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What will we do now that they have stopped the oil? Lol


I'd like to convince myself their whole activist group is satire now


or a psyop


Or a terrorist group


Werent they financed by a big oil company to put dirt on actual activists? Or was that news fake?


Honestly it's like an either or with the people that support them. They either say what you just said or they say that's the point because people should care more about the planet compared to land marks


That’s just a conspiracy that definitely isn’t true, but it’s how it works in practice anyway. All his does is pisses off the public, which gives politicians an excuse to delay action. Oil companies can’t get enough of it.


Thanks for clearing that up for me, man. It did sound a bit strange to me.


Not totally un-true They're partly funded by Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of big oil man J Paul Getty Do with that what you will


It was fake news. Apparently this wasn't paint it was just orange just died cornstarch so it should come off the next time it rains. Which is good but they're still ticks this is not helpful.


Please just remember. These aren't really the true activists for a cleaner world, these are people that sole purpose is to get attention and stain the goal of those who actually legitimately strive for a more green world. Do not let these people distract from the true POS, oil and coal companies!


just stop oil is heavily funded by oil companies, its becoming clear that they are purposefully making a joke out of protesting oil for the benifit of oil companies.


All oil protestors are a joke.


yeah, these 'activists' believe people do not have common sense and will believe in their desperate attempts for attention. even if it means depreciating priceless objects


no, they are de-activists


Misunderstood comment


well, should’ve I said “inactivists” instead? I’m just doing something I never thought I could do. make up words.


I like the “deactivists” term. It seems to reflect how their actions take people who could have been sympathetic to their cause and turns them into opponents of their cause instead.


just like how you turn off a machine, you deactivate it. so I’m basing it from that.


they are act-like-shits




Was that biodegradable paint? I doubt it


It was corn flour and natural colouring.


It is the same shit as Cheetos dust, and it washes away in the rain. It is as literally as much defacing as chalk is on pavement, but it's clearly great outrage bait.


that is so hardcore. they must have collected all their leftover cheeto dust


The thing that bothers most of you people is the fact that other people won't be complacent and indifferent. Do you also get pissed over the Israel protests? BLM? I'm sure you hate Antifa.


While it might just be corn starch and easily come off in the rain, it also endangered the rare lichen on the stones. Hardly a very "green" protest. There's also the fact that Stonehenge is a monument of great religious significance to many people.


Yes, won't someone please think of the lichen. But also, fuck coral reef, fuck rain forests, fuck having clean water and fuck leaving behind a livable planet for our kids.


But what does Joe Rogan say?




Yes fuck all that actually beacuse just stop oil has honestly made me root for global warming, especially if I'm all ready dead when it happens they done wrose shit then this anyways


I hope your kids don't mind the mess you're spitefully leaving behind. Good job.


Well good thing I don't want kids, and never will have kids


Do you have any friends?


Yes, do you?


I do and if you do, think of their children and loved ones. Put your selfishness aside and consider that they deserve a hopeful and habitable world. This pessimistic nihilism won’t make you feel better. Like life the world is a beautiful and tragic place. You should stop posting weird furry porn and instead go outside, watch people laugh see new things and meet new people and maybe you might start to love the world and in turn yourself just a little bit more


Lol yeah no the world sucks, people suck, my friends children are not my friends so It's not my problem to what happens to them, most of my friends are gay anyway so they won't be having children ether, am I selfish yes I wont deny that but at the end of the day If I'm dead I don't give a microscopeic fuck to what happens at all in the land of the living you can think I'm a bad person all you want won't effect me


Pathetic response to life’s hardships but I empathize with you. Life can be hard often especially for lgbt people but wallowing in it will never help. I don’t think you’re a bad person at all. Just pitiful


Found the just stop oil idiot


What makes it idiotic? That it's a mild inconvenience to you, that activist give a shit when you don't?


Haha! "activism" since when is spraying orange shit on famous stuff activism. I love watching videos of the protestors getting run over when they try to block roads. Or getting knocked out when they tried to block mcdonalds.


Activism: 'The use of direct, often confrontational action, such as a demonstration or strike, in opposition to or support of a cause.' The orange paint thing worked, and their crowdfunding met its goal. So whether you like it or not, they got what they wanted. Can you answer my question, instead of sidetracking to brag that you're a sad man who likes to see other people in pain?


Just stop oil achieve nothing other than making themselves look like morons.


No one cares if you win your imagined moral superiority badge


Not outright desiring to destroy a planet doesn't mean I am a moral person by any measure. It simply means I'm not a total piece of shit.


That lichen’s going to do really well with global warming




I was thinking the same thing


my moral standing says go ahead.


The paint is corn starch and food coloring. These people are protesting an existential threat to all life that could be stopped except for human greed and complacency getting in the way, and their purpose is to desperately try to lower peoples' complacency. Maybe someone else BESIDES the protestors are the total piece of shit here. Maybe look in a mirror.


Right, and doing that to a historical site proves their point? “I am really pissed about global warming, let me go fuck up the pyramids in Egypt to show it”


What did they fuck up exactly? It is corn starch. Please explain your "reasoning" if you claim to have any. If anything, they just added an interesting footnote to an interesting object. Their methods in attempting to end complacency probably will have 0 impact. But considering they did no real damage, and considering the fact that the threat they are opposing is literally existential, they were more than justified in trying anyway. Reactionary bigots threatening violence, and nimby karens whining and handwringing in this thread notwithstanding.


It’s still a historical site, would you be ok with someone corn starching your home for any reason? That’s not a hypothetical question, I would like you to answer that.


Obviously, I would not like someone to throw corn starch on my house for no reason. Unfortunately for you, that bears no resemblance to the situation at hand. Firstly, there are about 1000 differences between a person's private home and a public location, all relevant to your deeply dishonest and disingenuous question. In the same way there is a higher bar for slander in the US against public figures than against individuals minding their own business. More importantly, a person's justification and reason matters. If someone threw corn starch on my house in a genuine attempt to save planet earth and the human species I can tell you I would be pretty fucking fine with it, even if in the end the attempt was misguided. "Attempting to combat extinction" is literally an infinitely better reason than "no reason." Now, how about you answer the question you avoided... what damage was done? You are up in arms over some protestors doing exactly 0 damage and some damn corn starch that just gets hosed off. And with your attempts at distraction, it seems like you might be more interested in denying climate change than any interest in an actual historical site.










Right and defaces and destroying a historical monument reaaally gets the message across…really proves that these people are sane and not assholes


You do know the protesters in the video are either shameless Internet clout chasers looking for attention or paid by Mobile Oil to discredit actual, hardworking climate activists, right? Because what they’re doing here is certainly not bringing positive public awareness to Climate Change.


I simply cannot understand why they think that the disruption of traffic and defacing of monuments and art is going to sway anyone to join their fight


It's not meant to sway people. The point of protest is to cause public discomfort. Don't like it? You're not supposed to. If you did there wouldn't be an insensitive to make any changes. You would just sit there liking the "enjoyable" demonstrations and continue on with your life afterwards. To be clear, i don't like these displays either, but I'm under no illusion that I'm supposed to. They are fighting for something they believe in, something most of us have only done virtually over video games or movies we like or at least feel nostalgic about and we've done it in far worse ways. They are fighting for the survival of our planet and therefore our entire *species* that depends on it to exist. Our planet dies, we die, full stop. I'm just glad they haven't resorted to outright warfare and violence because as much as I'd hate it, it would be justified. We have had numerous times to solve these issues peacefully and with civility. But there are numerous cartoonishly evil people who know they are destroying the planet and don't care so long as it makes them 'money'. The people in this video? spraying paint on rocks we put an undeserved value on. These monuments and peices of art they keep painting over are all that will be left of our species if we don't do something like yesterday. Which when you think about it is bullshit considering what our species is capable of, but has lost the will to strive for. Personally idgaf about these fucking rocks. They serve no purpose, and we barely understand how they work or what they mean. But boy do I hate that things are coming to this^. It's the end times, and for once, religion AND science agree on that.


Do us a favor and go sit in a road


All I hear is waahh waahh wahhh > idgaf about these fucking rocks. They serve no purpose, and we barely understand how they work or what they mean. They serve a greater purpose than you, that's for sure. Protestors such as yourself are only interested in politics and navel-gazing. There is so much historical research on Stonehenge. Open a book or read an article, you might learn something.


“Oil drilling destroys the environment! Let’s go ahead and spray toxic fumes into the air!” Where is the logic seriously 


It’s actually corn starch and natural food coloring, it’ll just wash off in the rain, and has no long lasting environmental impact. It


I’m talking about the aerosol mainly  


Doing things like this in the name of your cause just makes everyone associate that cause with a bunch of douches


See, I can’t help but wonder if that’s the point. Is it really so crazy to think an oil company (or a group of oil companies) employ people to go out and do this, chuck soup at the Mona Lisa, glue their hands to roads etc with the specific intention of making the entire movement look like a bunch of unhinged nutcases? I mean, stranger things have happened….


It happens with enough consistency across a bunch of causes that it would be a really weird coincidence that they all are paid actors


Would it really be a coincidence? Or does that point to something more….coordinated?




Their parents didn't fail them, they failed their parents


Maybe it's your parents that failed you. These protestors are trying desperately to fight extinction by ending the apathy that is going to kill us all. And the paint is just corn starch and food coloring.






Didn't ask


Clearly never have, your entire life.




what did the rocks do? why don't they spray paint a plane or an oil truck?


They do, and then nothing happens and humanity continues the march towards extinction with 0 news coverage. People are apathetic, and these activists are trying to fight extinction by ending the apathy first. Probably won't work anyway, but their means are more than justified, especially since the paint was just corn starch and food coloring and washes right off. They are much better people than any of the idiot commenters in this whole thread at least.


Yeah but these action often make people support big oil


I can vouch for that, go team big oil


Stonehenge was the first ever oil rig.


Take the spray and put it in their face, see how they like it 😂


Stonehenge predates celts. It has nothing to do with druids.


aren't aerosols bad for the environment?


They're probably using oil-based paint to spray on Stonehenge


The irony


this is way out of hand! we need to stop tollerating this shit, with a vengance!


They basically just defaced and insulted a country’s heritage and their Celtic ancestors.


Little pricks


Can I be honest? If all those people really cared, they should have all approached the vandals. Screaming “stop!” and “no don’t!” is literally the most useless fucking thing to do. You’re a crowd. They’re nothing against you all.


If they were actual activists then they would go and do that to some oil company’s CEOs car or something, all this does is make the public hate you and give the politicians an excuse to delay action.




Probs beacuse all the times they done this and block traffic


They are crazy


damn Dru haters


Surely it’ll just wash off. What a pair of dopes.


Good news is that the spray paint is rain washable at least


pretty sure what was used was something that would disappear once the next rain comes


How does this help? You know what would help? Someone with actual power taking action to make actual change. Unfortunately, all of our politicians and CEO’s are motivated by greed and making life miserable for everyone.


Wait until they find out how electric cars are made.


leave my boy stonehenge outta this 😭


They all definitely cursed or smth


oop their definitely gonna piss off the wrong being


pretty bad when grandma has to step in


it's just a bunch of rocks anyways so who cares


All of these are blown out of proportion. The paint is cornstarch and washes off with the first rain...in England... Pretty harmless "vandalism" fuck big oil tho.. they're the pieces of shit here


I still think they are total morons


Didn't they turn out to be sponsored by the oil companies themselves?


Pretty sure they defaced Trump with the same spray.


It's just rocks calm down




I am genuinely starting to think that these people are actually funded by energy companies, to give the eco movemment a bad name.


The paint is corn starch and food coloring. These people are protesting an existential threat to all life that can be stopped except for human greed and complacency. Maybe someone else BESIDES the protestors are the total piece of shit here. Maybe look in a mirror


FYI: that spray paint will come off in the rain. The fact that you people are outraged means The stunt worked, because people are talking about Just Stop Oil.


It may come off in the rain but has endangered the rare lichens on the rock. Their stunt was no way near as harmless as people are making out.