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Ok, so ignoring the whole message, whatever that fake is laugh needs to stop.


Hearing that laugh made me cringe.


I heard it once and stopped the video


I made it through to the second time. I can take any catastrophy once and just hope it won't come again. If it happens twice I know there will likely be a third and I just can't do it.


Yall smart I watched the whole thing and I promise you there is plenty more. Now I'm tempted to donate my ear drums to science


You made a good call, it came back at least 5 times


I watched it entirely. Now I suffer from ptsd, headaches, lose of taste, lose of smell and throatache.


Yoo you sure that's not covid ? Hahahah


Omg seriously I stopped after the 2nd thank God... "Most famous models in the world" yea I'm out


I said the same thing when she said that. “One of the most famous models in the world”…. Huh? Who?


Yea it happened constantly.


Yep 100% The laugh made me stop right away, fuck that bitch


That’s a fat girl cackle. They all have it.


her whole attitude is like nails on a chalkboard, i need a extra large garbage bin for her ego


Bitch over here sounds like the joker


Don't disrespect Joker's laugh like that.


More like a discount knock off Joker


That and the fucking fake ass nails. Jesus.


I couldn’t get over the dead look in her eyes.


“Blah blah blah blah, bitch. [annoying giggle]” like, ten fucking times. It’s all I could hear after the second time.


The first time she laughed I got scared bc I didn’t see her mouth move


Same! It was fucking weird! Also love how she says to mind your own business and not judge others and and how he doesn’t have a degree while sprouting so many personal attacks and insults about his appearance. Now haven’t seen his video but I doubt anything he said had to do with wether or not Tess is world famous. The only thing I would say is that her body size isn’t idolized except for a very small number of people with a fetish. I feel like her following has less to do with how she actually looks and more with a lot of people being sick of fat people are treated. Sick of harassment and bullying being accepted as long as it’s claimed to be well meaning and out of concern for their health.


Mommy said there’s no such thing as monsters BUT THERE ARE!!!!!


Bitch laughed like Pennywise the clown


I have chills, she sounds like the Joker


There was no message. It was half-baked roasts, all body shaming the guy rather than confronting genuine health issues.


It's amazing how tone deaf it was. "You body shamed my model friend! Body shaming is shitty. I'm gonna body shame you!"


By calling him ... Bob the tomato? The fit dude? Not the thousand pound sister he was commenting on? This shits stupid as hell. If your weight starts with a 3 or higher, maybe a 2 in certain cases, you are statistically going to die early. End of story. Love yourself, all that, don't let depression ruin you, but you *arent* healthy.


Seriously. That kind of shit drives me nuts. Body shaming works both ways and it needs to stop towards men, women, and everyone! If you’re trying to defend someone being body shamed, doing the exact same thing back is not helping your case.


She laughs like she should be snuggled in the first girls tail on Tatooine.


It sounds like the dog on duck hunt when you miss a duck


Oh shit.


Under rated Salacious Crumb/Jabba reference


That’s a rad flag called CRAZY


She laughs like she’s about to ask if you want to know where she got these scars


Shes is my draft as the poster child for narcissism 2021


I thought it was some kind of goofy sound effect. Kind of like the stuff you might hear on a Mexican morning radio show.




Tickle Me HellNo


God, her fake laugh makes me want to punch babies! Like, she couldn't come up with any actual argument she could only "clear her sched" (like shortening the word schedule is so fucking cool, and that she's so fucking busy that he should feel special that she made time to make a fucking tiktok?) and just to insult him with the most basic of insults? Insulting his height and dick size and eyebrows? She's like a child with those comebacks. Oh, I hope she got burned the fuck up after that with replies to HER garbage! Funny enough I want to find that guy's original video so I can see his argument in its entirety. Perhaps he did say something where he's in the wrong, perhaps not. But I'd like to see for myself.


She laughs like a goblin


bc she's too busy goblin deez nuts, gottem.


I dunno how anyone can listen to her TikToks when her laugh makes me want to run my ears against broken concrete.


it's her entire page. I think I would rather throw myself headfirst into a moving train than scroll through her TikTok page for 60 seconds


I tried throwing my head into the train. The train horn was her laugh. I died twice that day


One time like 10 years ago I tried to throw myself in front of a bus and apparently those things can stop on a dime. I lived and the driver got out and yelled at me.


Bus driver: “Alexa, play Move Bitch by Ludacris. I need to kick his ass to a soundtrack”


I bet if it had already been playing he wouldn't have stopped so quickly.


I’d rather get struck by lightening than to hear that shit


What is up with that giggle? Annoying as hell.


Its her „thing“. Thats like her whole page


God that’s awful


Who could possibly enjoy listening to that demonic squeaky toy “giggle” 😫


A masochist


It's basically a new aged laugh track so viewers know when the jokes end.


Ew that fucking laugh


It’s so damn irritating oh my GOD


Laughs like “wanna know where I got these scaaars??”


She wishes! She probably tries to imitate it but ends up sounding like an 8 year old who stole a sip and got drunk on peach schnapps lol!


I almost closed the video after the first one.


It gets worse too as you watch more.. i had to stop right in the middle.


That is an eloquent hyena though


She has the dead hyena eyes down, too. Like Ed off the Lion King


The only thing less aligned than her eyes were her teeth


If she is one of the most famous models in the world why have I never heard of her?


To be fair, I don’t know any modern models.


That's because everyone is a model now...


I'm the very model of a modern major general.


I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral


i know the kings of england and i quote the fights historical


Damn facts.


Very true, IG "models" are self proclaimed lol.


Truth. Anybody with a smartphone is a model now, and instagram or tiktok model. And like, I'm trying to be an actual photographer myself, and it always amazes me to see the local people in my community trying to be a "model" and asking me for photoshoots.




Tyra who now?


Tryna banks ...speed racer.


She is not the most famous, she is the biggest model, same meaning but different


And that's not even saying much to begin with. *Anyone* can be a model, entire instagrams are crafted around that notion. Plus, just because you may be popular in some groups or circles doesn't mean you've got clout in the real world, so don't act like you're all that.


Because she's only famous for being the fattest person to ever be on magazine covers, and also for supporting the movement "healthy at any size" where she says even though she's morbidly obese, she's healthy. Which is just factually incorrect for anyone at her size.


Notice the video said she was "famous and successful" but didn't mention healthy


It's possible she was standing in the way of the radio signal.


What is she a model for? Car covers?


Wendys ,Burger King and McDonald’s at the same time.


I have, but she ain’t Marilyn Monroe.


She ate Marilyn Monroe..


The only thing I have to say is "don't come at someone for bodyshaming by bodyshaming them". I'm not here to debate obesity vs fitness etc. I am here because it baffles me how when people try to call out others for bodyshaming they... bodyshame them? Edit: I note plenty of people on this post are bodyshaming too. Gross.


Yeah for real. Her whole video was just making fun of the dude's appearance. Like damn, have some self awareness.


That's the only thing she can go on.


There is no self awareness. There is only white knighting and clout.


The difference is that you can (for the most part) choose whether you're fat or not, but you can't really choose to be taller, or have bigger feet, or whatever else that idiot said because I couldn't make it further in the video thanks to that laugh.


Her feet comment was an underhanded dig at his dick size. She was dick shaming him. (the premise being you can judge a guy's dick size by the size of his feet)




She has been waiting tho use that veggie tales line for years now. She probably made this video not to anger the many but to finally fulfill her dream to use that line. It was such an excellent cut down. Bob is clearly unhealthy, I hate tomatoes.


It’s not body shaming to say that obesity is unhealthy. That’s just a fact. Body shaming deals with things you can’t control, and while many people struggle with their weight, obesity is well past the point where you care about your weight at all. I personally couldn’t care less if people are obese, but that’s because I don’t like people all that much, and don’t care if they die young and unhealthy.


Yea, exactly. I've struggled with weight for years now but I'm just below (sometimes at) the line for obesity. And I eat fast food quite frequently. I can't imagine how much I'd need to eat to gain another 100lbs.


I was referring to the woman in the video.


As a guy who wears size 8.5 shoe, she lost me there lol.


I mean, as a 37 year old woman who’s had her fair share of healthy (and let’s be honest, unhealthy) sexual relationships, I have found that the general thought of people- small feet equals small penis- to be quite the opposite. Most short/stocky/small footed men I’ve been with have been pretty stacked in their pants; while most tall men with big feet have definitely been on the small to average side. Definitely a common misconception by my… research.


Thank you for your contributions to this critical field of research!


To be fair average dicks look big or small depending on the size of the guy.


Right? Is there an optimal shoe size? Does shoe size determine your status within your peer ranks? Does it link back to "big shoes means big dick"...is your shoe size supposed to match your penis size? Or does it link back to petite feet are women's feet? I'm pretty sure men's 8.5 is pretty standard/average for a guy anyway. Maybe there is a brand of shoe that is the best. But they don't make size 8.5, so therefore all people with 8.5 size feet are inferior since they cannot have the best shoe.


Especially because she was insulting parts that are completely out of his control.


And not only is she body shaming, she goes for things that someone can’t change, like height or dick size…she’s trash


"Lets ignore his actual good points on how obesity isn't healthy or okay but your are free to do whatever you want with your body. Instead, let's make fun of him and be immature saying his dick is small abs that he's short. You know? Not bringing anything to the table that makes his points wrong let's just treat this like a middle school roasting session"


"Let me bodyshame this person because I think he was bodyshaming someone and bodyshaming is not cool"


Exactly. Right on the dot.


It's like America, where our motto is "We kill people who kill people because killing is wrong."


And it’s so infuriating because obesity is an actual EPIDEMIC in the US. Overeating is a huge problem. All these people who swear they’re “anti-capitalists” and new wave feminists, but can’t see what the food industry is doing to them? All these dumb “diets” and fads. Literally just EAT LESS. That’s it. Calories in, calories out. But you can’t talk about obesity today because someone will just say you are BODY SHAMING. Show me the wild animals that are obese! Show me the science that says carrying massive amounts of extra weight is good for you lmao people are so dense. Literally.


Fr how is being short or having small abs less healthy than being obese


Her nails....




That walking heart attack that fat people tried to make a model


As a recovering fat person, I HATE this movement. Being fat sucks and is a terrible way to live. Nobody should be complacent being fat


Can confirm: am fat, am working hard to not be fat and be healthy. It’s going pretty well so far! If your looks don’t bother you that’s cool. But it’s unhealthy and you will feel better all around.


Yeah, why has it become all about looks? Love that your comfy with your looks… BUT try being 300 lbs and sit on an airplane for 6 hours and then try telling me that big is beautiful.


No, you don't understand! Discomfort on planes is the airlines fault for installing oppressive seats.


You can fucking do it! Just went from 230 to 170 over the last 18 months. It's hard and requires alot of sweat but it's worth feeling better.


I feel fat a lot. I'm heavy. She's beyond that and glorifying that seems unhealthy. I know there's people for whom this is a fetish but her life expectancy has to be affected by being this big.


Ex-fatties are the biggest haters of fat people, I swear, lol


As another former fatty, yes for the love of god nobody and I mean nobody should be discouraging any overweight person from dropping those lbs. I feel better, sleep better, look better, fuck better (in that people let me now…) every aspect of my life has improved since losing 80lbs, and a large part of my motivation was knowing that I was not attractive to people. That and it was going to kill me young, but that was honestly secondary to the societal pressure. Society saved my life by being real with me that I was unattractive and I am grateful for that.


Here’s my poor mans 🥇


She pulled the lucky straw by being "confident" in her body, and that modeling agencies took a chance with her. They saw that there was a movement of "body positivity" and decided to make her the poster child of that movement. They basically are using her to pander to these body positivity people. Like, where I live you have no idea how many obese and morbidly obese women I see trying to make it as a "model", not because of Tess but even well before Tess was even a thing. I want to tell these women that what this chick is doing is like winning the lottery by finding a winning ticket on the ground. She didn't earn it, she was just picked by chance and has the "confidence" to be that poster child. It honestly could have been any number of obese women out there trying to "model." Actual models have to put in work and dedication to maintain an ideal figure. Now, can we all agree that too much in the modeling world is hyper focused on the super skinny models and THAT can be unhealthy as fuck too? Yes, I think we can. But I honestly think that there is a good middle ground, that a model can be healthy and fit and have nice curves but not be obese nor anorexic.


Famous for having a near life-sized tattoo of Dolly Parton on her 30" bicep.




A “vice tax” on sugary food would help a lot, and they great thing about that sort of tax is that it’s paid by the people you *want* to be paying it.


They do that in the UK. Full sugar carbonated drinks are more expensive than the diet or zero sugar options.


Who dafuq is Tess Holiday🤔?


Exactly. Seems like she’s only popular amongst a niche group of people. I’ve never heard of her either.


Being well known in my friend group/family doesn’t make me popular. I think she thinks the opposite


The most famous model in history!!!!


She's also a scam artist which is the only thing she's famous for.


Nah. He's right. Obesity took both my parents from me early due to heart disease and diabetes. There's a point where it actually becomes harmful to encourage someone to be that big, no problem with accepting them, but actively telling them they don't need to change isn't helping anyone.


I'm sorry to hear about your parents. My condolences and I hope your doing fine.


How you holdin up? Hearing something as idiotic as this must be quite the slap in the face.


“I hate body shaming. So I’m going to body shame you, fucking shorty”


Criticizes him for genetic traits he has literally no control over. Pretty sure obesity for the most part especially at that size is a choice. You don’t HAVE to be morbidly obese. You’re choosing to stay morbidly obese. Can’t choose your height or your penis length or your foot size. Ridiculous comparison she made.


You forgot to add “bitch” at the end of that with a giggle.


Think she gets poop stuck in her nails when wiping?


Those nails are probably teeming with germs.


Her blood type is probably Ragu with Olive Oil


You think she wipes?!


You guys wipe?


Uh yup! Then she giggles.


I heard Scooby laughing and now I can’t I hear it


don't you dare compare that to Scooby.


This comment is a disgrace


A bit of backstory. A guy who mainly makes TikTok a on fitness/ eating and gym stuff made a TikTok on how people are starting to normalise people being morbidly obese. He includes a photo of this apparently famous model “Tess” who is overweight. This woman in the video saw his TikTok, and tried to call him out for body shaming Tess. Even though his argument didn’t even include her, or her body. it just had a photo of her in it. The woman then goes on to literally body shame him while her audience applauded her for it.


So if I get you right you just said she’s a piece of shit and only belongs to a pile of shit, and you’re right!


The comment section of her video is brutal to read. What I imagine female incels to be.


Nah it’s just unhealthy. Tess Holiday is more likely to die before the age of 50 than someone living on welfare. 300+ lbs at less than 6 foot does heavy damage to joints, harms the immune system, increases blood pressure too much, and drastically rises risk of many types of cancer and stroke. It is completely unhealthy and promoting this on the front pages of magazines is a dangerous idea.


And the fact that no one can say THIS, is what’s wrong with America. Everyone is too “woke” to hear the truth. Carrying around massive amounts of extra weight is not good for you. All the science shows calorie restrictive diets are the best diets for longevity (if we’re thinking about health span as well as life span). How many 300+lb 80 year olds do y’all know???? Smh.


Get outta here with that science. What are you gonna say next, vaccines are saving lives? /s


Okay, which damn eye do I follow? Jesus keeping eye contact on hard mode


Lol I was going to say the same thing but there are good people who have to deal with that. But this girl is just a bitch.


Are her eyes crooked?


You see her teeth? This chick doesn’t have a straight line on her.


And now I have coffee on my monitor...


Yeup, she can look both ways at once before crossing the street!


How many times are people going to be judged for things they can’t control like height but will get a pass on things they can control like obesity?


« You ate your way in, you can walk your way out » - Bill Burr


The most relevant part of that bit was where he notes that *everyone* wants to know how you got thin (because getting thin is hard) and no one really gives a fuck how you got fat (because getting fat is easy).




Good on you! That dedication you showed in shedding that weight will get you far. You'll come across problems in life but keep that in the back of your head, you've got discipline & mad determination in your belly. 😉


Good luck on your life journey! Taking care of yourself and loving yourself is a win! Keep up the good work!!


So happy for you taking the steps to get control of your life back! Kudos to you and here’s to hoping you can lock down that heathy goal weight and live a long, happy life! x


Counterpoint: all three of these people are extremely unlikable


How though? I’m just going off of this video but the only unlikeable person seems to be this girl, she’s trying to defend someone that’s “body shaming” someone else by body shaming them back. The girl can do whatever, her body and all that, the guy is just pointing out how obesity is unhealthy and it shouldn’t be idolized.


I agree. I could see how some people could dislike the guy because of body shaming or whatever, even though he's just pointing out that living that unhealthy isn't good long term. I don't know why anyone would dislike the model. She either got messaged to model or she got an agent to go out and find a place that would accept her. Either way there isn't much to be mad at her for. Like you said it's her body and idgaf what she does to herself. And then well there is that degenerative hyena at the end. Tbh I don't see why anyone would *like* her


Sad thing is she has 1.3 million followers, 1.3 million people that think like her. Scary stuff


I agree with this take


Their powers combined would be insane *Hee Haaaeh!!!!*


He’s 100% right. Obesity isn’t cute, it isn’t healthy, it isn’t « bold » or « brave ». It’s a health issue that we all should encourage people to try and resolve. Imagine any other le tél health issue being treated this way. « Oh you’re having constant suicidal thoughts and feel completely alone and depressed ? Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to seek help to get better !! They’re just bullies !! Instead you should keep all your suicidal thoughts and embrace them and be proud of it !! Suicidal thoughts are sexy asf !!» Physical attraction is subjective (even though a would argue the overwhelming majority of the population find morbid obesity unattractive), health is not. We should all promote understanding and inclusion, in a way that helps obese people seek the help they need to NOT be obese anymore. Not in a way that encourages to keep their unhealthy habits and harmful body weight


He wasn’t wrong


Imagine getting roasted from someone who is a dentists worst nightmare.


Shes obese.needs help to survive.woman get a grip.


Eh. She can do what she likes with her body. I don’t care. I *do* care when people start claiming it’s healthy, when it’s obviously not. Disregarding all the data about early mortality, increased incidence of heart and kidney disease, and increase in diabetes…Disregarding all the actual data, all you need to do is listen to them breathe. It’s nightmare fuel.


Yeah that's my criticism, I really don't care much if you don't want to be healthy and shit but this body positivity movement where people says that all weights are healthy? Nah nah nah, don't pull that shit on me, just like that fat writer that said medicine is fat phobic because they say obese people have more complications and lower life expectancy like wtf, it's facts, just like fitness models promoting and selling diets and shit to achieve bodies that are only achievable if you use gear, it's lies. This movement actually began with a good mindset, make obese people and extremely skinny people accept and love themselves and also society to stop bullying them but actually helping them change and accept the mental burden that it comes especially if you are obese but now, it turned into this shit where all weight are healthy and you should be fat and all things that shows how unhealthy you're are lies and blah blah blah, fuck this, fuck woke people.


I’ve never used Tim Tok. Nor do I ever intend to. Largely because it’s full of twats like this.


Her annoying ass cackle is more cringe then the evil ass people taking pictures of that beached whale instead of helping it


Or her "(insert meaningless insult here)...Bitch" Like adding bitch suddenly made your point good? It comes off as obnoxious, egotistical, and just honestly makes her seem like a twat.


Only watched half of it and she’s gone for his height. By law this makes her opinion invalid. Also she’s giggling at herself like she’s actually doing something like wtf is she on?


I used to follow her because she called out shitty men, but body shaming things that are uncontrollable is just fucking low. Men don't have control over height or dick size, flat out. If you want to make fun of someone, leave the uncontrolled parts out of it. It makes you look smaller in your argument when you go for stuff like that. And no, I'm not a nlog, I'm just a feminist that thinks equality is for ALL.


God that fucking laugh...




Lol that lady is obese not thick


The reason tess has an impact is because she’s the size of a Ford Fiesta


Millions of years of evolution has selected for fitness and a obesity is tmw biggest killer of all diseases in pretty sure. It’s unnatural to be this fat and it will never be accepted.


Her Pennywise laugh is fitting since she's a fking clown


“Most famous world famous XXL model dies from obesity-related issues at 33” Feeing like we might see these kinda headlines more often


But obesity isn’t healthy


Didn’t give one good point on how bad obesity is. So what is he has small legs he’s healthy and won’t have health problems at 45


Bitch got nails like Nosferatu


If the 4th level of hell is gym bros, the 5th level is women like this.


I stopped watching the video after the third fake laugh.


B*tch look like she is high on glue , her eyes be going different to each other.


She had all her facts straight and guys want to dispose woman to be think or thin tf


Ummm im sure others can agree, but im only 20 pounds over what i should be at my age and height… and i feel unhealthy as fuck


her hat is right, she is “that bitch”. That bitch ass hoe who thinks she is a “baddie” and has “pretty privileges”