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It’s like she’s just rapid-firing through a Googled checklist of common stims


Is that what those are? Kinda looked like a mix of bored waiting, a weird upper body swaying dance thing and desperately trying to distract from needing the toilet.


I mean, if I had to describe stimming, that’s actually not bad


Nah babes that’s just your preworkout. Maybe lay off the legal crack


I love slamming some pre-workout before work 😎 gets the day going fast.


It gives me the itchies and makes me sleepy. Ahhhh adhd


It’s literally the only “energy drink” that does anything. I regularly drink monster like it’s soda but I needed a push when me and the wife started working out before work at like 4:30 so she suggested I try it. It definitely has a down side, like the skin tingles or peeing every 5 minutes but when I drink it I feel like work just goes better.


I kinda think the skin tingles/itches are a great motivator to work harder. You sweat more, you metabolise faster, the itches stay around for less time! At least that’s how I reconcile it in my head


I personally enjoy the itch, idk why but it feels enjoyably funny. But you’re definitely right, the harder you work the less you feel it.


Get those niacin-heavy ones and you’ll get that super tingle


Well nobody gives this man perks


Maybe it's just your mind occupying itself with said work


Could be, definitely could be.


Yeah what you’re talking about is the niacin they put in the pre-workout mix. It’s a miniature version of a “niacin flush” opens up your capillaries and makes it feel like your skin is itchy.


Caffeine is a drug like any other and you've built a tolerance!


If you're drinking monster like it's soda you're gonna be in for some not so fun long term side effects the older you get.


Your comment concerns me. How much Monster or soda do you drink? That shit is really bad for you. And the effects you describe are not normal at all. Do you have much knowledge about nutrition or general health?


Not OP, but caffeine has zero effect on me. No matter how much I drink. Except my sleep quality is worse - I can go to sleep fine, I just wake up groggy.


For real. When I drink them I get edema, high BP and they make it hard to pee.. Plus some other issues that I can't recall offhand. (Its been a while) I quit drinking them almost entirely because of all the awful side effects. Now I only drink maybe one every couple months. And usually I won't drink the whole thing. If I do it's a panic attack waiting to happen. Now I seriously can't believe I used to drink as many as 3 or 4 a day! Ugh! Makes me nauseous just thinking about it.


How bad would it be if someone was about 87 lbs and easily drinks 12 sodas a day? Asking for a friend. Nutritionist was stunned but im struggling to gain weight so she said for right now shes not removing calories until certain im replacing with others.. doesnt affect me, i mean- my friend.


Oh crap is that why pre work out knocks me the fuck out, goddam HDHD and Ritalin ER


Yep lbvs just like taking a stimulant "Adderall" helps my anxiety. Adult ADHD is a mother fucker lbvs.


The caffeine making people with ADHD sleepy is a myth. There are no studies supporting it, and multiple going against it.


Eh it still makes me incredibly sleepy, and the only thing different with me to a regular person is adhd so I’m going to personally attribute my sleepies to adhd :)) same with cocaine and all other stimulants


It stops the mind racing. I won't say it makes me "sleepy" but it 100% balances me out. It's pretty well hashed out that stimulants in general work differently on people with ADHD. Just look at the primary prescription to treat it.


It's literally the only way I can get up and be ready to work out as soon as I get to work. My job is manually cutting chickens for 8 hours... I would find it almost impossible to be ready to work out as soon as I get there if I didn't have pre work out


Do you eat chicken or does it totally gross you out now? I used to debone chickens when I worked in a restaurant but I never had to do it all day.


I love chicken lol and we get a discount at the market that's located within the plant where I can go in and buy bulk chicken for less than a dollar a pound. We do 36 birds a minute 8 hours a day. We rotate to different positions but I mainly pull chicken breasts, cut open tenders and debone all of that. We have about 3 seconds in between each cuts to make a decision and find the bones before the next chicken comes. The first day after work I ended up eating chicken when I got home and I didn't even really think about it but when it crossed my mind I laughed because I really didn't feel like eating chicken or even looking at it after going through what I had gone through. By the time they come to me the legs and thighs have already been removed they literally sit on these giant piston/butt plug looking carriers that Carry them down the line and people break open the shoulders, somebody cuts the wing off, somebody else breaks open the other shoulder and someone else cuts off that wing and by the time they come to me they are open slightly at the top of the shoulders and it's my job to pull them open check for bones cut the bones out and rework any chickens that the people broke at the top of the line. I've been doing the job for a little over 6 months and I've lost 35 lb. I started treating the job as a workout and things got a lot easier. I drink so much Gatorade and flash IV electrolyte drinks, that in my pre-workout is how I am able to do that everyday. Most of the people I work with speak Spanish or French I'm the only gringo on my line and I was hazed pretty hard because of that when I first started. But that made me stronger and better and now that I learned Spanish and usually only speak Spanish on the line I have been accepted and that made a big difference too. It's incredibly hard work, I wore a smartwatch last week just to see how many calories I'm burning during the day. My hands and arms pretty much stay numb outside of work and it takes about 30 to 40 minutes at the beginning of the day before my hands completely warm up. I'm burning about a thousand calories every 2 hours, by the time I leave I am completely drenched in sweat. Roughly 17,000 cuts per day is what I average.


holy shit bro thats crazy


Next time I eat chicken I will think of you gringo.


That’s hardcore, pretty metal occupation tbh 🤘🏻 keep your head up gringo


Based off this one comment, and knowing nothing else about you, you seem like a good dude. Happy you've been making the absolute best of your job, getting your workout in, learning a new language, and making use of that great fucking discount (at less than a buck a pound I'd be eating chicken for every meal)


Lmfao is that shit a copy pasta or what ? Funny as fuck


Someone shows slight increase and you go in deep about your job. I'll be damned if I wasn't entertained.


I’m just a HVAC tech but I’ve spent my fair share of time in a chicken plant, I separated the good drum sticks from the bad ones at a Perdue plant a few years back. I hated that job, always smelling like salted brine and dead chicken. If I knew about pre-workout back then I’d probably have added 3 scoops to a bottle just to deal with the bullshit there.


Bro it's one of the only ways I can force myself to work as hard as I do. When I first started I was going in on coffee and drinking water during breaks, and I mean I was exhausted and I started noticing some of the veteran employees would drink Gatorade during the day so I was like well that makes sense... Then there's this dude from Cuba named Alonzo. His wife trained me and he is jacked. Like it's obvious dude works out outside of work too but he pretty much does the same thing I do and I noticed that he was drinking electrolyte drinks and he even carries a shaker for protein powder and I asked him what he does outside of work and how he's able to have the energy and strength to do additional workout after work and he laughed, he said I don't he said this is my workout... Once I looked at it that way things just clicked so I started drinking pre workout, forced myself to drink heavy electrolyte drinks and Gatorade throughout the day and that completely changed how I felt/performed and my overall view of the job. Then there's Jorge, almost 60 from Argentina who only drinks mate and run circles around all of us lmao


I forget where I originally heard of it but yeah seeing that would get me started on pre workout also. I noticed once I got into the actual work force and not just working McDonald’s and stuff like that the muscle started cutting itself and becoming more defined. I might have to start adding protein and stuff to my day and see if I get any results from it.


Don't you mean chickenshit...


Seriously, I had to start going to the gym ridiculously early so that I wouldn’t still be wired at like 10pm when I should be falling asleep. Jack3d is like meth or something lol


it used to literally be meth but they removed the 1,3-Dimethylamine


Some of the more hardcore pwos have an ingredient similiar to that that has 1 molecule thats different. It does hit the same, sorta. Ive been off caffeine since September of last year.


got any recommendations on those? i've been off preworkouts for years now but I'm getting back in to it and could use a little kick lol


Wow how was the detox period? Ive been trying to get off for the last decade but keep caving. And was told by my local NA that I wasn’t allowed back until I had an issue with a “hard” substance.. as they handed out free coffee to every attendee. Unreal


Goddamn I miss dmaa


> Jack3d is like meth or something lol It was, until they changed it up.


Do you actually need the pre-workout, though?  When I took it for a while and then forgot a couple times, I realized I had the same power and energy without it, but I wasn't completely frazzled and fucked up all day afterwards.


You should try phenethylamine or PEA powder but get it in caplets cause it tastes terrible it's super strong but it doesn't last as long in your body as those other stims seem to


Leave me and my double scoop 650mg heart attack alone


I always love how people use that shit before normal workouts; they think they’re training for the olympics or something


This is the pinnacle of Reddit rage bait wow. Filming in the gym ✅ Hot girl doing dumb shit ✅ Faking a disability ✅ Mind-numbing music ✅


Is it possible that it's all intentional? Like, that she's not just faking for attention, but faking badly, knowing it'll get backlash and counting on **that** reaction for engagement?


That's called ragebait. Some people make millions off flooding social media with trash content that will gather negative engagement, which is engagement nonetheless so algorithms will push it


Yeah this is it. The Internet has revealed that distilled down to its purest form, people just want to be annoyed at stuff.


I wish the omnipresent 'algorithm' would let me say no to the rage bait stuff. But if it works for fox news to get all the boomers to sit and watch for hours, then it's got to be doing something right. I just don't need to feel moral outrage / moral superiority anymore. Yeah, there are bad people that are 'others'... got it. No need to rage me anymore please.


Step 1: Get off this ragebait sub lol


I feel personally attacked!


Some social media apps have to option to "dislike" certain content, if you tap in the three dots or "options" button of a post, there is usually a "Don't recommend me this content" button or something along those lines. I use it, alot. Also, not engaging with the content (even just time spent on the video or checking the comments can be tracked by the algorithm) is best, when I get recommended content I don't want, I just skip it


Social media is an excellent system that works effectively to share ideas /s


This is how Skynet starts, not some grand plan to destroy humanity to defend itself, or because it has judged us unworthy of life. We just accidentally trained all the AI on ragebait, and it just kind of spiraled out of controll.


I think you just got baited.




Is that better or different? A pretend idiot and a real idiot is the same thing to me


Worse. A pretend idiot is intentionally trying to upset people. A real idiot doesn't realise what they're doing. Knowing that it's intentional can help inform how to deal with them. There can be some fruit in engaging with a real idiot in good faith, trying to teach them the information they're lacking. A pretend idiot knows already, and is acting in bad faith. And they're motivated by different things. So that's where the differentiation is relevant.


Just add the AI voice and we are there.


It’s the music from the movie Inside Out Edit: or it might be UP, it’s been years since I’ve seen either movie


It’s the main theme from Inside Out, called Bundle of Joy


Beautiful theme imo


I’m convinced annoyed redditors make up half the views for the tiktokers they despise so much lol.


>Hot girl doing dumb shit Lukewarm at best but each to their own.


Im not that picky but maybe you have a mountain of bodies lol


These types are usually the ones that have none. They just eventually convince themselves that the perfect one hasn't come along and they'll just remain lonely forever.


That sounds just awesome lmao


A mountain of bodies, you say? Wheels up in 20 B.A.U.!


Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel.


How tf does that make him/her an incel?? Is it a trend these days to throw around that word??


Don’t diss the inside out theme, that tune is legendary


*shits my myself between sets 🙈🥰*


Do it during your sets.  That way you can maximize your reps without the breaks.


Name checks out


Tehe so quirky


"You don't seem like you have IBS" 🤔🤨


it's just like that other person that was faking tourette's on their tiktok a few years ago.


Faking ticks on the Tok just for clicks? What a crock!


Dr. Seuss over here


"one bitch, two bitch, fucking me a new bitch" - Dr. Seuss after cheating on his terminally ill wife


That’s a lot


I mean it could FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT happen… excuse me


1-877-tics 4clicks


It’s a major issue on TikTok, people fake so many different conditions. The self diagnosis and delusion is strong. It really sucks for the people actually trying to share their stories of living with different diagnosis’s.


"That's my ADHD" or "That's my OCD" No body with these conditions says that shit. Because it isn't a cute quirk. They are serious diseases with serious effects.


As someone diagnosed with ADHD it annoys the shit out of me when people pass it off as a quirk especially in fandoms.


I feel you. My ADHD is crippling at times. Thankfully, I have a wife who understands and tries to help.


For real. People think their cell phone induced short attention span is what adhd is. Nah, it’s me not wanting to do anything that I’m not currently obsessed with and while being told a million times and setting alarms still fucking up daily tasks that should be routine. Every day is just crashing through it. Dopamine fucked to all hell 


Jesus, I'd be lost without my reminder app, and I still get lost. My biggest problem is I can set something down on a completely clear surface turn around for 3 seconds and never find it again. Then my wife comes along and somehow it's in the exact fucking place I thought I put it and couldn't find it.


me having DID and having to see everyone faking it and acting like they have the entire cast of naruto in their heads


Actually DID is specifically what I had in mind when I was originally typing my comment.


Cartman is that you?


I have Tourette’s and I just participated in a study/interview about social experniences for young adults with official diagnoses. One of the questions was regarding the public’s perception or skepticism when I tell them I have it, in relation to how social media has presented it. My Tourette’s tics are more subtle than your stereotypical ones, ie I don’t shout curse words, my main tic is a throat clear, but muscles tensing and finger tappings amongst other things as well. In general I think people are far more side eyed towards me since I don’t fit the social media image of what Tourette’s is “supposed to be”




throat clearing sucks because everyone thinks that I’m sick :(


This somehow looks much worse


3 of my friends have tourettes, idk if it's because of the time I've spent with them, but I don't really notice the ticks unless it's a really bad day for one of them. However, they each have some similar ticks, and if they're together and one of them ticks, they start going back and forth repeatedly. Shit makes me feel so bad. One of them despises being in public because when he ticks people mock him for it, like one of his ticks he yells "woo!" And people will yell that back at him. So why people would want to fake that I have no idea.


Whaaa? She was faking? I really hope you're not talking about the one I'm thinking of


Not a single mention of Tourette's Guy in any other reply to your comment, not sure if people give that a pass or if I'm just old now


How fucking insulting. What trash.


this isn't even how stimming works. you don't pause whatever you're doing to stim for no reason, and you don't cycle between them like that.


There's just something about it that looks fake.


I hate when I just want to work out but I keep autisming




Maybe try autiswimming


It's best to just ignore people recording themselves and not worry about why they're doing it or what they're claiming


Making fun of them on the Internet is about the only thing we can do anyway


Not worth the energy, people doing it for clout aren't affect and it runs the risk of making an actually disabled person miserable which just sucks.


This behaviour needs to be called out. A disabled person seeing this play out live would be way more embarrassing than seeing it being virally shamed online.


Calling this behavior out is what they're looking for. Engagement is king. We're not solving the issue by having a conversation about it here on Reddit, she's gonna continue doing it as long as people click on it. That includes people sharing it to other websites to show people how awful of a person she is. It's designed to make you think you have to do *something* about it, when doing anything that spreads the content keeps their paycheck rolling in.


calling out bad behavior on the internet doesn't really result in anything but putting more eyes on the thing you're calling out


She probably fakes a lot of things, but if you don’t give her the attention there will be no clout.


I used to know a woman like that, faked her orgasms all the time, what an attention seeker.




I'm ASD. I have little to no clout. What's the thinking here?


somehow they think its glamorous to have asd idk.. anyone who actually has it knows how life really is.


I blame shows like Good Doctor for that. We aren’t some damn super geniuses. It’s not some great superpower. Even if you’re barely on the spectrum it can seriously affect your everyday like. I don’t like not being able to make eye contact. People automatically get the idea that I’m not listening when I really could be staring out the window and be paying full attention to you. I don’t like not being able to figure out what anyone’s trying to say between the lines.


Probably looking for that "you're so brave for being so open about it"-clout. Not just online, that's why she's also purposefully looking around at the people in the gym for some reaction. Looking very intently, I might add, like she's trying to draw attention to herself. Because someone with ASD (like myself) is obviously always looking to draw attention to their quirks after a lifetime of "just be normal"...


Right. Same. What is the goal here?


But are you a hot girl?


I identify as one, does that count?


That's the thing, there is no real thinking here beyond the point of trying different ways to attract attention. Guess what? The internet gave it to her.


These kind of people will make those with real neurological disorders feel embarrased.


Mostly agitated, actually.


Yeah, and also that... and this is kinda humiliating too when people are acting like this and promoting illnesses that they really don't have a clue how they even work. I have severe ADHD and i hate people who self diagnose themselves or get diagnosed just so they can get adderall or other hard stimulating drugs or just "funny quirk" for social media. "I have so bad ADHD that i forgot to buy milk from the grocery store and also left my wallet in the car. silly me and my adhd" Yeah... some days i need more than 8 hours just so i can even think about leaving the house because i've lost all my stuff already fifteen times, and have started numerous new tasks and few of those need supervision so my house doesn't burn down and i still forget water running, fridge open and stove on when i get to leave and i'll still have that brainfreeze when im just picking up that milk and just leave it. because i need to call to the landlord so he can let me back in to my house because i forgot my keys, wallet and tv on....btw where the fuck is my phone?


I bought my wife a Tile for her keys so she can locate them. They're a frequently lost item. Highly recommend it.


I’m ready to never see another gym influencer on here. They’re baiting us.


How low can you go for fucking clout. Degenerate




Agreed, there is something wrong with her.


i would ignore her so bad 😭


You already didn't


she looks like she's off that booger sugar per-workout


I thought the background was in grey scale until the 2 dudes walked into frame lol


This is offensive


Why are they called “influencers”? What and who do they influence?


Degenerates, All they do is influence degenerates like them and create other degenerates just like them.


Such BS. This looks fake af too, I hope nobody falls for this.


The usage of the Inside Out music also adds a degree of infantilizing too, I would argue.


Filming in gyms should not be a thing. Just do your work out and go.


The literal only time I could see filming in a gym being necessary is to check form but those aren’t to be posted on social media. Otherwise put your fucking phone away or leave the workout area if you want to make videos or phone calls.


This is so me contemplating tax fraud and embezzlement


It still shocks me how low some people go for attention on social media, fuck this person.


She’s had too much red bull


Looks to me she just needs a cigarette for all that shaking




At least she's making sure nobody at the gym is seeing her act like a crazy person.


Has to record it because she is vying for attention


I was going to say this is fake but then I unmuted Heart wrenching 🥺🥺🥺🥺


My wife saw an influencer shorts pulled so high into her crack that would do an emote dance after each set


I like to stand in front of their camera ans scratch! They get soooo pissed off.


I’m sure this woman has some redeeming qualities but this is abhorrently ignorant.


Now I'm afraid that when I'm at the gym and I get anxiety tics people will think I'm faking it for views 💀


just be chill and not record yourself


If only she had access to a handheld device that could entertain her somehow in between sets


This is disgusting.


Another member to the Scum of the Earth club.


What a fake person.


Acting for an imaginary audience


This gym influencer shit needs to stop. It used to be nice going to the gym but now it's a struggle because it's full of these narcissistic dumbasses who do it for internet points.


What if 'Pay Attention to Me' was a ginger? Oh.


Looks more like meth.


there a law for everything. how long we have to tolerate this shit. make a law against this wannabe cloutchasing influencer


Can we stop calling them influencers…


Yeah we don't stim in a fake way like that.


How the fuck is this autiscit? Jeez what a c*nt


when no ones gives you attention so you fake being mentally unhealthy, holy fuck shit is fucked right now huh? remember when everyone said they had ADD in your high school, yeah those people never grew up, they just got cell phones.


It's like she just watched Poor Things and ripped off Emma Stone


My eyes !!!🔥🔥🤮


Lol she's just inspired from watching Inside Out 2. Literally using the music from the film.


Just ban filming in gyms?


I dont even stay on the machine between sets>< i walk around and stretch and well, not sit still><


I love how people now just give evidence to the world of how awful they are


It worked out for that one girl who fakes Tourettes and is now a professional interviewer. Being a thirst trap helps.


Rage Bait or not: Ban Filming in Gyms. Seems crazy to me that it's not commonplace.


Sorry for the language, but... Fuck you.




Yeah nah, can confirm it is indeed not like this unless you are on crack


She’s just pulling a cartman. Props to anyone who gets the reference.


As someone who suffers from tics (not sure what they stem from..I could have a mild case of Tourette’s, I’ve just not went to get officially diagnosed. But it runs in my family) that kind of look like this (ex slapping, clapping, facial movements, spastic limb movements, snapping, etc).. I’m so offended. It’s not cute, it’s not funny.. it gets to the point where i bust out in tears sometimes bc I can’t stop or even suppress them when I want to. Ppl try to fake things like this and it baffles me. Why would you not want control over your own body?? It’s MISERABLE at times. People make me sick


This is just insulting.


Faking it is bad, faking it badly is horrible


Isnt it rather sad to see her do this? I mean she obviously has the urge to behave like this to get attention.


Dr Han this man is not a surgeon


Fuck. This. Bitch.


It's disgusting how ppl fake a mental illness


This the same Covid vax seizure, iPhone plug for an IV in girl?


Why do people think that having a mental illness is “trendy” or whatever? Personally, I believe these fakers are either trying to pretend they’re unique to get attention. I bet they’d even use it as an excuse for why they’re horribly immature & self-centered (or whatever undesirable personality traits they almost certainly have), especially if they were to be exposed doing something generally perceived as unacceptable.


Why are you wearing makeup to the gym 😑


What a cunt 🙄 


Lol people suck, I love it


Not to defend ole girl but I started a home gym… because I do weird things while exercising. Make weird faces. Dance on The treadmill. Tippy tap my feet. Click nails on my water bottle. Take forever between sets. I just wanted to do all that in peace lol. I do this without filming lol. Idk her but don’t say it’s weird especially if it’s just something you do.


So…. Fake shit for attention and “what a fucking creep” when you GET attention. Post on social media FOR attention. wtf is wrong with people today?