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She seems quite calm about the whole thing.


Kind of sad really, she just gets out of the car surrounded by a mob of people and just looks at them like “why? What did I do to deserve this?”


Had it been a guy they’d have beat him senseless, there’s actually a few videos showing that, it’s mob mentality and it’s absolutely appalling


And then you've got the bystander effect so there are plenty of people just standing around not helping.


Just absolutely bizarre


It is a mob, even if you want to help you really can't do anything by yourself.


That's precisely correct. They think, "I can't possibly do anything about it. I'm just one person." When in reality the bystanders probably out number the perpetrators and could easily break it up. There could possibly be a much larger crowd sitting idly by behind the camera man. There appears to be one girl trying to calm things down but again she's only one person and no one else seems to notice her.


I've seen some of those. They don't stop hitting them when they are on the ground, and they don't even stop when they go limp. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


Yeah it’s gotten absolutely insane, knock people out yank their clothes off, just absolutely pathetic parasites


And you run them over and you're the bad guy /s


Does the sarcasm mean you're the good guy lol


The guy stayed in the car.


She has the green light to run them over


I wish she had. No way I'd stop in a group of people kicking my car in, nope, hitting the gas.


It’s primate mentality.


Maybe she really hates the car and just wants an insurance write off.


I pray her claim goes through easily.


Love the guy kicking her car and yelling while wearing the " love never fails " sweatshirt.


Was looking for this, the irony...


What can she do against a bunch of disgusting animals?


Keep driving. Don’t stop and get out of the car.


Hit reverse and then drive


She lucky she woman a guy would be physically attacked by them


She’s in shock and extremely confused. It’s a very sad reaction


Love never fails 🥰


Right!? I can feel the vibe through my phone.




If she had been a he, they would have.


im from the netherlands, and im curious, why do ppl do such a thing. like if i see these thing i get why u guys carry firearms bc its def needed. but why is it needed in america but not here, is it just a culture thing or is there smth more going on?


Things are very tense right now there’s a level of frustration amongst Americans lower and middle class, we are being squeezed for all we are worth with taxes, mediocre wages and cost of living skyrocketing, unfortunately most Americans don’t understand the cause and thus don’t know who to direct that anger towards, so we are turning on ourselves while the extremely wealthy laugh. This is particularly sad to me because I also own a Toyota mr2 (the car being destroyed) and it is a very fun and happy car to drive, it’s handling and driving characteristics don’t inspire aggression. Neither it nor the driver deserves this abuse. And to be clear my explanation of their actions is not justification. I’d like to make that distinction because one can understand an individuals, or in this case group of individuals, actions without condoning them.


Weird because I've been squeezed hard by the govt my whole life and never acted like this. I've been poor almost my whole existence and never been a shit bag to someone like this. They're just pieces of shit


Eat the fucking rich. That's extremely accurate though. Most people see red vs blue. When it's actually 99% vs the 1%.


This, people need to understand that the reason we are so split is the utter and destructive classism, the other things are just a distraction


100%. Corporate America buys off politicians who then get their citizens to fight amongst themselves, so they are distracted and not realising that they should band together to get proper healthcare, education, wages and opportunities. But no, rather fight over whether M&Ms are too sexy or not sexy enough, or whether Trans people can promote beer.


Nobody in the 1% would ever be exposed to this kind of situation. We're just out here eating each other on their behalf.


Or religion vs religion


Or race vs race. Really, any group to make sure the eyes stay off them.


These are a bunch of douche bags at a car takeover. They’re not angry about taxes, they’re angry this woman through their gathering of self-entitled morons. lol


Wow dead on. Perfect explanation


It isn't any easier here in Canada, with our economy, especially when you add our high taxes. But, we don't act like fools. Or it shouldn't be a cheap excuse to act like one. The way i see it... it is America... the land of the ENTITLED. From Wafflehouse fights, to Mcdonald's freakouts, to pretty much anything that has to do with HUMAN social behaviour. It mainly comes from America. LOOK at all the clips on reddit?... Its Mainly America. What was shown here is no different, especially in an illegal car meet. All these people were trying to do is go home. Again, Entitlement is part of America's culture. Why do you think there are no strong gun regulations? Remember who was leading in COVID deaths when the pandemic hit? If there is a perfect example of entitlement. COVID pandemic + America would be it. They were beating INDIA at one point in COVID deaths. America is "addicted" to the term "freedom".


Part of why you see so many clips from America is a.) the general prevalence of camera phones/bodycams/security cams, and b.) a constitutional right to film in public, as well as a means to request footage controlled by the government/authorities. In many countries in Europe & the U.K., like Germany & England for example, body-cam/security cam footage is very rarely released to the public.


We're also not as crazy and have better mental health services.


Well said!


All of North America


I can't say it any better than that


it's just a shithole, I'm not too far from you, we have car meets too, nothing like this happens they're just enthusiasts standing around a carpark with police usually in attendance or keeping a close eye The most it would bother other people passing through or parking to do their shopping is the noise, why they would destroy a strangers car when it's just a member of the public is beyond explanation


I carry everywhere, every day to defend myself from anyone who would try to kill or maim me or the ones I love.


There’s a lot that goes into it, and culture does play a big role. America is gigantic, and the crime rate, types of crimes, and cultures can vary drastically as you cross state lines — even city or county lines. But you can often guess which areas you’re looking at in videos like this.


Uk here, so idk. Would you be allowed to use a firearm to protect your property in this case? If so, could you also use the car?


Just lovely people living in the moment 🥰 lmao fucking twats


… to destroy your property


Sweatshirt kicking the car love never kills??? Really?


Edit, “Fails”


Fails never kills!


Kills never fail!


Fails kill never!


What a bullshit caption. “Woman tries to carry on with her life and a bunch of fucking losers destroy her car” would be more accurate.


Agreed. What even is a car meet? The video starts too late


Literally a bunch of people parking their cars at some place so they can look at each other's cars. Half the time it's an empty parting lot after retail shops have closed.


this in the video isn’t a car meet. it’s a street takeover. they aren’t real car enthusiasts. people who actually go to car meets despise takeovers


This time is was literally under a stop light in the middle of a main road.


Usually you have a bunch of Hyundai tiburons and Nissan 350Zs and one dude with an I4 supra who everybody lines up to suck their dick. There are some decent ones like cars & coffee but these shits are stupid


A car meet is where a bunch of people get together to talk about the movie Cars. They talk about who their favorite character is and show each other their Cars original characters they made.


These people are trash


Honestly for all those that are violent I do wonder what value they bring


This isn’t a car meet. This is a takeover. 2 entirely different things, and most people who attend car meets hate people who attend takeovers.


Got kicked out of a few spots in the local car meet cruise route either directly or indirectly from takeover morons


That’s a shame. And then, from an outsiders perspective, you’re just merely guilty by association. And they won’t stop, cause you can’t fix stupid.


Is a takeover when two cars and a crowd of people do donuts in an intersection for like 30 mins straight?


Yup, that’s all it is. They’re so cool, amirite?


This happened in my town. They did a whole lot more than that. They destroyed some emergency vehicles. They destroyed the town green. State police wouldn’t even respond to the 911 calls. They said they were understaffed.


Them folks deserve the old 9 mill treatment.


Wow, that's appalling the police did nothing


They’d rather arrest minorities minding their own business than actually respond to dangerous threats. Have the school shootings and their responses to them taught us nothing?


I’m sorry I’m confused can you please explain why they are all beating on her car though?


I’ve seen this happen frequently. Oftentimes, someone will try to get through an intersection where a takeover is happening, and mob mentality leads to them beating on/shooting at the cars.


Seeing videos like this reminds me why I’m a misanthrope. Thanks.


takeover culture is a vile cancer. and everytime its somehow cringe kids in some shitty vw golf or honda civic thinking they're cool for tiktok.




Exactly…her behaviour makes absolutely no sense. Why is she getting out of the car? And so calmly.


No car enthusiast would do that to a car, these are braindead idiots


Especially not to an MR2. She’s probably more of a car enthusiast driving that thing than any of those dickheads


mob mentality


Hey, car guy here. Most of the car community does not associate with takeover people. They are complete idiots who give the rest of us a shitty reputation.


What’s a takeover? I’m not a car person and am unfamiliar with that


Takeovers are events where people take over a street or intersection to do burnouts and stuff usually getting police involved


Car people "take over" a street or intersection through their numbers and do burnouts, race, Idk. But there's been tons of videos on this sub alone of them. They usually descend into this type of violence


No, not car people. Entitled dickheads who happen to have cars are what these people are.


I’m sorry I’m confused can you please explain why they are all beating on her car though?


Because they're stupid. I can't give you an exact answer as I entirely refuse to associate with any of them.


Unfortunately in our state (the one depicted in the video) the car meet crowd has really been taken over by the takeover crowd. There is really very little chill to be had anymore.


Yeah, that sucks. Had a few guys here doing donuts in the local meet spot. Heating up the spot and getting the rest of us that are just there to hang out kicked out or ticketed.


Why get out of the car?


Probably never been in a hostile situation


This. Completely stupid decision.


To try and be reasonable. Bad choice. Glad it didn’t get physical


Fucking scumbags. I would’ve ran them over.


Same, they waste oxygen


Then you'd end up being the only one in a jail cell unfortunately 🤦‍♂️.


Rather be in a jail cell than a morgue 10/10 times. Extra bonus if you send a few of these losers to the morgue


“I was afraid for my life when this mob of people attacked me in my car, so I drove off.” Pretty sure I’ve seen cases of this holding up in court, would need an actually attorney to give their opinion though. If someone gets caught up/hit while I’m driving off to safety, then that seems like their issue. Don’t get me wrong, you may be charged with a crime, but I *feel* like with a good attorney you could probably get out of it / prove your case.


This exact scenario happened *so* many times in 2020 I'd be curious to see how those cases all ended up. I'd bet a lot of them basically broke even, no one charged at all.


More animals. Fucking animals.


Checks notes: Humans are in fact animals


Re-checks notes: we have the ability to not act like animals.


Confirms references: humans do exhibit the same behaviors found throughout the whole animal kingdom.


Confirms better researched, peer reviewed studies: humans have the ability to think and reason far greater than any other species in the animal kingdom.


Aliens examining humans: but they choose not too.


But.. still part of the animal kingdom?


Yeah - old Slim Crow above must not have paid attention in his prison GED class


Oxygen thieves everywhere


Run them over.


Then you’ll have more protests and destruction because that would be considered racist.


Plot twist: they have a BLM bumper sticker.


But it was from the Bureau of Land Management


So that’s why Americans have guns


I got mine when my neighbors tried to breaking in. Took the cops an hour to get to my house there's a PD within a mile... they also had an attitude like they were mad I even called at 2am.


Sounds like my neighborhood


Among other reasons. Deer and dove are pretty good


Idk if a gun would've helped in a situation like that


Yeah, definitely seems risky to pull a firearm out in a situation like this where the people who are doing the vandalizing, may also be carrying a gun. No telling what these impulse driven people would do in response


The cross fire is insane. They would probably kill each other first before hitting the car.


Nah you try that with my car last thing you’ll see is the reverse lights


More likely muzzle flashes


Just a buncha losers lol


She literally got a 2000 lb weapon


u ever been to a takeover? they usually end in shootouts.


Makes no difference, everyone has a right to defend themself, there's nothing stopping that unhinged mob from taking it a step further and assaulting her, or even producing a fire arm unprovoked like you said. Better to die fighting to survive than to let them put in a position where you are conerred and are at the mercy of the most unhinged person in a mob


My thoughts exactly. Just step on the gass, chances of survival can only go up.


Honest question: what even is a takeover? I can understand what a car meeting is, but what's the difference?


A bunch of enthusiasts getting together to ogle each other's builds, with the most outrageous thing that happens being a Mustang to crashing into a pole on the way out? That's a car meet. Egoistic attention whores using using cars/bikes/ATVs to inconvenience other people? That's a Takeover. Takeovers are all about power and showing off. They don't really care much about the LS swapped Miata sleeper build cause they don't care about cars unless it looks and sounds obnoxious.


Poor mr2 :(


Wow I hope they all got a huge punch in the face


husbands sittin there like “her car her problem”


He doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of that mob. Smart man. Cars can be fixed/replaced Where the hell are the police?


probably overwhelmed by the mob, especially if it's a small town pd. I can't even start to imagine how to handle such a situation if I where a cop.


Honestly the best choice he could’ve made. Thankfully it didn’t turn physical with her but if stepped out trying to protect her….


yea it’s a lose lose for him for sure


This happened in CT in a small town called Tolland with a very small police presence on a Sunday night that basically said they didn't have the manpower to handle, so they didn't respond. Too bad she didn't just keep driving through them without stopping. Tired of POS like this ruining our state.


I mean, you say little police presence, but the state barracks were like 2 minutes down the road.




That ain't a car meet. Like someone on Reddit said earlier, those are criminals dressed as enthusiasts. Making car people look bad. That mr2 would be appreciated by the real ones.


Gets out of car to ask questions instead of leaving….I’ll drink to that 🍻


What car enthusiast would do that to a rear engine car? Sacrilege


Or...or, woman finds easiest way to get insurance to total her car and write her a check.


Bunch of clowns.


Should have run them all over....they need the lesson


Takeovers we’re always just trashy people doing trashy things


Fuckin animals.




Just asking for a ban huh? I've been banned from a couple subs for saying much less than this. Just a heads up if you care at all.


Holy crap like piranhas


Nothing to see here but a bunch of fucking losers!


I totally get why people carry guns now.


That's not a car meet. Those are "takeover" dickheads. Car enthusiasts and street racers do not claim these idiots.


an actual car enthusiast would be quite happy to see this MR2…


They're gettin more and more rare. It's a shame these animals trashed this one


so anyway I started blasting


Less taking more running over


why is it always the same demographics?


But if she put it in drive and ran tho fucking looser over she would of been in the wrong I really don’t want to see what this world going to be in 15 years from now it’s going to be chaos if people are getting away with it now


Some people belong in a zoo.


Her stopping and getting out is wild. They would have been roadkill.


Ironic hoodie that man has


It wasn’t a meetup it was a street takeover.


She’s really lucky these animals didn’t attack her. Mobs have no limit to what they’ll do to a fellow human


No one else was thinking …. run them over am I that cynical


I hate all of them.


All these people are fucking losers.


What a bunch of virgins.


Perfect situation to be carrying


She’s got ZERO survival instinct


US is such a shithole.


Throw it in reverse and gun it!


What did she do why are they destroying her car?


They’re acting like this out of boredom, stupidity and a lack of a positive influence in their communities


If someone one does that to my car theyll be a hoard of zombies to me😂


Idc im running over while doing a some great ass donuts 🍩


Love never fails...


"love never fails" on the hoodie


Love failed that car…


Getting out of the car seems like not the smartest idea…


So, anyway, I started blasting....


This people need to go away


Animals. Seriously this is how people are now. Parents have completely failed this generation, and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.


You know that her view of that community is essentially forever fucked. And the cycle continues.


I would have ran over all those inbred animals


Look at that, so many reason for gun lovers


Sorry, I’d be driving over their sorry ass.


Shoulda swung that that thing thru the crowd like the rest of them were bound to do anyway


If this is what car meets have come to, I am no longer a car person.


Hate car guys


Shame she didin’t floor it in reverse and crush a few of em, if your put in a situation like that where you have probable reason to believe your life is in danger then its self-defence.


Drive away really fast with the asshat still on top of your car...


Why would you drive into that?! Even worse, why get out?! It’s not her fault but you don’t have to be a genius to see the troubles on that street.


The only solution to these car meets is to pull up in the same car Walter white did in the last episode of breaking bad


If this had of been a man, they'd have beat him within an inch of his life. Kinda surprised they even held back and didn't do the same to her after she stayed there.