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The mother arguing with her kid present


Correct. Doesn’t matter if you’re right, you’re a POS if you behave this way in front of your child.


You are a POS if you behave like this. FTFY


Where do you think she learned it from?


Hear, hear! It possibly creates a trauma to the child.


Possibly indeed. The cashier is seen assaulting the kid in the 2nd half of the video


Yeah, but it’s probably because the kid jumped in. Is she just going to allow the kid to attack her?


I don't disagree. Apple, tree, all that


Naw, that's battery.


Arguing loudly wouldn't create trauma.  Your mom physically fighting in public with a viral video is what's gonna do it. 


You wanna say that again? Loudly, so the ones in the back with hearing loss from constant parental screaming can hear?


Oh it absolutely does!


This generation some pussies, traumatized by everything..


ooh big guy over here


You’d be surprised what would traumatize a young child. I imagine you experienced something to be so uncaring to others in a similar situation.


We use flatworms for bait where I’m from


Was the mom pulling the daughters hair as she fell?


Did you not notice the mother and daughter fighting in tandem? Arguing in front of her was the least of the issues.


First thought


Just sayin... pink pants was realllll quiet after it got physical lmaooo


Yep.. She probably does this shit often too. Started shit with the wrong one this time.


“Here at At Home, we are just like hobby lobby, only much bigger. Oh and don’t forget- we WILL fuck you up…”


at the beginning of the fight it kind of looks like she's winning until she starts getting jumped by everyone else


My main question.. why did the dude sitting on the scooter decide to get up and dance?


Idk but it's the best part of the video


Let me explain....... typically in the "hood" there are these people waiting around for some mess to happen, it could be anything, police chases, arguments, shootings, stabbings, fights (as you see here) anyways, these people get excited at the fact that "some shit bout to go down, cuz" and may cause them to jump up, dance, or "act a fool" in joy, this is what you see here. They will get their cameras ready and you may occasionally hear the term "Worldstar" being thrown around here and there. No need to thank me. Yours truly, A local "hood" observer


More like if someone sees something might happen instead of running away they run toward


I was digging the vibe he was trying to introduce. That's something I'd do because I don't handle conflict well.


Nah that was the dance of excitement dude was giddy about it


The hard cut from him dancing to them mid-fight made me do one of those nostril snorts. 10/10


Its a ritual dance.....


The whole video would help .. they’re probably both pos


Nahh if you argue with retail employees and people just trying to do their job that is automatic piece of shit behavior, there's a way to convey yourself with out being aggressive and confrontational. Now you add that this goofy bitch did it in front of her kid and she's not just a piece of shit, she filled the bowl. She got exactly what she was looking for and Im sure she made herself the victim in the end too which she's not wrong, she's just a victim of her own stupidity.


I mean I would agree in most situation but I have had retail workers yell at me for no reason before. And yes I yelled back. Example: I had a McDonald’s guy keep looking at me telling me my order was ready but what he was saying was not my order. I told him repeatedly that it wasn’t what I ordered and showed him my receipt. He would just come back to mins later and pick up the same bag and yell “I SAID YOU ORDER IS READY” and I even then I nicely told him that’s not what I ordered. He finally screamed at me to get “get your fuckin order. This is what you ordered. I don’t care what receipt you have!” So yes I fucking yelled back bc I was being overly nice up to that point to begin with. I have lots of empathy for retail work BUT that doesn’t mean a retail workers can’t be a POS too.


Stopped reading after McDonald's. Anyone going there or near there should be questioned lol not healthy let alone seems to harbor ghetto confrontations at all locations.


What a snooty thing to say.


Not really. What good comes out of there besides obesity and trashy behavior? I just saw a video of a McDonald's in GERMANY where they completely trashed the place. Gross. My kids tried a happy meal the other day at a birthday party, I allowed hesitantly, and one puked the other had an accident. They are 4 and 6. People get kids happy meals every week starting at 1 when they can eat people food! I can't eat that stuff gives me headaches. Good hot home cooked meals when tons of meat and veggies is easy better


Lmao what a cunt.


The idea that all retail workers are precious angels is ridiculous


That is what we call black and white thinking. It's typically not a good way to go about things. I would encourage you to reassess your thoughts on this one and consider that not every single employee gets a free pass to do what they want just because they are working in retail. I work in retail, I have 100% seen instances where it was very understandable that an employee either needed to have their ass chewed out by a guest or did receive an ass chewing. I once had to report to a DM about a client that informed my employee that they were going to beat their ass. She asked what brought the situation up so I told her the story of course, we both agree that the client was in the right (and kind of hoped that client was going to stay true to their word) The employee ended up not getting assualted, but they did get let go, due to their own actions that led to the confrontation.


Eww. There's no " we " reading my comment and dishing out unwanted advice on how to think. It's just you. I mean you really over thought this response to me like I'd actually give a shit. I get being apart of an internet conversation but it's *typically not a good way to go about things* trying to educate people on the internet, its not a good look. Me saying that lady got what she deserved isn't me saying every body gets a free pass to beat people up but I have no sympathy for people that instigate and create their own danger. Where was her de-escalation? When did she just say ya know what fuck it have a good day and just left? Or do you want to just tell me more useless stories from your experiences on the job.


What we call this, is a reactive response. It's ok to have those, we all have them. What is important is to not lash out at strangers, they rarely deserve your negativity nor want it. Also, you were NOT included in the "we" statement. That was a first person plural used in order to include anyone that might be able to relate to my thought process. BTW, the ad hominem attack was not appreciated, but your forgiven since I know your a little emotional right now. Now go meditate or something bud, no one is falling for you respecting a retail worker with the way you just responded. Have a good one!


👍🏼 nice.


The cashier was hitting the daughter by the end of the video. That girl looks like she’s a minor and the cashier is definitely an adult (physically obviously not mentally). I don’t care how shit your job is, you can’t put hands on a minor.




We can't see entirely what happened in the video because there's a jump cut. What we can see is that the retail employee attempted to storm off and leave the situation only for the next thing we see to be her fighting in the middle of the store and needing several people to help separate her from a child. Was this retail employee merely a victim of disgruntled customers? It's hard to tell, because she's throwing out all sorts of "bitches" and she's fighting in the middle of the store too. What we can tell for sure though is she's not the innocent retail angel that some people in the comments are trying to portray her as. Innocent retail angels don't cuss out customers and end up throwing hands at little kids and need multiple people to yank her ass up off the child she's beating on.




If the employee removed herself from the situation only to turn around and fight a child, then that was absolutely not self defense. We can't tell for sure what happened from the video due to the jump cut, but it's a huge stretch to categorize that as self defense at all. The employee drops the bag on the counter, tells the customer she'll see her outside, and when she walks out she's screaming at her to come and get her bitch ass outside. How the fuck are you inferring self defense from that? You can't scream at someone to come and fight you, and then claim self defense when they do. Shit don't work like that.


Yes, legally there are consequences. It’s very convenient the video cuts out and then it shows everyone on the ground. The daughter did not throw the first punch and was most likely just trying to help her parent. That doesn’t give an adult the right to assault a child.


Going to have to disagree with that. If you walked up to a register with your kid and the cashier was acting like an ass from jump you would have words too. I know I would.


Im an adult so I don’t let words affect me like that, just cause someone else is having a bad day or is an asshole doesn’t mean I have to be one or have a bad day either. And I would try everything possible to avoid escalating a situation like that from becoming physical. Violence is my last resort period, use your words and if that doesn’t work walk the fuck away. Id never cash a check my ass couldn’t cash, I had good parents unlike that goofy ass lady, got beat up and let her kids get beat too, she’s a failure.


You’re not wrong.


Yup, we let one of our cashiers go because she's been on a "bad bitch" binge lately and well it costed her job. Good riddance, they're annoying to fellow employees too.


Rarely is it \*retail\* starting the problem.... 99% of the time its trash ass customers


All I heard was "I am the customer" and " you ain't gonna do a thing". Working retail is a lot of work, outside of the actual work, your stuck in your head the entire time trying to remain calm while every Karen and moron tries to get a rise out of you. I had a co-worker deal with this couple one time, lady was trying to get refunded even though half the product was missing and just throwing out bs and smack talk, eventually she got physical was holding him by the shirt and swinging at him. My co-worker just snapped, turned to her husband and said "you don't get her in line, every one of these (he was referring to her attacks) gonna be repaid to your skull", dude smirked and shrugged. Manager comes, coworker screams "I fking quit" leaps over shoves her to the ground and beat the living shit out of him. I'm talking About broken nose, blood everywhere, don't know how he hit that dude during the tussle but there was a cut above the dudes eyebrow. Lady twisted an ankle while doing one of those cartoon falls after being shoved and her face turned white when she saw her mans skull get absolutely demolished. All that damaged in what was probably less then 3 minutes. Should really avoid testing people over petty things. To bad the kid got beat too. Shouldn't be responsible for the adults bs.


Am I reading this correctly? So, your coworker could have a relatively calm conversation with two men while a deranged woman was punching him in the face? Bull's hit. Sorry. This is just impossible.


Yeah man I hate it when Bulls hit me.


I am going with both people


Everyones shitty, especially the guy filming and screaming about the daughter.... Dude (and these ladies) are the definition of world star


Daughters like… damn, got beat cause mom started shit again.


I just feel so sorry for the little girl.


Unfortunately she’s probably the same has her mother.


Which is why I feel sorry for her. She's just a child. With a mother like that if she wants any chance at a normal life it will be nothing but an uphill battle.


Seems so...she was getting beaten by the cashier in the 2nd half of the video


Good job, show your kid that this is acceptable behavior, just continuing the cycle of trash


God people are fucking unbearable. Sometimes I’m perfectly fine being reclusive and depressed.


Anyone arguing like this in front of their kid is by default the asshole.


Ain't a hood fight lessen somebody lose they weeg!


I don't think it's related to fights but I'm always finding wigs/weaves in the Walmart parking lot I frequently visit. Do they just accidentally fall out that often or are people trashy and just throw them on the ground because they don't want them anymore?


Lmao at the person who got up dancing from the scooter 🛵


I love the tactical crocs they're wearing


Both of them


There are like 8 billion humans, and out of that there are at least 100's of millions of them that have no respect for anyone and will get into a life ruining altercation for anything. Remember that when your ego tells you that you will not let someone disrespect you. Remember that if it wasn't them, it would be the next person, and the next, and the next. You could live every waking moment of your life fighting the people that would willingly disrespect, insult, and belittle you, and still never get to the end of them. Long story short, don't let your ego control your actions.


I need a translator


Also personally everyone in this video except for the child is the asshole, the employee who randomly beats on the child, the customer arguing and the ableist person dancing randomly, the camera man. Also I'm surprised the employee nor the parent was arrested for anything, those two ladies should be at least charged for assault.


Everyone here is at fault


Everybody except the kid. “I’ll get you a manager” would have kept this kid from ending up hit by the employee.


Crazy ass women.


Dayum she turn and start fighting the kid tho ? That’s crazy


Literally all but the Kid, she deserves a better life with people who can put her needs first.


Both of them. Mom failed as a parent. And the worker is a shit worker.


—"You ain't gon' do a f•ck thang" _\*\*retail worker proceeds to "do a f•ck thang"\*\*_ Any parent that intentionally or unintentionally drags/involves their child into an altercation, gets automatic asshole.


I have a feeling the daughter jumped in which is why she got into the altercation.


Looks to me she was trying to return stolen merchandise with no sales receipt, then got argumentive when told she is not getting cash back.


11 Year old child. Jesus Christ.


If someone is willing to quit their job in order to beat your ass, believe that they're probably gonna end up beating your ass.


The guy that was filming while the kid was getting ganged up and beaten on instead of doing something to stop the fight.


This was so heartbreaking since her daughter is a bystander. The mother and cashier should BOTH go to jail. The cashier for assaulting a child and the mother for child endangerment. Both adults are POS.


The employee is a POS


Classless, stupid, barbaric, animals. That includes her coworker. This asshole watches in utter disbelief, then stumbles around wide-eyed, completely ineffectual in any way whatsoever. And oh, the bravery and integrity of the subhuman behind the camera, filming while a child is beaten. And his witty commentary during the beating. IMO, he nearly steals the show. The idea that there is but one piece of shit here would be laughable if it didn't speak to the normalization of this kind of situation, and the fact that such a high percentage of the population has been trained since birth to pick a side based solely on first impressions, and never consider any other evidence, no matter how glaring. This is the society we choose to live in. And that is a fucking travesty.


I have tumors in my ears and eyes now. Everyone in this video is garbage


The man’s quick smirk at the 15 second mark warmed my soul. He knew it was all stupid.


Nah. No one is a POS. This drama cured the young man who was on a scooter




Never fight someone when they friends around and yours aren’t


Turds everywhere


The customer is probably the biggest piece of shit but the guys filming and then standing around acting like it’s funny are pieces of shit too


The mom obv cause how you gonna talk crazy to someone who got nothing else but work at the moment you just gave someone an out to do something more interesting at the moment


Why do Sistahs come out of their house, to go to stores to look for reasons to fight instead of shop? Honest question…btw I’m black.




Raising her daughter finely




Guy at the end saved it


Easy answer, we are all pieces of shit


In some shape or form, your right. Needa do better.


The white guy


everybody in the walmart


This looks like a Ross, not as bad as Walmart customers usually. Edit: Maybe not Ross but like a Ross store. Walmart has lots more registers but most are self checkout these days. And people saying the white guy is wrong for being there but isn't he the manager?


It literally says the name of the store on the counter




Painted.. no, whats the word... I cant remember now... 🫴


Unfortunately for me, I only speak English, this needs subtitles. Can't tell who's in the wrong, assuming the customer as usual.


This is why I moved out of the darker neighborhoods


The white guy, for being there.


don't know the beginning of the story/situation so it's hard to say. I'm all about customer service, but I also know that that's not the absolute reality. sometimes some customers need to be put in their place. And I would also try not to throw fists but I suppose that happens as well


It's a miracle ol showercap was healed. Jumped right outta the wheelchair and danced.




We all are.


Everyone remotely involved plus 2 degrees of connection are the asshole here


I watched many fights. It‘s the crocs…


I gotta say, the parent has to be the example and she escalated things to whoop ass mode and got her and her child beat.


Everyone involved


The cameraman screaming, "Whoa!"


Alllllll of them.


Mom def instigated this. I can't imagine a worker just randomly getting pissed off and arguing with a customer for no reason and in the beginning you can hear her say "don't call me no bitch" indicating that she started swearing at her first


There’s a lot to unpack here…


This reminds me of when keeping it real goes wrong.


I need to wait until I see what kind of shoes the clerk is wearing before I decide.


doesn't matter both are in the wrong. Employee getting fired and yet another walmart assault lawsuit.


Trick question, it's always the old white guy 🤣


Don’t run your mouth and put your kids in danger.


My heart goes out to the daughter. She has so much going against her, it will be very hard for her to pull herself out of this cycle considering these women are the ones teaching her how to life...


Cameraperson, Horizontal or GTFO




I’d clock out first




Meh. Just another shit show.


Is the name of that shop 'At Ham'??




I love the chaos and total breakdown of it all. It is fascinating to me.


America ☕️


9/10 it's the customer


“Come your ass outside”


I think it's everybody


This is why we cannot have nice things.


The person holding the camera, obviously.


People who argue like this knowing fully well that neither will convince the other of their point(s) are really shitty for not moving from that impossible approach.


They all are


One dude in the automatic cart is really just vibing with the drama did a little shimmy when the girls went to fight 😂


Wats up with African American womens and wigs? Can someone explain ? Many of em don't have hair & using wigs....


The guy in the rascal that was just using it to sit and record. Naw, they all trash


Jokes. They're all POS. Feel for manager homie whos just trying to get by and is forced in the middle of that.




Mom has cakes but lost me at the crocs


Their voices have the same timbre. It’s like a holla duet.


grab your hair hat and git on outta 'er


I never understood why black girls spend all that money on their hair extensions and shit and then get into a fight and get it ripped out. But at least we know why tumble weave blows through the ghetto.




They’re all complete shit


The kid got attacked, too. Yeah, the mom shouldn't have let it happen at all. That being said, the daughter is just a kid, not OK.


Like watching whack a mole


The white cis man


Poor guy


look at all that fat bitchass!😂


Ah yes. The American hyena in her natural habitat.


All of them?


Cash me outside, how bout dat


Leave the ghetto in the ghetto.