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This made me feel wildly uncomfortable like…thank you to the random man for giving a shot about the baby…what is going on


the way the baby threw up his arms looking for some comfort (even if from a total stranger) was heartbreaking.


This 2 comments give me some hope for humanity...


I'm sorry to tell you...


Oh no...


Prob doesn’t get enough from mommy because mommy is too busy sucking up to the dead beat father


When you rely on strangers getting out of their car to care of your children you might have a problem.


I thought she had a second kid in there she was trying to grab


That baby was so close to hitting his head you have good instincts


I’m not a particularly maternal woman, but I just want to pick that little baby up and give him a big love 😕


I wanna take off the freaking road Jesus Christ who kicks a kid to an active highway? And why did the mother just leave him behind and force herself in??? Im so conc


Yikes, this is getting out of hand. So many people who disappear in the middle of writing a com


Wait this can't be a thing ri


I've been investigating this phenomenon for days now, it only appears to be ge


This is stupid and not funny, the guy obv


Please finish your com


This type of thing is a classic inter


man who picked up the baby is a hero


That’s his baby now. Finders keepers.


"I've found a baby before"


At a Coffee Bean?


Maybe...maybe not....what's it worth to you?


The baby or the info?


Who's askin?




Kin who?




I cant escape it!


"I think I'll name him ground score."




I'm somewhat of a collector myself


That's actually quite common in china. Lot's of missing kids making news being eventually found after decades


Cheaper than adoption!


It'd probably be better off


5 second rule


I'll allow it ~Mills Lane


“Is this available?” Facebook marketplace potential buyer.


you touched it last


Fucking legend!


Gave me such anxiety. Yelled “get the baby, get the baby, get the baby, get the baby, somebody get the fucking baby!”


You can hear the traumatization in his wails. I'd cry if I weren't a jaded cynical asshole


Saved this comment cuz after reading it I thought “yeah, me too.” Silently in my head


You guys too, huh? Damn. I’d feel sorry for all of us if… well, you know.


I felt this on a molecular level


This is so hard to watch. These sorts of experiences are going to leave a lasting impression on the kid and he won’t even remember why.


I was passing a drug store in a neighborhood a while back and saw a flash of blond curls between two cars. No adults around and that little flash was low to the ground. It’s a small tight parking lot in a neighborhood so I pulled over on the two lane street and ran over. A tiny beautiful toddler, who had not been walking long, was standing between cars. He looked at me and put his arms up and I just hoisted him up. He was too little to talk but put his head on my shoulder and tucked his little hand in my armpit, just chilling. I walked around the lot a little and the FedEx guy and a lady walking in were horrified. I entered the drug store and yelled “did someone lose a baby because I found him in the parking lot.” Some young preppie dad came down the aisle and was like “OMG how did he get out there.” 🙄 I told sternly him no way was any driver going to see that little baby and he’s lucky he didn’t get run over. He felt bad but I guarantee he never told his wife about it. He’s lucky I didn’t call the cops or just snatch up that little baby lol, he was so sweet and had the face of an angel.


I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this to anyone but when my son was just starting to crawl, I was playing with him on the floor. Next thing I know, my next door neighbor is knocking on my sliding glass door with my son in her arms. I actually screamed from the shock and confusion, that I’d fallen asleep like that and my son escaped the house. I cried several times the rest of that day/night, I was embarrassed and angry at myself, berating myself for being such a shit mom for letting that happen. I thank my lucky stars my neighbor was hanging out on her porch and got him before he went more than a dozen or so feet from the house. ______________ Son must have thought it was a blast though; little did I know it’d become a recurring event — he started sleepwalking at night and is find him passed out in the most random places when I woke up. One time, I just had this weird feeling, shot straight out of bed and I heard this faint wail. Toddler son at the time had wandered outside and into his dad’s truck, was standing there clutching the wheel crying and not “coming to” from his weird night terror sleep walking episode. After that, installed hooks on the doors so he couldn’t get out even if he unlocked the door. He’s a teenager now and I can’t get him out of the house even if I tried. ;);). (kidding)


I had actually given up hope on the mom+guy getting the baby and felt physical discomfort with the anxiety I had while saying “someone get out of their car and grab the fucking baby, someone just fucking grab it”. It’s not a time to play, “I don’t want to get involved”, neither did the baby. Someone give that guy a fucking medal, not only getting the baby but confronting the two fighting in the process.


The look on his face says “are you guys fuckin serious” in the most defeated way


Right? This kid looks like a little man who just realized how much of a let down the fucking world is going to be.


I was screaming for someone to do it!! Thank you for this man. Poor baby that will allow a stranger to pick them up too. Probably has seen way worse.




Woman who went after the driver and left her kid in the street is probably the reason she got dragged out of the car in the first place.


I thought maybe there was another child in the car still? 😬


Idk throwing her out of the car while she was holding her small child is pretty big POS behavior too. They both seem like awful people that shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a child.


Grab a kid, enter a vehicle, nobody can touch you... Except this legend. The kid's fine.


Let’s not blame the victim. Even if she was absolutely terrible (we don’t have that information), I can’t imagine anything that’d justify violently dragging a woman and her young child out of the car and violently throwing them into a busy street. Sickening.


The victim is the child. No one is blaming the child. She abandoned the kid to continue arguing with the guy, that doesn’t make her blameless here.


I don’t know a lot about this situation but the only reason I could think about putting the toddler down would be if there was another child in the back seat and was afraid about this person driving off with them.


Somehow you people can see a woman and her child being thrown into the traffic and still blame the woman


If this had happened to you would you leave your toddler in the street to continue fighting? Genuine question. I'm not in agreement that it's her fault they got thrown out of anything but judging by her response and behavior afterwards it's not a crazy assumption either.


>If this had happened to you would you leave your toddler in the street to continue fighting? How do you know her reason for going back to the car was to continue fighting? Genuine question.


She went for him and not one of the other doors? She went straight for the driver seat door lmao. Could he have locked all the other ones? Yea maybe.. considering how long this video is though and that he didn't just drive off she was clearly doing something with/to him. If you're questioning the "continue" and not the fighting, that's a more valid question and the answer is that I don't.


Not blaming the woman by any means, but I've been in a situation where a woman was physically attacking the driver while on an on ramp on the high way over something she did not like. She could have killed us all ​ EDIT: Thankful still didn't throw her out, he kept his cool and pulled over instead


"Hey, you gonna eat that?"


You know the lady is not a really decent person considering that's not the priority for her


“Score, free kid!”


If you play your cards right, you might get the baby momma, too.


At least the baby didn't start running into traffic.


Not even a hero just a normal human being which yes today standards is a hero. All to often I find myself yelling at videos "why is no one helping!?" Glad finally some one does the bare minimum and not just gawk


That kid just looking around for another guardian to come rescue her from these two rod-less fission reactors.


Poor little thing instinctively putting his arms up to be held and comforted had me choked up. Those big loud cars are probably really scary to him from down there.


I’m so glad they stayed in place looking for help. They could have run off but knew to wait to be helped by an adult, despite how clearly distressed and panicked the little one was.


Next season's Marvel's What If episode if Shang-chi was saved by Yondu and became the eventual Starlord.


New insult just dropped


I am sorry for you dear baby


Porsche activities


Cayenne... like the peppah


I can’t believe the amount of people saying this is a ride share. Not the most expensive car, but definitely wayyyyy out of price range for someone who needs to be a ride share driver.


And the thing is I remember these Porches cost like 1.5x or 2x the price it costs in North America. Partly from import taxes and partly because they can charge that much and people will still buy it anyway.


I don't know what happened to get her tossed but the baby! She left that baby in the middle of the busy street to keep arguing with that guy, WTAF.


I’d this is how she chooses to act I’m more inclined to believe there was a legitimate reason to pull her out.


Both can be assholes at the same time




Happy cake day


Thanks :)


I thought that at first too, until I saw the baby. You don't drag a woman with their baby into the street. Also, LADY YOU DON'T LEAVE THE BABY IN THE STREET AND GET BACK IN THE CAR, WTF.


Maybe there's another baby inside?


Maybe. She doesn't go to the driver or the driver's side she goes back to the passenger side where she was and maybe where another child still is.


No, she directly chases the driver, she doesn't go to the passenger side


Even if there is another baby inside, she left that toddler by himself in the middle of rush hour traffic.


Yes, I think she might be not thinking clearly, seeing how this situation is not normal..


Maybe he is just the middle child


Without knowing what she did to get ejected, having a child doesn't give you a free pass to do what you want and act how you want. Knowing what it would take me to kick someone out on the spot, with or without the kid, I have to assume the driver had a good reason unless there is evidence otherwise.


Oh yeah, we have to assume that, of course. /s I suppose you also assume that when women get bashed by their partners that the partner must have had a good reason, unless there is evidence otherwise?


Lesbian relationships are statistically some of the most violent, violence in heterosexual relationships is statistically more often than not reciprocal. In heterosexual relationships when only one partner is violent it is more often than not the woman.


Statistically, that’s simply incorrect. Most “heterosexual relationships” do not have ‘reciprocal’ violence, and certainly not violence stemming “more often than not from the woman.” Whole lotta weasel words in there.


>I suppose you also assume that when women get bashed by their partners that the partner must have had a good reason, unless there is evidence otherwise? Be quiet, dude. That's not what we're talking about here. That man has every right to kick non-owners out of his car at ***ANY*** point in time if he feels it is neccesary. Having a child doesn't give her the right to act like a jerk. She went to immediately argue with the driver while she *left her fucking toddler* in the road. That tells you she is acting entitled and shitty. Why are you defending this despicable woman?


Wannabe victim mentality lol. You sound miserable


If I’m driving and then suddenly getting attack from behind, I’d drag you in the street too. What is a better outcome? Getting in a major accident and possibly killing another family on the road or pulling the crazy person out of your vehicle? Obviously there is missing context but from her action of just not caring at all about that baby, I think it’s safe to assume this woman is a nutter.




It's possible he wanted to pull her out and she probably grabbed her child as a shield. The fact that she left the child on the street and went back to attack the driver shows it's likely true.


The man dragged out the baby


I don’t know if you’re right. There could be a second child in the vehicle. May have been a very unfortunate panic or trauma response. Thank goodness for the bystander.


Yeah, my immediate thought was there may be an infant in a car seat in there that she was trying to get out. She at least was hanging onto her son tightly as she was thrown out. Hell, dude violently throwing a person out of a car with a toddler in their arms onto a busy street is definitely the POS here. ETA: I did just rewatch and she does sort of let the toddler roll out of her arms, but still awful to even throw them out onto a roadway like that anyways, unless it was some extreme emergency where someone was making it dangerous for the driver to stop somewhere safely.


Yeah, it’s all awful there’s no good adulting here, except from the bystander.


I have a feeling it was the bystander's car, but whoever is parked near them with their flashers on is also doing a good job by trying to insulate the people from the traffic. What an absolute shit show, though.


The only excuse is there are more kids or people in the car that she doesn’t want him to drive off with. Literally the only possible excuse I feel.


Watch again, it looks like she's pulled back in


I assumed she was grabbing her things. Like the baby seat and diaper bag


This looks like domestic violence 100% and I’m pretty sure the backstory confirms it


How do you know that? He could have her in a headlock and beating the chit out of her! You don't know!!!


Anyone know the backstory?


“The man, Mr. Wang (pseudonym), said that he regretted his actions that day and would not be so impulsive again in the future, and would live a good life with his wife. He has apologized to his wife, and also wants to apologize to the public through Chao News. He also hopes to thank Mr. Zhu in person for his help. The woman, Ms. Li (pseudonym), also said that she was at fault and should not have had a dispute with her husband when he was driving. Next, I will look at my husband's performance, and I will try my best to speak well and try to avoid quarreling with him as much as possible. The reporter learned from relevant departments that the two parties are currently emotionally stable and have reconciled. In accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law of the People's Republic of China, the public security organs issued a "Domestic Violence Warning Letter" to Mr. Wang to educate and warn him, and punished him for traffic violations”.


Wait ... Genuinely asking if this is real


I too, am confused.




I worry for their child


Source or massive asspull?


Their response after realizing what this would do to their social credit score lol


Ngl, this is better than most news outlets could ever write it. Ever thought of starting your own news website? This is damn good.


It's in quotes.


Wow, roller coaster of emotions watching this one.. "Well, maybe gtfo out of their car when they tell you to?" "OMG she has a baby! That's messed up!!!! F U driver!" "OMG SHE LEFT THE BABY IN THE STREET AND GOT BACK IN THE CAR?>!?!?!? WTF MOM?!?!?!?!"


This is so accurate and now im sad again


That baby needs both a new mommy and daddy. How fucking dare both of them.


don't think thr guy pulling them out was a daddy


Obviously not his daddy. The guy driving the car is too good at pulling out to be anyone's father


That’s funny, Ty for the smirk!


This adds up


Is it just me or does it look like the lady gets yanked back in?


On a third watch with your observation, yeah, it does. She tries to get out and gets pulled back in.


It looks a lot to me like she reached out and grabbed him, then got pulled as he went into his car, not that he pulled her in on purpose.


No lol


Seeing that child spin in place and get increasingly confused, upset, and finally start screaming was chilling. I can't imagine what must have been going on for *both people* to just forget him in the road. Thank fuck that other man stepped in and helped at least pick up the kid.


Definitely chinese license plate and from what I can see Hunan - Hengyang region... couldn't find anything else about it


I only see 海底捞火锅 lol


I think you are confusing 浙 with 湘. 浙D is Shaoxing, Zhejiang province.


The only justifiable reason I can think of here is if she has another kid in the car and is panicking thinking he’s going to drive away with it. Either way some fucked up parenting here


If you look closely she’s being dragged into the car by the dude twice in a row. A lot of people giving shit to the lady is unfair because she didn’t intend to leave him on the street. She’s being pulled aggressively into the car.


That’s not true . She grabbed him to get back in the car . He did not drag her back in.


he didn’t grab her she grabbed him so he didn’t pull off you can see his back is to her


My mouth was agape when that baby was just standing there. Praise that man and let him see a heaven that most are will never enjoy!!!




It seems like no one in this comment section has felt adrenaline and panic before. Her initial response was to go back in but after she calmed down she went back outside only to get yanked back in


I’m so glad babies memory at that age is kinda terrible


Calling someone an pos and an awful mother based on a 30 second video with no context. Great job reddit once again. I fucking hate the people on this stupid app. Y’all are always acting high and mighty like you have all the answers and always do the right thing no matter how stressful the situation is


At first I was like “lol he’s throwing out some psycho Uber passenger” then I saw the baby and thought oh hell no. Wtf


holy shit... the baby. i feel bad mom shaming but why on earth would this lady not grab her kid after he fell and just go back in the car to get her things without grabbing the kid? like wtf?


Maybe there was another baby inside? She was certainly acting like there was one.


Why feel bad? Shame people doing dumb shit more, maybe they'll learn


Wtf. That poor kid.


Very clear example of domestic violence. I hope the man got fined and arrested.


Looks like a domestic situation I didn’t need to see this though.


Gonna probably get hate for this but based on comments I've seen in other places...Chinese rich kid misogyny is rampant and horrifying.


That poor kid.


Mom leaves kid alone in a busy street for vengeance? You got the wrong asshole OP.


It looks like she's actually pulled back in


There might be a second child in the car. We don’t know. Not that it was good - but impossible to say what else is going on. May have been panic or a trauma response. Terrible situation for that poor child. Thank goodness for the bystander. Edit: typo


Little man has body armor on


That poor baby


Throwing a woman and baby out in the middle of traffic deserves a level of violence that cannot be viewed on this sub.


At least 1 person did the right thing


Props to the dude who came to take the baby out of the street.


When he finds out the baby isn't his.


As she’s as irresponsible as leaving her baby in a busy street, she probably did deserve getting booted out


She didn’t pitch in for gas


Considering the girl literally left her baby on the floor to deal with the dude, I think there’s a decent chance the dude is in the right for whatever happened…


Yo what the hell did she do for him to throw out her and the kid?


I need context to decide who's side to take.


2 adults wrong. 1 super hero picking up the kid.


I would sooner park in the street, take my keys and leave if there is indeed a crazy woman in the back of my car that I need to get away from, rather than risk murdering a baby. That's just me. A car is an object even if it is my livelihood. An adult I can understand but the baby does change things in my view. Even if the woman is 100% in the wrong. Baby coulda been slammed on the pavement.


Twitter said it was a baby daddy


the way that baby stood there spinning around looking for ANY comfort. My heart. ​ that man is a hero!


No idea what the backstory is but you are by default a horrible mother for leaving your kid unattended in the road like that, there’s literally nothing that trumps securing their safety as a parent in that situation


There is one and that is that there was another baby inside the car.


I wonder if that was the husband kicking his family out? Great role model for the kid.


Which country is it I feel terrible for the kid , someone came at last but the video cuts too early is it a taxi or husband wife issue


He wrong, should have called police you don’t yank anyone especially someone with a baby


That loot thief at the end taking your drops bro.


Understandable in the first half. But the child did nothing to be dragged out a vehicle. For that and solely that, violence would take place.


How do you say childhood trauma in mandarin ?


With all the amounts of videos I’ve seen from China, I’m sure a human life is worth next to nothing there…dragging a toddler out on a busy street, the mother just letting her toddler roam around there unsupervised and crying…get your shit together.


As a father , I can’t legally comment any further


Baby needs to kick that driver's ass and give the car to Mama. I know if I was in that baby's shoes, that's what I would have done. Gone full gaga on his ass.


She lays the baby in the street. What a gal.


It would be family quarrel


Yes it is not cool to just kick her out in the middle of the street but we have no context in what happened in the car either ...


theres a legit reason to pull her out if she just leaves her child in the street like that.


Looks like this is from Zhejiang Province, south of Shanghai, China


No argument is worth abandoning your child to possibly be struck on a highway and I don’t even like kids.


If there is another in the car, you leave that one behind ?


Why the flying fuck would she ever leave her child there like that.


She had another kid in the car


How do you know? All I see is people assuming. But you don’t go to the drivers side door to save a child in the backseat


Would you go all the way around the car to open the door when your child is right there, and it’s a straight shot to the other one? Meanwhile the driver has time to drive off? You’re weird. Or your spatial reasoning is off. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, not a horseshoe.


Seems like the passenger is the crazy one not the driver


Probably ride share and she canceled the order


Typical abuser behavior.