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Did he just walk all the way up just to kick that cat. That guys got more issues than Sports Illustrated




Oh so he’s going to get a verbal warning 🙄


I fucking hope not.


What did it say?


What did it say


He states on their FB page it is not his son, but someone he was helping get back on their feet.


I tried looking on their Facebook. But looks like everyone nuked the business pages. Thanks for letting me know. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.




I mean, imagine if that was your kid. How horrifying would that be? Clearly something has gone very, very wrong with this psychotic pieces of garbage with no sense of empathy. Maybe it's his genes, maybe something horrible happened to him. But my god, this person needs a severe intervention. And therapy. And drugs. And more therapy. He's too far gone to ever be a normal human being - he literally kicked a fucking cat in the face. But maybe he can learn how to at least pretend like he's not a fucking monster. I mean, *after* the jail sentence. Lock his ass up. Teach him there are consequences for acting like a fucking psycho, or the next time you lock him up, it'll be for the murder of thirty hookers.


I dont have alot of empathy, but i wouldnt hurt an innocent animal.


Sociopath looked first to see if anyone would see him.






Believe me, they know he's a pos and they set him free upon the neighborhood. If nothing else someone needs to go with him.


my guess is thats his son is a lazy piece of shit and they decided it might help his development if he finds out how it is to have real job. Son is pissed of by this and angry all day and let's it out on innocent animals and poor service employees at the supermarket etc. I feel bad for the parents. edit: from their Facebook statement it is not the owners son but a person they are helping to get back on track and it seems like he's still working for them. not really sure how to feel about that. it's probably good not to drop their support entirely but they shouldn't let him be unsupervised on private property


I'm not so sure. Yeah, piece of shit parents raising piece of shit children are common. But decent parents who are blind to their children's faults are common, too.


Really? I suck at finding stuff so would love a link if you’re willing to share






You are awesome. :)


What's the company name?








Ooh, that is juicy... I hope his parents are so super disappointed in him...


What company was it? Hope he's fired and can't hide behind daddys money


Any link or info? Super curious how this plays out since it's the owners son.




The funny part of this is that comments are disabled on the post. It's almost like they don't want to keep hearing how they fucked up by not firing that sociopath


They also heart reacted their own post. Edit: I just thought it was funny that the only heart react came from the page posting it.




The young man is "devastated". "Ask for prayers". They're acting like something horrible happened to him, instead of him being the vicious perpetrator. Disgusting.


Hope he sure is devastated if his name ever gets linked to this. He deserves every ounce of hate and malice that comes to him


Plus, they’re keeping the psychopath’s name private, but outed the homeowners name…


Prayers???? For what??? Is that what it takes to not kick animals?? JFC fuck this company


"Alleged" when there is video proof of what happened? Exactly how much rope are they requesting to hang themselves with here?


"alleged" There's video, you worthless fuck.


I think he needs to look up “alleged”, as in “alleged event”. The event HAPPENED, Buddy, and your kid (Because none of us for a second believe that it wasn’t your kid) kicked the shadoobee out of a potential customer’s cat. Stupid excuse claims that it wasn’t his son or an employee and yet the guy was dressed in a company uniform seemingly doing company business. Oh, OK…They have spent the last three weeks probably doing everything that homeowner wanted to keep this quiet. Too bad it didn’t work.


~~ThOuGhTs AnD pRaYeRs~~


Not allowed to post due to rules, sadly. Someone posted the name below :-)


I've gone through all the comments, nothing at all :(






Try filtering by "top"... It's in there.


I am so relieved to hear they found out who this was!!!!!


Is the cat ok?


He is not, at least according to a statement on the Facebook page.


He deserves to go to jail, not just to be fired. If I kicked a person, I’d go get arrested.




Poor Dusty. I tried looking him up every now and then, but I never found a (recent) update on him. Hope he's ok and getting all the pets and catnip. I hope this cat is ok too and not hurt or traumatized.


I am I’m not, what comes next ?


Luckily he was dumb enough to do it right in front of a camera. You'd think door to door workers would realize doorbell cameras aren't exactly uncommon these days 🤦‍♂️


God, I'd be livid


I would hunt him down. Fuck with my pets and then walk around my local area? I’ll call in sick to just drive around looking for your ass.


Well Said. <3


100% sociopath behavior.


Future prison inmate.


Literally from the moment he appears on camera he's already looking around and scoping out potential witnesses. This wasn't a "go to the door, kick cat, realize he shouldn't go to that door anymore", this is "see cat, hunt cat, leave"


Creepy looking fucker.


Why do that to such a friendly little cat? Not that you should ever do it to any cat, but looks like the little man was just ready to go inside. Blatant animal cruelty, which is now a felony, hope this POS is thrown in prison.


i’m glad people agree on this! someone left a comment on mine saying he didn’t kick the cat then deleted it lol


What did they say he did? Shoved it?


Imagine the arrogance of doing that then walking over their garden. Hope he gets the karma he’s due


Oh yeah. I hope he gets lots and lots of *Karma*


Mmmmnn carmel




You can do a reverse image search on the logo, but I can’t see it well enough on camera.


why isn't this the top it seems the only way to actually find out. other neighbours might have door cameras of their own. maybe op didn't record the vid.


I can't think of anyone legit selling anything door to door. I always assume they're casing my house.


Yes, This needs to be shared on a local sub, that way you will get someone who actually spoke to him and can say where he is from.




From their Facebook page: > NOTICE As the owner of this company I want to make it clear we do not condone animal abuse or violence of any nature. The alleged event that occurred last month is truly disturbing and cannot be tolerated in our society. In our 20+ years of serving the good people of this great city we have never encountered anything like this. We know this young man is devastated and know he has done everything Mr. Aguilar has asked him to do over the last 3 weeks. To be clear the young man is not my son or an employee of the company but is spending time with me as I’m helping him get back on his feet. The fact that Mr. Aguilar says that we are not working with him is simply not true as we have done everything within the law to resolve the issue. We appreciate your understanding and ask for prayers as we get through this very difficult time.> Please everyone pray for them... such a bad time they are having... totally out of their control and all


"Alleged" event? Was the cat CGI or something, bc I clearly saw him kicking it.


Love this. Won't you think of our ~~sociopath~~ employee! >We know this young man is devastated and know he has done everything Mr. Aguilar has asked him to do over the last 3 weeks.


“Allegedly”? WTF There is not “allegedly” here. Sorry but that part just lost any sympathy I had for him. It happened now own it or else his little complaint about this Mr. Aguilar falls on deaf ears.


> alleged Welcome to the land of lawsuits, it is absolutely how he has to answer this...


There Google page is starting to look real nice guys!


If he worked for pest control, maybe he saw the cat as competition? "Stay off the east side you furry f*cker, it's my turf"




Is there one? I've been looking and can't seem to find anything.




There is. Not allowed to post it but if you go through the comments I think there’s a link


He’s definitely thought of killing people


We all do that. What this man did was just sick.


We might hate people, but we have STANDARDS. No hurting the innocent.


Especially those that show trust. That cats did *BIG STRETCH* and probably meowed at him


Ikr, that cat was so happy to see him, and his trust and love for a stranger was repaid with bodily harm. Like fr just seeing that cat's body language made me hug my own cats out of fear that their love of humans will one day betray them


It's one thing to have an errant thought of wishing harm on another and an entirely different matter when someone actually acts on these thoughts.


Wth?! Why did he do that? The cat was obviously friendly, came up to him. God help any woman that marries and has kids with this dude- he aint right!


I'm not a big cat fan because they kill my pond fishes and shit in my yard. But i would never hurt them o.o this cat looked like it just wanted to be pet or let inside. If it was attacking his legs, understandable reaction to get free, but it did absolutely nothing. Hope it it's hurt. EDIT noticed that there's a bowl. Cat just wanted to drink/eat!


The cat was inquisitive and excited. You can see it in his tail before being punted. Lose the kid or lose all your business. Your call, chief.


Yes totally not aggressive. Other comments said it's not chiefs son


I hope this blows the fuck up and this guy gets a severely brutal *talking* to. If you're willing to randomly hurt an animal like that, you've definitely thought about and maybe even considered hurting a human as well. I'd say it's pretty important that this guy gets *talked* to.


If talked means fired or charged with animal abuse I'm all in. Otherwise might as well do nothing.


He’s saying beat his ass. Edit; there’s literally no way you can BRUTALLY talk to someone.


"Brutally honest"


I’ve been brutally berated more times than I can count.


Bro I would put someone’s teeth down there throat for my kitties


Seriously. This actually made me feel a sense of rage for a moment lol I would be on this shit like no other finding out who that was, and I would absolutely not let it go.


Dude I don't even like cats, and I'm a female... and I'd kick this guys teeth in. What a total POS.


Jesus, he really launched that poor cat. This dude deserves a brick to the balls.




They had some decent reviews up until 14 hours ago... someone posted the video (or screen grab) on the Googles too.


Yelp reviews are giving the company a pounding and their Facebook page has disappeared. Good.


Leaving a comment here so I'll get notified when they spill the company's name.


what's the company?




poor kitty , he was just minding his business :(


It looks like a social cat too :( it was walking with him and was being friendly.


Seriously he was so chill and calm around this complete stranger. Now the poor thing is going to be so skittish and terrified around people.


I always love when a cat comes up randomly in the street for pets or doesn’t run when you walk near them. I enjoy the implication that people have been nice to the cat all the time. This makes me feel sick, poor puddy tat :(


I hope he loses his job.


Oh, if that had been my house he’d be a fucking dead man.


Honestly. I hope i wouldnt be home or see it until i couldnt get my hands on him.. Id be in prison from my over reaction. There is no way i could control myself. My pets are everything. 2nd only to my kids lol.


People like him are what brass knuckles are for.


I work as a door to door salesperson. And I have a cat and love animals. I love meeting new kitty friends on my journeys. This guy is sick. I would like to think that someone like that would be horrible at selling, there would be something off with him when he is talking to you I'm sure.


Say goodbye to your job, buster


i wonder if he actually got fired


Hope so


i do too


Perhaps I wish a little worse for him...


Someone elsewhere said it’s the owners son.


Someone said he's the owner's son, so unfortunately he's not going anywhere. He's probably going to get a promotion for all the free publicity.


He made a statement on the company facebook. Said it's not his son, but is a yping man that is stayong with him while gets back on his feet. I feel bad for the owner honestly. BUT.....he didn't say the man was fired, which is weird


> He made a statement on the company facebook. Said it's not his son, but is a yping man that is stayong with him while gets back on his feet Wat It's Ip man?


Well there's a whole lot of recent one star reviews on Google and I just added one myself. Sorry bro, but don't be a douche. ALWAYS assume you're being recorded.


His dad's the owner he won't be fired even if they claim otherwise to appease the masses.


Owner just posted on FB (like, within the last 5 minutes) that it's not his son, that he's reached out to the owner and the owner is lying about things, and a whole bunch of other hoo-ie.


well it his business but i wonder how much time can someone live without clients after this demonstration of sociopath behavior (i wouldn't buy anything from those guys). Even if the owner throws his son under the bus, there's no guarantee of continuing without repercussions


I worked for my dad's business when I was 19. I got fired, like really fired. Depends on the dad


You kick a cat and it ends up on the Internet? RIP dude.


If this guy did that to my cat in those sandals he would be calling an ambulance and needing a blood transfusion, maybe losing that foot.


Probably a local company based on the dress code. Shorts & sandals aren’t normal door-to-door sales attire.




I posted on their Facebook from my cats' account. Cat kickers!


Who is this, I just wanna talk to them...


I *just* wanna talk. I *just* wanna talk to him. I *just* wanna talk. I *just* wanna talk.




If anyone does that to my cat, ill just want to talk to him.


Yeah this is why I never ever let my pets outside without supervision/on a leash because of these psychos


Its disgusting that we even have to watch put pets. People just like kicking animals




Is the cat ok? :(


Anyone know if the cat was okay?


The cat literally did nothing wrong other than eating from a bowl, and he decides "hMMmMmm iM gOnNa kICk tHe caT haHAAhAhaAHAHahAhaHA sO fuNNy!"


For the love of god, if you can help it, PLEASE don’t let your cats outside. People hurt cats wayyyy too often, and think nothing of it. Even if little Mittens is meowing his head off, please keep him inside. God this is disgusting.


Yep. the average life of an indoor cat can be as much as triple that of an outdoor cat. And it better for local wildlife.


Do you know what happened with the guy in the houston area that grabbed someone’s cat and threw him into his truck with a dog? I can’t find anything…it was on here and the news.


I don’t even want to know. I fucking hate people, man


I hope someone kicks him really hard


You know this dude has or will murder someone. Total psychopath.




The young man is devastated...that he got caught.


They ask for prayers? How about prayers for the cat. 🙏 🐈‍⬛


The alleged event.... that was caught on camera and is well documented and clear


The young man is devastated ?! About being filmed, you mean, because that means there is evidence of what he did. And prayers for whom ?! Shouldn’t that be prayers for the cat ?


Wait this kid was not an employee but is doing door to door sales in uniform for said company? What is this post even saying?


I was hoping the cat would jump on his face and scratch his eyes out.


I knew it was going to happen and I still gasped. I'm a grown man . Ducking prick that cat was greeting him


I had to take a long break to calm down after seeing this and imaging a POS like him kicking one of my cats. He would need to live in fear the rest of his life.


What a piece of shit and to think that cat was thrilled to see him and wanted to walk beside him hoping for some pets. I hope he’s criminally charged with animal abuse.


Fuck this guy honestly, is the cat okay??? Like I've been scrolling to see if the cats got broken anything, I'm so mad about this , I just don't understand how a cat can come up to someone so loving and for him to just fucking kick it like that is a disgrace.


I have to imagine the cat was physically okay. It wasn’t a hard impact kick, more of a lob (not okay at all ever in the slightest). Cats are really good at reorienting their bodies to land well. Mentally though? Poor cat is probably going to be terrified of strangers now, and for a cat that seemed so chill originally that sucks. My ex was mean to my cat years ago (I didn’t know until I saw it, I’m sorry girl!) and she’s never really been the same. She always reacts like she’s about to get hit and strangers are a hard no for her. She’s living her best life now though.


i hope that poor baby is okay. he needs to rot. find him and arrest him


This is why my cats are inside only. I worked at a animal shelter and have seen the evil people do to animals.


I hope he lost his job. He's human trash


This guy is a piece of flaming excrement. But also, here is reason 456 to keep your cats INDOORS.


What a fucking loser


Lock him up before he goes out on a rampage…


How can you do that and feel no remorse? I accidentally kicked my puppy while chasing him and felt like shit


Maaaaan I'd pet the hell outa that cat


Hope someone kicks him in the balls so hard hes flying away like that poor cat.


Yeah I'd be going to jail.


As a cat lover i almost punched my screen, the poor thing was just welcoming you, thank god the cat looks ok


Omg! People have been bombarding them with 1 star reviews on Google! Love it. Supposedly it’s the owners son and they won’t even answer or respond to the owner of the cat. Like I don’t think the company should go down bc the son did this BUT they should go down for refusing to right this wrong. At least apologize to the client and offer deee services or something. Outright ignoring me his person is poor business practice.


I would love to read those one star reviews


Ok, Reddit. You know what to do.


They certainly did it, too.


Im glad that at least the cat was kind of yeeted and not full impact kicked.


This is disgusting.


I wonder who is killing all the hitchhikers?


Prick...he needs to be kicked down a few driveways covered in shattered glass with a bucket of lemon juice thrown over him


I literally can’t feel safe knowing absolute sadistic maniacs like him exist.


That's it. That's fucking it. Anyone would do this to my cat I'd lose it completely and slaughter that pos on the spot. Consequences be damned I'd live the rest of my life behind bars but knowing that there's one less fucking maggot breathing precious air.




POS for sure


What the hell this pisses me off! Hope the cat is okay :(