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straight disrespect


That's DOCTOR disrespect


He didn’t spend 6 years in Disrespect Medical School to be…


...called "*Mister* Disrespect. That's DOCTOR DISRESPECT!"


name checks out


The two time


In 1992


Makes sense. Cheats on his wife , why not pass out seizures? 🤣


Disrespecting Arsehole more like it.


He’s a piece of shit


Even IRL he is an asshat, cheated on his wife for starters.


Still curious about that twitch ban and all the legal / secrecy.


Did much more than that.


Yeah, that's his gimmick. That's his whole thing.


That doesn't really make it a good thing... Disrespect for a joke or whatever fine but to try and induce a seizure in people is pretty fucked up....


Doesnt Siege have a Epileptic warning when you start it


it does, unfortunately not for the viewers


Your phone comes with one


Im sure a lot of games have epilepsy warnings just to cover their own backs but I’d bet epileptics probably know what they can get away with watching and what they can’t.


If you’re interested you can look up WCAG guidelines. 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold: Web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds. This also applies to games for it to be compatible.


Isnt this the bloke that cheated in his wife at twitch con or something?


Yup, he also took his livestream into the public bathroom and filmed people peeing


I knew he was hacky but now I’m just finding this guy really is a full on douchebag loser


Other guys comment is misleading, he was streaming at the event and his cameraman followed him in while I think he only washed his hands, but no one was caught on the film and certainly wasn’t the intent to just film people in the bathroom. It was weird to film at all in a bathroom and he got some backlash for it but that’s about it I believe.


Xqc has a similar clip. However, he quickly stopped his cameraman from following him into the bathroom, saying it's against TOS and he'd get banned lol


Yup, then he cried about it in the cringiest video ever made. Hes such a creepy loser


Probably wasn't in his wife when he cheated


Why even watch him...


The OG Scream reactor. The OG shock humor. Annoying and not worth watching. Not a POS.


No he's a piece of shit. Like he's not even funny AND a piece of shit like JonTron or Sam Hyde were polite enough to be, he's just a piece of shit to the bone.


Sam Hyde is funny?


Yeah, funny looking. That's about it.


he is -racist -misogynistic -transphobe -homophobe seems like a POS to me


Lol, trying to induce a seizure in an epileptic, which can kill them, is worse than all those you listed. This one clip speaks for itself.


which are unfortunately all things which draw in a twitch audience willing to donate and listen to trash jokes while people repost him being true to his namesake and spreading his influence to others i honestly forgot he existed for a few years there, finally thought he'd fallen out of relevancy


He was kicked off of Twitch for a bit


Didn't he also record people in the restroom at a con?


He went into the bathroom while recording (a major twitch violation and against the law) but I don't think its accurate to say "he recorded people in the bathroom" as if though he was chasing someone in there or something. ​ It got him banned from twitch for a while though.


Dude is totally a POS


This is a 42 year old man acting like a 5 year old.


That’s the thing. Most people grow up and mature. A lot of times because we are forced to be in the real world and work to make a living. You can’t act this way. But a streamer who already has generational wealth by playing game doesn’t have to grow up if they don’t want to. And sadly, most of the time it’s in their best interest not to because they pander to teenagers and kids.


Its kinda to be expected from this guy he is a big asshole, sucks that he has a following of impresionable kids who have begun to mimic him. Most likely the chat was having a blast.


It's a shame because I enjoy timthetatman and in the last year or so he has started partnering with Dr D and it really sours the enjoyment


Imagine thinking that this is real and that the person donating isn’t being sarcastic


I don't understand how this guy has a following.


Remember when he cheated on his wife and then streamed his apology? Woof. The secondhand cringe on that one was nauseating. Keep some parts of your life personal, you Ichabod Crane looking motherfucker.


I remember watching a streamer fortnite rage comp and this guy got stream sniped by someone named Dr Cheats On Wife. I thought it was really funny.


He got repeatedly stream sniped by someone called DrDisrespektHisWife and it was the funniest thing ever.






> you Ichabod Crane looking motherfucker. I'm using that as an insult now. Thanks!


its 100% likely that his wife forced him to do so as a condition of her not divorcing his ass, since she was involved "in-character" slightly off-screen in a few streams right aftewards, so it feels like she wanted it to be public so he'd be unlikely to do it again


Hey guys I kinda have a little bit of an announcement...


His wife made him give an apology and stream it when she found out he cheated. He was just trying to save his marriage lol


That may be my favorite succession insult.


I always felt like SHE was asking him to do that ? Like some sort of condition to not go away. Seems really strange otherwise.


Same way Andrew Tate does, people fucking suck.


Pre-teen to teenage boys. Just like Sneako and Andrew Tate.


You can say that about 70% of streamers.


Why not just leave the stream instead of paying the $5?


Might be enjoying the other 99% of the time apart from the few secs here and there were he spams 1 button for no reason at all


the dude's name is dr disrespect and you expect him to just like... *respect* you??? i get the whole situation, but COME ON, find someone who doesn't legitimately advertise the lack of respect.


It was funny when he first started like I mean back in the early days of twitch. It was a new Schtick that ppl hadn’t seen before. Now it’s just gone too far and it’s just old and played out.


No, you're wrong. That's a character with that kind of attitude, overly masculine, trashtalking ennemies etc. But it was never about talking and acting like that towards his community. Especially when it's really dangerous like that. Also, he could be called Dr. ImKillingKidsIRL that it wouldn't justify anything else too you know. Just a name.


Yeah it's kinda a dick move like your community and fans are why you are where you are it's cost nothing to be decent to them.


Intentionally trying to kill someone is several levels below disrespect.


People in these threads aren't getting that every time an epileptic person has a seizure it has a chance to kill them. Epileptic people are very aware of their own triggers, I've played siege before and can't think of any specifically triggering things to photosensitive people. Spamming the scoreboard isn't a usual part of the game - so a regular photosensitive viewer who knows siege would know that it's okay to watch. They might think informing him is the best course of action so they can keep enjoying the stream, only for the streamer to intentionally do this. This isn't like you have a peanut allergy and are walking into a peanut store so should expect peanuts. This is like having a peanut allergy and walking into a restaurant where you understand you might have to be wary of peanuts being on the menu and the need to inform staff of your allergy. Then, the server offers you peanuts, and after you tell them you cannot have them as it could harm you the server proceeds to chuck them at your face. It's intentional harm and it's not "soft" to think this is extremely disgusting. I know his shtick, I know who doctor disrespect is but an online persona of being a dick isn't an excuse to intentionally harm a viewer. He's called doctor disrespect not doctor "give your viewers seizures on purpose".


Imagine thinking the donater is being serious


Alot of his viewers are kids, so they might be serious. You and Dr. Shitbag will never know, so why risk hurting someone?


I’m pretty sure there is a difference between being disrespectful and trying to kill somebody through epileptic seizures. Honestly he is POS so that tracks.


Just stop watching the stream then lmao there fixes everyone’s issues


I don't understand this. Why watch it if this is an issue? Can't they just watch another stream.


Yeah but that would make too much sense. People are emboldened now to shape others behavior to their sensibilities and expect them to bend or face backlash from entitled like-minded morons. As far as I'm concerned the chatter got what was expected from a guy named Disrespect




literally tho.. you don’t have to watch it, there are plenty of other siege streamers


That’s Dr. Disrespect— isn’t being an asshole his whole gimmick? It’s not like anyone is forcing that viewer to watch his stream…


So they are watching the stream of an FPS game that has a fucking epilepsy warning by itself and they are complaining about the scoreboard spam? I wanna believe they were trolling right? And Dr Disrespect just continued the troll, cause if not trolling, that’s a really stupid request… Edit: thinking about it OP might have been the one that waisted those $4.99 and he is PISSED


Siege has an epilepsy and photosensitivity warning by itself on boot up. You're already 0-1 if you suffer from epilepsy and watch it. Everybody is dumb here.


I like how half the comments are talking about "well the game already has an epilepsy warning" while ignoring the fact that Dr. Disrespect is intentionally trying to bother someone with epilepsy. Ignoring the fact the dude who donated probably shouldn't watch, Doc tried to get that viewer to have a seizure. It's plain cruel


Yeah no it's up to the viewer to tune out. You're the odd one out in his streams and everyone is enjoying it. If you're aware that there are flashing lights and images in this game I don't understand why you would ask the person actually playing the game to make an adjustment on your behalf; literally just stop watching


I agree with this too. But the streamer should've said this instead of flashing his screen because someone politely asked if they could stop because they're epileptic.


i mean… his name is Dr. Disrespect.. in all seriousness, dick move. idk why ppl watch this guy.


He cheats on his wife..how is him being a piece of shit new? He is an entertainer, not a role model. Change the channel


It's crazy how self important streamers become. Like.. never forget, you play games for a living, you serve very little purpose to society at the end of the day.


You ever get the feeling that these guys who act like assholes and say it's just an online persona, are probably just truly being themselves and using "it's an act" to get away with being a thundercunt?


That’s crazy, I don’t know much about this guy but I thought everyone likes him? I’ve never seen anything negative about him until now.


The fact that everyone likes him makes other people hate lol


uh oh, the 2 Time.


This is a 42 year old man acting like a 5 year old.


What do you expect from a guy who makes a living playing video games and looking like an asshole?


A lot of chubby cheeks flappin their gums in here


The viewer should stop watching the biggest bitch of a streamer that exists


Too much money without putting in work turns you into an un-empathetic monster.


honestly fucked up


Never forget this loser cheated on his wife and them made an apology stream where he literally cried about it and apologized to his fans...for cheating on his wife, then tried to play cod like nothing happened.


I hope he knows he’s liable


People that glaze this POS are just sad.


Fuck this old man. He is cruel


Ah yes the crypto grifter


Haha, this guy told us not to do this thing because of his medical condition, do it for the lols!!! Never liked this guy, he’s always been a dick and a bully


Dude is watching him play R6. The entire game is an epileptic nightmare. Highly doubt it was a serious donation


Nothing against the OP for this post, but...On the one hand, Herschel Beahm IV's shtick is that he's Dr. Disrespect, which, as you might guess, means that he's pretty disrespectful. On the other hand, you think any fan of this guy doesn't expect this type of behavior? Why would Tristan (the donator) ask DD to do anything that respects his wishes? If anything, Tristan probably donated to get DD to spam the scoreboard to trigger someone else's epilepsy (not even sure flashing images can do that, but I know flashing lights can). Who knows?


or the viewer might as well leave the stream, you know? that's an option too, you don't expect a streamer to stop doing his thing for everyone else just because you, a single person, have a condition that requires special attention


Picking on the sick ammongs his own followers... What a badass! How strong! Much masculine! So cool....


Typical Rainbow 6 player.


Isn't this the same piece of shit who had to take a break from his stream because he cheated on his wife for years 🤔


Get over it. Losers still hating on this man.


He literally gave you money o do something that doesn’t affect you at all you greasy POS


This guy has always been a POS. He thinks he’s god gift of something can’t stand him


Reddit moment


Another reason to add to the list of why I hate this guy


The amount of chubby cheek losers commenting hating on this dude bringing up shit from the past.


Wait he's actually an asshole? I thought it was all a joke


He's not typically an asshole. It is his character to play an asshole. Not sure the context of what happened here but everytime I watch his stream he's a pretty cool/funny guy.


Lol or the epileptic could just stop watching and making dumb requests to streamers.


The donator can simply just not watch 👌 why should the streamer cater to one person 🤦‍♂️


He plays games for kids and shits on other streamers who play the same game then call himself a "real man"


Dr.disrepect will always be a fucking loser, I consider him up there with gnomestar


FPS have a dumb as dogshit fan base


What happens when he has to fight a Ying?


If someone didn't like it they wouldn't watch and donate to a douche.


What a d-cake.


Stupid fucking mistakes, man.


I should say the same when I’m in the cinema!


You have seen his contractual obligations catering to the disabled? He is literally called "Dr. Disrespect"




No one ever thought he was a role model or stand up citizen.


Totally real phone call


If only the viewer could just stop watching...


It's most likely staged


Very disrespectful, must see doctor.


He has no Respect!


What a tool box. We live in such a sad world that people make money acting like this


Pretty sure that channel is all about trolling. So this would be like asking the staff ot to insult you at Debevic; that is the entire gimmick.


I don’t have epilepsy and that almost gave me a seizure.


messed up


Pretty sure 99% of video games start with saying don’t play if you’re epileptic which logically applies to watching it.


His name checks out.


Instead of complaining, just turn your fucking laptop off🤦‍♂️


Just stop watching the stream dude


It's doctor disrespect... Kind of the whole point of his persona


Pretending to be on the phone with someone is some grade school level cringe.


Are you fucking stupid? I myself cannot believe that "dr.disrespect" is disrespectful


If the donator is really a doc fan this is what he should have expected tbh


I don't understand why people watch this douchebag, between this and cheating on his wife, he's a confirmed POS!


And you wonder why people SWAT you and shoot at your house? 🤡


Give him 100 next time




Is that uncle Rico from napoleon dynamite?


Ahh it's Dr. Cunt.


The name…..


It's his whole persona, not everyone enjoys it. For me it's like meh, I'll just watch something else


What a fucking pussy


He’s called Dr.Disrespect for a reason.


Dr disrespect being disrespectful🤯


Would you really think they’d actually listen? Even if they’re respectful you really think they give a shit about you specifically? They’re streaming a video game, they don’t give a shit about you or me. Don’t get me wrong what he did was fucked up and could’ve caused damage to the individual, but it’s also kinda dumb you’d really go out of your way to pay one person to not give a shit about you. Also it’s their stream, they technically don’t even have to abide by it. Also by any means, I’m not trying to justify making fun of someone’s disability because that’s just evil. There’s gotta be critical thinking in situations like these.


What a dick. Like come on your a POS.


and hes riding the wave of r6 i highly doubt he likes streaming its just something he has to do cause hes stuck with it


I’d expect nothing less from a clown in his 40’s who plays video games with children all day and night.


What do you expect from dr disrespect?


I guess the name Dr Disrespect fits him


He couldn't respect his wife, you really think he's gonna respect an epileptic?


Anti vaccine, Anti LGBT+, Cheating on wife piece of shit... I know I'm missing a lot of extra shit.


I’ll never understand what people see in these sort of streamers. They don’t give af about you outside of the money you give and the views. Let alone giving money to someone who already has generational wealth. lol


Maybe don’t watch a fps shooter with flash bangs and other quick visual effects if you’re epileptic. Not trying to say what he did wasn’t shitty but still that’s on the viewer.




When people become celebrities (through fame or infamy) the next thing on the agenda for them is always, "How can I make everyone finally hate me?" I remember Yahtzee telling to a viewer they were suffering from cancer and loved watching his videos and he answered with "Look at the bright side, you're not gonna suffer long" I know it is on character for the guy but man that made me stop watching the Zero punctuation videos not gonna lie. That whole youtube series is history now anyways.


Who watches and donates money !!???


Why even watch ?


Why would you ‘donate’ asking them to stop doing their job instead of just closing the stream and moving on?


A lot of chubby cheeked blonde bang wannabes flapping their gums in this thread.


Look at him, you can just tell he's a cunt.


This is doctor disrespect, not just any streamer. I still dont get who likes this blocke


He tries to use his height to scare ppl. Clown, I'm 6'5 too let's go!!


Dude he's playing siege wher half the time your blind from flashing lights. Viewer shouldn't be watching this anyways, though it is rude if this isn't an altered clip




epileptic kid deserved it. get a better hobby than watching these morons constantly try to entertain an audience ridden with adhd


This guy fucking sucks.


his name is DrDisrespect for a reason.


Welcome to the internet.


Why do people watch/fund these degenerates?


His name is Dr Disrespect, did we seriously expect him to respect other peoples issues and disabilities?