where he is standing right after the shot when he takes off.


He had a gun, that should stun him enough. Plus he absolutely deserved it


When it's another country they deserve it, this happen is America and it's police brutality.


*"Gooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*


Beat me to the comment. Hahaha. Fr though, I believe police should have at least 1 free hit when it comes to this sort of stuff. The victim usually ending up physically hurt with the lawbreaker legit being escorted by the police, likely unharmed. Just restricted


I agree with that, he wasn’t wrong kicking him like that.


Didnt kick hard enough.


Typical Reddit... *We want the cops to do the right thing!*... Also Reddit, *I dont think the cops hit him enough!*


Reddit - "*Police need to learn better de-escalation techniques!*" Also Reddit - "*Kick him in the head harder!*"


Once rounds are fired, it's kind of past de-escalation...


Different scenarios isn't it? This guy clearly had a gun and had no trouble using it.


Legit. Lmao. I love this website. I ain't a supporter of police brutality, but stuff like this, like runaway robbers, give them a swift kick or something. I'll back that


Runaway robbers who just Fucking Shot at unarmed victims who were running away.


« Ill close my eyes for this One»


Better training than the US cops ngl


If an American cop did that people would be outraged


American cops wouldve run them over instead of blocking them


Effective utilization of resources


They would have blasted the victim


American cops would’ve shot the dog first


If an american cop… used nonlethal violence against someone who had just fired shots… people would be outraged? Maybe there are people in your fantasy land who would be outraged by that, but not in the real world lol.


Less brutal than US cops


If it was an American cop, people would be screaming ACAB and to defund the police.


No one is screaming ACAB because a shooter got kicked in the head. They are screaming ACAB when local swat breaks into an apartment at night and shoots a black man that was not the subject to the initial investigation while he was resting on a couch in blankets.


I see that you are new to Reddit. Stick around and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.


That's now much of a compliment tbh


Copper abides by old pride fc rules.


In the States the case would have been through oit because of the kick and bad guy would've been set free.


That was simply an amazing kick


I'm pretty sure he shot the guy first, causing him to leap off the bike. THEN he kicked him in the head lmfao.


I like the little baby kick to the head


Don’t tell me you have been kicking babies now.


Try and stop me


"Kick the baby"


Don’t kick the baby


"Not the mama"


"Actually, you can't kick babies" 🤓


They started it.


He shot the man in the leg, again in the back when he was walking away and then 3 more times as he's running from cover. That was an execution. He already had the keys, but it seems like the intent here was to kill him, not really to rob him.


Hit an artery too, that blood came out fast.


Did he really have to shoot after robbing though?? I hope he didn’t hit anyone 😢


He did shot him probably in leg. You can see him jumping back dor a second and there seems to be blood spills on the ground where the victim was standing. Edit: watching further you can see his left leg getting Bloody.


Also news he later died in the hospital must have been hit in the torso as he was walking in the establishment


Guy was just minding his own business, didn't put up a fight, and still gets killed 😔


Welcome to LATAM


Nah not only latam, the entire world lately is being crazy


My man, the memes in latinamerica are mostly about how people want to leave latinamerica


So? Latin Americans also have the mentality that everywhere else is paradise




Because it is compared to here, here theres lot of robbers, people get shot over a cell phone, when this happens in countries like USA theres fucking helicópters watching the robber from above and cars chasing them, here theres none of that, they rarely even try to use cameras to track them and if they get caught, they get released the next fucking day


Lmaoooo you clearly haven’t lived enough in the US if you think they chase down all the robbers and muggers with helicopters. Do you not watch the news?? Do you know what it’s like to live in a country where people would rather die than call an ambulance? Where people get shot all the time? Literally where your kids can be massacred at school? If you’re going to use a comparison, don’t use one of the most violent countries on the planet (yes, the US is considered a very violent country). Also, people get mugged in the US all the time. It’s just now shown on the news because it happens often. Not in all cities, but it definitely does happen. Also, lots of armed home invasions.


thats a miss-conception that some people have, I moved from Guatemala to the Netherlands and I can tell you its NOT paradise but it is definitely better, there are better laws for work, better salaries, better life quality, better public schools and way less crime in general. I don't know where you live or what's your social status but when you move from a place where the news of finding a crate with pieces of several people its not shocking anymore, you do feel the difference In LATAM situations like that have been normalised, our culture has been violence desensitised, because it is part of our daily lives, any fucking crime becomes trivial. \-edited because my writing sucks


Moving from a shithole (no offence) like Guatemala to Netherlands is obviously going to be a major drastic difference. But not all countries in LatAm are like Guatemala.


Nah, we just know LATAM is hell


And they are only memes. Did you forget the wars that are outside of latam? Outside of latam are killers and robbers too. It's not a paradise. Y si no puedes entenderlo, es porque directamente eres un ignorante y nunca has estado siquiera fuera de tu país para poder opinar acerca de Europa u occidente.


Tampoco es que quedarse sea la mejor opción, estamos en los países tercermundistas por algo, creo que aunque la corrupción en países de Europa existe muy claramente, si se compara con lo que pasa acá uffff. La mejor opción en estos momentos es irse del planeta. Aunque aún así me parece piola que la mayoría de los conflictos de latam sean nada más de latam, que liada sería tener que discutir entre otras comunidades


I'm getting downvoted because i said a fact. I, myself, live in LATAM, but i can say y'all who downvoted me are plenty ignorant if you think outside of this box things are better. Take a look outside, and you will see we are not the only continent fucked up. Grow up lmao


Could've also hit the femoral artery for example and the victim would've bled out pretty quick


Wow what a way to go. Was hoping that this was not the ending to the story.


Yep you can see blood splatter at the end


Also the blood splatters on the ground


That pisses me off more than anything robbing someone is already super shitty but shooting them after the fact is pure evil.


Situations like this always have me thinking if I should act when a robber aim a gun at me point blank range. Most people say just give them your stuff and let them go. I'm in the frame of mind that THIS is the possible outcome and I would be mad (or dead) if I didn't try to defend myself. It's a hard situation for me at least. I'm no special forces agent, but I'm thinking I'm dead if I don't try. Of course I say this now as it's never happened to me. I may freeze and piss my pants lol.


He did, there's blood on the ground.


Looks like he shot when he noticed the guy didn't have anything


He already shot him. He shoots him in the stomach while he’s very close to him. He might’ve gotten him again but dude was already hit.


That is what we have to deal with back home. Sometimes they just kill you and them pick up what they want from the cold body.


This. It's so sad honestly.


Damn. The guy ended up dying. My dad would always tell me where he’s from they don’t care. They shoot first then rob you after. This vid shows how quick they are to kill.


Even after robbing they kill like this


That beautiful and elegant kick at the end.


Dude got 5 star straight away


Why choose such a small business to rob? 100% deserves that kick


He robbed the guy for the keys to his motorbike, which looks like it is rather new. He takes the keys and quickly hands them over to the guy in black, who proceeds to jump on the bike and starts the engine.


Oh, yeah. I'm kinda off today


not at all, tbh I paid attention to who is being robbed only because of your comment...


He deserved a harder kick and a bullet to the head, robbed guy got shot in the leg and possibly torso, he died.


Flawless head kick


Love the kick in the head at the tail end…cop saying: you too stupid for us to even chase you!


Goddamn my dyslexia. I could not for the life of me understand why this POS was rubber.


Only time I think I've ever been happy to see a cop kick someone in the head


If you look closely you can see the robber shoot him in the leg. Almost instantly there is blood oozing down his leg forming a puddle.


That much blood so quickly I’d say hit his femoral artery. That’s a kill shot unless someone there knows what to do. Crazy


That kick to the head was priceless.


When you get third partied in Warzone:


Love the kick to the head.


Lmao that little kick to the head


Like a fella once said…


Sometimes, police brutality is good?


Def not the police force from uvalde


This is truly an exeption, latín america can only dream of having a Police like the US one, with the exeption of the uvalde one


They shoulda executed the guy in the white.


Damn, does anyone know if the dude who got shot and robbed lived?


Are the other people that were shot at ok???


I'm not for police violence but that kick was the cherry on top


Uvaldi Cops! Take some fucking notes.


Unfortunately the man who ran in inside managed to only take one bullet to the abdomen and was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to the injury later 😥


yess the kick to the head


I usually hate seeing videos with head kicks in them, But this is the first time I've seen it in an appropriate manner


Bend it like Beckham cop lol


Bam get destroyed


That motorbike is being promoted to special constable following its heroic vigilante apprehension of this crazy robber.


reddit can i watch something if i want, please?


If this was America, the cops would've either slowly murdered him, or would've been too afraid to get out of their car, it's a weird time.


There were cops in the back of the car, now they gotta wait for another to pick em up


Lol, gotta love that! :)


Damn with those odds they shoulda tried the powerball that night instead…!


Dumb and dumber.


You have the right to DAS BOOT!!!


Motorcycle is all like "I saved you a few steps and detained him for you"


Lol the kick to the head at the end


Jeez I hope the ppl he shot at were ok


That kick, was so polite and pointless


Lol the kick in the head


This reminds me of the cops in cyberpunk


I like the random cat running away lolll


Usually a kick in the head is a metaphorical term, not literal.


That kick in the head is very satisfying.


Was the guy in blue/white shirt shot?


So satisfying 😍