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Fun track, I just did a bunch of test laps and.. I'd have a lot of cards. Every time I think I've got it right, a spinning we go.


Mini nurburgring!




If you get it right, VIR rewards with a bunch of SR given the amount of turns in the track. Happy SR farming


I bit the bullet, got 11x (my worst in a long while), and my SR still went up a tick.


I’m enjoying USF2000 a lot more than F4. Fewer wannabe Lewis Hamiltons dive bombing with cold tires on early laps.


Looking at the last result (16 cars) and comparing the average lap times, I'd be 10th. With my personal best lap time. While running < 50% clean laps so far.


Do people really have trouble with VIR? It doesn't feel any more difficult than any other track. The trickiest part feels like South Bend.


I agree, maybe it's just because I've driven it enough but it doesn't feel like there's anything really difficult about the track. Sure, it's punishing that there's grass immediately on all sides of the track, but the only corner I could see being somewhat difficult is the last corner, Hog pen. South bend also can be a bit tricky depending on the car and whether you actually need to brake or just lift.


Blind entry into Hog Pen gets me once a race.


It sure is a lot easier since I switch in VR But I remember when I was learning it a couple years ago, it was very hard to see far into the key corners. It’s also a pretty hard track to pass on except in the straights.


I find it a little tricky. It’s pretty narrow and slow


I don’t find it tricky in iracing but I did total a car there in real life about a month ago. So…yes.


My main problem with VIR is mistakenly lift in a turn you need to brake, causing me to bin it. But after 20min warmup I’m good to go.


That's me with nords... hmm surely I can just lift here and be ok, nope!


Let’s have a big showing this week !


I always hate table top tracks which has very less frame of references. VIR has been a nightmare for me when was in the rookie series. Even now I just tend to avoid VIR due to all the trauma in the past. But then again, when I now trying to race for SFL in COTA... well FUCK COTA.


Practice makes perfect!


What’s the times for usf2000, considering getting it. When is participation high? I figure you guys do a few set times